122 resultados para Reino de Chile
O estudo focaliza a reconfiguração da gestão educacional a partir da nova lógica de regulação social e do novo papel do Estado, à luz da historicidade dos países estudados (Argentina, Brasil, Chile e México), examinando os fatores culturais que interferiram na dinâmica da reforma educacional da década de 90. Aspectos que evidenciam a homogeneidade e a heterogeneidade dessa reforma na região, bem como as especificidades nacionais que intervieram em sua concretização, são destacados. Afirma que a historicidade que caracteriza a realidade educacional tem sofrido, no México, o que poderíamos denominar "ruptura conservadora"; no Chile, "continuidade conservadora"; no Brasil, "renovação conservadora"; e, na Argentina, "ruptura interrompida". Recupera algumas conclusões alcançadas por meio da análise de 186 textos de caráter acadêmico sobre os impactos, nos países estudados, da reforma educacional da década.
El estudio analiza las actitudes de profesores de Chile (N = 92) y Costa Rica (N = 126) hacia la educación inclusiva. Para ello, plantea como objetivos: a. identificar las medidas que favorecen la educación inclusiva en ambos colectivos de profesorado; b. conocer los recursos y apoyos con que cuenta el profesorado para favorecer la educación inclusiva; y c. valorar los principios de la educación inclusiva que subyacen a sus prácticas docentes. Adoptamos un enfoque cuantitativo a través de un diseño descriptivo de tipo encuesta. Los resultados indican que, en general, los profesores participantes presentan una actitud positiva hacia la inclusión, incorporando diferentes medidas para atender las necesidades educativas especiales del alumnado. Los recursos materiales y el tiempo continúan siendo percibidos por el profesorado como una limitante para el desarrollo de prácticas inclusivas.
Durante la última década, en Chile se ha consolidado un modelo de gestión de las vulnerabilidades que posicionó a la familia como un agente central de la política social. A partir de un estudio cualitativo sobre las prácticas de intervención domiciliaria y sobre las formas de administración de la asistencia en los hogares, indago cómo estas políticas de la vulnerabilidad transforman y estructurar sexuadamente las dinámicas familiares. Analizando tres actos-dispositivos característicos de este tipo políticas - focalizar, transferir y visitar - , muestro cómo la intervención produce e induce valoraciones al lugar asignado a los géneros a partir de los cuales las familias organizan sus relaciones sociales "puertas adentro".
El mundo digital rompe completamente con la secuencia y linealidad característica en la lectura del texto impreso, incorporando además sonidos e imágenes. Chile, no ha quedado ajeno a este proceso de cambios. Es así como en el año 98' se inició con el trabajo de un grupo de expertos, la definición de políticas públicas asociadas con las nuevas tecnologías a objeto de impulsar la universalización del acceso, el desarrollo de nuevas capacidades competitivas y la modernización del Estado. Otro hito importante fue la elaboración de la denominada Agenda Digital que también fijó medidas concretas en esta materia para el bienio 2004-2006. Dentro de estos documentos, queremos destacar en especial la política de equidad en el acceso a la información. En la ejecución práctica se cita el caso BiblioRedes, programa que ofrece internet y capacitación gratis en 378 bibliotecas públicas distribuidas en todo Chile, cuyos resultados han sido reconocidos internacionalmente.
Oito bactérias endofíticas de plântulas de pimenta-do-reino foram testadas em casa de vegetação, objetivando controlar Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis e avaliar respostas morfofisiológicas das plantas tratadas com os agentes de controle. Plantas com quatro meses de idade tiveram o sistema radicular tratado com as suspensões bacterianas (10(9) ufc mL-1) por 10 minutos, e foram plantadas em vasos com solo natural infestado artificialmente com o patógeno (0,25%). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições para avaliar o comportamento fotossintético, a produção e a alocação de biomassa, e cinco repetições para avaliar a mortalidade das plantas. As avaliações foram feitas 120 dias após a instalação do ensaio. O isolado B0 (Methylobacterium radiotolerans) controlou F. solani f. sp. piperis, provocando redução significativa do número de plantas mortas. Na ausência do patógeno, M. radiotolerans funcionou ainda como promotor de crescimento. Os demais isolados testados não apresentaram efeito na diminuição da mortalidade das plantas. A aplicação das bactérias endofíticas não afetou a taxa fotossintética instantânea das plantas, à exceção de B6, que teve efeito negativo. As plantas tratadas com M. radiotolerans priorizaram a alocação de carbono para a parte aérea.
