A análise da mortalidade por causas, bem como da morbidade, necessita de um instrumento que agrupe as doenças segundo características comuns, isto é, uma classificação de doenças. Atualmente está em uso a Classificação Internacional de Doenças da OMS, na sua Nona Revisão. Esta classificação surgiu em 1893; para 1993 está proposta a implantação da Décima Revisão. O trabalho descreve as raízes de uma classificação internacional, fazendo referências a John Graunt, William Farr e Jacques Bertillon bem como à evolução pela qual passou em suas sucessivas revisões. Inicialmente era uma classificação de causas de morte passando a ser, a partir da Sexta Revisão, uma classificação que incluiu todas as doenças e motivos de consultas, possibilitando seu uso em morbidade, sendo que a partir da Décima Revisão se propõe uma "família" de classificações, para os mais diversos usos em administração de serviços de saúde e epidemiologia. O trabalho também apresenta algumas críticas que são feitas à Classificação Internacional de Doenças.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serological markers were investigated in 40 incident cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and in two age and sex matched control groups, comprising 40 patients with other cancers and 80 healthy individuals, resident in Bahia, Brazil. Serologic tests were done by radioimmunoassay. The study observed high proportion of seropositivity to HBsAg (42.5%) and of those presenting HBsAg or antiHBc (65.0%) among HCC cases, higher in men than women and in those aged 17 to 30 years old. HBsAg seropositivity among HCC patients was greater than in the control group with other cancers (7.5%) and in healthy controls (2.5%), corresponding to odds ratio estimates of 15.0 (95% CI 3.29, 68.30) and 33.0 (95% CI 9.13, 119.28), both statistically significant. HBeAg was not observed and antiHBe was present in 41.2% of cases, suggesting the absence of viral replication, possibly with viral DNA intergration into the hepatocyte genome. The presence of cirrhosis was associated with HBsAg seropositivity among HCC cases. A history of chronic alcoholism is shown to be more frequently related to those cases with cirrhosis. This study highlights the relevant association between HCC and HBV in Northeast Brazil, particularly for young individuals, and the high risk of development of HCC for HBsAg carriers.
A programme for the control of respiratory diseases in children was conceived for the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, in 1986. Its progress thereafter and the epidemiology of the diseases concerned are examined. Apart from an inquiry into the 64 existing State local health authorities, a sample of 18,255 cases of children assisted by the programme at different levels, including both in-patient and outpatient care, is analysed. Each case record included information about identification (child, doctor and health facility), reasons for calling, diagnoses made and outcome of treatment. Further data were also sought from hospitals and from State mortality records. The programme was found to be poorly implemented in the State but, where implemented, it showed itself capable of resolving problems (only 0.5% of the cases could not be handled) as also of changing ongoing trends (more than 50% reduction in hospital admission rates). Individual assessment of each item of the programme indicated its bottlenecks. Regarding the epidemiology of respiratory diseases, it is observed that the major burden to health services comes from children aged less than five, and that the most important diseases are wheezing illnesses and pneumonia. Morevoer, they were found to be significantly associated (p = 0.000) so that a child in the community presenting wheezing diseases is 5 times more likely to develop pneumonia than a child with any other respiratory diagnosis. Similarly, among the under five deaths it was found that the risk for pneumonia is 3 times greater for children who died presenting wheezing diseases than it is for children with any other sort of diagnosis. In conclusion, the programme is deemed to be efficient and effective but its efficacy is marred by administrative flaws. The successful control of respiratory problems in childhood is related to a proper appreciation of the importance of wheezing diseases.
