342 resultados para desafio experimental
The life cycle of Lagochilascaris minor was studied using material collected from human lesion and applying the experimental model: rodents (mice, hamsters), and carnivorae (cats, dogs). In mice given infective eggs, orally, hatch of the third stage larvae was noted in the gut wall, with migration to liver, lungs, skeletal musculature and subcutaneous tissue becoming, soon after, encysted. In cats infected with skinned carcasses of mice (60 to 235 days of infection) it was observed: hatch of third stage larvae from the nodules (cysts) in the stomach, migration through the oesophagus, pharynx, trachea, related tissues (rhino-oropharynx), and cervical lymphonodes developing to the mature stage in any of these sites on days 9-20 post inoculation (P.I.). There was no parasite development up to the mature stage in cats inoculated orally with infective eggs, which indicates that the life cycle of this parasite includes an obligatory intermediate host. In one of the cats (fed carcass of infected mice) necropsied on day 43 P.I., it was observed the occurence of the self-infective cycle of L. minor in the lung tissues and in the cervical region which was characterized by the finding of eggs in different stages of development, third stage larvae and mature worms. It's believed that some component of the carnivorae gastrointestinal tracts may preclude the development of third stage larvae from L. minor eggs what explains the interruption of the life cycle in animals fed infective eggs. It's also pointed out the role of the intermediate host in the first stages of the life cycle of this helminth.
Studies on eight localities on the Island of Santa Catarina revealed the presence of three species of the molluscan family Planorbidae: Biomphalaria tenagophila, Drepanotrema cimex and Biomphalaria oligoza, the first one being naturally infected by Cercaria ocellifera, a furcocercaria with morphological characteristics of Cercaria caratinguensis, and by an unknown furcocercaria. Drepanotrema cimex was infected by a furcocercaria with characteristics of C. caratinguensis and by C. macrogranulosa. No natural infection was found in B. oligoza. B. tenagophila showed no susceptibility to the experimental infection by the BH-MG strain of Schistosoma mansoni from Belo Horizonte and maintained at laboratory in B. glabrata snails.
C. immitis inoculated rats are known to develop infection restricted to lung whereas cyclophosphamide (CY) treatment leads to widespread dissemination with considerable mortality. In this study, an attempt was made to elucidate the mechanisms involved in such behaviour. With this aim, spleen cells were transferred from infected CY-treated to infected untreated rats, achieving significant specific inhibition in footpad swelling to coccidioidin in recipients, attributable to a suppressor T cell subpopulation induced by greater fungal antigen concentration arising from widespread C. immitis dissemination in immunosuppressed animals. NK activity proved similar regardless of CY treatment. Lastly, chronically infected rats presented increased colony forming units count after several weekly doses of CY, as happens in immunosuppressed patients harbouring a previous infection.
Three calves experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni, and passing viable eggs in feces, as well as 5 normal calves (coming from a non-endemic area for schistosomiasis) kept as controls, were maintained in an enclosure (850 m² in area). In this enclosure, a tank with water received 500 laboratory reared Biomphalaria glabrata. All the control calves were infected for a period ranging from 79 to 202 days after the beginning of the experiment, and afterwards presented viable S. mansoni eggs in feces. The mean worm recovery was 555. The snail population increased throughout the experimental period, showing a high number of B. glabrata infected with S. mansoni (42% on average). According to the present study, bovine has been suggested as having potentially a role in the maintenance of the life cycle of S. mansoni
Camundongos albinos heterogenéticos da linhagem Swiss, foram experimentalmente infectados, via subcutânea, com taquizoítos de uma cepa de Toxoplasma gondii de baixa virulência. Todos morreram durante a fase aguda da infecção, entre 7 e 9 dias após a infecção (DAI). Demonstrou-se, utilizando a bioprova, que 80% dos animais eliminou T. gondii pela urina. Nos rins, observou-se, entre outras alterações, hemorragia intersticial intertubular e presença de hemácias íntegras nos espaços subcapsulares de Bowmann de alguns glomérulos. Discutiu-se sobre os possíveis mecanismos de eliminação de T. gondii na urina dos animais infectados. Analisou-se alguns aspectos relacionados com a eliminação de formas infectantes de T. gondii na urina destes animais e a transmissão da toxoplasmose na natureza
We studied the role of ethanol on the modulation of liver granulomata around Schistosoma mansoni eggs in mice. Albino mice, receiving 7% ethanol as the sole drinking liquid, at 60 and 90 days post-infection, presented smaller granulomata than controls did, when sacrificed at 120 days post-infection. No differences in diameters could be observed, when ethanol was given 4 months before up to 120 days after infection. The results suggested that modulation of schistosome granulomata by ethanol ingestion varies with time and duration of drug consumption.
