265 resultados para Mononuclear Leucocytes
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by the protozoan Leishmania that resides mainly in mononuclear phagocytic system tissues. Pentavalent antimonials are the main treatment option, although these drugs have toxic side effects and high resistance rates. A potentially alternative and more effective therapeutic strategy is to use liposomes as carriers of the antileishmanial agents. The aims of this study were to develop antimonial drugs entrapped into phosphatidylserine liposomes and to analyze their biological and physicochemical characteristics. METHODS: Liposomes containing meglumine antimoniate (MA) or pentavalent antimony salt (Sb) were obtained through filter extrusion (FEL) and characterized by transmission electron microscopy. Promastigotes of Leishmania infantum were incubated with the drugs and the viability was determined with a tetrazolium dye (MTT assay). The effects of these drugs against intracellular amastigotes were also evaluated by optical microscopy, and mammalian cytotoxicity was determined by an MTT assay. RESULTS: Liposomes had an average diameter of 162nm. MA-FEL showed inhibitory activity against intracellular L. infantum amastigotes, with a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.9μg/mL, whereas that of MA was 60μg/mL. Sb-FEL showed an IC50 value of 0.2μg/mL, whereas that of free Sb was 9μg/mL. MA-FEL and Sb-FEL had strong in vitro activity that was 63-fold and 39-fold more effective than their respective free drugs. MA-FEL tested at a ten-times higher concentration than Sb-FEL did not show cytotoxicity to mammalian cells, resulting in a higher selectivity index. CONCLUSIONS: Antimonial drug-containing liposomes are more effective against Leishmania-infected macrophages than the non-liposomal drugs.
A low frequency of Helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucosa of patients with alkaline gastritis has been reported. At the same time, it can be noted that the growth of bacteria can be inhibited by bile acids. We studied 40 patients with chronic gastritis related to Helicobacter pylori in order to determine the effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on this infection. Diagnoses of the infection and the inflammatory process were obtained by histologic study of gastric biopsies collected during endoscopy. Two groups were studied: group I received ursodeoxycholic acid - 300 mg/day, and group II received the placebo, twice a day, both for 28 days. The colonization by Helicobacter pylori and the intensity of the mononuclear and polymorphonuclear inflammatory infiltrate were determined before (time 1) and after (time 2) treatment. Ursodeoxycholic acid had no effect on the Helicobacter pylori infection. A significant reduction in the intensity of the mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of the gastric antrum mucosa was observed in patients from group I, when we compared not only times 1 and 2 but also groups I and II. However, this was not the case with the body mucosa. We concluded that ursodeoxycholic acid had no action on the colonization by Helicobacter pylori or on the polymorphonuclear inflammatory infiltrate, but it caused a significant reduction in the intensity of the mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of the gastric antrum.
OBJECTIVE: To review the current literature on human herpesvirus 8 with particular attention to the aspects related to the etiopathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors searched original research and review articles on specific aspects of human herpesvirus 8 infection, including virology, epidemiology, transmission, diagnosis, natural history, therapy, and Kaposi's sarcoma etiopathogenesis. The relevant material was evaluated and reviewed. RESULTS: Human herpesvirus 8 is a recently discovered DNA virus that is present throughout the world but with major geographic variation. In the Western world, the virus, transmitted mainly by means of sexual contact, is strongly associated with Kaposi's sarcoma and body cavity-based lymphoma and more controversially with multiple myeloma and other non-proliferative disorders. There is no specific effective treatment, but HIV protease inhibitors may play an indirect role in the clearance of human herpesvirus 8 DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV-infected patients. Human herpesvirus 8 DNA is present in saliva, but there are as yet no documented cases of nosocomial transmission to health care workers. The prevalence of human herpesvirus 8 among health care workers is probably similar to that in the general population. CONCLUSION: Human herpesvirus 8 appears to be, at least in Western Europe and United States, restricted to a population at risk of developing Kaposi's sarcoma. Human herpesvirus 8 certainly has the means to overcome cellular control and immune responses and thus predispose carriers to malignancy, particularly Kaposi's sarcoma. The wide diffusion of Human herpesvirus 8 in classic Kaposi's sarcoma areas appears to represent an important factor in the high incidence of the disease. However, additional co-factors are likely to play a role in the development of Kaposi's sarcoma.