A controlled trial was performed with the purpose of investigating which factors could be considered of significant risk for the development of basal cell carcinoma. A total of 259 cases of basal cell carcinoma diagnosed from July 1991 to July 1992 were compared with 518 controls matched for age and sex. All subjects in both groups were white. Protocol data were submitted to statistical analysis by the chi-square test and by multiple conditional logistic regression analysis and the following conclusions were reached: 1) light skin color (types I and II of the Fitzpatrick classification), odds ratio of 2.8; outdoor work under constant sunlight, odds ratio of 5.0; the presence of actinic lesions due to exposure to the sun, odds ratio of 4.9, are risk factors perse. 2) Type III skin in the Fitzpatrick classification only represents a risk factor when the patient reports a history of intense sunburns, but not in the absence of such a history. 3) Sunburns per se do not represent a risk factor althorig the point made in item 2 of these conclusions is valid. 4) Other suspected risk factors whose significance was not confirmed by multiple conditioned logistic regression analysis were: residence in rural areas, light eyes and blond hair color, extent of the awareness of the "sun x skin cancer" relationship, familial occurrence of skin cancer, excessive exposure to the sun, and freckles appearing in childhood.
A Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID) provê códigos para todas as doenças e permite que se façam comparações internacionais da morbidade e da mortalidade. Por ser ampla e de uso em locais com características bastante diversas, nem sempre é adequada. Existem revisões periódicas da CID para que esta seja atualizada e as novas doenças descritas sejam incluídas. Foi o que aconteceu com a AIDS, incorporada no capítulo de doenças infecciosas e parasitárias da décima revisão da CID. Por esse motivo, foi avaliado o uso dos códigos da CID-10 na codificação da AIDS. Foram utilizadas as fichas de vigilância epidemiológica de todos os casos diagnosticados em um hospital especializado em doenças infecciosas, em 1994. Verificou-se que nem sempre era possível codificar as fichas apenas com a utilização de um único código, proposto pela CID-10, para a AIDS e suas manifestações e complicações.
An alternative vector control method, using lambda-cyhalothrin impregnated wide-mesh gauze covering openings in the walls of the houses was developed in an area in the Eastern part of the interior of Suriname. Experimental hut observations showed that Anopheles darlingi greatly reduced their biting activity (99-100%) during the first 5 months after impregnation. A model assay showed high mortality both of mosquitoes repelled by the gauze as well as of those that succeeded in getting through it. A field application test in 270 huts showed good acceptance by the population and good durability of the applied gauze. After introducing the method in the entire working area, replacing DDT residual housespraying, the malaria prevalence, of 25-37% before application dropped and stabilized at between 5 and 10% within one year. The operational costs were less than those of the previously used DDT housespraying program, due to a 50% reduction in the cost of materials used. The method using widemesh gauze impregnated with lambdacyhalothrin strongly affects the behavior of An. darlingi. It is important to examine the effect of the method on malaria transmission further, since data indirectly obtained suggest substantial positive results.
En muchos países se reconoce que los programas de vacunación requieren del dominio de elementos técnicos y organizacionales para ser accesibles a las poblaciones. Uno de ellos ha sido menospreciado de manera importante: la participación de la población y las causas que la motivan. El presente trabajo analiza experiencias de diversos países, a partir de una revisión bibliográfica del período 1950-1990. Los resultados muestran que los estudios existentes varían en su enfoque metodológico y conceptual de acuerdo a la región del mundo en donde fueron realizados y de acuerdo al tipo de investigador. Este hecho se explica por el supuesto que existe en muchos investigadores de pensar que conocen a profundidad los determinantes ideológicos de la conducta de las culturas de las que son nativos. A partir de ello utilizan metodologías que apenas les permiten aproximarse a un nivel superficial del conocimiento de la realidad social para hacer inferencias de la respuesta de las poblaciones ante la oferta de las vacunas.
