107 resultados para Spinal nerve root


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Objective: To evaluate the anatomic topographic relation between the sciatic nerve in relation to the piriform muscle and the posterior portal for the establishment of hip arthroscopy.Methods: We dissected 40 hips of 20 corpses of adult Brazilians, 17 male and three female, six black, six brown and eight white. We studied the anatomical relationship between the sciatic nerve and the piriform muscle with their variations and the distance between the lateral edge of the sciatic nerve and the posterior portal used in hip arthroscopy. We then classified the anatomical alterations found in the path of the sciatic nerve on the piriform muscle.Results: Seventeen corpses had bilateral relationship between the sciatic nerve and the piriform muscle, i.e., type A. We found the following anatomical variations: 12.5% of variant type B; and an average distance between the sciatic nerve and the portal for arthroscopy of 2.98cm. One body had type B anatomical variation on the left hip and type A on the right.Conclusion: the making of the posterior arthroscopic portal to the hip joint must be done with careful marking of the trochanter massive; should there be difficult to find it, a small surgical access is recommended. The access point to the portal should not exceed two centimeters towards the posterior superior aspect of the greater trochanter, and must be made with the limb in internal rotation of 15 degrees.


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The presence of microorganisms in dental structures with experimentally induced necrosis was evaluated. The materials were tested to evaluate their antimicrobial activity and tissue repair efficacy. Four dogs were used in this experiment, with a total of 64 roots of premolar teeth, divided into three groups. The root canals of Group I were filled with gutta-percha and zinc oxide/eugenol cement; Group II were filled with calcium hydroxide, and Group III were not filled. All animals were clinically and radiographically examined 15 days after surgery andthen again every subsequent 15 days until 120 days, when the teeth were extracted en bloc.Histopathological analysis showed inflammatory infiltration, cement and bone resorption andnecrotic tissue in the apical delta in different proportions. Histomicrobiological analysis showedthe presence of microorganisms inside the teeth structures, with different concentrationsaccording to the treatment used. There was statistical significance between the groups(p>0.05). Gutta-percha with zinc oxide/eugenol demonstrated good antimicrobial activity;calcium hydroxide was not efficient. The conclusion of this study is that gutta-percha withzinc oxide/eugenol is the better protocol for filling root canals in dogs.


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The neurohistologic observations were performed using the specimens prepared by Winkelmann and Schmitt silver impregnation method. The tissues were fixed in 10% formalin solution and sections of 40µm thickness were obtained by Leica Cryostat at -30ºC. The sections of dorsal mucosa of White-lipped peccary tongue showed numerous filliform and fungiform papillae, and two vallate papillae on the caudal part. The epithelial layer revealed queratinized epithelial cells and the connective tissue papillae of different sizes and shapes. Thick nerve fiber bundles are noted into the subepithelial connective tissue of the papillae. The connective tissue of fungiform and vallate papillae contained numerous sensitive nerves fibers bundles forming a complex nerve plexus.


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The aim of this study was to describe the topography of the spinal cord of the red-footed tortoise to establish a morphological basis for applied research in anesthesiology and morphology. Six tortoises from the state of Maranhão (Brazil) that had died of natural causes were used. The common carotid artery was used to perfuse the arterial system with saline solution (heated to 37ºC) and to fix the material with a 20% formaldehyde solution. The specimens were then placed in a modified decalcifying solution for 72 hours to allow dorsal opening of the carapace with a chisel and an orthopedic hammer. Dissection of the dorsal musculature and sectioning of the vertebral arches were performed to access the spinal cord. The results revealed the spinal cord of G. carbonaria to be an elongated, whitish mass that reached the articulation between the penultimate and last caudal vertebrae. The cervical intumescence (Intumescentia cervicalis) was located between vertebral segments C5 and T1, whereas the lumbosacral intumescence (Intumescentia lumbalis) was located between T6 and Ca1.


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This paper reports a case of nonpapillary and infiltrative transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder with metastasis of lumbar vertebrae and spinal cord compression in an adult female ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), from the Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The ocelot had pelvic limb paralysis and skin ulcers in the posterior region of the body and was submitted to euthanasia procedure. At necropsy was observed a multilobulated and irregular shaped, yellowish to white nodule in the urinary bladder. The nodule had a soft consistency and arised from the mucosa of the urinary bladder extending throughout the muscular layers and the serosa. Nodules of similar appearance infiltrating the vertebral column the at L6 and L7 vertebrae with corresponding spinal canal invasion were also observed. The histological evaluation showed epithelial neoplastic proliferation in the urinary bladder with characteristics of nonpapillary and infiltrative TCC, with positive immunohistochemical staining for pancytokeratin, and strong immunostaining for cytokeratin of low molecular weight, and weak or absent labeling for high molecular weight cytokeratin. This is the first report of TCC of urinary bladder in ocelot in Brazil.


