108 resultados para Macrocytic erythrocytes
In the present investigation we studied the fusogenic process developed by influenza A, B and C viruses on cell surfaces and different factors associated with virus and cell membrane structures. The biological activity of purified virus strains was evaluated in hemagglutination, sialidase and fusion assays. Hemolysis by influenza A, B and C viruses ranging from 77.4 to 97.2%, from 20.0 to 65.0%, from 0.2 to 93.7% and from 9.0 to 76.1% was observed when human, chicken, rabbit and monkey erythrocytes, respectively, were tested at pH 5.5. At this pH, low hemolysis indexes for influenza A, B and C viruses were observed if horse erythrocytes were used as target cells for the fusion process, which could be explained by an inefficient receptor binding activity of influenza on N-glycolyl sialic acids. Differences in hemagglutinin receptor binding activity due to its specificity to N-acetyl or N-glycolyl cell surface oligosaccharides, density of these cellular receptors and level of negative charges on the cell surface may possibly explain these results, showing influence on the sialidase activity and the fusogenic process. Comparative analysis showed a lack of dependence between the sialidase and fusion activities developed by influenza B viruses. Influenza A viruses at low sialidase titers (<2) also exhibited clearly low hemolysis at pH 5.5 (15.8%), while influenza B viruses with similarly low sialidase titers showed highly variable hemolysis indexes (0.2 to 78.0%). These results support the idea that different virus and cell-associated factors such as those presented above have a significant effect on the multifactorial fusion process
The antimicrobial, hemagglutinating and toxic activities of the purple fluid of the sea hare Aplysia dactylomela are described. Intact or dialyzed purple fluid inhibited the growth of species of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and the action was not bactericidal but bacteriostatic. The active factor or factors were heat labile and sensitive to extreme pH values. The fluid preferentially agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes and, to a lesser extent, human blood cells, and this activity was inhibited by the glycoprotein fetuin, a fact suggesting the presence of a lectin. The fluid was also toxic to brine shrimp nauplii (LD50 141.25 µg protein/ml) and to mice injected intraperitoneally (LD50 201.8 ± 8.6 mg protein/kg), in a dose-dependent fashion. These toxic activities were abolished when the fluid was heated. Taken together, the data suggest that the activities of the purple fluid are due primarily to substance(s) of a protein nature which may be involved in the chemical defense mechanism of this sea hare.
We studied the relationship between alpha- and beta-adrenergic agonists and the activity of carbonic anhydrase I and II in erythrocyte, clinical and vessel studies. Kinetic studies were performed. Adrenergic agonists increased erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase as follows: adrenaline by 75%, noradrenaline by 68%, isoprenaline by 55%, and orciprenaline by 62%. The kinetic data indicated a non-competitive mechanism of action. In clinical studies carbonic anhydrase I from erythrocytes increased by 87% after noradrenaline administration, by 71% after orciprenaline and by 82% after isoprenaline. The increase in carbonic anhydrase I paralleled the increase in blood pressure. Similar results were obtained in vessel studies on piglet vascular smooth muscle. We believe that adrenergic agonists may have a dual mechanism of action: the first one consists of a catecholamine action on its receptor with the formation of a stimulus-receptor complex. The second mechanism proposed completes the first one. By this second component of the mechanism, the same stimulus directly acts on the carbonic anhydrase I isozyme (that might be functionally coupled with adrenergic receptors), so that its activation ensures an adequate pH for stimulus-receptor coupling for signal transduction into the cell, resulting in vasoconstriction.
