131 resultados para Sheep-dip


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The Pantanal hosts diverse wildlife species and therefore is a hotspot for arbovirus studies in South America. A serosurvey for Mayaro virus (MAYV), eastern (EEEV), western (WEEV) and Venezuelan (VEEV) equine encephalitis viruses was conducted with 237 sheep, 87 free-ranging caimans and 748 equids, including 37 collected from a ranch where a neurologic disorder outbreak had been recently reported. Sera were tested for specific viral antibodies using plaque-reduction neutralisation test. From a total of 748 equids, of which 264 were immunised with vaccine composed of EEEV and WEEV and 484 had no history of immunisation, 10 (1.3%) were seropositive for MAYV and two (0.3%) for VEEV using criteria of a ≥ 4-fold antibody titre difference. Among the 484 equids without history of immunisation, 48 (9.9%) were seropositive for EEEV and four (0.8%) for WEEV using the same criteria. Among the sheep, five were sero- positive for equine encephalitis alphaviruses, with one (0.4%) for EEEV, one (0.4%) for WEEV and three (1.3%) for VEEV. Regarding free-ranging caimans, one (1.1%) and three (3.4%), respectively, had low titres for neutralising antibodies to VEEV and undetermined alphaviruses. The neurological disorder outbreak could not be linked to the alphaviruses tested. Our findings represent strong evidence that MAYV and all equine encephalitis alphaviruses circulated in the Pantanal.


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Soil compaction is one of the main degradation causes, provoked by inappropriate agricultural practices that override the limitations of the soil physical properties. Preconsolidation pressure and penetration resistance have proved effective as alternative to assess and identify soil compaction. Based on the interpretation of these physico-mechanical parameters, compaction can be prevented with a better adjusted soil management. This study was performed to generate preconsolidation pressure and penetration resistance models for Latososlo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico (Oxisol) under various managements and uses; and evaluate which of these would lead to degradation or degradation susceptibility. The study was carried out in Curvelo, MG. Two managements and one land use were evaluated: no-tillage, sheep grazing and natural forest. Undisturbed soil samples collected from the 0-5 cm layer were subjected to uniaxial compression and penetration resistance tests. Preconsolidation pressure models for forest and no-tillage soils were not statistically different, demonstrating a low degradation potential in no-tillage systems. Preconsolidation pressure was higher in soil under sheep grazing at all water retention tensions and penetration resistance values were higher than under native forest indicating animal trampling as a potential degradation factor. Neither management presented penetration resistance values above 2 MPa at field capacity moisture. Only under sheep grazing the soil penetrability was near 2 MPa at field capacity and values greater than 2 MPa at 0.2 kg kg-1.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of the tiller size/density compensation mechanism in Tifton 85 bermudagrass swards grazed by sheep under continuous stocking. Treatments corresponded to four sward steady state conditions (5, 10, 15, and 20 cm of sward surface height), maintained by sheep grazing. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with four replicates. Pasture responses evaluated include: tiller population density, tiller mass, leaf mass and leaf area per tiller, and herbage mass. Tiller volume, leaf area index, tiller leaf/stem ratio, and tiller leaf area/volume ratio were calculated and simple regression analyses between tiller population density and tiller mass were performed. Measurements were made in December, 1998, and January, April, and July, 1999. The swards showed a tiller size/density compensation mechanism in which high tiller population densities were associated with small tillers and vice-versa, except in July, 1999. Regression analyses revealed that linear coefficients were steeper than the theoretical expectation of -3/2. Increments in herbage mass were attributable to increases in tiller mass in December and January. Leaf area/volume ratio values of Tifton 85 tillers were much lower than those commonly found for temperate grass species.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a técnica de incorporação de 32P pelos eritrócitos de ovinos jovens, mantidos em pastejo de Andropogon gayanus, como método de diagnóstico da deficiência de fósforo. Vinte ovinos, com peso vivo inicial de 13,88±2,51 kg, foram divididos em dois tratamentos de dez animais cada; num dos tratamentos, os animais foram suplementados com 3 g de P por animal por dia e, no outro, os animais não receberam suplementação de P. Foram realizadas cinco pesagens dos animais, coletas de sangue e fezes nos 8º, 29º, 43º, 57º e 71º dias do experimento, para avaliar a incorporação de 32P pelos eritrócitos, determinar as concentrações de Ca, glicose e P no soro e a porcentagem de P nas fezes. Foi encontrada diferença significativa na concentração de Ca no 57º dia. Na concentração de glicose, porcentagem de P nas fezes e peso vivo não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. A partir da segunda coleta, a concentração de P no soro foi mais elevada e a incorporação de 32P foi menor no grupo de animais suplementados com P. A incorporação de 32P pelos eritrócitos é uma técnica adicional para avaliar o status de P e identificar sua deficiência subclínica em ovinos jovens.


