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Antibody response to Salmonella typhi O and H antigens was evaluated in 24 individuals with either hepatointestinal or hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni before and after typhoid vaccination, and compared with that of non-infected controls. Before vaccination, Schistosoma-infected patients showed a higher frequency of positive antibody to O antigen and the same frequency to H antigen when compared with that of healthy individuals. However, those with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis showed higher titres of antibody to H antigen than those with hepatointestinal disease or healthy individuals. Infected subjects, particularly those with hepatointestinal disease, showed a decreased response after typhoid vaccine. Tins diminished ability to mount an immune response towards typhoid antigens dining schistosomiasis may interfere ivith the clearance of the bacteria from blood stream and, therefore, play a role in the prolonged survival of salmonella as obsewed in some patients with chronic salmonellosis associated with schistosomiasis.


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E relatado o caso de uma mulher de 40 anos de idade com lupo eritematoso sistêmico, em uso de corticosterôídes, e salmonelose (Salmonella typhimurium) pulmonar grave. Associou-se ao caso cirrose septal incompleta. Os autores apontam possível papel da infecção pela salmonela na gênese de doenças por imunocomplexos.


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INTRODUCTION: In December 2001, an outbreak of foodborne gastroenteritis infected 114 of 161 people who ate at a restaurant in Aracaju, State of Sergipe, Brazil. METHODS: The epidemiological and microbiological aspects of the outbreak were characterized. RESULTS: Potato salad made with homemade mayonnaise and stored at unsuitable temperatures was associated with increased risk of foodborne infection. Salmonella Enteritidis was isolated from the diarrheal stools of the hospitalized patients, and genotyping of the fecal samples generated identical randomly amplified polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) profiles. CONCLUSIONS : To the best of our knowledge, this is the first and the only record of a gastrointestinal outbreak in Sergipe.


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Estudando a incidência de fatores infecciosos de resistência, em amostras de Salmonella, foi verificado apresentarem as amostras de S. typhi uma fraca habilidade receptora inicial a esses fatores.


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Na presente investigação, os autores estudaram a distribuição dos lisótipos Ví, tipos fermentativos e tetrationato-redutase, em 110 amostras de Salmonella typhi, isoladas no período de 1966-1970, no Estado da Guanabara. Para estabelecer uma melhor configuração epidemiológica dos resultados, fez-se a divisão do Estado em seis regiões, respectivamente as zonas Sul, Centro, Norte, da E. F. Central, da E. F. Leopoldina e rural. Obteve-se no cômputo geral, a prevalência dos lisótipos A (59,09%), E 1a (19,09%), T (7,27%) e amostras Vi negativas (4,55%). Verificou-se ainda, que cerca de 70,90% das culturas foram classificadas no tipo fermentativo II, segundo esquema de Kristensen e 95,42% das amostras revelaram-se positivas na prova de detecção da tetrationato-redutase.


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Examinando-se 158 amostras de águas cloacais, provenientes de uma estação de tratamento e de uma elevatória de esgotos, localizadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, fêz-se uma avaliação da eficiência de quatro meios de enriquecimento para Salmonella. Os meios empregados foram o caldo tetrationato, segundo Kauffmann, o meio de Rappaport e duas modificações deste meio, previamente descritas. Os resultados encontrados, evidenciaram a superioridade de um dos meios modificados da Rappaport, em que se fez a substituição do verde malaquiata por outro corante bacteriostático (Metachromgelb II RD) e com a inclusão de tetrationato, à fórmula original. A maior eficiência assinalada para este meio se baseou nos resultados obtidos do enriquecimento dos diferentes grupos sorológicos e particularmente dos quinze sorotipos mais incidentes de Salmonella enteritidis, na presente investigação.


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Fez-se uma análise da distribuicão da frequência dos lisotipos VI e dos tipos fermentativos segundo o esquema de Kristensen, em 1.150 amostras de Salmonella typhi, isoladas de diferentes regiões do Brasil (Pará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul). No computo geral, observou-se a prevalência dos lisotipos A (38,1%); Ela (18,9%); amostras VI negativas (16,6%); D6 (8,7%) I + IV (4,6%); T (2,3%) e C1 (2,1%) e a ocorrência de alguns tipos fágicos característicos para determinadas áreas (B3, C4 e 40 na Bahia; E1b, F2, G1 e L1 em São Paulo; E4 e 28 no Rio de Janeiro). Quanto a classificacão bioquímica, 55,2% das amostras caracterizaram-se no biotipo II (xilose e arabinose negativas), 44,2% no tipo fermentativo I (xilose positiva e arabinose negativas) e 0,52% no tipo III (xilose e arabinose positivas), respectivamente.


