171 resultados para Pasteurized orange


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O interesse pela cultura do melão no Brasil tem aumentado muito nos últimos anos, pelas crescentes exportações e pelo incremento no consumo do mercado interno. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características físicas e químicas, assim como a atividade da pectinametilesterase dos frutos de tipos de melão (Cucumis melo L.), produzidos em ambiente protegido, no município de Centenário do Sul-PR. Os tipos estudados foram: Valenciano ('Amarelo-Ouro'), Caipira ('Gaúcho Caipira'), Net Melon ('Net Galia'), Orange ('Orange Melon') e Pele-de-Sapo ('Filipo'), com cinco repetições, utilizando seis frutos por repetição em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os frutos do Valenciano e Pele-de-Sapo destacaram-se quanto à massa, com valores 2,02 e 2,07 kg, respectivamente, e formatos alongados, enquanto os demais tipos apresentaram formatos arredondados e massa em torno de 1,4 kg. Os melões Pele-de-Sapo apresentaram espessura da polpa de 43,36 mm, estatisticamente superior à dos frutos Valenciano, com 38,98 mm. A menor espessura de polpa, 24,78 cm, e a maior espessura de casca, 9,74 mm, foram encontradas nos frutos do tipo Caipira que diferiu estatisticamente dos outros tipos. Os valores de pH não se apresentaram estatisticamente diferentes e variaram de 6,24 a 6,48. O Net Melon apresentou polpa com 12,3ºBrix e diferiu estatisticamente do Orange, Valenciano e Pele-de-Sapo, com 11;12; 10,34 e 9,94 ºBrix, respectivamente. O Caipira atingiu 5,06ºBrix, e também o menor conteúdo de acidez, 0,10 g de ac. cítrico.100-1 g de suco, o que inviabiliza sua comercialização. A atividade da pectinametilesterase na polpa dos frutos foi muito baixa, inferior a 0,005 PEu x 10(4) mL-1, nos cinco tipos avaliados. Na região norte do Paraná (Vale do Paranapanema), sob condições de cultivo protegido, os melões Pele-de-Sapo, Net Melon, Orange e Valenciano apresentaram boas características físicas e químicas dos frutos, destacando-se o Net Melon pelo teor de sólidos solúveis totais, acima de 12ºBrix.


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Passiflora edulis, the passion fruit native from Brazil, has several common names (such as sour passion fruit, yellow passion fruit, black passion fruit, and purple passion fruit), and presents a wide variability with the different rind colors of its fruits, which are very easy to notice. However, in 1932, Otto Degener suggested that the yellow passion fruit had its origin in Australia through breeding, calling it P. edulis forma flavicarpa, and that it could be distinguished by the color of the fruit, the deeper shade of purple of the corona, and the presence of glands on the sepals. These distinctions do not support themselves, for the glands are common to the species (although they may be absent), and the corona has a wide range of colors, regardless of the color of the fruit. A more critical ingredient is the fact that the external coloration of the fruit is a character of complex inheritance and is not dominant, thus displaying a number of intermediate colors, making it difficult to identify the extreme colors. For the correct scientific naming of agricultural plants, the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature must be used in conjunction with the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, with the selections with significant agronomic characteristics recognized and named cultivars. In accordance with the international convention promoted by the UPOV, of which Brazil is a signatory, several colors (light yellow, yellow, orange yellow, pink red, red, red purple, green purple, purple, and dark purple) can be recognized in order to adequately characterize passion fruit cultivars within the species P. edulis. At taxonomic level, Passiflora edulis Sims must be used for any plant and color of sour passion fruits, in combination with a cultivar name for the selected materials.


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Sap flow could be used as physiological parameter to assist irrigation of screen house citrus nursery trees by continuous water consumption estimation. Herein we report a first set of results indicating the potential use of the heat dissipation method for sap flow measurement in containerized citrus nursery trees. 'Valencia' sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] budded on 'Rangpur' lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) was evaluated for 30 days during summer. Heat dissipation probes and thermocouple sensors were constructed with low-cost and easily available materials in order to improve accessibility of the method. Sap flow showed high correlation to air temperature inside the screen house. However, errors due to natural thermal gradient and plant tissue injuries affected measurement precision. Transpiration estimated by sap flow measurement was four times higher than gravimetric measurement. Improved micro-probes, adequate method calibration, and non-toxic insulating materials should be further investigated.