Sea anemones are a rich source of biologically active substances. In crayfish muscle fibers, Bunodosoma cangicum whole venom selectively blocks the I K(Ca) currents. In the present study, we report for the first time powerful hemolytic and neuroactive effects present in two different fractions obtained by gel-filtration chromatography from whole venom of B. cangicum. A cytolytic fraction (Bcg-2) with components of molecular mass ranging from 8 to 18 kDa elicited hemolysis of mouse erythrocytes with an EC50 = 14 µg/ml and a maximum dose of 22 µg/ml. The effects of the neuroactive fraction, Bcg-3 (2 to 5 kDa), were studied on isolated crab nerves. This fraction prolonged the compound action potentials by increasing their duration and rise time in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was evident after the washout of the preparation, suggesting the existence of a reversible substance that was initially masking the effects of an irreversible one. In order to elucidate the target of Bcg-3 action, the fraction was applied to a tetraethylammonium-pretreated preparation. An additional increase in action potential duration was observed, suggesting a blockade of a different population of K+ channels or of tetraethylammonium-insensitive channels. Also, tetrodotoxin could not block the action potentials in a Bcg-3-pretreated preparation, suggesting a possible interaction of Bcg-3 with Na+ channels. The present data suggest that B. cangicum venom contains at least two bioactive fractions whose activity on cell membranes seems to differ from the I K(Ca) blockade described previously.
Metabolic studies using the in vitro non-recirculating blood-perfused isolated heart model require large volumes of blood. The present study was designed to determine whether heterologous pig blood collected from a slaughterhouse can be used as perfusate for isolated pig hearts perfused under aerobic and constant reduced flow conditions. Eight isolated working pig hearts perfused for 90 min at a constant flow of 1.5 ml g-1 min-1 with non-recirculated blood diluted with Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer at a hematocrit of 23% were compared to eight hearts subjected to the same protocol but perfused only with Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer solution. Hearts were paced at 100 bpm and subjected to aerobic perfusion at 38ºC. Hearts were weighed before perfusion and at the end of the experiment and the results are reported as percent weight gain (mean ± SD). Comparisons between groups were performed by the Student t-test (P<0.05). After 90 min of perfusion with modified Krebs-Henseleit, perfused hearts presented a larger weight gain than blood-perfused hearts (39.34 ± 9.27 vs 23.13 ± 5.42%, P = 0.003). Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was higher in the modified Krebs-Henseleit-perfused group than in the blood group (2.8 ± 0.4 vs 2.3 ± 0.3 mmHg, respectively, P = 0.01). We conclude that heterologous blood perfusion, by preserving a more physiological myocardial water content, is a better perfusion fluid than modified Krebs-Henseleit solution for quantitative studies of myocardial metabolism and heart function under ischemic conditions.
A lectin from cat liver has been identified and purified by affinity chromatography on asialofetuin-Sepharose. One hundred micrograms of lectin was obtained from one cat liver with a purification factor of 1561. The lectin agglutinates trypsin-treated rabbit and cow erythrocytes. Hemagglutination was inhibited only by saccharides containing ß-galactosyl residues, of which the 1-amine-1-deoxy-ß-D-galactose was the most potent one by inhibiting hemagglutination at a concentration of 12.5 mM, followed by melibiose, trehalose and galactose. The lectin has a subunit molecular mass of 14.4 kDa determined by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions and a pI of 4.85. Compared with the composition of lectins from calf heart and porcine heart, cat liver lectin contains approximately the same amount of cysteine, half the amount of glycine, twice as much arginine and threonine, and three times the amounts of tyrosine and methionine. Cat liver lectin contains four cysteine residues per subunit, all of them in the reduced form. Their lack of reactivity towards thiol-reactive supports suggests they are not exposed on the lectin surface. The protein apparently has a blocked N-terminus. The purified lectin was stable for up to 20 months stored at +4ºC in buffer supplemented with 4 mM ß-mercaptoethanol. Results indicated that this lectin belongs to the family of soluble ß-galactoside-binding lectins, also known as galectins, which are expressed in a wide range of vertebrate tissues.
Electro-rotation can be used to determine the dielectric properties of cells, as well as to observe dynamic changes in both dielectric and morphological properties. Suspended biological cells and particles respond to alternating-field polarization by moving, deforming or rotating. While in linearly polarized alternating fields the particles are oriented along their axis of highest polarizability, in circularly polarized fields the axis of lowest polarizability aligns perpendicular to the plane of field rotation. Ellipsoidal models for cells are frequently applied, which include, beside sphere-shaped cells, also the limiting cases of rods and disks. Human erythrocyte cells, due to their particular shape, hardly resemble an ellipsoid. The additional effect of rouleaux formation with different numbers of aggregations suggests a model of circular cylinders of variable length. In the present study, the induced dipole moment of short cylinders was calculated and applied to rouleaux of human erythrocytes, which move freely in a suspending conductive medium under the effect of a rotating external field. Electro-rotation torque spectra are calculated for such aggregations of different length. Both the maximum rotation speeds and the peak frequencies of the torque are found to depend clearly on the size of the rouleaux. While the rotation speed grows with rouleaux length, the field frequency nup is lowest for the largest cell aggregations where the torque shows a maximum.