Los fertilizantes fosforados pueden contener cadmio (Cd) y al utilizarlos pueden entrar en las cadenas tróficas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la fertilización fosforada sobre la concentración de Cd disponible en cuatro tipos de suelos de Chile, que pertenecían a los ordenes Inceptisol, Alfisol, Ultisol y Andisol. Los dos tratamientos usados fueron el testigo sin fertilización y la aplicación de una dosis de corrección con un fertilizante comercial, superfosfato triple (SFT), que tenía una concentración de 53,2 mg de Cd por kg de fertilizante. La dosis de fertilizante aplicada fue la necesaria para alcanzar un nivel de 30 mg kg-1 de POlsen. Los suelos se incubaron en estufa durante 90 días, a 25ºC y humedad de capacidad de campo. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar, con tres repeticiones para cada suelo y donde la unidad experimental fue un contenedor con 250 g de suelo seco. Se midió Cd disponible a los 1, 2, 7, 14, 21, 36, 49, 63, 77 y 90 días después de la incubación. La aplicación de P en dosis agronómica, utilizando fertilizante con alto contenido de Cd, tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo sobre la concentración de Cd disponible en los suelos estudiados, sin embargo, no hubo efecto del tiempo de incubación en la disponibilidad de Cadmio.
O objetivo desse estudo foi o de caracterizar as limitações nutricionais para a produção de matéria seca do maxixe-do-reino, Cyclanthera pedata (L.) Schrad. Foram realizados dois cultivos sucessivos, em vasos de 3 dm³ de solo. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em treze tratamentos, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram baseados na técnica do elemento faltante (em que se omite a calagem e cada um dos macronutrientes e micronutrientes). A produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e raiz foi reduzida pela acidez do solo e baixa disponibilidade de macronutrientes, principalmente P, Ca, Mg e S; as plantas foram pouco afetadas pela baixa disponibilidade de micronutrientes.
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las preferencias y disposición a pagar por consumo de uva de mesa orgánica. Específicamente, se buscó determinar la utilidad y jerarquizar los atributos más importantes que consideran los individuos al momento de la elección de uva de mesa y determinar la disposición a pagar por uva de mesa orgánica en la Región del Maule, Chile. Se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra probabilística y estratificada por niveles socioeconómico en los hogares en los principales centros urbanos de la región. Se utilizó el método de análisis conjunto a fin de determinar las preferencias de los individuos por los distintos atributos y el método de valoración contingente para determinar el monto medio de sobreprecio que una persona está dispuesta a pagar por un kilo de uva orgánica. Igualmente se calculó la disposición a pagar marginal vía el método de análisis conjunto. Se determinó que el atributo más importante a la hora de adquirir este bien es el precio, mientras que la mezcla de atributos que más tiene utilidad por orden de importancia es el sabor dulce, de producción orgánica, que no posea semillas y de piel delgada.Además, se estimó que las personas están dispuestas a pagar un sobreprecio por la uva de mesa orgánica, abriendo nuevas oportunidades de negocios para el sector frutícola.
In 2007 (the last agricultural census), Chile had 308, 445 ha of fruit orchards: an increase of almost 32% from the previous census (1997). The most important species were table grapes (20%), avocados (13%) and apples (12%). Some 22% of the fruit crops growing area corresponded to juvenile orchards; within the species with higher proportion of juvenile orchards were prunes (42%) and blueberries (56%). Most orchards are located between latitude 27º18` S (Copiapó) and 40º36´S (Puerto Varas). The industry is driven by the export component which accounts for more than 50% of the fruits produced. In the crop season 2009-2010, approximately 254 million boxes (around 2.5 million tons) were exported, representing over US$ 3.5 million. Processed and fresh fruits represented 8.2 and 26.7% of the total forest and agricultural Chilean exports in 2008, respectively. The main markets for this fruits were USA/Canada (42%) and Europe (32%). The fruit grower receives, on average, 12-16% of the total price of the fruit in its final destination. Each year the fruit industry employs 450.000 people directly, of which 1/3 are permanent. Even though the fruit industry employs the highest proportion of the agricultural labor and the growing area has increased in the last 20 years, the proportion of agricultural employment has decreased from 19.5% in 1989 to 10.8% in 2008. It might also be noted that Chile invests only 0.7% of the GDP in research. In the last 40 years, the fruit industry has been a motor for the Chilean economic development, but the lower rates of currency exchange, the rising costs of energy (oil, electricity), and the increasing scarcity of hand labor have drastically reduced the profitability and are putting at risk the viability of a large proportion of the fruit orchards in Chile. It is estimated that this season around 65% of the orchards will have a negative economic balance in their operations. Higher investment in research, improvements in fruit quality and various orchard management practices, as well as higher financial support from the Government are needed for the long term viability of the fruit industry in Chile.
Chile has become a major actor in the blueberry industry as the most important supplier of off-season fresh fruit for the northern hemisphere. Blueberry exports passed from US$ 30 million (around 4,000 tons) in 2000 to US$ 380 million (94,000 tons) in 2011. The characteristics of the major blueberry growing regions (North, Central, South-central and South) are presented in terms of acreage, varieties, management practices, extension of the harvest season, and soil and climatic conditions. Most fruit is from highbush varieties, picked by hand and exported fresh by boat to United States. Largest proportion of fruit is exported from mid December to late January, which coincides with lowest prices. The south-central region (latitudes 34º50' to 38º15' S) was in 2007 the most important one with 5,075 ha (51.1% of area planted). Among the challenges for the Chilean blueberry industry in the near future are: 1. Lower profitability due to lower rates of currency exchange and higher costs, 2 - Greater scarcity and higher cost of labor, 3.- Need for higher productivity and sustainable production practices, 4- Fruit of high and consistent quality, and 5.- Greater investment in research. As a case study the article presents three approaches that can help identify areas with low availability of labor and improve its efficiency. The article shows the use of geomatic tools to establish labor availability, application of growth regulators to reduce crop load, increase fruit size and improve harvest efficiency, and the use of shakers to harvest fresh fruit for long distance markets. More research is needed to improve yields, reduce costs and give greater economical and ecological sustainability to the Chilean blueberry industry.
