139 resultados para diferença biológica
Thiosemicarbazones are a class of compounds known by their chemical and biological properties, such as antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal activity. Their ability to form chelates with metals has great importance in their biological activities. Their synthesis is very simple, versatile and clean, usually giving high yields. They are largely employed as intermediates, in the synthesis of others compounds. This article is a survey of some of these characteristics showing their great importance to organic and medicinal chemistry.
Quassinoids, the bitter principles of the Simaroubaceae family, are a group of structurally complex and highly oxygenated degraded triterpenes. They are divided into five groups according to their basic skeleton, C-18, C-19, C-20, C-22 and C-25. In recent years, attention has been focused on quassinoids because several of them have shown promising biological activities. This paper features a review of some characteristics of these compounds, updating known information with discoveries from the last decade and covering chemical structures, basic skeletons, occurrence in genus and species, besides detailed studies of biological activities such as antitumor, antimalarial, phytotoxic, antifeedant, insecticidal, anti-inflammatory and antiulcer.
The difference between the actual ECN 42 triacylglyceride content in vegetable oils, obtained by HPLC analysis, and the theoretical value calculated from the fatty acid composition was applied to detect the addition of seed oils with high contents of linoleic acid to olive oils commercialized in Brazil. The results indicate that samples analyzed were probably adulterated with low commercial value seed oils, rich in linoleic acid, like soybean, sunflower or corn.
The chemical composition of the essential oils from leaves and fruits of Triphasia trifolia was analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. The major constituents of oil obtained from leaves were sabinene (35.4%) and myrcene (34.1%), while the prevalent compounds in oil from fruits were sabinene (37.2%), beta-pinene (23.95) and gamma-terpinene (16.3%). Both oils showed moderate antimicrobial activity. The fruit decoction was also investigated leading to the isolation of the coumarins isopimpinelin, (R)-byakangelicin and (S)-mexoticin. From leaves were isolated the coumarins (R)-byakangelicin, aurapten, (S)-mexoticin, isosibiricin, isomerazin and coumurrayin and the flavonoid vitexin. All coumarins showed cholinesterase inhibition on TLC tests.
Trypanosoma cruzi is a protozoan parasite that causes a severe disease (Chagas'disease) in Central and South America. The currently available chemotherapeutic agents against this disease are still inadequate. The enzyme trypanothione reductase (TR) is considered a validated molecular target for the development of new drugs against this parasite. In this regard, a series of arylfurans based on 2,5-bis-(4-acetamidophenyl)furan was synthesized and tested for their in vitro inhibitory activity against TR. Molecular modeling studies of putative enzyme-inhibitor complexes revealed a possible mechanism of interaction. From synthesized compounds, a benzylaminofuran derivative was found to be more active than the lead compound.
Molecules containing the 4-thiazolidinone ring are known to possess a wide range of biological properties including antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities among others. These compounds can be synthesized by cyclization reactions involving alpha-haloacetic acid or alpha-mercaptoacetic acid and employed in several chemoselective reactions. Comprehensive reviews have been written on 4-thiazolidinones in 1961 by Brown and in 1980 by Singh et al. In the recent literature, some new synthesis methods for 4-thiazolidinone derivatives and several reactions have been reported. These advances warrant to review the chemical and biological properties of compounds with this important heterocycle employed in synthetic organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry.
The natural quinones lapachol, α-lapachone and β-lapachone, and the synthetic derivative β-lapachone-3-sulfonic-acid were assayed for inhibition of fungal growth (Fusarium oxysporum) and germination of lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.). β-Lapachone has the strongest activity as a germination inhibitor and lapachol shows no effect. β-Lapachone, followed by lapachol, are the most active in reducing fungal growth.
Propolis is mostly used as hydroalcoholic extract. Recently there has been a growing number of patents dealing with new solvents for preparing propolis extracts. This study aimed to prepare edible oil propolis extracts and compare their chemical composition and biological activity with ethanolic propolis extracts. ESI-MS and spectrophotometric methods were used for qualitative and quantitative analyses, respectively. Antibacterial activity was evaluated by diffusion in agar. Cytotoxicity was tested by MTT assay using tumor cell lines. The oil is able to extract bioactive compounds from propolis. Further studies are needed to improve extraction efficiency and to characterize the active components.
The chemical composition of the essential oils, obtained by hidrodistillation, from leaves of two Vernonia species (V. remotiflora and V. brasiliana), was determined by GC-FID and GC-MS. Both essential oils were predominantly constituted by sesquiterpenes (92.0 - 93.4%). The main constituents of the oil from V. brasilana were (E)-caryophyllene (36.7%), germacrene D (35.5%), and α-humulene (11.7%), while (E)-caryophyllene (42.2%) and bicyclogermacrene (20.0%) were the major ones in the oil from V. remotiflora. Although with moderate activity both oils showed acetylcholinesterase and antibacterial activities.