OBJECTIVE: Initial studies with tricyclic antidepressants demonstrated that they jeopardize the immune system activity. Recent studies suggested that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors would have stimulating immunological effects. Here, we explored the in vitro immunological effects of two antidepressants used in clinical practice, paroxetine (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and bupropion (norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor). METHOD: Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 16 healthy volunteers and the peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and cultured in vitro. We evaluated the effects of bupropion and paroxetine on cell viability as well as the ability to suppress phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte proliferation. RESULTS: Both antidepressants produced neither significant effect on cell viability nor on T-cell proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: This could be of valuable information for the clinical practice when these drugs are administered. These results indicate a more favorable effect of such psychopharmacological drugs when compared to reported immunological effects associated with tryciclic antidepressants.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the citotoxic activity of two commonly used anti-depressants: paroxetine and bupropion. We also evaluated the in vitro natural killer activity (NKA) after incubating the blood samples with the antidepressants. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples from 15 healthy volunteers were collected and the mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated and incubated for 24h with (or without = control cells) paroxetine and bupropion, in concentrations of 30, 100 and 1000 ng/ml. After the incubation period in both groups, the amount of dead cells was calculated using trypam blue technique. NKA was evaluated using the classic51Cr release assay. CONCLUSIONS: PBMCs dead cells occurred in both groups and in proportion to all pharmacological concentrations. Nevertheless, the NKA was not affected, even with the reduction in the number of effective cells.
Homem de 41 anos em insuficiência cardíaca sistólica, CF III NYHA, estágio clínico C, por cardiomiopatia dilatada, foi submetido ao transplante autólogo da fração mononuclear da medula óssea, via sistema arterial coronariano, através de cateterismo cardíaco. Dois meses após o procedimento, houve diminuição do BNP plasmático, diminuição da área cardíaca ao estudo radiológico do tórax e à ressonância nuclear magnética. O ecocardiograma demonstrou diminuição do fluxo regurgitante secundário a dilatação do anel mitral. Na ergoespirometria houve melhor desempenho, com aumento do consumo máximo de oxigênio, sendo possível redução da terapêutica medicamentosa. A ausência de eventos adversos caracterizados por: instabilidade clínica/hemodinâmica, alteração enzimática ou eletrocardiográfica apontam para segurança e exeqüibilidade deste procedimento realizado e descrito com pioneirismo na cardiomiopatia dilatada.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar efeitos precoces do transplante de células de medula óssea para o miocárdio de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) de etiologia chagásica. MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu de 28 pacientes, idade média 52,2±9,9 anos, 24 masculinos, 25 em classe NYHA III e 3 em NYHA IV, apesar de tratamento otimizado. O procedimento consistiu na aspiração de 50ml de medula óssea, separação da fração mononuclear e injeção intracoronariana. Foram avaliados os efeitos sobre a fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda (FEVE), distância no teste de 6 minutos, qualidade de vida, classe NYHA, efeitos arritmogênicos e bioquímicos. RESULTADOS: Não houve complicações relacionadas diretamente ao procedimento. A fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda em repouso antes do transplante era 20,1±6,8% e, após 60 dias, aumentou para 23,0±9,0%, p = 0,02. Houve melhora da classe NYHA (3,1±0,3 para 1,8±0,5; p<0.0001); qualidade de vida (50,9±11,7 para 21,8±13,4; p<0.0001); distância caminhada (355±136 m para 443±110 m; p = 0,003). O número de extrassístoles ventriculares em 24h apresentou tendência à elevação (5.322±4.977 para 7.441±7.955; p = 0,062), porém sem incremento dos episódios de taquicardia ventricular (61±127 para 54±127; p = 0,27). CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados demonstram que a injeção intracoronariana de células mononucleares da medula óssea é exeqüível e sugere ser potencialmente segura e eficaz em pacientes com IC de etiologia chagásica.