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The sols for thin electrochromic coatings of Nb2O5 were obtained by synthesis of the niobium butoxide from BuONa and NbCl5. The ~300nm thick films were deposited by dip-coating technique from the alkoxide solution and calcined at 560ºC in O2 atmosphere during 3 hours. The particles size of niobium oxide (V) powder (~20mm) was obtained from x-ray diffraction using the Scherrer equation. The coatings were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and cronoamperommetry techniques. The spectral variation of the optical transmittance were determined in situ as a function of the cyclical potencial and memory effect. The insertion process of lithium is reversible and change the film color from transparent (T=80%) to dark blue (T=20%).


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SnO2 thin layers, prepared from aqueous colloidal suspensions by the sol-gel process, have been dip-coated on commercial borosilicate glasses. The effect of the conditions of deposition on the optical and structural characteristics of the thin layers was analysed by UV-Vis spectroscopy, x-ray reflectometry and electron scanning microscopy. Layers prepared with withdrawal speed in between 0.1 and 10cm/min show thickness smaller than 90nm, roughness of the order of 2nm and transmittance higher than 80%, resulting in good optical quality samples. The roughness increases from 2 to 11nm as the withdrawal speed increases from 10 to 80cm/min, what seems to be associated to the enlargement of the layers thickness (> 90nm). The measurements of mass loss, done after etching with fluoridric acid show that the coated samples are more corrosion resistant than the uncoated borosilicate glass.


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These films were obtained by dip coating. Parameters like dislocation velocity; number of deposits, suspension concentration, and number of deposits followed or not by heat treatment between each deposit and calcination temperature were evaluated for establishing the best homogeneity. The obtained films were characterized in terms of their morphology, optical quality and photoluminescence by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV-vis absorption spectrophotometry and luminescence spectroscopy, respectively. The morphologic and luminescent characteristics showed dip coating as good laboratory technique for development of thin films for optical applications.


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Titanium dioxide porous thin films on the Anatase phase were deposited onto glass slides by the sol-gel method assisted with polyethylene glycol (PEG). The dip-coated films were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA and DTG), UV-visible spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The photocatalytic activity of the films was determined by means of methyl-orange oxidation tests. The resultant PEG-modified films were crack-free and developed a porous structure after calcination at 500 °C. Photo-oxidation tests showed the dependency of catalytic activity of the films on the number of layers (thickness) and porosity, i.e. of the interfacial area.


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A preliminary study was conducted to determine the residue levels of prochloraz in ginger samples treated with Sportak 450 CE® (prochloraz as active ingredient) under laboratory conditions and cold-storage for 15 days at 10°C and 89% RH. Sampling was carried out at 10 and 15 days after Sportak 450 CE® dip treatment (450 and 900 µg mL-1). Pesticide residues were determined by GCECD. During the study, residue levels in ginger ranged between 3.6 and 10.6 mg Kg-1 for prochloraz.


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Este artigo relata a experiência do ensino de Habilidades e Atitudes, na graduação em Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) com a metodologia de ensino da Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas, ancorada no modelo biopsicossocial. O ensino de Habilidades e Atitudes implica a formulação diagnóstica mutiaxial, descrição contextual e padronizada da condição clínica. Utiliza como instrumento a avaliação sistemática de eixos e domínios altamente informativos e relevantes para o tratamento. Eixo I: transtornos clínicos (mentais e condições médicas gerais); Eixo II: incapacidades nos cuidados pessoais, funcionamento ocupacional e com a família, e funcionamento social mais amplo; Eixo III: fatores contextuais (problemas interpessoais e outros psicossociais e ambientais); Eixo IV: qualidade de vida (refletindo primariamente as percepções do próprio paciente). A competência clínica foi avaliada por meio da discussão de casos clínicos, portfólios reflexivos e pelo Exame Clínico Estruturado por Objetivo (Osce), método que avalia as habilidades clínicas, as habilidades de atitudes e a comunicação dos estudantes de Medicina.