This paper aims to study the best way to express the parasitemia of Trypanosoma cruzi's experimentally infected animals. Individual scores may have a great variability, not emphasized by the majority of the authors. A group of 50 rats infected with 1x10(6) trypomastigotes of T. cruzi Y strain was used and the parasitemia was estimated by BRENER' s method. The results showed that the median can avoid false results due to very high or low parasitemias but it does not have the mathematic properties necessary for analysis of variance. The comparison of the means of the original and transformed data, with their respective coefficients of variability (CV), showed that the logarithmic mean (Mlog) have the minor value of CV. Therefore, the Mlog is the best way to express the parasitemia when the data show great variability. The number of the animal for group did not affect the variability of data when the Mlog and CV were used.
Numerous pulmonary schistosome egg granulomas were present in mice submitted to partial portal vein ligation (Warren's model). The granulomas were characterized by cellular aggregations formed within alveolar tissue. Main cellular types were macrophages (epithelioid cells), eosinophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes. These cells were supported by scanty fibrous stroma and exhibited close membrane contact points amongst themselves, but without forming specialized adhesion apparatus. When granulomas involved arterial structures, proliferation of cndothelial and smooth muscle cells occurred and fibrosis associated with angiogenesis became more evident. Granulomas formed around mature eggs in the pulmonary alveolar tissue presented approximately the same size and morphology regardless of the time of infection, the latter being 10, 18 and 25 weeks after cercarial exposure. This persistence of morphological appearance suggests that pulmonary granulomas do not undergo immunological modulation, as is the case with the granulomas in the liver and, to a lesser extent, in the intestines. Probably, besides general immunological factors, local (stromal) factors play an important role in schistosomal granuloma modulation.
The objective of lhe present study was to determine the stimulatory response to antirabies vaccination promoted by glucan in mice. Glucan increased both resistance to infection and antibody titres and this effect was more evident when glucan was used at dose of 0.5 mg, administered intraperitoneally before, during and after immunization and when the challenge virus was applied to the foot-pad.
No Estado do Amazonas, nas regiões circunvizinhas à cidade de Manaus, as principais espécies de serpentes causadoras de acidentes são Bothrops atrox e Lachesis muta muta com um percentual de ocorrência, dos acidentes confirmados, de 76% e 17%, respectivamente. Rotineiramente, na ausência dos soros antilaquético e antibotrópico-laquético o Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Manaus (IMTM), utiliza-se do soro antibotrópico no tratamento do acidente laquético. Neste trabalho relatamos um caso de acidente por L m. muta, onde o paciente foi tratado com 20 ampolas do soro antibotrópico e permaneceu com o sangue incoagulável até o 13º dia após o acidente. Experimentos foram realizados para obtenção das potências do soro antibotrópico para as atividades coagulante e hemorrágica dos venenos de L. m. muta e de B. atrox. Os resultados mostram que as potências do soro para a atividade hemorrágica dos venenos de L. m. muta e de B. atrox foram similares enquanto que a potência, para a atividade coagulante do veneno de L. m. muta, foi 9,2 vezes menor. Os títulos de anticorpos de três diferentes lotes de soro antibotrópico variaram para o veneno de L. m. muta e foram constantes para o veneno de B. atrox. Devido a ineficácia do soro antibotrópico em neutralizar, principalmente, a atividade coagulante do veneno de L. m. muta, sugerimos a não utilização do antibotrópico no tratamento dos acidentes por L. m. muta.
