141 resultados para accessory nuclei


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Samples of mesenteric lymph nodes and intestines from 79 unthrifty 3- to 5-month-old postweaning pigs, confirmed as naturally affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), were studied. Pigs originated from 12 farms in southern Brazil and were selected on the basis of clinical signs and/or gross lesions suggestive of enteric disorder. Lymphohistiocytic infiltrates of varying intensity were associated with anti-porcine circovirus type 2 (anti-PCV2) immunostaining (IS) in samples of intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes from all pigs. Although most findings were similar to those described in PCV2-associated enteritis, anti-PCV2 IS in association with depletion of the goblet cell mucin stores (24 pigs), diffuse ileal villous atrophy and fusion (18 pigs), and dilatation of the lymphatic vessels (11 pigs) combined or not with lymphangitis were also observed. PCV2 antigen was immunohistochemically demonstrated in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional epithelial cells, histiocytes, and endothelial-like cells in intestinal tissues. Together these findings imply an association with PCV2. The presence of co-infections by Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira spp., Mycobacterium spp., Salmonella spp., rotavirus, parvovirus, coronavirus and enteric calicivirus with PCV2 in the intestinal lesions was investigated.


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Samples of gastric lymph nodes and the stomachs from 24 pigs selected from herds affected by postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) and sudden death associated with gastric ulcers were studied. Pigs were selected on the basis of unthriftiness, decreased feed intake, and wasting. The stomachs were opened, inverted, and classified into 0-3 score according the severity of the gross lesions present in pars oesophagica (non-glandulargastric mucosa). Selected samples were processed for paraffin embedding and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Immunohistochemistry using anti-PCV2 (porcine circovírus type 2) antibody, anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody and a wide-spectrum anti-cytokeratin antibody was performed. Gross changes in pars oesophagea were classified according to the severity of lesions as score 3, 2, and 1 in 8, 6, 5 stomachs respectivelly. Microscopically, hyperplastic lymphoid follicles, lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrates and focci of necrosis in the gastric mucosa were common findings. Large amounts of PCV2 antigen were observed in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional cells and debris from the gastric glandular mucosal zone; however, in the fundus, anti-PCV2 immunostaining was restricted to the surface mucosal cells and foveolar compartment. All gastric lymph nodes were positive for PCV2 antigen. Anti-H. pylori immunostaining was seen in eleven cases, mainly in the antrum, on the mucosal surface and foveolar compartment. The association of the anti-PCV2 immunostaining with the glandular mucus-producing cells suggests a role for PCV2 as an additional factor for the swine ulcer development.


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Atrioventricular valve complex of 30 Jafarabadi water buffaloes, adult males were studied in this research with no heart diseases. The animals were obtained from a slaughterhouse in Brazilian State of Parana. The hearts were opened at the third portion affording access to the valve complex. The complexes had its area, number and type of tendinous cords submitted to analysis. The results showed that the complex is composed by two cusps and four accessory cusps, two or three papillary muscles in which 10-25 tendinous cords fix on the cusps that face the ventricle wall. The total area of the complex was on average 38.56cm², with a minimum of 24.96cm² and a maximum of 55.54cm². Statistically, no relation between the number of cords and the cusps' area where they are inserted or with the number of papillary muscle where they originated from was observed.


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Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa, aguapei or mandiyura, is responsible for lysosomal storage in goats. The shrub contains several alkaloids, mainly swansonine which inhibits lysosomal α-mannosidase and Golgi mannosidase II. Poisoning occurs by inhibition of these hydrolases. There is neuronal vacuolation, endocrine dysfunction, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal injury, and immune disorders. Clinical signs and pathology of the experimental poisoning of goats by Ipomoea carnea in Argentina are here described. Five goats received fresh leaves and stems of Ipomoea. At the beginning, the goats did not consume the plant, but later, it was preferred over any other forage. High dose induced rapid intoxication, whereas with low doses, the course of the toxicosis was more protracted. The goats were euthanized when they were recumbent. Cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, pons and colliculi, were routinely processed for histology. In nine days, the following clinical signs developed: abnormal fascies, dilated nostrils and abnormal postures of the head, cephalic tremors and nystagmus, difficulty in standing. Subsequently, the goats had a tendency to fall, always to the left, with spastic convulsions. There was lack in coordination of voluntary movements due to Purkinje and deep nuclei neurons damage. The cochlear reflex originated hyperreflexia, abnormal posture, head movements and tremors. The withdrawal reflex produced flexor muscles hypersensitivity at the four legs, later depression and stupor. Abnormal responses to sounds were related to collicular lesions. Thalamic damage altered the withdrawal reflex, showing incomplete reaction. The observed cervical hair bristling was attributed to a thalamic regulated nociceptive response. Depression may be associated with agonists of lysergic acid contained in Ipomoea. These clinical signs were correlated with lesions in different parts of the CNS.