OBJECTIVE: The assessment of an easy to prepare and low cost control material for Hematology, available for manual and automated methods. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Aliquots of stabilized whole blood were prepared by partial fixation with aldehydes; the stability at different temperatures (4. 20 and 37 °C) during periods of up to 8-9 weeks and aliquot variability with both methods were controlled. RESULTS: Aliquot variability with automated methods at day 1, expressed as CV% (coefficient of variation) was: white blood cells (WBC) 2.7, red blood cells (RBC) 0.7, hemoglobin (Hb) 0.6, hematocrit (Hct) 0.7, mean cell volume (MCV) 0.3, mean cell hemoglobin (MCH) 0.6, mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) 0.7, and platelets (PLT) 4.6. The CV (coefficient of variation) percentages obtained with manual methods in one of the batches were: WBC 23, Hct 2.8, Hb 4.5, MCHC 5.9, PLT 41. Samples stored at 4ºC and 20ºC showed good stability, only a very low initial hemolysis being observed, whereas those stored at 37ºC deteriobed a rapidly (metahemoglobin formation, aggregation of WBC and platelets, as well as alteration of erythrocyte indexes). CONCLUSIONS: It was confirmed that, as long as there is no exposure to high temperatures during distribution, this material is stable, allowing assessment, both esternal and internal, for control purposes, with acceptable reproductivity, both for manual and auttomatic methods.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a confiabilidade da versão para teste do capítulo V - "Transtornos Mentais e do Comportamento", da décima revisão da Classificação Internacional das Doenças, Versão para Cuidados Primários (CID -10 CP), preparado pela Divisão de Saúde Mental da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). MÉTODOS: Durante os meses de setembro e outubro de 1994 foram treinados médicos gerais comunitários (MGC) da Secretaria da Saúde e do Meio Ambiente do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no uso da citada versão, preparada para teste de campo, conforme o delineamento proposto pela OMS. RESULTADOS: Os resultados referem-se ao estudo sobre concordância dos diagnósticos atribuídos por 9 duplas de MGC a 440 pacientes de primeira consulta. O Kappa de Cohen para Transtorno de Saúde Mental, presente ou ausente, foi de 0,79 (IC 95%: 0,69 -- 0,88). CONCLUSÃO: O uso da CID-10 CP dará maior especificidade às informações e permitirá maior comunicação entre as equipes de saúde em nível de cuidados primários.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a comparabilidade entre a causa básica e as causas múltiplas de morte codificadas segundo as regras e disposições correlatas da nona e da décima revisões da Classificação Internacional de Doenças. MÉTODOS: Os dados provieram de uma amostra sistemática de 3.313 declarações de óbito de falecidos residentes no Estado de São Paulo, no ano de 1992 (1,6% do total dos óbitos naquele ano). Os dados foram processados pelo sistema "Automated Classification of Medical Entities", incluindo códigos para todas as afecções mencionadas nos atestados médicos e a causa básica que havia sido avaliada e revista segundo as disposições da nona revisão. Todas as afecções foram recodificadas segundo as disposições da décima revisão e os códigos resultantes introduzidos no banco de dados original para seleção da causa básica pelo sistema de declarações de óbito de São Paulo. As tabulações das causas múltiplas de morte codificadas pela nona e pela décima revisões foram obtidas pelas versões respectivas do programa "Tabulador de Causas Múltiplas". A comparação das causas de morte foi realizada a partir dos capítulos de ambas as revisões da Classificação Internacional de Doenças. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: As mudanças mais importantes para as causas básicas, ocorridas nos capítulos I, III e VIII da nona revisão e nos correspondentes capítulos I, IV e X da décima revisão, devem-se ao deslocamento das mortes causadas pela doença devido ao vírus da imunodeficiência humana e pela preterição das pneumonias como causa de morte. Em relação às causas múltiplas de morte, verificou-se o aumento de menções de doenças respiratórias e a correspondente diminuição de menções incluídas no capítulo das afecções mal definidas, devido à recodificação da insuficiência respiratória.