Interaction between Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) and inflammatory cells in hamster testis was studied sequentially by transmission electron microscopy. In early lesions (six hours after inoculation), polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) were the major and mononuclear cells and eosinophils were the minor constituents of the inflammatory cells. PMNs were later replaced by mononuclear cells. Viable Pb cells were phagocytosed or surrounded by inflammatory cells. Preserved Pb cells usually had broad host-parasite interphases, whereas dying ones had narrow interphases. The outer layer of the fungus wall was sometimes broken by PMN in some focal points, broken pieces being peeled off and phagocytosed. Small Pb cells were uninuclear, and were often related to broad interphase. Large Pb cells were multinucleated with irregularly shaped wall, and sometimes had lomasome and/or myelin like structures. Different interaction patterns of Pb with inflammatory cells may be due to functionally different host cell flow to the inoculation site or due to the age of Pb cells or both.
Foi determinada, em camundongos de 18 a 20 g, a dose efetiva 50% do antiveneno botrópico, por via intraperitoneal (ip), imediatamente (DE50 Oh) e 30 minutos (DE50 30') após a inoculação de 2 DL50 do veneno de B. jararaca, por via intramuscular (im). A DE50 30' foi três vezes maior do que a DE50 Oh. A eficácia do antiveneno administrado no local da inoculação do veneno foi avaliada inoculando-se duas DL50 do veneno, por via im, e administrando-se a DE50 do antiveneno imediatamente (DE50 Oh) e 30 minutos após (DE50 30'), de duas formas a saber: totalmente por via ip (1ª) e metade por via ip e metade por via im (2ª), no mesmo local da inoculação do veneno. O antiveneno ofereceu, por via ip, maior proteção aos camundongos (menor taxa de óbito em 48 horas) do que quando metade do mesmo foi administrado, por via im, no local da inoculação do veneno. Conclui-se que, neste modelo experimental, quando se inicia o tratamento tardiamente há necessidade de maior dose de antiveneno botrópico e que não há benefício em administrá-lo no local da picada.
The "in vivo" chemotaxis was studied in C57B1/10 mice 10, 30, 50 and 60 days after a Schistosoma mansoni infection in comparison to a control group (uninfected mice). Staphylococcal protein A was injected into a connective tissue air pouch of control and experimental mice and the leukocyte chemotaxis was counted. A decrease in polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocyte response was found in infected mice in comparison to the control group (p<0.05). The 10 day infected mice showed a decreased PMN leukocyte response respecting the control group (p<0.05) and this finding became more evident 30 and 50 days post-infection. Although the PMN leukocyte response of 60 day infected mice increased in comparison to 50 day infected animals, it was still significantly lower the control response. The mononuclear leukocyte response was not significantly different between infected or uninfected mice.
The possibility that some virus contaminants could be altering host response to Trypanosoma cruzi experimental infection was investigated. Data obtained showed that CBA/J mice infected with stocks of parasite maintained in mice (Y1UEC) presented higher level of parasitemia and shorter survival times than those infected with a stock (Y1TC) which was also maintained in mice but had been previously passaged in cell culture. Mouse antibody production tests, performed with the filtered plasma of mice infected with Y1UEC, indicated the presence of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) while no virus was detected when testing the plasma of Y1TC infected mice. Filtered plasma of Y1EUC infected mice was shown to contain a factor able to enhance the level of parasitemia and to reduce the mean survival time of mice challenged with 10(5) Y1TC. This factor, that could be serially passaged to naïve mice was shown to be a coronavirus by neutralization tests.
The efficacy of flucytosine (5-FC) and fluconazole (FLU) association in the treatment of a murine experimental model of cryptococcosis, was evaluated. Seven groups of 10 Balb C mice each, were intraperitoneally inoculated with 10(7) cells of Cryptococcus neoformans. Six groups were allocated to receive 5-FC (300 mg/kg) and FLU (16 mg/ kg), either combined and individually, by daily gavage beginning 5 days after the infection, for 2 and 4 weeks. One group received distilled water and was used as control. The evaluation of treatments was based on: survival time; macroscopic examination of brain, lungs, liver and spleen at autopsy; presence of capsulated yeasts in microscopic examination of wet preparations of these organs and cultures of brain homogenate. 5-FC and FLU, individually or combined, significantly prolonged the survival time of the treated animals with respect to the control group (p<0.01). Animals treated for 4 weeks survived significantly longer than those treated for 2 weeks (p<0.01). No significant differences between the animals treated with 5-FC and FLU combined or separately were observed in the survival time and morphological parameters. The association of 5-FC and FLU does not seem to be more effective than 5-FC or FLU alone, in the treatment of this experimental model of cryptococcosis.