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A retrospective study of 24 cases of papillomas in dogs was performed from January 2001 to March 2011. Additionally, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was used to characterize and evaluate the samples. We found that disease was observed more in mixed breed dogs, ages ranging from 6 months to 10 years (mean 3.1 years), and there was no gender predilection. The main lesion sites were the skin (75%), lips (16.7%), and eyelids (8.3%). Upon histological evaluation, we observed papillary exophytic proliferation of squamous epithelium and papillary endophytic proliferation (inverted) in 87.5% and 12.5% of cases, respectively. The tumors were characterized by spinous layer hyperplasia (87.5%) with koilocytes (70.8%) and intranuclear pale basophilic inclusions bodies (8.3%), prominent granular layer with large amounts of keratohyalin granules (95.8%), and hyperkeratosis in the stratum corneum (100%). Positive immunostaining for Papillomavirus was found in 83.3% of cases, which were distributed between the granular layer and the stratum corneum. These findings indicate the following: that papillomas in dogs are caused by Papillomavirus, the viral cytopathic effect induces epithelial lesions, viral particles are found inside the cell nuclei, and inclusions bodies are rare.


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The hormone oxytocin is released by the neuropituitary gland through stimulation of the neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. In order to determine the physiological concentrations of this hormone in domestic cats, blood samples were collected from 15 male animals (Felis silvestris catus) during the pre- and post-puberty periods (at four and eight months of age, respectively). Oxytocin determination was accomplished by radioimmunoassay. The average oxytocin concentrations measured in the pre- and post-puberty periods were 2.54±0.24 (μg/dL) and 2.53±0.28 (μg/dL), respectively, and there were no statistical differences between these measurements. Because there are few literature on the analysis of this hormone, especially in the case of male Felis silvestris catus, more studies on the influence of oxytocin on the physiology and reproduction of this species should be conducted under maintenance and situations of stress (such as transportation), and other routine events.


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Transgenic technology has become an essential tool for the development of animal biotechnologies, and animal cloning through somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) enabled the generation of genetically modified animals utilizing previously modified and selected cell lineages as nuclei donors, assuring therefore the generation of homogeneous herds expressing the desired modification. The present study aimed to discuss the use of SCNT as an important methodology for the production of transgenic herds, and also some recent insights on genetic modification of nuclei donors and possible effects of gene induction of pluripotency on SCNT.


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The overexpression of proteins P-glycoprotein (P-gp), multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP1), mutant p53, and the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase (GSTpi) are related to resistance to chemotherapy in neoplasms. This study evaluated the expression of these markers by immunohistochemistry in two groups of canine TVT, without history of prior chemotherapy (TVT1, n=9) and in TVTs presented unsatisfactory clinical response to vincristine sulfate (TVT2, n=5). The percentage of specimens positively stained for P-gp, MRP1, GSTpi and p53 were, respectively 88.8%, 0%, 44.5% and 22.2% in TVT1 and 80%, 0%, 80% and 0% in TVT2. In TVT1, one specimen presented positive expression for three markers and four specimens for two markers. In TVT2, three specimens expressed P-gp and GSTpi. In conclusion, the canine TVTs studied expressed the four markers evaluated, but just P-gp and GSTpi were significantly expressed, mainly at cytoplasm and cytoplasm and nuclei, respectively, either before chemotherapy as after vincristine sulfate exposure. Future studies are needed to demonstrate the function of these two markers in conferring multidrug resistance (MDR) or predict the response to chemotherapy in canine TVT.


