165 resultados para hormonal control
Hycanthone in a single dose of 3.3 mg/kg of body weight was used to treal mansoni schistosomiasis in 597 persons (83%) of the population of the endemic vilage of Canabrava. Ninety two patients received a 2nd course 14 months later. There was one death em the 2nd treatment. The cure rate after one stool examination was smaller after the 2ni treatment in comparison with the first one. Re-infections did not occur imediately after the treatment. Three years later the prevalence of persons passing eggs through one stool examination was 19% compared to the 46.3% before the treatment. Adults are more resistant to the re-infections than younger.
BHC application in Mambai in 1980 resulted in a significant decline but not elimination of domiciliated T. infestans. T. sordida peridomestic populations persist and could pose a threat to interupting human transmission of T. cruzi The results of one massive attack spray application alone was compared with this application plus one selective application as regards the presence of T. infestans in houses oneyear later. No significance difference could be detected. It is likely that for interruption of T. infestans transmission cheaper procedures can be devised than those currently in use. A further pilot study of a virgin community afflicted by T. infestans transmission is indicated since Mambai cannot be regarded as a representative areafor those still awaiting insecticide application.
The Fucose-Mannose Ligand (FML) of Leishmania donovani is a complex glycoproteic fraction. Its potential use as a tool for diagnosis of human visceral leishmaniasis was tested with human sera from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The FML-ELISA test, showed 100% sensitivity and 96% specificity, identifying patients with overt kala-azar (p < 0.001, when compared to normal sera), and subjects with subclinical infection. More than 20% apparently healthy subjects with positive reaction to FML developed overt kala-azar during the following 10 months. In the screening of human blood donnors, a prevalence of 5% of sororeactive subjects was detected, attaining 17% in a single day. The GP36 glycoprotein of FHL is specifically reconized by human kala-azar sera. The immunoprotective effect of FML on experimental L. donovanii infection was tested in swiss albino mice. The protection scheemes included three weekly doses of FML, supplemented or not with saponin by the subcutaneous or intraperitoneal routes and challenge with 2x 10(7) amastigotes of Leishmania donovani. An enhancement of 80.0 % in antibody response (p<0.001) and reduction of 85.5 % parasite liver burden (p<0.001) was detected in animals immunized with FML saponin, unrespectivety of the immunization route.
Tide prevalence of intestinal parasitosis ivas investigated in a primaiy school located in Rubiâo Júnior, a peri-urban district of Botucatu, São Paulo slate, Brazil, in order to assess the effect of treatment and practical measures of prophylaxis in the control of parasitic infections among 7-to- 18-year-old school children of a low socio-economic status. The first series of parasitological examinations included 219 school children, ef which 123 (56.1 %) were found to be infected with one or more parasite species. Eighty- four children canying pathogenic parasites were submitted to various anti-parasitic treatment schedules. We re-evaluated 15 (89 %) students after 4 to 6 months post- chemotherapy. The results indicate that the combination of treatment with prophylactic measures has been successful in the control of parasitic infections, since reinfection rates were generally low (< 5-3 %), except for Giardia lamblia infections (18.6 %), and a marked reduction oti the prevalence rates was obsewed with a significant percentage of cure (> 73-1 %) in children infected with most parasite species. The reasons for the apparent failure in the control of infections caused by Hymenolepis nana and Strongyloides stercoralis are discussed.
Se relatan los resultados obtenidos en el terreno seis meses y dos años post-tratamiento con las nuevas herramientas para el control de triatominos desarrolladas con apoyo de la OMS/TDR, o sea, a) pinturas insecticidas, una suspensión emulsionable de lenta liberación conteniendo el 8,3% de malathion, aplicada por rociamiento; b) potes fumígenos que, después de encendidos, echan humos que contienen cypermetrina y DDVP; c) cajas sensoras para detección de triatominos. Los ensayos en el terreno fueron realizados en Chile, Honduras y Paraguay contra tres especies principales de vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas - Triatoma infestans, T. dimidiata y Rhodnius prolixus, según el protocolo elaborado por un comité de expertos de la OMS. Los resultados indican que las pinturas insecticidas constituyen un eficaz medio de control de estos vectores en cualquiera de las condiciones estudiadas, sea en el domicilio, sea en el peridomicilio, manteniendo los porcentajes de infestación muy próximos a cero. Comparaciones preliminares de la técnica de cajas sensoras para detección de casas infestadas por triatominos, con la búsqueda hecha por personal entrenado (hora/hombre) indican esta última como la mas apropiada.