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This study evaluated the contribution of agroforestry (AFS) and traditional systems to carbon sequestration and nutrient reserves in plants, litter and soil. The study was carried out in the semiarid region of Brazil in a long-term experiment on an experimental farm of the goat and sheep section of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). Two agroforestry systems were investigated: agrosilvopastoral (ASP) and forest-pasture areas (SP) as well as traditional agriculture management (TM), two areas left fallow after TM (six fallow years - F6 and nine fallow years - F9) and one area of preserved Caatinga vegetation (CAT). Soil, litter and plants were sampled from all areas and the contents of C, N, P, K, Ca and Mg per compartment determined. The AFS (ASP and SP) had higher nutrient stocks than the traditional and intermediate stocks compared to the preserved Caatinga. In the ASP, a relevant part of the nutrients extracted by crops is returned to the system by constant inputs of litter, weeding of herbaceous vegetation and cutting of the legume crops. After fallow periods of six and nine years, carbon and nutrient stocks in the compartments soil, litter and herbaceous plants were similar to those of the preserved Caatinga (CAT), but still lower than under natural conditions in the woody vegetation.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de infecção por Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) e Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) em mulheres candidatas ao tratamento tópico e de fertilização in vitro (FIV) em serviço público de referência da Região Sudeste do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Mulheres que tiveram indicação de FIV, no período de 1º de abril de 2008 a 31 de outubro de 2009, foram admitidas sequencialmente no estudo. Foi aplicado um questionário sobre antecedentes ginecológicos e obstétricos e coletada amostra de swab endocervical para pesquisa de CT e NG através de captura híbrida e PCR. As variáveis estudadas foram: faixa etária, cor, escolaridade, tempo de infertilidade, número de gestações e filhos vivos, antecedentes de aborto, gestação ectópica, número de parceiros, Doença Inflamatória Pélvica (DIP), cirurgia pélvica, manipulação de cavidade uterina, tabagismo e uso de drogas ilícitas. As mulheres foram distribuídas segundo presença ou não de infecção por clamídia e a análise foi descritiva. RESULTADOS: Entre as 176 mulheres estudadas a prevalência de infecção por CT foi de 1,1%, não houve infecção por NG. Dois terços das mulheres tinham idade >30 anos, escolaridade >8 anos, <5 anos de infertilidade e 56,2% não tinham filhos. Os principais antecedentes foram cirurgia pélvica (77,8%), manipulação de cavidade uterina (62,5%) e DIP (27,8%). O fator tubário foi o mais prevalente, em 129 mulheres (73,3%), 37,5% com e 35,8% sem laqueadura, os demais fatores tiveram prevalência <30%. CONCLUSÕES: As infecções por CT e NG tiveram baixa prevalência na amostra estudada e são necessários estudos em outros centros do país para confirmar a prevalência de infecções nesse grupo particular de mulheres inférteis.


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Ten outbreaks of anthrax occurred in cattle from 1978 to 2006 in southern Brazil, in 5 municipalities on the border with Uruguay, a country where the disease is frequent. The 10 outbreaks represented 0.2% of all bovine specimens received during the period by the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas, causing 267 deaths in a risk population of 6,605 head. The disease affected young and adult cattle mainly during summer. Only one farmer reported that sheep and horses were also affected. Clinically the peracute form was more frequent, but in some outbreaks the acute form with a clinical manifestation period of 6-48 hours was also observed. The source of infection was not established; but the reduced rainfall, associated with low, flat, flooded lands used for agriculture followed by animal grazing after harvest was probably related to the disease occurrence. Annual vaccination is an efficient way to prevent the disease.


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Phalaris angusta is a South American natural grass that produces poisoning in sheep and cattle in Argentina and Brazil. Phalaris spp. can produce unrelated forms of poisoning in ruminants, acute and chronic syndromes. The objective of this paper was to describe an outbreak of acute and chronic Phalaris nervous syndrome in 53 of 980 fattening steers and heifers in a farm of Buenos Aires province. On September of 2006 the animals developed nervous signs and died after 3-5 days. The herd was removed to a phalarisfree pasture. Three months later (on December) 15 new clinical cases developed in the herd. Necropsy performed in one affected calf showed neither grossly nor microscopic changes. Microscopically, there were no major alterations in tissues. Nervous signs had been described in some field cases where neither pigment deposition nor axonal degeneration could be detected. Clinical findings displayed by affected cattle after consumption of Phalaris angusta pastures resemble those observed by other authors in Phalaris staggers. This is the first report in Argentina where both syndromes were seen in the same herd.


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Pythiosis is caused by Pythium insidiosum and the occurrence of disease in horses was described in the North and Northwest State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The disease was described in cattle, sheep, humans, and horses in different states and regions across the country. This paper describes the development of IgY and IgG polyclonal antibodies, in chicken and rabbits, respectively against proteins extracted from kunkers and hyphae of P. insidiosum from affected horses. The proteins were recognized by chicken, rabbit and horse antibodies by immunodiffusion and Western blot against majority bands of 27 and 43 KDa, and titrated by ELISA. The antibodies IgY developed by the first time against Brazilian strains of P. insidiosum may represent a valuable tool in the detection of antigens of the pathogen and contribute to further studies aimed at immunotherapy and knowledge about this disease in endemic areas in Rio de Janeiro and in Brazil.