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The pathogens of the reproductive system in the male can penetrate and establish by ascending route, from to the prepuce to the urethra, accessory glands, epididymis and testicles. The aim of this paper is determine the distribution and number of cells involved in the immune response in prepuce and pelvic urethra of rams, without apparent clinical alterations in testicle, epididymis and prepuce. The distribution of some of the cells involved in the immune response at the level of the prepuce and the pelvic urethra was quantified in four one-year-old rams seronegative for B. ovis and A. seminis and without apparent lesions in the testicles, the epididymis, and the prepuce. At the moment of slaughter, samples were taken from the preputial fornix and the pelvic urethra and placed in 10% formalin and under freezing conditions. CD4, CD8, WC1, CD45RO, CD14 and CD1b cells were demonstrated by immunohistochemistry, and immunoglobulin-containing cells (ICC) of the IgA, IgG and IgM classes were demonstrated by immunofluorescence. The labeled cells present in the mucosa of both organs were counted with an image analyzer. The total number of cells was compared between both tissues and differentially between the epithelium and the connective tissue of the mucosa. Significant differences were found in the total number of CD4, CD45RO, and WC1 lymphocytes, in CD14 macrophages, and CD1b dendritic cells, with mean values being greater in the fornix than in the urethra (p<0.05) in all cases. Only dendritic cells were found in the prepuce. No differences were found in the number of CD8 lymphocytes between both organs. The ratio between each cell type in the connective and the intraepithelial tissues and between organs was 10/1 for CD4 in the fornix (p<0.05), against 7/1 in the urethra (p<0.05), while CD8 had a 1/1 distribution in both mucosae. The WC1 ratio was 5/1 in both mucosae (p<0.05). CD45RO labeling was 19/1 in the prepuce (p<0.05) and 1/1 in the urethra. IgA-containing cells did not show differences in the total number of cells in both tissues. In the urethra, no IgG-containing cells were observed and IgM-containing cells were scarce; in contrast, both cell types were present in the prepuce, in amounts greater than in the urethra (p<0.05). IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-containing cells were located in both organs in the mucosal connective tissue. The presence of antigen-presenting cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, as well as of lymphocytes CD4, CD8 TCR γδ (WC1), IgA-, IgG and IgM positive cells, and CD45RO cells suggests that both mucosae may behave as inductive and effector sites for the mucosal immune response.


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Abstract: The paired oviducal glands of immature and mature females of Mustelus schmitti were examined macro and microscopically. Findings indicate that these glands possessed the same zonation as in most chondrichthyans from anterior to posterior: club, papillary, baffle and terminal zones. The whole gland is composed by simple tubular glands that connect with transverse grooves all along the organ. The club zone presents a typical indian club shape with a simple columnar and ciliated epithelium including secretory cells PAS (+) and AB (+). The papillary zone is characterized by lamella forming small and long cones in numbers of three. The epithelium of this zone contains ciliated cells with apical nuclei and secretory cells with basal nuclei that stain AB (+)The baffle zone consists of apically flattened lamellae alternating with spinnerets which are small projections disposed by both sides of the plateau. This whole structure is present in number of 8 or 9 units. A simple columnar ciliated epithelium covers the plateau and spinnerets and no AB or PAS staining is observed. The epithelium of the terminal zone is PAS (-) and AB (+), and elongated tubules, that run adjacent to the baffle zone are the site where groups of spermatozoa are clearly observed in the lumen. The epithelium of the sperm storage tubules do not stain with any of the dyes tested. Sperm was also observed in the baffle zone, presumably in its way to the fecundation in the oviduct because it displays no aggregation pattern and was between the folds of the epithelium. By scanning electron microscopy sperm was observed in the club and baffle zones in a gland which belonged to a pregnant female.


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The chalazal megaspore develops in a Polygonum-type embryo sac. The amyloplast-rich endothelium is partially degraded during the expansion of the micropylar portion of the megagametophyte. Organization of the mature embryo sac is determined by the patterns of vacuolation, nuclear migration, spindle orientation and cellularization. The egg cell is slightly chalazal in relation to the synergids, and its micropylar end does not touch the micropylar channel. At the chalazal pole of the egg apparatus, the common walls between the synergids, the egg and central cells, despite their tenuity, are present in the mature megagametophyte. The polar nuclei do not fuse before fertilization and the antipodals are persistent until the first stages of endosperm formation. The taxonomic significance of some embryological characters for the Bignoniaceae is discussed.


