95 resultados para Russian wheat aphid
The objective of this experiment was to determine the influence of different salt levels (zero, 15, 30, 45 and 60mM NaCl) on seed physiological quality of two wheat cultivars (BRS 177 and BRS 179). SUMMARIZE METHODOLOGY. The results allow the following conclusions: the physiological quality (germination and vigor) of wheat seeds, cultivars BRS 179 and BRS 177, decrease with the increase of the salinity. The wheat seeds cv. BRS 179 performs better than BRS 177, mainly in higher salt concentrations (³ 45mM of NaCl). The electric conductivity of wheat seeds increases in function of the increment of the saline concentrations.
The use of unconventional sources of K for plants has been widely studied, but the effects of alternative materials on physiological seed quality are still relatively unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of soybean and wheat seeds after using different potassium sources in a crop succession. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with four replications. Treatments consisted of three K sources (KCl, alkaline rock and ground phonolite, with 58%, 11% and 8.42% of K2O, respectively) applied in four doses (0, 25, 50 and 100 kg K2O ha-1). Potassium doses were applied in soybean and their residual effects were evaluated on the following wheat crop. Soybean and wheat seeds were evaluated immediately after harvesting by tests for moisture content, seed weight, germination, first count, electrical conductivity, seedling length and seedling dry matter. Soybean plants fertilized with alternative sources of K produced heavier seeds with a lower coat permeability compared to KCl; the physiological quality of soybean seeds and the weight of wheat seeds increase due to higher K2O doses, independently of their source.
The fungus Alternaria alternata was quantified in 75 wheat seed samples collected from three different regions of southern Brazil for Cropping and Use Value (CUV) I, II and III. Fungal presence was evaluated in two hundred disinfested seeds per sample before sowing in a potato-dextrose-agar medium + antibiotic (PDA+A). Fungus survival was evaluated every 45 days for 180 days for three seed batches from six wheat cultivars stored in propylene bags in a storehouse, with air temperature varying between 18 to 22 °C and relative air humidity around 60%. The efficacy of carboxin+thiram, difenoconazol, thiram, triadimenol, triticonazol and triticonazol + iprodione fungicides to control A. alternata was determined. A. alternata was detected in all the samples with an incidences of 39.6 %, 38.8% and 35.9% for the CUV I, CUV II and CUV III regions, respectively. The highest mean incidence of the fungus was found in the CUV I region, the coolest and most humid, and was significantly different from the other two regions. The average reduction in A. alternata viability in the wheat cultivar seeds was 49.5% during the 180 days of storage (inter-harvest period), demonstrating that infected seeds are the primary inoculum source for the fungus. The triticonazol + iprodione fungicide mixture efficiently controls A. alternata.
The objective of this study was to determine the responses of the wheat cultivars CD 108 and CD 111 for tolerance to organic acids. The effects of five concentrations of the three main acids formed in the soil were studied: acetic acid (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 mM), propionic acid (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 mM) and butyric acid (0, 2, 4, 8 and 12 mM). Tests included germination, shoot length, root length and dry weight of shoot and root. The variable root length is the most responsive variable for all the acids tested and the critical level of toxicity of acetic, propionic and butyric acids, which reduced root length by at least 50% was 9.0, 8.5 and 4.0 mM respectively. It was concluded that the presence of acetic, propionic and butyric acids in the germination substratum of wheat seeds of the cultivars CD 111 and CD 108 reduced seedling development, mainly by reducing the length of the radicles.
Nowadays, image analysis is one of the most modern tools in evaluating physiological potential of seeds. This study aimed at verifying the efficiency of the seedling imaging analysis to assess physiological potential of wheat seeds. The seeds of wheat, cultivars IAC 370 and IAC 380, each of which represented by five different lots, were stored during four months under natural environmental conditions of temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH), in municipality of Piracicaba, Stated of São Paulo, Brazil. For this, bimonthly assessments were performed to quantify moisture content and physiological potential of seeds by means of tests of: germination, first count, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, seedling emergence, and computerized analysis of seedlings, using the Seed Vigor Imaging System (SVIS®). It has been concluded that the computerized analyses of seedling through growth indexes and vigor, using the SVIS®, is efficient to assess physiological potential of wheat seeds.