High-throughput screening (HTS) and virtual screening (VS) are useful methods employed in drug discovery, allowing the identification of promising hits for lead optimization. The efficiency of these approaches depends on a number of factors, such as the organization of high quality databases of compounds and the parameterization of essential components of the screen process. This brief review presents the basic principles of the HTS and VS methods, as well as a perspective of the utility and integration of these drug design approaches, highlighting current opportunities and future challenges in medicinal chemistry.
Numerous functional biomolecules are associated with metals, i.e. the metallobiomolecules; more specifically, some are dependent on transition metals required for several crucial biological roles. Nevertheless, their names can lead to ambiguous interpretations concerning the properties and performances of this group of biological molecules. Their etymology may be useful by providing a more perceptive insight into their features. However, etymology can lead to incongruous conclusions, requiring an especially careful approach to prevent errors. Examples illustrating these subjects shall be examined.
Podophyllotoxin is the most studied lignan because of its use as an antimitotic agent and because it is a precursor of pharmacologically active derivatives. This review describes the anticancer activities of podophyllotoxin and the different processes that have been developed for its extraction and purification from Podophyllum spp. In addition, the synthesis routes of this compound and the development of three semi-synthetic procedures to obtain etoposide, teniposide, and Etopophos are detailed.
Rupestris stem pitting associated virus (RSPaV) é o agente causal das "caneluras do tronco de Rupestris" da videira (Vitis spp.). Neste trabalho, um isolado de RSPaV, encontrado em videiras cv. Cabernet Franc no Rio Grande do Sul, foi estudado. O vírus foi detectado biologicamente, por enxertia em videira indicadora cv. Rupestris du Lot, em 26,2% das amostras avaliadas. A seqüência parcial do gene da replicase do RSPaV, isolado sul-brasileiro, com 831 nucleotídeos amplificados por RT-PCR e 276 aminoácidos deduzidos, apresentou maior identidade de nucleotídeos (98,1%) e aminoácidos deduzidos (99,6%), com dois isolados norte-americanos. O RSPaV estudado apresentou baixa homologia (37-41%) com outros vírus do gênero Foveavirus. A maioria das mudas de videira cv. C. Franc infetadas com RSPaV apresentou diminuição no potencial fotossintético (2,68 a 5,12 vezes) e aumento na taxa respiratória no escuro quando comparadas a mudas sadias, salientando os impactos que esse vírus pode proporcionar no potencial produtivo de videiras.
A murcha de esclerócio do pimentão (Capsicum annum), causada por Sclerotium rolfsii é uma das mais importantes doenças dessa solanácea, nas regiões tropicais. Um dos requisitos básicos para obtenção de sucesso no controle dessa doença é o conhecimento do patógeno, especialmente de fatores relacionados à fisiologia e biologia. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar cinco isolados de S. rolfsii, obtidos de pimentão, quanto ao crescimento micelial, produção de escleródios em diferentes regimes de luminosidade e em seis substratos naturais e a compatibilidade vegetativa entre os isolados. O efeito do substrato variou com o isolado na produção de escleródios. Os isolados SR3 e SR5 apresentaram maior produção de escleródios nos substratos aveia-ágar (AA) e fubá-ágar (FA), SR1 em casca de arroz (CA), SR2 em AA e SR4 em FA. O substrato CA favoreceu a formação de escleródios na maioria dos isolados. Quanto à taxa de crescimento micelial os isolados apresentaram pouca variação, sendo SR1, SR2 e SR3 os que apresentaram maior crescimento. Os cincos isolados exibiram comportamento diferente quando submetidos a três regimes de luz (luz contínua, alternância luminosa e escuro contínuo), tendo o primeiro favorecido maior produção de escleródios em relação aos outros. O teste de compatibilidade vegetativa mostrou diversidade genética entre os cincos isolados, possibilitando a classificação em três grupos. Os isolados SR3 e SR5 foram incompatíveis com os demais e entre si. Houve compatibilidade vegetativa entre os isolados SR1, SR2 e SR4. De acordo com os aspectos culturais e fisiológicos estudados, os isolados de S. rolfsii SR3 e SR5 podem ser considerados "strains" diferentes, enquanto SR1, SR2 e SR4 podem ser considerados da mesma "strain".
O presente artigo versará sobre as articulações entre verdade e história no pensamento de Michel Foucault, e seu distanciamento da concepção originária e universalista de verdade. Acontecimento e diferença constituem conceitos decisivos para situar sua demarcação no domínio de estudo das ciências humanas, especialmente em seu primeiro grande livro, História da loucura na idade clássica.