171 resultados para Palm oil.


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Physiological and biochemical aspects of assai palm during seed germination and early seedling growth were investigated. Seeds collected from plants growing in flooded and upland forests were used to determine the influence of normoxic (aerobic) and anoxic (anaerobic) conditions in germination and the initial and average time of development in the roots and shoots. After 75 days, seedlings germinated under normoxia were transferred to trays and submitted to flooding. Seed reserves (lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch) were monitored for quiescent and germinated seeds maintained under normoxic and anoxic conditions, as well as after 5, 10 and 20 days of seedling growth. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity was quantified in roots and leaves of seedlings without or with flooding (partial and total). Seeds were not able to germinate under anoxia. Different strategies of storage mobilization of lipids, proteins, soluble sugars and starch were observed in seeds of each environment. ADH activity was induced by anoxia, with the highest level observed in the leaves. This study showed that, under normoxic conditions, the best developmental performance of assai palm seeds, from flooded or upland forest areas, during germination was associated with primary metabolites mobilization and seedling flooding tolerance with increased ADH activity. We conclude that the assai palm is well adapted to the anoxic conditions provoked by flooding.


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Fruits and almond from the dendezeiro, oil palmbelonging to the Elaeis genus,are widely used for the production of cookingoils or for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.In the last decade, this oil palm also emerged as a promising source for commercialbiofuel production. This study evaluated the effect of different culture media, MS (MURASHIGUE AND SKOOG) and Y3 (EEUWENS)and carbohydrates duringin vitro germination of zygotic embryos, the effect of growth regulators GA3, NAA and BA Ponin vitro seedling development, and the survival rate of acclimatized seedlingsof Manicoré hybrid (Elaeis oleifera x E. guineensis). Zygotic embryos were inoculated on MS and modified Y3 media, supplemented with different sucrose concentrations (30, 45, and 60 gL-1) or sorbitol (36 gL-1), and the germination rate was evaluated after 30 days. Subsequently, seedlings were transferred to modified Y3 culture medium supplemented with differentGA3 concentrations (3.5 and 7 mgL-1) or without it, combined or not with 1 mgL-1 of NAA, 5 mgL-1 of BAP.The highest germinationpercentage of germinated embryos (92%) was observed in MS medium supplemented with 36 gL-1 sorbitol. Culture media supplemented with growth regulatorsGA3, NAA and BAP promoted greater shoot lengththan control media. Rooted seedlings showed high survival percentage (85%) during acclimatization.


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ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to morphologically characterize fruits of the babassu palm tree (Attalea vitrivir) and to estimate their productivity in the north of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Twenty mature fruits were collected from 10 plants in three different areas in Januária, Minas Gerais. Eighteen biometric parameters of the fruits were measured, the oil contents of the seeds was determined, the adherence to normal distribution was evaluated, distribution frequencies were evaluated and the effects of individuals and areas on the variables and the correlations between them were analyzed. The production of fruit bunches per plant and the number of fruits per bunch from 10 plants were quantified in three areas and the potential production under both natural harvesting and cultivation conditions were estimated. Significant differences were found among all of the biometric parameters examined between the different individuals and the different areas, which shows wide morphological variability in the fruits. The average oil content was 45.7%, but with significant differences among individuals. The observed variability favors the selection of productive individuals in genetic improvement programs. The potential productivity of endocarps and oil based on a density of 400/plants per hectare would be respectively 6.4 and 1.2 tons/ha, which indicates the possibility of using A. vitrivir for producing charcoal, bio fuels, and for carbon fixation.


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ABSTRACT The macaw palm [Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lood. ex Mart] has been domesticated to subsidize biodiesel production programs in Brazil. However, little is known about the seedling production of this species. This study aimed to evaluate substrate mixtures, limestone and phosphorus rates for substrate amendment and topdressing frequency in macaw palm seedlings. Three trials were conducted in a greenhouse up to six months of nursery cultivation. Trial 1: determination of percent mineral and organic fractions of seven substrate mixtures. Trial 2: evaluation of four limerates for soil amendment versus four phosphorus rates. Trial 3: evaluation of N, K and Mg topdressing frequency. Significant differences were found in the three trials for most of the variables (plant height, leaf number, shoot dry mass, root dry mass, vigor and bulb diameter). The main results obtained were as follow: Trial1 - the best seedling growth was observed in substrates with at least 25% organic matter. Trial2 -lime rates ranging from 0.50 to 1.25 kg associated with 3 to 4 kg of single superphosphate per m3 of substrate provided the best seedling growth. Trial 3 - topdressing fertilization provided better development of seedlings regardless of frequency.