The author presents his personal point of view on the present situation of Chagas' disease control in Latin America countries. He compares the situation with African trypanosomiasis. He comments on the existence of cases in other Continents. He emphazises the success of the fighting against domiciliated triatomine bugs by using residual inseticides. He discusses other forms of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission.
A school-based control program of intestinal helminths was undertaken among schoolchildren in the Low-Napo region, north-eastern Ecuador. Forty-eight percent of children were infected with one or more helminths at the first examination. The prevalence at the baseline was Ascaris 33.2% followed by hookworm 24.1% and Trichuris 6.5%. Sex was found to be a significant factor influencing the prevalence of hookworm and Trichuris. Prevalence was compared 9 months and 18 months after treatment. After 9 months, Ascaris and Trichuris prevalence had decreased but not hookworm. All of them increased after 18 months. The findings suggest that only a course of mebendazol had a minor effect on the control of helminth infections.
The action of fenthion was studied in a 15% epicutaneous formulation upon Rhipicephalus sanguineus, which may transmit pathogens to men and other animals, such as Ehrlichia, Babesia and Ricketsia. Dogs were artificially infected for the trial. The fenthion bioassays were begun four months after artificial infestation. The test group, having a mean of 186 ticks per dog, received the formulation dosage according to body weight on the neck region. Tick counts were performed, considering diameters > or = 2mm, during 11 days of treatment, in the most affected body areas: back, ears and paws. Before the application of fenthion in the dogs, it were observed an average 43.3% ticks in the ears, 38.1% in the back area and 17.6% in the paws. The number of ticks in dogs decreased by 36.2%, 63.8%, 82.7%, 67%, 40% and 4.9%, respectively on days 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 after treatment. R. sanguineus anti-tick activity, lower than that officially recommended, was verified. The number of ticks increased progressively after the 5th day, demonstrating residual insecticide inefficacy. The results obtained did not indicate the use of this formulation, at the tested dosage, as an elective measure for R. sanguineus control.
Epidemiological surveillance activities were implemented in 1980 in Mambaí and Buritinópolis counties, Goiás State. Twenty years later the authors evaluated the impact of these vector control measures on Chagas' disease transmission, based on entomological indicators. Entomological investigation was conducted using the man-hour technique and covering all domiciles. In order to study vector food sources the stomach contents of triatomines were analyzed using the modified precipitins technique. Triatomines were shown to be present in 48 (71.6%) of the 67 locations. Peridomiciliary infestation rates in Mambaí and Buritinópolis were 8.7% and 12.1%, respectively, while intradomiciliary rates were 0.7% and 1.2%. Triatoma sordida was the species identified in 97.3% of all captured specimens. It was also the only species found to be naturally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Birds were the most frequent food source (45%) for Triatoma sordida. The most significant result was the complete absence of Triatoma infestans in the two counties.
The proliferation of Aedes aegypti, a species of mosquito that is the vector of the dengue pathogen, is being augmented by the population's lack of care in allowing the formation of larval habitats. One form of controlling dengue is the distribution of information on the mosquito to improve awareness and to provide the means necessary for the elimination of its reproductive habitats. To evaluate a teaching method concerning the vector and dengue, students from the 5th and 6th years of primary education were compared before and after didactic intervention with a group of control students. The students who received intervention were more successful in identifying the stages of the cycle, biological and morphological characteristics of the adult insect and the importance of the mosquito in health issues. The didactic intervention was successful in developing knowledge leading to increased awareness of the importance of preventative measures that should be taken against the vector and the disease.
This epidemiological investigation examines the impact of several environmental sanitation conditions and hygiene practices on diarrhea occurrence among children under five years of age living in an urban area. The case-control design was employed; 997 cases and 999 controls were included in the investigation. Cases were defined as children with diarrhea and controls were randomly selected among children under five years of age. After logistic regression adjustment, the following variables were found to be significantly associated with diarrhea: washing and purifying fruit and vegetables; presence of wastewater in the street; refuse storage, collection and disposal; domestic water reservoir conditions; feces disposal from swaddles; presence of vectors in the house and flooding in the lot. The estimates of the relative risks reached values up to 2.87. The present study revealed the feasibility of developing and implementing an adequate model to establish intervention priorities in the field of environmental sanitation.