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The ability of isolates of Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma spp. to control citrus black spot (CBS) was investigated in ´Natal´ sweet orange orchards. The first experiment was conducted during the 2001/2002 season and four isolates of B. subtilis (ACB-AP3, ACB-69, ACB-72 and ACB-77), applied every 28 days, alone or in combination were tested and compared with fungicide treatments. Two other experiments were carried out during the 2002/2003 season, where the same isolates of Bacillus and two isolates of Trichoderma (ACB-14 and ACB-40) were tested being applied every 28 days in the second experiment, and every 15 days in the third experiment. In the first experiment, the treatment with ACB-69 differed statistically from the control, but did not differ from other biological control agents or mixture of Bacillus isolates. In the second experiment, the treatments with ACB-69 and ACB-AP3 resulted in smaller disease index compared with the control treatment. However, this result was not repeated in the third experiment, where the isolates were applied every 15 days. Disease severity was high in both evaluated seasons and the fungicide treatment was the most effective for disease control.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar a avaliação genética da produção de frutos, eficiência produtiva e altura de laranjeiras Valência (Citrus sinensis) enxertadas em seleções e híbridos dos limões Cravo (C. limonia), Volkameriano (C. volkameriana) e Rugoso (C. jambhiri), em área endêmica para morte súbita dos citros (MSC). Foram avaliados 36 genótipos desses porta-enxertos, representados por cinco plantas cada, avaliados em cinco safras, do terceiro ao sétimo ano após o plantio. Sete dos genótipos avaliados apresentaram plantas com sintomas de MSC até o sétimo ano: Rangpur Otaheite orange 12901 (859), Rangpur Red Lime D.33.30 (866), Limão-Cravo EEL (871), Rangpur Borneo red (874), Citrus kokhai (1649), Limão-Rugoso 58329 (1655) e Limão- Cravo x Swingle B (1695). Para os genótipos que não manifestaram sintomas da doença, foram estimados parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos e realizada a predição de valores genéticos dos indivíduos, visando à seleção e ao melhoramento genético para as características citadas, empregando-se o método REML/BLUP (máxima verossimilhança restrita/melhor predição linear não viciada). A análise de produção de frutos de cinco safras mostrou acurácia seletiva de 84,59%, tornando-se desnecessária a avaliação de maior número de safras. A seleção dos sete melhores genótipos proporcionou ganhos genéticos de 11,5% na produção de frutos, enquanto a do melhor genótipo conferiu ganho genético de 16,3%. As maiores médias genéticas preditas (>70,0 kg.pl-1) para produção de frutos foram obtidas pelos genótipos Limão-Cravo- Ipanema (1522), Santa- Bárbara-Red- Lime (884), Limão- Cravo- Limeira (863), Limão- Cravo- Taquaritinga (869), Limão- Rugoso- do -Cabo (1643), Rangpur- Rose Lime (868) e Limão- Cravo- da- Califórnia (1467). Já a acurácia seletiva da eficiência produtiva, para quatro colheitas, foi 77,4%. Para este caráter, as maiores médias genéticas (>8,0 kg.m-3) foram dos genótipos Rangpur- Lime x Trifoliata 3810 (1648), Rangpur- Lime x Trifoliata 5320 (1644), Limão- Cravo x Citrange- Carrizo (1524), Citrus pennivesiculata (880), Limão- Cravo x Trifoliata- Swingle A (1707), Rangpur- Rose- Lemon 124684 (864), Rangpur- Red -Lime D33.47 (867) e Limão- Cravo -Ipanema (1522). Dentre os 10 melhores genótipos para produção de frutos e para eficiência produtiva, apenas três são coincidentes: Rangpur- Rose -Lime (868), Citrus pennivesiculata (880) e Limão- Cravo-Ipanema (1522).