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Two new serovars of Salmonella from estuary waters of potengi river in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were isolated. They were named S. natal (9,12: z4, z24:-) and S. potengi (18;z: -). Both types belong to the subgenus I, or subspecies 1, thought they showed atypical behaviour (KCN +).


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Com o intuito de se obter marcadores epidemiológicos, foram analisadas 240 amostras de S. agona isoladas de diferentes fontes (humana, alimentar e ambiental) oriundas de cinco Estados brasileiros (MG,SP,RJ,PE e RS). O sestudo da sensibilidade a 15 antimicrobianos e codificação numérica dos perfis de resistência propiciou o reconhecimento de 56 biotipos antimicrobianos, enquanto foram evidenciadas 40 amostras produtoras de colicina, pertencentes aos tipos: Ia (55%); B (32,5%), Ib (10%) e não tipável (2,5%). A aplicação desses elementos numa diferenciação intra-sorotipo é discutida.


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A investigação teve por objetivo a avaliação de resistência a drogas dessa importante salmonela de distribuição cosmopolita. Nesse sentido, analisou-se a resistência a antibióticos e quimioterápicos de 240 amostras de S.agona isoladas de diferentes fontes (humana, alimentar e ambiental) provenientes de cinco estados brasileiros (MG, SP, RJ, PE e RS). Paralelamente, determinou-se a presença de fatores R em 26 estirpes representativas da amostragem.


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Six Salmonella Agona strains from an outbreak of 15 days duration which occurred in a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were analyzed. The outbreak involved six infants (mean age, 24 days; mean body weight, 1612 g), all of them with severe clinical signs and symptoms. Two of them had surgical implications, two were preterm and two had respiratory distress at birth. The Salmonella strains were resistant to nine antimicrobial agents (ampicillin, cephalotin, cefriaxone, gentamicin, amykacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol, and tetracyclin). Analysis of the plasmid pattern of the wild strains and of the transconjugants confirmed that these were identical strains.


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Poultry meat and its derivatives are among the foodstuffs considered by environmental health authorities to present the highest risks to the public. A total of 185 samples were collected in five monthly batches, from different processing stages in a sausage plant that uses mechanically-deboned chicken meat (MDCM), and testedfor the presence of Salmonella. Enrichment was carried out in both Kauffman's tetrathionate broth and Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth and isolation on Salmonella-Shigella agar and brilliant-green agar. Live Salmonella bacteria were isolated from six samples of the raw meat and from the emulsion, in batches three, four, and five, but not from any sample in batches one or two. The six isolated strains were all classified as Salmonella Albany, which has not previously been reported in MDCM. Of the two enrichment broths, Rappaport-Vassiliadis gave the better results. The pattern of contamination suggests a probable common source, given that a new supplier was used in the third, fourth, and fifth months. It was also shown that the industrial cooking was effective in preventing Salmonella surviving in the final product.


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Neuropathy and bone deformities, lifelong sequelae of leprosy that persist after treatment, result in significant impairment to patients and compromise their social rehabilitation. Phosphate-regulating gene with homologies to endopeptidase on the X chromosome (PHEX) is a Zn-metalloendopeptidase, which is abundantly expressed in osteoblasts and many other cell types, such as Schwann cells, and has been implicated in phosphate metabolism and X-linked rickets. Here, we demonstrate that Mycobacterium leprae stimulation downregulates PHEX transcription and protein expression in a human schwannoma cell line (ST88-14) and human osteoblast lineage. Modulation of PHEX expression was observed to a lesser extent in cells stimulated with other species of mycobacteria, but was not observed in cultures treated with latex beads or with the facultative intracellular bacterium Salmonella typhimurium. Direct downregulation of PHEX by M. leprae could be involved in the bone resorption observed in leprosy patients. This is the first report to describe PHEX modulation by an infectious agent.