The autopsy of a case of CHAGAS'S disease or American tryponosomiasis (a girl, 5 years old), dead in the 22nd day of illness is reported. The anatomic diagnosis was a follows: Acute diffuse chagasic nyocarditis. Chagasic encephalitis. Chagasic lymphadenitis of the right posterior auricular node. Tuberculosis of the bronchial and pulmonary nodes. Chronic passive hyperemia and atelectasia of the lungs. Chronic passive congestion and hemorrhages of the spleen. Serous hepatitis. Parotiditis. Edema of the right eyelids. Bilateral hydrothorax. Hydropericardium. Hydroperitoneum. The morphology of Schizotrypanum cruzi in the myocardium is considered. Besides agglomerates with typical small oval or round intracellular bodies, pre-flagellate and flagellate organisms, others are found in which the great amount of parasites and marked pressure exerted by them against each other render very difficult their identification; sometimes the similitude of such agglamerates to Toxoplasma is striking (Fig. 1 and 1 A). In such a case, the structure of the blepharoplast (Fig. 1 and IA), usually preserved, is profitable and allows the identification of the pre-flagellate and flagellate forms of Schizotrypanum cruzi. Most of the small sensitive nerves in the epicardium shows mononuclear infiltration of the perineurium (perineuritis, Figs. 12-14). Microscopically there is extensive Zenker's degeneration (Figs. 6-8) and parasitism of the heart muscle fibers, marked cellular infiltration of the interstitial connective tissue, which are found in the ordinary musculature of every chamber of the heart (Figs. 10-11) as well as in Tawara's node (Fig. 9), main bundle (Fig. 2) and right (Fig. 4) and left (Fig. 5) septal divisions of the bundle of His, and perineuritis. Those anatomic changes are associated to an abnormal electrocardiogram presenting some similitude to that of an anemic infarct of the anterior wall of the heart and which will be discussed elsewhere (unpublished paper by Dias, Nobrega & Laranja).
Os autores apresentam 69 casos de afecções respiratórias em crianças que atribuem a agentes não bacterianos, provavelmente virais. Usam para isto um critério clínico, outro morfológico, em uma revisão de 372 pneumopatias infecciosas em casos de autópsias. Caracterizaram morfologicamente a resposta à agressão viral pela presença de: infiltrado mononuclear intersticial, predominantemente peribronquilar; alterações degenerativas ou mesmo necrose e hiperplasia do epitélio respiratório; membrana hialina; descamação epitelial; células gigantes sinciciais alveolares e bronquiolares; inclusões nucleares e citoplasmáticas; edema proteináceo alveolar e septal, proliferação intersticial conjuntiva incipiente. Criticam o erro por excesso de diagnósticos de "pneumonia mononuclear intesticial" e o erro por falta quando o acometimento bacteriano dificulta o diagnóstico de lesão atribuível a vírus. Além disso realçam a importância de achado de bonquiolite aguda como fundamental para o diagnóstico. Estas lesões - ao lado de achados clínicos-radiológicos e epidemiológicos - cosntituem o que a experiência adquirida julga como reação do pulmão a vários vírus conhecidos (Adenovírus, Influenza, Parainfluenza, Vírus Sincicial Respiratório e Sarampo).
Modulation by BCG and/or cyclophosphamide of sensitization of mice with flagellar fraction (a tubulin-enriched fraction) prevented death of mice challenged with T. cruzi CL strain trypomastigotes recovered from Vero cells. A methodology was ceveloped to assay specific antigens and to determine optimal doses for sensitization and elicitation of DTH in mice. CL strain is predominantly myotropic strain which does not produce important parasitism of mononuclear phagocyte cells; these cells appear to control infection when activated in vivo. Maximum protection was seen in this study when BCG and cyclophosphamide were associated, but protection was observed also when cyclophosphamide, that prevents supressor T cells, was applied 2 days before flagellar fraction sensitization in normal mice. These experiments suggested that the macrophage may have an important role in the early phases of infection particularly when nonspecific stimulation is associated with specific sensitization. A correlation betwen delayed hypersensitivity to parasite antigens and protection was observed.