INTRODUCTION: In Mexico, breast cancer (BC) is one of the main causes of cancer deaths in women, with increasing incidence and mortality in recent years. Therefore, the aim of the study is identify possible risk factors related to BC. METHODS: An epidemiological study of hospital cases of BC and controls with cervical uterine cancer (CUCA) was carried out at eight third level concentration hospitals in Mexico City. The total of 353 incident cases of BC and 630 controls with CUCA were identified among women younger than 75 years who had been residents of the metropolitan area of Mexico City for at least one year. Diagnosis was confirmed histologically in both groups. Variables were analyzed according to biological and statistical plausibility criteria. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses were carried out. Cases and controls were stratified according to the menopausal hormonal status (pre and post menopause). RESULTS: The factors associated with BC were: higher socioeconomic level (OR= 2.77; 95%CI = 1.77 - 4.35); early menarche (OR= 1.32; 95%CI= 0.88 - 2.00); old age at first pregnancy (>31 years: OR= 5.49; 95%CI= 2.16 - 13.98) and a family history of BC (OR= 4.76; 95% CI= 2.10 - 10.79). In contrast, an increase in the duration of the breastfeeding period was a protective factor (>25 months: OR= 0.38; 95%CI= 0.20 - 0.70). CONCLUSIONS: This study contributes to the identification of risk factors for BC described in the international literature, in the population of Mexican women. Breastfeeding appears to play an important role in protecting women from BC. Because of changes in women`s lifestyles, lactation is decreasing in Mexico, and young women tend not to breastfeed or to shorten the duration of lactation.
OBJECTIVE: Selecting controls is one of the most difficult tasks in the design of case-control studies. Hospital controls may be inadequate and random controls drawn from the base population may be unavailable. The aim was to assess the use of hospital visitors as controls in a case-control study on the association of organochlorinated compounds and other risk factors for breast cancer conducted in the main hospital of the "Instituto Nacional de Câncer" -- INCA (National Cancer Institute) in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). METHODS: The study included 177 incident cases and 377 controls recruited among female visitors. Three different models of control group composition were compared: Model 1, with all selected visitors; Model 2, excluding women visiting relatives with breast cancer; and Model 3, excluding all women visiting relatives with any type of cancer. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to test the associations. RESULTS: Age-adjusted OR for breast cancer associated with risk factors other than family history of cancer, except smoking and breast size, were similar in the three models. Regarding family history of all cancers, except for breast cancer, there was a decreased risk in Models 1 and 2, while in Model 3 there was an increased risk, but not statistically significant. Family history of breast cancer was a risk factor in Models 2 and 3, but no association was found in Model 1. In multivariate analysis a significant risk of breast cancer was found when there was a family history of breast cancer in Models 2 and 3 but not in Model 1. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that while investigating risk factors unrelated to family history of cancer, the use of hospital visitors as controls may be a valid and feasible alternative.
The efficacy of a larvicide, temephos, for controlling Ae. aegypti was evaluated in a cemetery in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Breeding sites decreased from 18.4% in the first study period (Nov 1998 to May 1999, without temephos) to 2.2% in the second period (Nov 1999 to May 2000, two applications), and to 0.05% in the third one (Nov 2000 to May 2001, five applications). Ovitraps with eggs decreased from 17% in the first period to 5.8% in the second period, and to 2.9% in the third one. Results suggest that, in Buenos Aires, Ae. aegypti populations are highly susceptible to temephos. It is recommended to limit the use of temephos to prevent potential epidemics rather than for routine control.
OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated to poor glycemic control among diabetic patients seen at primary health care centers. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 372 diabetic patients attending 32 primary health care centers in southern Brazil. Data on three hierarchical levels of health unit infrastructure, medical care and patient characteristics were collected. RESULTS: The frequency of poor glycemic control was 50.5%. Multivariate analysis (multilevel method) showed that patients with body mass indexes below 27 kg/m², patients on oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin, and patients diagnosed as diabetic over five years prior to the interview were more likely to present poor glycemic control when compared to their counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: Given the hierarchical data structuring, all associations found suggest that factors associated to hyperglycemia are related to patient-level characteristics.