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The female gametophyte has a monosporic origin and a Polygonum type development. The female gametophyte growth consumes a large part of the neighboring nucellar cells and, in the micropylar region, part of the nucellar epidermis and internal integument. The mature gametophyte is composed of only four cells due to the ephemeral characteristic of the antipodals. The synergids are pear-shaped cells with the formation of filiform apparatus. Their nuclei lie in the micropylar region and large vacuoles in the chalazal region, while the egg cell presents an opposite polarization. The central cell accumulates starch grains and the two polar nuclei approach the egg. Occasional development of two gametophytes was recorded. The closest to the micropyle develops fully, while the chalazal one remained in the tetranucleated stage. The embryological characters of A. latifolia are compared with those of other taxa within the Leguminosae, and the reproductive importance of multiple gametophyte formation for this species was discussed.


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Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schumann) is a fruit tree that is attracting attention in Brazil and also in other tropical countries. Its pulp is used to prepare ice-cream, juices, jellies and many other home-made sweets. This species has a very low fecundity, attributed to problems with pollination and self-incompatibility, noted as being restrictive to the agronomic productivity of the species. Controlled pollinations between compatible and incompatible parents were made and flowers were collected at three times: 24, 48 and 72 h after pollinations, during the floral seasons of 1995 and 1998. In flowers collected 24 h after pollination, in both compatible and incompatible crosses, around 70% of ovules showed egg apparatus without evidences of sperm cell delivery; nevertheless some pollen tubes had been observed. Ovaries collected at 48 h showed different behaviors according to the type of cross. In the compatibles, 35% of ovules did not show evidences of gamete fusion. In incompatible crosses this number rose to 50%. Collected ovaries with 72 h, from compatible and incompatible crosses, showed respectively 1.2% and 14.2% of the ovules with the egg apparatus and polar nuclei only. In these ovaries, for the two types of crosses, the presence of sperm nuclei was common and the zygote was still undivided. The incompatibility action is occurring after fertilization, in a late self-incompatibility action.


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This paper reports on the extrafloral nectary (EFN) of Hibiscus pernambucensis, a native shrub species occurring in mangrove and restinga along Brazil's coastline. EFNs occur as furrows with a protuberant border on the abaxial surface veins of the leaf blade. Each nectary consists of numerous secretory multicellular trichomes, epidermal cells in palisade-like arrangements and non-vascularized parenchyma tissue. Nectar secretion is prolonged, since secretion starts in very young leaves and remains up to completely expanded leaves. Reduced sugars, lipids, and proteins were histochemically detected in all the nectary cells; phenolic substances were detected in the vacuoles of the epidermal palisade cells and in some secretory trichome cells. The secretory cells that constitute the body of trichomes have large nuclei, dense cytoplasm with numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, scattered lipid droplets and plastids with different inclusions: protein, lipid droplets or starch grains; vacuoles with different sizes have membranous material, phenolic and lipophilic substances. The palisade cells show thick periclinal walls, reduced cytoplasm with voluminous lipid drops and developed vacuoles. The nectary parenchyma cells contain abundant plasmodesmata and cytoplasm with scattered lipid droplets, mitochondria, plastids with starch grains and endoplasmic reticulum. Mucilage idioblasts are common in the inner nectary parenchyma. Protoderm and ground meristem participate in the formation of EFN. Our data indicate that all nectary regions are involved in nectar production and secretion, constituting a functional unit. Longevity of the extrafloral nectaries is likely associated with the presence of mucilage idioblasts, which increases the capacity of the nectary parenchyma to store water.


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The binding capacity of concanavalin A (Con A) to condensed euchromatin and heterochromatin was investigated in chicken erythrocyte nuclei (CEN), mouse liver cells, Zea mays mays meristematic cells and Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes after 4 N HCl hydrolysis to determine whether binding was preferentially occurring in bands and heterochromatin. Dry mass (DM) variation was investigated in CEN by interference microscopy. Feulgen and Con A reactions were employed for all materials to correlate the loci of the two reactions. Quantifications and topological verifications were carried out by video image analysis (high performance cytometry). It was observed that 4 N HCl hydrolysis caused an important DM loss in CEN leaving a level corresponding to the average DNA DM content. In this material, Con A binding was restricted to the nuclear envelope, which reinforces the idea of the absence of a nuclear matrix in these cells. The other cell types exhibited a correspondence of Feulgen-positive and Con A-reactive areas. The Con A reaction was highly positive in the condensed chromatin areas and heterochromatin. This fact led us to speculate that Con A-positive proteins may play a role in the chromatin condensation mechanism, endowing this structure with physico-chemical stability towards acid hydrolysis and contributing to its rheological properties.