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Abstract: In this retrospective study was determined the frequency of canine skin peripheral nerve sheath tumors (PNST) in cases diagnosed by the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), Brazil, between the years 2000 and 2012. The canine profiles, as well as histological, immunohistochemical and prognostic aspects of the tumors were based on 70 samples, comprising 40 females, 29 males and one unspecified sample. Between 2000 and 2012, 2,984 skin tumors of dogs were diagnosed in the SPV-UFRGS, totaling 2.34% of skin neoplasms in dogs. Animals that comprised the largest amount of samples (43%) were those with no breed (SRD), followed by German Shepherds (10%). Females were more affected than males (40/70 - 57% and 29/70 - 41% respectively). Skin PNST of this research showed predominant localization on the limbs (40% in the forelimbs and 29% in the hindlimbs); affecting adult dogs, mostly aged between 8 and 11 years (54%). The samples were routinely processed for hematoxylin and eosin, and were also evaluated by toluidine blue and Masson's trichrome staining, and immunohistochemistry (IHC) anti-vimentin, -S-100, -GFAP, -actin, von Willebrand factor and neurofilament. Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis, mitotic index, intratumoral necrosis, invasion of adjacent tissues, tumor location, local recurrence and metastasis were related to the diagnosis of benign (49/70) or malignant tumor (21/70). The Antoni A histological pattern was observed more frequently in benign tumors. The immunohistochemistry helped to diagnose PNST, and anti-vimentin and anti-protein S-100 showed the highest rates of immunostaining. Throughout statistical analysis of animals with tumor recurrence, it was found that the chance of an animal with a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor to develop recurrence is 4.61 times higher than in an animal that had a benign tumor.


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Imazapyr has been used to control stump sprouting in stand of Eucalyptus plantations, where herbicide is applied to the tree trunk before cutting. The herbicide is applied exclusively on the stump to be killed, but little is known about the final fate of the molecule. Imazapyr exudation via roots of eucalypt grown in soil as the substrate was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. Different herbicide doses (0.000, 0.375, 0.750, 1.125, 1.500, and 3.000 kg ha-1 a.i.) were applied on the aerial parts of 8-month-old Eucalyptus grandis clonal seedlings, cultivated in pots with 18.0 dm³ of soil. Forty days after this treatment, the eucalypt plants were cut and a lateral opening in the containers was made and the plants inclined 90º, with plants sensitive to herbicide presence (sorghum and cucumber) sown into the openings along the exposed soil surface. After 15-day sowing, toxicity symptoms on the shoots as well as the shoot and root system dry biomass of the bio-indicators were evaluated. The results suggest that eucalypt roots do exude imazapyr, and/or its metabolites, at concentrations high enough to cause toxicity to the bio-indicators. Toxicity effects were observed in all plants sown along the exposed soil profile of the container, with higher intensity at higher doses.


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The effects of competition of six weed species on growth, nutrient concentration and nutrient content of coffee plant root system under greenhouse conditions were evaluated. Thirty days after coffee seedling transplantation into 12 L pots with soil level area of 6.5 dm². Weeds were transplanted or sowed in these pots, at densities of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 plants per pot. The duration of competition (or weedy periods) from weed transplantation or emergence until plant harvesting, at the weed preflowering stage, were (in days): 77 (Bidens pilosa), 180 (Commelina diffusa), 82 (Leonurus sibiricus), 68 (Nicandra physaloides), 148 (Richardia brasiliensis) and 133 (Sida rhombifolia). Dry matter of coffee plants was linearly reduced with increasing B. pilosa and S. rhombifolia density, with pronounced effect of B. pilosa. C. diffusa was the only weed species whose increasing density in the pots did not diminish crop root dry matter. L. sibiricus, N. physaloides and R. brasiliensis reduced root dry matter of coffee plants by 75, 52 and 47%, respectively, as compared to the weed-free treatment, regardless of weed density. Under competition, even though weed species showed lower macronutrient concentration in the roots (except for P), they accumulated 4.2 (N), 12.3 (P), 4.3 (K), 5.5 (Ca), 7.6 (Mg) and 4.4 (S) times more nutrients in the roots than the coffee plants. Crop and weed nutrient concentration, as well as competition degrees greatly varied depending on both weed species and densities.


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Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the phytotoxic effect of black mustard extracts and root exudates on two crops: Trifolium alexandrinum and Triticum aestivum, and two weeds: Phalaris paradoxa and Sisymbrium irio. The seeds were treated with aqueous and ethanolic extracts and chloroform for eight days, or subjected to root exudates of just harvested mustard in a greenhouse for five weeks. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to quantify phytotoxins from plant tissues. Seed germination of P. paradoxa was reduced with the lowest concentration of the different extracts. However, the aqueous extract at 4% completely curtailed the germination of all the target species. In general, plant extracts had a concentration-dependent reduction of seedling growth of the target species. However, the ethanolic extract, at the lowest concentration, has stimulated the shoot length of both T. alexandrinum and T. aestivum, and the root length of the former. Mustard root exudates inhibited emergence and growth of the target species throughout the experiment. Ferulic and syringic acids were the dominant allelochemicals found when HPLC was used.