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The energy balance for the production of sunflower oil and cake was carried out during the agricultural and industrial stage phase, where it was considered a cold extraction by hydraulic pressing, with the plant location in a rural area with a radius of 30km range. Data on productivity was used in two varieties of sunflower (Helio 358 and Aguará 04) grown in different seasons (2007/2008, 2008/2009), under different irrigation levels. Data showed that irrigation resulted in an increase in productivity of both varieties, and the best response was observed for Aguará 04 variety. Moreover, the increased intensity of irrigation negatively affected the energy balance, reducing the ratio between energy produced and energy used in the production chain. The most significant inputs in the energy intake were fertilizer followed by diesel oil, when irrigation was not used for. When the irrigation technique was used, the most significant inputs, in order of representativeness, were: energy, fertilizer and equipment.


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Brazil is doing a major effort to find alternatives to diesel oil as combustible. Some study lines are oriented to the development of vegetable oils used as fuel, as a source of getting cheaper and have higher energy density than the converted vegetable oils, and less risk of environmental contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance, the useful life of the lubricant and some components of a Diesel Cycle engine, with an electronic injection system, in a long-term test operating with a preheated blend (65°C) of 50% (v v-1) of soybean oil in petrodiesel. There was a reduction of the useful life of the injectors which presented failure because of high wear with 264 hours of operation and showed an increase in emissions of particulate matter (opacity) which may be assigned to the failures occurred in the injection system. An increase in the useful life of the lubricant, when compared with the literature was also observed. The electronic injection system may favor the burning of the tested fuel. The test was interrupted with 264 hours because of failures in the injection system.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of different irrigation depths and potassium dosages, of Jatropha seed oil content and yield. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, in split-plots, with four replicates. The treatments were four water depths (plots) and four potassium dosages (subplots) applied through irrigation water. The water depths were applied based on the percentage of accumulated evaporation of a Class A (ECA) tank and of rainfall, as following: L0 = without irrigation, L40, L80 and L120, representing 40, 80 and 120% of the balance, respectively. The potassium dosages were K30, K60, K90 and K120 (30, 60, 90 and 120kg ha-1 of potassium, respectively). The oil extraction of samples was done through chemical extraction by organic solvent. The seeds used in this test were from the sampling of two seed productions from 2009, second year of crop production. It was possible to observe that irrigation use increased oil yield and decreased the oil content of Jatropha seed. Potassium fertilization did not influence oil content and yield. There was a relative increase of efficiency in water use producing oil until certain water depth, and after that there was a decrease.


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The use of renewable fuels, such as the biodiesel, can ease the demand of fossil fuel for the power generation and transportation fields in rural area. In this work, the performance impact of the application of castor oil biodiesel is evaluated with an automotive and a stationary diesel engine. The application of B20 and B10 biodiesel blends and pre-heated net biodiesel is considered. The viability of the employment of B10 and B20 blends to mobility and power generation was observed from dynamometric bench tests, where this blends performed similar to fossil diesel. With the pre-heated net biodiesel, however, a brake torque loss and a specific consumption increase were observed with relation to diesel fuel.


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Currently, there is a growing interest in medicinal plants, because of an increased demand for alternate therapies. In this study, the antimicrobial activity and toxicity of the essential oil of Lippia origanoides (L. origanoides) were investigated. The essential oil of L. origanoides was extracted by steam-dragging distillation and its constituents were identified by chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Among the 15 compounds identified, the most abundant were carvacrol (29.00%), o-cymene (25.57%), and thymol methyl ether (11.50%). The essential oil was studied in antimicrobial assays to determine the MIC and MBC. The results indicated that a concentration of 120μL/mL of oil was sufficient to inhibit the growth of the following microorganisms: Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Salmonella cholerasuis (ATCC 10708). Acute and chronic toxic effects of orally administered oil were investigated in Wistar rats by using standard methods. Doses of 30, 60 and 120mg/kg of the essential oil did not induce significant changes in weight, behavior or hematological and biochemical parameters in the animals. There were no signs of any histopathological changes to the liver, kidneys or heart of the treated rats, suggesting that Lippia origanoides oil is non-toxic after oral administration in acute or chronic toxicity studies. The results obtained in this study show that the essential oil of L. origanoides has a high safety margin, with no detectable toxic effects in rats treated with doses to 120mg/kg. In addition, L. origanoides oil demonstrated potent antimicrobial activity against S. aureus, E. coli and S. cholerasuis. Based on these findings, this essential oil may have practical application as a veterinary antimicrobial.


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This paper presents an ultrasonic method to measure small concentrations of water in lubricating oil. It uses an ultrasonic measurement cell composed by a piezoceramic emitter (5 and 10 MHz), and a large aperture PVDF receiver that eliminates diffraction effects. The propagation velocity, attenuation coefficient and density of several samples of water-in-oil emulsion were measured. The concentrations of water of the samples were in the range of 0 to 5% in volume, and the results showed that these low concentrations can be discriminated within a resolution of 0.2% in the studied range, using the measurement of the propagation velocity.