The kiwi is a fruit that, has only been in Europe for about 60 years, which signifies a great potential for the development of its consumption and great difficulty in the educational process of the product. Currently there is a growing increase in world production, which to date is above the growth in demand. This means that the kiwi categories are not growing significantly and, on the contrary, the kiwi is at a crossroad that will be resolved in the coming years. The changing global economic scenario affects high-value products such as kiwis, making it hard to predict their commercial results. The worldwide market has clearly indicated through the demand and the prices that it is interested in the sweeter yellow varieties. Asian markets have been and are expected to continue to grow. The increase in world production has also generated overlap in stocks between the hemispheres, which makes it necessary to closely monitor commercial strategies regarding the start and end of the season. In this way, the market entry of the southern hemisphere kiwifruit is conditioned according to the presence of fruit from the Northern Hemisphere. The unique features and uses of the kiwi make it one of the most interesting fruits present in the world. For this reason it is also a fruit with high purchase value. In spite of the described variables and market trends, there is a growing demand for consuming better quality kiwis and willingness to pay a higher price.
In Chile, the cherry tree has been one of the fastest growing and most profitable crops in the last ten years. However, increasing production costs, the scarcity of hired labor, and unfavorable exchange rates have reduced the productivity and competitiveness of the Chilean fruit sector. The aim of this article is to evaluate the harvest labor quality in cherry growing in Chile through the use of productivity indicators. A harvest labor evaluation system (HLES) was designed and four indicators were measured: Average Weight of Harvested Box, Average Daily Production per Worker, Percent of Export Fruit, and Percent of Fruit Discarded. Significant differences werefound between the 2010/11 season (with the HLES implementation) and the previous seasons without HLES. The average worker yield, average weight of a filled box, and fruit quality improved, while the amount of discarded fruit decreased. Hired labor management in agriculture is crucial for improving the productivity of the fresh fruit export producers. The use of HLES and the adoption of new technologies could help to solve the competitiveness problem in the Chilean fruit sector.
ABSTRACT The traditional method of net present value (NPV) to analyze the economic profitability of an investment (based on a deterministic approach) does not adequately represent the implicit risk associated with different but correlated input variables. Using a stochastic simulation approach for evaluating the profitability of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) production in Chile, the objective of this study is to illustrate the complexity of including risk in economic feasibility analysis when the project is subject to several but correlated risks. The results of the simulation analysis suggest that the non-inclusion of the intratemporal correlation between input variables underestimate the risk associated with investment decisions. The methodological contribution of this study illustrates the complexity of the interrelationships between uncertain variables and their impact on the convenience of carrying out this type of business in Chile. The steps for the analysis of economic viability were: First, adjusted probability distributions for stochastic input variables (SIV) were simulated and validated. Second, the random values of SIV were used to calculate random values of variables such as production, revenues, costs, depreciation, taxes and net cash flows. Third, the complete stochastic model was simulated with 10,000 iterations using random values for SIV. This result gave information to estimate the probability distributions of the stochastic output variables (SOV) such as the net present value, internal rate of return, value at risk, average cost of production, contribution margin and return on capital. Fourth, the complete stochastic model simulation results were used to analyze alternative scenarios and provide the results to decision makers in the form of probabilities, probability distributions, and for the SOV probabilistic forecasts. The main conclusion shown that this project is a profitable alternative investment in fruit trees in Chile.
The toxicity of surface waters in a zone with mining activity in the Aconcagua River was determined through growth inhibition bioassays of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, and correlated with heavy metal concentrations. Results show that the waters near the discharge of the mining effluent displayed toxicity during all periods of study; the molybdenum and copper concentration exceeded the norms of water quality. The correlations between the concentrations of metals and the growth rate of P. subcapitata varied in the different periods of the study; inverse and significant correlations with copper stand out in some periods.
Trace metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) enrichment, availability and contamination in superficial sediments of three interconnected urban lagoons localized in Concepción-Chile, were evaluated. According to the results of geochemical fracctionation analysis, Cu and Pb are rather associated with oxi-hydroxides, Cd is associated with exchangeable and carbonates fraction, while Zn is mainly associated with organic, oxi-hydroxides and residual fraction. The estimation of the availability percentages indicate that Cu is the most mobile metal and the less mobile is the Cd. An evaluation of the geo-accumulation index and urban industrial pollution allowed to classify the studied zone as moderately to highly contaminated.