A procedure is described for the rapid determination of the intra-erythrocyte concentration of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) and its metabolites, 6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGN) and 6-methylmercaptopurine (6-MMP). Erythrocytes (8 x 10(8) cells) in 350 µl Hanks solution containing 7.5 mg dithiothreitol were treated with 50 µl 70% perchloric acid. The precipitate was removed by centrifugation (13,000 g) and the supernatant hydrolyzed at 100°C for 45 min. After cooling, 100 µl was analyzed directly by HPLC using a Radialpack Resolve C18 column eluted with methanol-water (7.5:92.5, v/v) containing 100 mM triethylamine. 6-TG, 6-MP and the hydrolysis product of 6-MMP, 4-amino-5-(methylthio)carbonyl imidazole, were monitored at 342, 322 and 303 nm using a Shimadzu SPD-M10A diode array UV detector. The analytes eluted at 5.3, 6.0 and 10.2 min, respectively. The calibration curves were linear (r² > 0.998), and the analytical recoveries were 73.2% for 6-TG, 119.1% for 6-MP and 97.4% for 6-MMP. The intra- and inter-assay variations were highest for 6-MP (9.6 and 14.3%, respectively). The lowest detectable concentrations were 3, 3 and 25 pmol/8 x 10(8) erythrocytes for 6-TG, 6-MP and 6-MMP, respectively. The quantification limits (coefficients of variation <15%) were 8, 10 and 70 pmol/8 x 10(8) erythrocytes for 6-TG, 6-MP and 6-MMP, respectively. The method was applied to the analysis of 183 samples from 36 children under chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The concentrations of the metabolites in the red cells of the patients ranged from 0 to 1934 pmol/8 x 10(8) erythrocytes for 6-TGN, and from 0 to 105.8 and 0 to 45.9 nmol/8 x 10(8) erythrocytes for 6-MP and 6-MMP, respectively. The procedure gave results that were in agreement with those obtained with other methods designed to detect cases of non-compliance with treatment, including patient interviews and medical evaluation, among others, demonstrating its applicability to monitoring the treatment of leukemic children.
Schistosoma mansoni causes liver disease by inducing granulomatous inflammation. This favors formation of reactive oxygen species, including superoxide ions, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals all of which may induce lipid peroxidation. We have evaluated lipid peroxidation in 18 patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni previously treated with oxamniquine followed by splenectomy, ligature of the left gastric vein and auto-implantation of spleen tissue, by measuring levels of erythrocyte-conjugated dienes and plasma malondialdehyde (MDA). Age-matched, healthy individuals (N = 18) formed the control group. Erythrocyte-conjugated dienes were extracted with dichloromethane/methanol and quantified by UV spectrophotometry, while plasma MDA was measured by reaction with thiobarbituric acid. Patient erythrocytes contained two times more conjugated dienes than control cells (584.5 ± 67.8 vs 271.7 ± 20.1 µmol/l, P < 0.001), whereas the increase in plasma MDA concentration (about 10%) was not statistically significant. These elevated conjugated dienes in patients infected by S. mansoni suggest increased lipid peroxidation in cell membranes, although this was not evident when a common marker of oxidative stress, plasma MDA, was measured. Nevertheless, these two markers of lipid peroxidation, circulating MDA and erythrocyte-conjugated dienes, correlated significantly in both patient (r = 0.62; P < 0.01) and control (r = 0.57; P < 0.05) groups. Our data show that patients with schistosomiasis have abnormal lipid peroxidation, with elevated erythrocyte-conjugated dienes implying dysfunctional cell membranes, and also imply that this may be attenuated by the redox capacity of antioxidant agents, which prevent accumulation of plasma MDA.