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The citrus nursery tree is produced through the bud grafting process, in which rootstock is usually grown from seed germination. The objective of this research was to evaluate, in two dissimilar environmental conditions, the viability and polyembryony expression of five citrus rootstocks seeds stored in different periods under refrigeration. The rootstock varieties evaluated were: Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osb. cv. Limeira), Trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata Raf. cv. Limeira), Citrumelo (P. trifoliata x C. paradisi Macf. cv. Swingle), Sunki mandarin (C. sunki Hort. ex Tanaka) and Volkamer lemon (C. volkameriana Ten. & Pasq. cv. Catania 2). The experimental design was the randomized blocks in a 11 x 5 x 2 factorial scheme, evaluating from time zero to the tenth month of storage, the five varieties of rootstock in two environments: germination and growth B.O.D type chamber (Biological Oxygen Demand - Eletrolab Brand Model FC 122) at 25 °C; and greenhouse seedbed with partial temperature control (22 °C to 36 °C) and humidity control (75-85%). The plot had 24 seeds in four replicates, using trays with substrate in greenhouse and Petri dishes with filter paper in B.O.D. chamber. The seed germination rate and polyembryony expression were evaluated monthly. It was concluded that Trifoliate and Citrumelo Swingle seeds can be stored for up to seven months, while Volkamer lemon, Rangpur lime and Sunki seeds can be stored for up to ten months. The polyembryony expression rate was slightly higher when measured in greenhouse than in B.O.D. chamber and remained stable in both environments until the seventh month, from which dropped sharply. Citrumelo Swingle seeds expressed the highest polyembryony rate (18.8%), followed by Rangpur lime and Volkamer lemon (average value of 13.7%), Sunki (9.4%) and Trifoliate (3.2%). Despite some differences among varieties, the viability of rootstock stored seeds can be monitored either in the greenhouse or in B.O.D. germination chamber, the latter being the faster and more suitable method.


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This study evaluated the effect of initial pH values of 4.5, 6.5 and 8.5 of the attractant (protein bait) Milhocina® and borax (sodium borate) in the field, on the capture of fruit flies in McPhail traps, using 1, 2, 4 and 8 traps per hectare, in order to estimate control thresholds in a Hamlin orange grove in the central region of the state of São Paulo. The most abundant fruit fly species was Ceratitis capitata, comprising almost 99% of the fruit flies captured, of which 80% were females. The largest captures of C. capitata were found in traps baited with Milhocina® and borax at pH 8.5. Captures per trap for the four densities were similar, indicating that the population can be estimated with one trap per hectare in areas with high populations. It was found positive relationships between captures of C. capitata and the number of Hamlin oranges damaged, 2 and 3 weeks after capture. It was obtained equations that correlate captures and damage levels which can be used to estimate control thresholds. The average loss caused in Hamlin orange fruits by C. capitata was 2.5 tons per hectare or 7.5% of production.


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ABSTRACT The citriculture consists in several environmental risks, as weather changes and pests, and also consists in considerable financial risk, mainly due to the period ofreturn on the initial investment. This study was motivated by the need to assess the risks of a business activity such as citriculture. Our objective was to build a stochastic simulation model to achieve the economic and financial analysis of an orange producer in the Midwest region of the state of Sao Paulo, under conditions of uncertainty. The parameters used were the Net Present Value (NPV), the Modified Internal Rate of Return(MIRR), and the Discounted Payback. To evaluate the risk conditions we built a probabilistic model of pseudorandom numbers generated with Monte Carlo method. The results showed that the activity analyzed provides a risk of 42.8% to reach a NPV negative; however, the yield assessed by MIRR was 7.7%, higher than the yield from the reapplication of the positive cash flows. The financial investment pays itself after the fourteenth year of activity.