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The irrigated rice production can be limited by various phytopathogenic agents, including root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). Thus, the aim of this research was to check the host suitability of plant species most often found off-season and during rice cultivation, to root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola, under two irrigation managements. Two experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design. In the first experiment seven plant species that occur in an area of rice cultivation, in fallow, off-season were evaluated. For the second experiment nine weed species infesting the irrigated rice culture were tested in rainfed and flooding conditions. The sixteen species, kept individually in pots with sterilized substrate, were inoculated with 5,000 eggs and second stage juveniles (J2) of nematode. BRS 410 IRGA rice plants inoculated with M.graminicola were used as control. Two months after inoculation, the root system of each plant was evaluated for number of galls and nematode reproduction factor. It was verified that the species of off-season of rice cultivation Sida rhombifolia, Raphanus raphanistrum, Spergula arvensis, Lotus corniculatus and Trifolium repens, and, during the cycle of rice cultivation, Aeschynomene denticulata, Leersia hexandra, are immune to nematode. The plant species off-season, Avena strigosa and Lolium multiflorum and of cultivation, Alternanthera philoxeroides, red rice, Echinochloa crusgalli, Cyperus difformis, Cyperus esculentus, Cyperus iria and Fimbristylis miliacea would behave as hosts of M.graminicola, mostly under rainfed conditions.


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A. peregrina var. falcata form mutualistic symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. An anatomical and ultrastructural study was carried out to analyze some aspects of this simbiotic association as well as some root features. The results evidenced the presence of fibers with non-lignified thicked secondary walls in the stele and sparse papillae on root surface. A. peregrina var. falcata mycorrhizas presented features of Arum-type (intercellular hyphae) and Paris-type (extensive coils) arbuscular mycorrhiza. Their general appearance with extraradical hyphae, intracellular coils, intercellular hyphae and arbuscules, is in agreement with arbuscular mycorrhizas of several plants. The ultrastructural observations showed that in intercellular hyphae and arbuscules vacuoles were dominant and that in rough endoplasmatic reticulum and small vesicles seems to be associated with arbuscule senescence process.


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Somatic embryogenesis was induced from cotyledon explants of eggplant cultured on MS medium supplemented with 54 µM NAA. Anatomical analysis of somatic embryo initiation and development was performed during the first four weeks. Proembryo formation was observed after the second day of culture, directly from perivascular cells or via pro-embryogenic masses derived from indeterminate meristematic masses (IMMs) originated in the vascular tissue. Those IMMs also gave rise to root primordia after 10 days of culture. The origin of embryos is discussed as well as the similarities between somatic embryogenesis and adventitious root formation.


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The dynamics of forests subject to inundation appears to be strongly influenced by the frequency and intensity of natural disturbances such as flooding. In a late successional tidal floodplain forest near the Amazon port of Belém, Brazil, we tested this prediction by measuring seasonal patterns of phenology and litterfall in relation to two key variables: rainfall and tide levels. In addition, we estimated the root biomass and the annual growth of the forest community by measuring stem increments over time. Our results showed high correlations between phenological events (flowering and fruiting) and rainfall and tide levels, while correlations between litterfall and these variations were generally weaker. Contrary to our prediction, root biomass to 1 m depth showed no significant differences along the topographic gradient, and the root biomass at all topographic levels was low to intermediate compared with other neotropical forests. Both litterfall and total stem increment were high compared to other tropical forest, indicating the high productivity of this ecosystem.


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The effect of crude xyloglucan (XG) preparations from jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Y. T. Lee & Langenh.) seeds on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. root system development was investigated. The XG extracts exerted a dual effect on root system development by slowing down root growth and improving lateral root formation. These observed morphological changes were not due to oligosaccharides that could be generated following hydrolysis of the XG polymers, since XG hydrolysate induced a drastic inhibition of the overall growth process of the Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Histochemical test of GUS gene expression assay performed on seven and 14-days-old transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants carrying the CycB1;1-GUS fusion indicated that the improvement of the lateral root development by jatobá XG extracts was not correlated with the expression of this cell cycle marker gene in the root system. A potential agricultural application of jatobá seeds XG extract is discussed.


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Sapindus saponaria (soapberry) is a species that presents a great diversity of chemical compounds, such as saponins; however, few studies have examined the allelopathic effect of this species. Therefore, this study provides an evaluation of the allelopathic potential of aqueous extracts of the roots and mature leaves of S. saponaria on the germination of diaspores and seedlings growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and onion (Allium cepa). The aqueous extract was prepared in the proportion of 100 g of dry plant material in 1,000 mL of distilled water (a concentration of 10% w v-1), and diluted with distilled water to 7.5, 5.0 and 2.5% concentrations. The mature leaf extracts caused delay and decrease in the germination process of the lettuce and onion diaspores, with inhibitory effect concentration-dependent, while the root extracts showed no allelopathic effects on the germination process. Both extracts caused abnormalities and inhibited the growth of shoot and root seedlings.