An increasing number of pathophysiological roles for purinoceptors are emerging, some of which have therapeutic potential. Erythrocytes are an important source of purines, which can be released under physiological and physiopathological conditions, acting on purinergic receptors associated with the same cell or with neighboring cells. Few studies have been conducted on lizards, and have been limited to ATP agonist itself. We have previously shown that the red blood cells (RBCs) of the lizard Ameiva ameiva store Ca2+ in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and that the purinergic agonist ATP triggers a rapid and transient increase of [Ca2+]c by mobilization of the cation from internal stores. We also reported the ability of the second messenger IP3 to discharge the ER calcium pool of the ER. Here we characterize the purinoceptor present in the cytoplasmic membrane of the RBCs of the lizard Ameiva ameiva by the selective use of ATP analogues and pyrimidine nucleotides. The nucleotides UTP, UDP, GTP, and ATPgammaS triggered a dose-dependent response, while interestingly 2MeSATP, 2ClATP, alpha, ß-ATP, and ADP failed to do so in a 1- to 200-µm con- centration. The EC50 obtained for the compounds tested was 41.77 µM for UTP, 48.11 µM for GTP, 53.11 µM for UDP, and 30.78 µM for ATPgammaS. The present data indicate that the receptor within the RBCs of Ameiva ameiva is a P2Y4-like receptor due to its pharmacological similarity to the mammalian P2Y4 receptor.
Blood transfusion in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) is limited by the development of alloantibodies to erythrocytes. In the present study, the frequency and risk factors for alloimmunization were determined. Transfusion records and medical charts of 828 SCD patients who had been transfused and followed at the Belo Horizonte Blood Center, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, were retrospectively reviewed. Alloimmunization frequency was 9.9% (95% CI: 7.9 to 11.9%) and 125 alloantibodies were detected, 79% of which belonged to the Rhesus and Kell systems. Female patients developed alloimmunization more frequently (P = 0.03). The median age of the alloimmunized group was 23.3 years, compared to 14.6 years for the non-alloimmunized group (P < 0.0001). Multivariate analyses were applied to the data for 608 hemoglobin (Hb) SS or SC patients whose number of transfusions was recorded accurately. Number of transfusions (P = 0.00006), older age (P = 0.056) and Hb SC (P = 0.02) showed independent statistical associations with alloimmunization. Hb SC patients older than 14 years faced a 2.8-fold higher (95% CI: 1.3 to 6.0) risk of alloimmunization than Hb SS patients. Female Hb SC patients had the highest risk of developing alloantibodies. In patients younger than 14 years, only the number of transfusions was significant. We conclude that an increased risk of alloimmunization was associated with older patients with Hb SC, specially females, even after adjustments were made for the number of transfusions received, the most significant variable.
In a comparative study of erythrocyte metabolism of vertebrates, the specific activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) of the Brazilian opossum Didelphis marsupialis in a hemolysate was shown to be high, 207 ± 38 IU g-1 Hb-1 min-1 at 37ºC, compared to the human erythrocyte activity of 12 ± 2 IU g-1 Hb-1 min-1 at 37ºC. The apparent high specific activity of the mixture led us to investigate the physicochemical properties of the opossum enzyme. We report that reduced glutathione (GSH) in the erythrocytes was only 50% higher than in human erythrocytes, a value lower than expected from the high G6PD activity since GSH is maintained in a reduced state by G6PD activity. The molecular mass, determined by G-200 Sephadex column chromatography at pH 8.0, was 265 kDa, which is essentially the same as that of human G6PD (260 kDa). The Michaelis-Menten constants (Km: 55 µM) for glucose-6-phosphate and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (Km: 3.3 µM) were similar to those of the human enzyme (Km: 50-70 and Km: 2.9-4.4, respectively). A 450-fold purification of the opossum enzyme was achieved and the specific activity of the purified enzyme, 90 IU/mg protein, was actually lower than the 150 IU/mg protein observed for human G6PD. We conclude that G6PD after purification from the hemolysate of D. marsupialis does not have a high specific activity. Thus, it is quite probable that the red cell hyperactivity reported may be explained by increased synthesis of G6PD molecules per unit of hemoglobin or to reduced inactivation in the RBC hemolysate.