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Penicillium citrinum grown in orange juice processing wastes medium under continuous agitation was studied in order to establish optimal conditions (incubation period, incubation temperature, initial pH and nitrogen addition) for biomass and ribonuclease production, as well as, biological depuration of the wastes. Nitrogen addition to wastes medium increased the biomass and ribonuclease production and provides COD reduction. The soy meal shows to be the best nitrogen source. The conditions for a more favorable enzyme and biomass production and COD reduction were initial pH 6.0 and temperature of 27°C. The maximum value obtained for these parameters on optimal conditions of cultivation was 11 U/mL of enzyme, 4 mg/mL of biomass (dry matter) and 55% of COD reduction, in 96 hours of incubation.


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This article describes the combination of low- and high-pressure flow systems for the determination of Magnesium, Calcium and Strontium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). In the low-pressure system a short C-18 RP column (length 0,5 cm) was utilized for the preconcentration/matrix separation step, xylenol orange was used as chelating agent and tetrabutylamonium acetate for ion pair formation. The hydraulic high pressure nebulization (HHPN) was used for sample transport and sample introduction in the high pressure system. The repeatabilities and detection limits for Mg, Ca and Sr were determined and compared with those obtained by pneumatic nebulization (PN). The results show that the detection limits obtained using the HHPN for Mg, Ca and Sr are between 1.5 to 2 times better than those obtained by PN when the signal transient was measured in area. The system presented a sampling frequency of 130 h-1 for direct determination of Mg, Ca or Sr in samples of saturated sodium chloride used in the production of chlorine and sodium hydroxide.


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A simple method of home made preparation and physical-chemical characterization of orange wine was investigated. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used as inoculum for wine-making by fermentation. Chemical compositions related to the aroma components seems to be very similar between grape and orange wines.


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A rapid and sensitive method is described for the determination of clofentezine residues in apple, papaya, mango and orange. The procedure is based on the extraction of the sample with a hexane:ethyl acetate mixture (1:1, v/v) and liquid chromatographic analysis using UV detection. Mean recoveries from 4 replicates of fortified fruit samples ranged from 81% to 96%, with coefficients of variation from 8.9% to 12.5%. The detection and quantification limits of the method were of 0.05 and 0.1 mg kg-1, respectively.


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This work presents zinc determination in certain medicines that contain zinc oxide and zinc undecylenate. The technique consists of a spectrophotometric micro-scale titration, where EDTA is used as titrant, and xylenol orange as an indicator, in a medium adjusted to pH = 6 with acetic acid and sodium acetate. After each added portion of EDTA, the absorbance value is measured at a selected wavelength, in order to detect the end-point of the spectrophotometric titration. The results already obtained are satisfactory and promote student's interest. An additional contribution intends to propose the use of micro-scale techniques.


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In this work the degradation of aqueous solutions of reactive azo-dyes is reported using a combined reductive/advanced oxidative process based in the H2O2/zero-valent iron system. At optimized experimental conditions (pH 7, H2O2 100 mg L-1, iron 7 g L-1) and using a continuous system containing commercial iron wool, the process afforded almost total discolorization of aqueous solutions of three reactive azo-dyes (reactive orange 16, reactive black 5 and brilliant yellow 3G-P) at a hydraulic retention time of 2.5 min. At these conditions the hydrogen peroxide is almost totally consumed while the released total soluble iron reaches a concentration compatible with the current Brazilian legislation (15 mg L-1).


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Very often hydrochloric acid is employed in acidification operations aiming to dissolve the mineral matrix in petroleum wheel operations, which always require intense use of corrosion inhibitors. This work presents an evaluation of common indicators, phenolfthaleine, fluorescein, methylene blue, alizarine S and methyl orange, as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in HCl 15% w/v at temperatures of 26, 40 and 60 ºC. Fluorescein and methyl orange show excelent corrosion inhibition efficiencies at 26 ºC; however at 60 ºC only fluorescein shows good corrosion inhibition when employed with alcohol and/or formaldehyde. For the fluorescein 1% w/v + formaldehyde 0.6% w/v mixture we present polarization and impedance curves and adsorption isotherms.