Um menino de quatro anos de idade, natural e residente em Salvador, Bahia, apresentou uma doença febril, de curso rápido com febre, icterícia, dores abdominais, agitação psicomotora, coma e morte no 7º dia do internamento. Histologicamente o fígado exibiu extensa necrose lítica e de coagulação dos hepatócitos, além de degeneração gordurosa aguda ("células em mórula"), infiltração mononuclear e colestase, um quadro considerado tipico da hepatite de Lábrea. A existência de tal caso levanta o problema da ocorrência de hepatite de Lábrea fora da Região Amazônica ou aquele de falta de especificidade do quadro histopatológico considerado como típico da referida condição.
A separação, caracterização e ensaio funcional das células inflamatórias presentes no local de lesão têm se tornado imperiosos no estudo de diversas doenças. Através da utilização de métodos histoquímicos para esterase e fosfatase ácida, bem como do Teste de Fagocitose e da coloração pelo Giemsa, realizados nas células esplénicas de dez camundongos, foi possível se caracterizar bem os componentes do Sistema Fagocítico Mononuclear e distinguir os outros tipos de células presentes, além de permitir a quantificação diferencial das mesmas.
Foram estudados os encéfalos e as supra-renais de cinco casos de raiva humana, sendo três crianças e dois adultos com óbito ocorrendo entre três e seis dias após início das manifestações clínicas. Em todos os casos o encéfalo mostrava corpúsculo de Negri nas células nervosas e infiltrado mononuclear perivascular mais evidente nos casos de evolução mais longa. O comprometimento eletivo da medular das supra-renais caracterizado por acentuado exsudato mononuclear, além de alterações dos feocromócitos ocorreu em 60% dos casos. Corpúsculos eosinófilos foram encontrados no citoplasma dos feocromócitos e, às vezes, no interstício da medular. Tais corpúsculos poderiam representar inclusões viróticas semelhantes aos corpúsculos de Negri dos neurônios. Entretanto sua verdadeira natureza precisa ser ainda esclarecida. A medulite supra-renálica aqui descrita pode ter sua gênese, pelo menos em parte, determinada por fatores que se relacionam ao "parentesco" embriológico do sistema cromafim com o tecido nervoso.
Graft rejection is the major cause of failure of HLA mismatched bone marrow transplantation because of residual host immunity. we have proposed to use a monoclonal murine antibody specific for the LFA-1 molecule (25-3) to prevent graft failure in HLA mismatched bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The rationale for this approach is three fold: LFA-1 deficient patients (3/3) do not reject HLA mismatched BMT; anti LFA-1 blocka in vitro the induction of T cell responses and T/ non T cytotoxic functions; LFA-1 is not expressed by other cells than leucocytes. We have accordingly treated twenty two patients with inherited diseases and 8 with leikemia. The bone marrow was T cells depled by E rosetting of Campath antibody. The antibody was given at days -3, -1, +1, +3, +5 at dose of .1 mg/kg/d for the first 9 and then .2mg/kg/d from day -3 to +6. Engraftment occured in 23/30 patients as shown by at least HLA typing. Hematological recovery was rapid, GVH was limited. Side effects of antibody infusion included fever and possibly an increased incidence of early bacteral infection (sepsis, 1 death). Immunological reconstitution occured slowly leading in six cases to EBV-induced B cell poliferation (1 death and in two others to transient auto immune hemolytic anemia. There has been only one secondary graft rejection. Sisteen patients are alive 3 to 26 months post transplant with functional grafts. Although the number of patients treated is still low the absence of late rejection so far, gives hope for long term maintenance of the graft using anti LFA-1. Since the antibody is an IgG 1 unable to bind human complement, and since it is known to inhibit phagocytosis, there is a good suggestion that 25-3 act through functional blocking of host T and non T luymphocytes at both induction and effector levels.
The effects of a single dose (100 mg/kg-body weight of mouse) of oxamniquine on the worm's tegument and paranchyma in relation to the process of immunological granulomatous reaction of the host's liver are described under light and electron microscopy (EM). The lesions caused by the drug are sequentially and simultaneously described in form of swelling, surface bulble and disruption with erosions. Ulceration in the tubercules with loss of spines is often more extensive and severe in male worms and concentration of host's mononuclear cells is observed. The possible role of host's immune response is discussed.