Lithium has been used for the last five decades to treat bipolar disorder, but the molecular basis of its therapeutic effect is unknown. Phosphoglucomutase is a key enzyme in the metabolism of glycogen. In yeast, rabbit and human HEK293 cells, it is inhibited by lithium in the therapeutic concentration range. We measured the phosphoglucomutase activity in erythrocytes and the inhibitor constant for lithium in a population of healthy subjects and compared them to those of bipolar patients treated with lithium or carbamazepine. The specific activity of phosphoglucomutase measured in vitro in erythrocytes from control subjects presented a normal distribution, with the difference between the lowest and the highest activity being approximately 2-fold (0.53-1.10 nmol mg Hb-1 min-1). Comparison of phosphoglucomutase activity in untreated bipolar patients and control subjects showed no significant difference, whereas comparison between bipolar patients treated with carbamazepine or lithium revealed significantly lower mean values in patients treated with carbamazepine (747.3 ± 27.6 vs 879.5 ± 35.9 pmol mg Hb-1 min-1, respectively). When we studied the concentration of lithium needed to inhibit phosphoglucomutase activity by 50%, a bimodal distribution among the population tested was obtained. The concentration of LiCl needed to inhibit phosphoglucomutase activity by 50% was 0.35 to 1.8 mM in one group of subjects and in the other it was 3 to 4 mM. These results suggest that phosphoglucomutase activity may be significant in patients with bipolar disorder treated with lithium and carbamazepine.
Vertebrate hemoglobin, contained in erythrocytes, is a globular protein with a quaternary structure composed of 4 globin chains (2 alpha and 2 beta) and a prosthetic group named heme bound to each one. Having myoglobin as an ancestor, hemoglobin acquired the capacity to respond to chemical stimuli that modulate its function according to tissue requirements for oxygen. Fish are generally submitted to spatial and temporal O2 variations and have developed anatomical, physiological and biochemical strategies to adapt to the changing environmental gas availability. Structurally, most fish hemoglobins are tetrameric; however, those from some species such as lamprey and hagfish dissociate, being monomeric when oxygenated and oligomeric when deoxygenated. Fish blood frequently possesses several hemoglobins; the primary origin of this finding lies in the polymorphism that occurs in the globin loci, an aspect that may occasionally confer advantages to its carriers or even be a harmless evolutionary remnant. On the other hand, the functional properties exhibit different behaviors, ranging from a total absence of responses to allosteric regulation to drastic ones, such as the Root effect.
Understanding the membrane solubilization process and finding effective solubilizing agents are crucial challenges in biochemical research. Here we report results on the interaction of the novel linear alkylamido propyl dimethyl amino propanosulfonate detergents, ASB-14 and ASB-16, with human erythrocyte membranes. An estimation of the critical micelle concentration of these zwitterionic detergents (ASB-14 = 100 µM and ASB-16 = 10 µM) was obtained using electron paramagnetic resonance. The amount of proteins and cholesterol solubilized from erythrocytes by these detergents was then determined. The hemolytic activities of the ASB detergents were assayed and the detergent/lipid molar ratios for the onset of hemolysis (Re sat) and total lysis (Re sol) were calculated, allowing the determination of the membrane binding constants (Kb). ASB-14 presented lower membrane affinity (Kb = 7050 M-1) than ASB-16 (Kb = 15610 M-1). The amount of proteins and cholesterol solubilized by both ASB detergents was higher while Re sat values (0.22 and 0.08 detergent/lipid for ASB-14 and ASB-16, respectively) were smaller than those observed with the classic detergents CHAPS and Triton X-100. These results reveal that, besides their well-known use as membrane protein solubilizers to enhance the resolution of two dimensional electrophoresis/mass spectrometry, ASB-14 and ASB-16 are strong hemolytic agents. We propose that the physicochemical properties of ASB detergents determine their membrane disruption efficiency and can help to explain the improvement in the solubilization of membrane proteins, as reported in the literature.