93 resultados para rudimento seminal
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de caracterizar os frutos, estudar a morfologia externa e interna das sementes e ilustrar o desenvolvimento de plântulas e de plantas jovens de Averrhoa carambola. Os frutos foram distribuídos em três categorias, de acordo com o estádio de maturação (maduros, intermediários e verdes), e em três subcategorias de acordo com o tamanho (grande, médio e pequeno). Para a caracterização dos frutos determinaram-se as dimensões, a massa, o número de sementes, a cor, o pH e os teores de água e de sólidos solúveis totais (SST) da polpa. Para a caracterização morfológica das sementes foi medido o comprimento, a largura, a espessura, a massa e determinada as dimensões do endosperma, cotilédone e eixo hipocótilo radicular. Determinou-se, também, a massa de 1000 sementes. Os frutos maduros e grandes apresentam dimensões e teor de SST próximos aos encontrados em frutos comerciais, no entanto, com menor luminosidade e maior intensidade de cor, com predominância do alaranjado. O endosperma é o órgão de reserva das sementes, que exibem cotilédones de cor branca, com leve tom esverdeado nos bordos; a germinação é epígea e a protrusão da raiz primária inicia-se 21 dias após a semeadura. Os dados obtidos na avaliação das características das sementes apresentam desvios-padrão baixos, indicando que os valores medidos podem ser usados em estudos taxonômicos e na análise da germinação.
The objective of this study was to characterize morphologically the seed germination and floral biology of Jatropha curcas grown in Viçosa, Minas Gerais state. The floral biology study was made on fresh inflorescences of 20 plants. For the post-seminal development study, the seeds were submitted to laboratory and greenhouse germination test. J. curcas has flowers of both sexes within the same inflorescence, with each inflorescence having an average of 131 flowers, being 120 male and 10.5 female flowers. Low numbers of hermaphrodite flowers were also found, ranging from 0 to 6 flowers per inflorescence. The germination of J. curcas begins on the third day with radicle protrusion in the hilum region. The primary root is cylindrical, thick, glabrous and branches rapidly, with about 4-5 branches three days after protrusion, when the emergence of the secondary roots begins. Seed coat removal occurs around the 8th day, when the endosperm is almost totally degraded and offers no resistance to the cotyledons that expand between the 10th and 12th day. A normal seedling has a long greenish hypocotyl, two cotyledons, a robust primary root and several lateral roots. On the 12th day after sowing, the normal seedling is characterized as phanerocotylar and germination is epigeal.
The Brazilian economy pulled by the aggregate demand. This article aims to present the demand-led growth theory and some empirical evidences for a demand-led growth regime in Brazil. First of all, we will do a brief review of the theory of demand led-growth, based in the seminal work of Kaldor (1988), for whom long-run growth is determined by the growth rate of consumption expenditures and the growth rate of exports. Based in the empirical methodology developed by Atesoglu (2002), we run some econometric tests for the hypothesis of demand-led growth for Brazilian economy. The results of such tests shown that near of 85% of GDP growth in Brazil in the period 1991-2005 is explained by variables at the demand side of the economy. Besides that, based in the methodology developed by Ledesma and Thirwall (2002), we shown that natural rate of growth for Brazilian economy is endogenous, increasing during boom times. This means that appears to be no restrictions in the supply side of the economy for a faster growth of Brazilian economy. Finally, we argue that a necessary condition for a sustained growth of Brazilian economy is the adoption of a export-led growth model. For such it is necessary to put an end on the actual over-valuation of real exchange rate.