471 resultados para Micropygomyia (Sauromyia) petari sp. nov.


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Drosophila antonietae sp. nov. and D. gouveai sp. nov. are members of the D. buzzatii cluster of the D. repleta species group of the genus Drosophila. They can be distinguished from their cryptic species, D. borborema Vilela & Sene, 1977, D. koepferae Fontdevila & Wasserman, 1988, D. serido Vilela & Sene, 1977, and D. seriema Tidon-Sklorz & Sene, 1995 by morphological, genetic and ecological criteria.


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Thysanopsis guimai sp. nov. from Brazil (Mato Grosso) is the second species described for this genus. Redescription of Thysanopsis albicauda Townsend, 1917, and new definition for the genus are done.


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Two new species of the Neotropical genus Pseudevoplitus Ruckes,1958 are described, P. amazonicus Grazia & Greve, sp. nov. and P. roraimensis Grazia & Greve, sp. nov. both from the Brazilian Amazonia, with emphasis on genital characters. Additions to the generic description and a new key to the species are presented.


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The genus Pteracantha Newman, 1838 is revised and P. agrestis sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Minas Gerais).


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Amazonina tresmariensis sp. nov. from Três Marias, Minas Gerais, Brazil is described, and the male genitalia illustrated. Some ecological notes are presented.


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The sterile castes of Ibitermes inflatus sp. nov. from Rio Tinto, State of Paraíba, Brazil are described and illustrated. This is the first record of a species of Ibitermes from the Brazilian northeast and from the Atlantic Forest biome. The absence of ridges in the molar plate of the left mandible and the presence of granules of sand and silt mixed with organic matter in advanced stage of decomposition in the digestive tube of workers suggest that the species is a typical humus feeding termite.


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The genus Homodiaetus Eigenmann & Ward, 1907 is revised and four species are recognized. Its distribution is restricted to southeastern South America, from Uruguay to Paraguay river at west to the coastal drainages of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Homodiaetus is currently distinguished from other genus of Stegophilinae by the combination of the following characters: origin of ventral-fin at midlength between the snout tip and the caudal-fin origin; opercle with three or more odontodes; and gill membranes confluent with the istmus. Homodiaetus anisitsi Eigenmann & Ward, 1907, is diagnosed by the caudal-fin with black middle rays, margin of upper and lower procurrent caudal-fin rays with dark stripes extending to the caudal-fin, and 3-6 opercular odontodes; H. passarellii (Ribeiro, 1944) with 6-7 opercular odontodes, 21-24 lower procurrent caudal-fin rays and 23-26 upper procurrent caudal-fin rays; H. banguela sp. nov. with 9 opercular odontodes, 17-19 lower procurrent caudal-fin rays, 17-22 upper procurrent caudal-fin rays, reduction of fourth pharyngobranchial with only three teeth and untoothed fifth ceratobranchial; and H. graciosa sp. nov. with 5-6 dentary rows, 7-9 opercular odontodes and 16-23 upper procurrent caudal-fin rays.


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Schwarzula coccidophila sp. nov., a tiny Amazonian stingless bee, that attends scale insects (Cryptostigma Ferris, 1922, Coccidae) in its nest, is described. It is distinguished from Schwarzula timida (Silvestri, 1902), the only other species of the genus, mainly by the malar area longer than diameter of 3rd flagellomere, and the denser plumose pilosity. Additional records of S. timida is presented.


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The new genus Hovorelus and its type-species, H. splendidus sp. nov., are described from Peru. The males of Myzomorphus flavipes Galileo, 1987 and Poekilosoma carinatipenne Lane, 1941, both with sexual dimorphism, are described for the first time.


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New species described from Brazil: Curuapira tuberosa (Espírito Santo); Stereomerus maculatus (Bahia); Gyrpanetes oryba (Espírito Santo); Desmiphora (D.) santossilvai (Pará); Desmiphora (D.) uniformis (Bahia). Icublabia gen. nov., type-species, I. multispinosa sp. nov. from Ecuador (Napo) are described. Curuapira exotica Martins & Galileo, 1998, originally described from Venezuela, is recorded from Brazil (Amazonas, Rondônia and Mato Grosso).


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New species described from Colombia: Amphicnaeia interrupta sp. nov., from Cauca; Adetus tayronus sp. nov., from Magdalena; A. aberrans sp. nov., from Santander; Parmenonta albosticta sp. nov., from Cundinamarca; Jamesia bella sp. nov., from Cauca. New records for nine species of Colombian Lamiinae (Apomecynini, Agapanthiini, Onciderini) are given.


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Epyris rotundus sp. nov. and Epyris cochlear sp. nov., from southern Brazil, are described and illustrated. Epyris longus Corrêa & Azevedo, 2002, E. argentinicus Evans, 1969, E. angustatus Evans, 1969, E. perpolitus Evans, 1969, E. parallelus Evans, 1969, E. distinctus Corrêa & Azevedo, 2002, E. variatus Corrêa & Azevedo, 2002, E. jugatus Evans, 1969, E. intermedius Evans, 1969 and E. depressigaster Evans, 1966 are recorded for the first time to Paraná, Brazil.


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Iguaira gen. nov., type species, I. poranga, sp. nov., based on one nymph from the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, are proposed. The new taxon is distinguished by the labrum with multiple, unorganized setae dorsally; hypopharynx with three-lobed lingua; cleft mandibular incisors; labium with internally curved paraglossae; labial palps with second segment with strong, apically rounded distomedial process and third segment with truncate medial and apical margins; elongate tarsal claws with minute denticles; and absence of scales and scale bases.


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Apenesia aurita sp. nov., from southeastern Brazil, is described and illustrated. Apenesia angusticeps Evans, 1963, A. tenebrosa Evans, 1963, A. pallidicornis Evans, 1963, A. quadrimera Leal & Azevedo, 2001 and A. crenulata Kieffer, 1910 are recorded for the first time to the State of Espírito Santo.


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New taxa described from Colombia: Desmiphora (D.) tristis sp. nov. from Cundinamarca; Blabia longipennis sp. nov. from Nariño; Anhanga gen. nov., type species A. diabolica sp. nov. from Valle del Cauca; Exalphus vicinus sp. nov. from Santander; Necalphus maranduba sp. nov. from Amazonas; Paradesmus gen. nov., type species, P. iuba sp. nov. from Atlántico. New combination proposed: Padesmus brunneus (Aurivillius, 1923) from Adesmus. New records for nineteen species (Acanthoderini, Acanthocinini, Aerenicini, Desmiphorini, Hemilophini, Polyrhaphidini) of Colombian fauna are given.