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Studies were conducted to estimate parameters and relationships associated with sub-processes in soil seed banks of oilseed rape in Gorgan, Iran. After one month of burial, seed viability decreased to 39%, with a slope of 2.03% per day, and subsequently decreased with a lower slope of 0.01 until 365 days following burial in the soil. Germinability remained at its highest value in autumn and winter and decreased from spring to the last month of summer. Non-dormant seeds of volunteer oilseed rape did not germinate at temperatures lower than 3.8 ºC and a water potential of -1.4 MPa ºd. The hydrothermal values were 36.2 and 42.9 MPa ºd for sub- and supra-optimal temperatures, respectively. Quantification of seed emergence as influenced by burial depth was performed satisfactorily (R² = 0.98 and RMSE = 5.03). The parameters and relationships estimated here can be used for modelling soil seed bank dynamics or establishing a new model for the environment.


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The mechanisms that maintain tree diversity in tropical rain forests are still in debate. Variations in forest structural components produce forest microenvironmental heterogeneity, which in turn may affect plant performance and have been scarcely analyzed in the Amazon. Palms are widespread in the Neotropical rainforests and have relatively well known taxonomy, apart from being ecologically and economically important. The understanding of how palms respond to variation in the forest structural components may help to explain their abundance and richness in a given area. In this study, we describe a palm community and analyze how it is affected by forest microenvironmental heterogeneity. In a pristine "Terra Firme" forest at Reserva Ducke, Manaus, we recorded all adult palm trees in twenty 100 × 10 m plots. In the same plots we recorded the variation in canopy openness, the leaflitter thickness and counted all non-palm forest trees. A total of 713 individuals in 29 palm species were found. The three most abundant species were Astrocaryum sciophilum (Miq.) Pulle, A. gynacanthum Mart. and Attalea attaleoides (Barb. Rodr.) Wess. Boer. The most locally abundant species were also very frequent or occurred in a larger number of plots. There were no significant effects of litter depth, forest canopy openness and forest tree abundance on palm richness. However, in areas where leaf litter was thicker a significant lower number of palm trees occurred. In microsites where proportionally more incident light was reaching the forest understory, due to higher canopy opening, significantly more palm trees were present.


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To understand the growth and reproduction of the palm Geonoma schottiana in the gallery forest of Central Brazil, two hypotheses were raised: (i) production of leaves and reproductive structures are concentrated in the period of the year with high light availability; (ii) leaf production and reproductive activity are related to plant length. However, it is expected that senility effects will cause fast reduction in growth and reproduction activities in higher plants. Growth and reproduction were concentrated in the dry season, when insolation is higher than in the wet season, suggesting that leaf and inflorescence production on G. schottiana in the gallery forest understory is more limited by light than by soil humidity. As the individual grows, leaf number and blade area increase, but reproduction activity is independent of plant length. Resources stored in the stem are important to growth, but exogenous factors, as canopy openness, should be more important to reproduction. Plant senescence seems to have a lesser effect on the production of vegetative and reproductive structures in G. schottiana than has been detected in congeneric species with greater clonal activity.


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Dahlstedtia pentaphylla (Taub.) Burkart and D. pinnata (Benth.) Malme belong to the Millettieae tribe and are tropical leguminous trees that produce a strong and unpleasant odour. In the present work, we investigated the distribution, development and histochemistry of foliar and floral secretory cavities that could potentially be related to this odour. The ultrastructure of foliar secretory cavities were also studied and compared with histochemical data. These data were compared with observations recorded for other species of Millettieae in order to gain a phylogenetic and taxonomic perspective. Foliar secretory cavities were only recorded for D. pentaphylla. Floral secretory cavities were present in the calyx, wings and keels in both species; in D. pinnata they also were found in bracteoles and vexillum. Such structures were found to originate through a schizogenous process. Epithelial cells revealed a large amount of flattened smooth endoplasmic reticula, well-developed dictyosomes and vacuoles containing myelin-like structures. Cavity lumen secretion stains strongly for lipids. Features of the secretory cavities studied through ultrastructural and histochemical procedures identify these structures as oil glands. Thus, if the odour produced by such plants has any connection with the accumulation of rotenone, as other species belonging to the "timbó" complex, the lipophilic contents of the secretory cavities of Dahlstedtia species take no part in such odour production. The presence, distribution patterns and frequencies of secretory structures in Dahlstedtia are taxonomically significant and may be utilized as a diagnostic character which justifies the separation of this genus into two species.


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The present work characterized and compared the anatomical structures of the leaves of Bactris gasipaes (Arecaceae) plants grown under different cultivation conditions (in vitro, ex vitro and in vivo) with the goal of identifying the origins of the difficulties encountered in acclimatizing micro-plants. The Quant program was used to determine leaf tissue thicknesses and areas, and histochemical tests were performed on leaf sections and analyzed using light microscopy. Stomatal and trichome densities were determined using the epidermal impression method and by scanning electronic microscopy. Our results indicated that there were no discernible alterations of the anatomical characteristics of the leaves of micro-plants cultivated under differing conditions and that the thickening of the mesophyll and the vascular fibers indicated adaptive responses to ex vitro conditions. As such, the observed difficulties in acclimatizing peach palm micro-plants to ex vitro conditions cannot be attributed to plant anatomical characteristics acquired during in vitro cultivation.