189 resultados para José Luís Cantilo


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A mionecrose é um dos efeitos causados pelo veneno de Bothrops jararacussu. Uma miotoxina com homologia estrutural à fosfolipase A2 (PLA2), mas sem atividade enzimática, foi isolada desse veneno. O veneno de Crotalus durissus terrificus apresenta também atividade miotóxica, que vem sendo atribuída à crotoxina e à PLA2 (crotoxina B), o componente básico do complexo crotoxina. O veneno de Bothrops jararacussu apresenta três proteínas, que têm identidade imunológica com a PLA2 da crotoxina. O presente trabalho comparou a eficiência dos antivenenos polivalentes comerciais produzidos pelo Instituto Butantan - o antiveneno botrópico (AB) e o antiveneno botrópico-crotálico (AB/C) - na neutralização das atividades letal, hemorrágica, coagulante e miotóxica do veneno de B. jararacussu. Os dois antivenenos neutralizaram de maneira semelhante a atividade hemorrágica, mas o AB/C foi três vezes mais potente que o AB em neutralizar a ação miotóxica e duas vezes mais potente na neutralização da letalidade e na ação coagulante do veneno de B. jararacussu. Os dados sugerem que a utilização do AB/C pode ser vantajosa no tratamento de pacientes picados por serpentes dessa espécie


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Alguns pesquisadores demonstraram que o intraconzol, "in vitro" e na infecção aguda de animais, possui atividade antiparasitária referente ao Trypanosoma cruzi. Diante dessas observações, decidimos empreender estudo sobre e etapa crônica da parasitose devida a esse protozoário, considerando que ela é mais proeminente sob o ponto de vista médico-assistencial. A propósito, efetuamos apreciações baseadas em modelo composto por camundongos infectados e, também, relacionadas com indivíduos acometidos de doença de Chagas. Usamos 100 mg/kg/dia, por meio de sonda gástrica, durante três meses, e 100 ou 200 mg/dia, pela via oral, respectivamente, no decurso de igual período, sem evidenciarmos efeitos benéficos, pelo menos conforme a metodologia adotada


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Gravity sedimentation parasitological examinations were performed in stool samples from 111 Karitiana Indians from Rondônia State, Brazilian Amazon Basin. Intestinal parasites were found in 43 samples (38.7%). Ascaris lumbricoides was the most prevalent helminth species (18.9%). Egg counts in samples positive for Ascaris suggested an overdispersed distribution of worm burdens in the host population. Age-distribution pattern of intestinal parasites among Karitiana Indians was found to be rather unusual: the highest prevalence (60.0%) was detected in the 12-to 16-year-old age group


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Para reconhecer a distribuição dos planorbídeos na 8ª Região Administrativa do Estado de São Paulo, 286 lotes de caramujos procedentes dos 85 municípios que a constituem foram examinados e identificados no Laboratório de Malacologia da SUCEN. Biomphalaria straminea, que ocorre em quatro criadouros - um em Altair e três em S. José do Rio Preto, foi a única espécie identificada capaz de vir a comportar-se naturalmente como hospedeira intermediária de S.mansoni. Isto demonstra que são mínimas as probabilidades da esquistossomose vir a instalar-se na área estudada.


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Neurocysticercosis (NC), the presence of Taenia solium metacestodes in tissues, is the most frequent and severe parasitic infection of the central nervous system. We investigated the presence of total IgE by an automated chemiluminescence assay in 53 paired cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples from patients with NC (P) and in 40 CSF samples from individuals with other neurological disorders as the control group (C). Total IgE concentration ranged from 1.2 to 6.6 IU/ml (mean = 1.4 IU/ml, standard deviation-sd = 1.1 IU/ml) in 28.3% of CSF samples from the P group, a value significantly higher than for the C group (£1.0 IU/ml). The serum samples from the P group showed concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 2330.0 IU/ml (mean = 224.1 IU/ml, sd = 452.1 IU/ml), which were higher than the normal value cited by the manufacturer (<100.0 IU/ml) in 32.1% of the samples. A significant difference was observed in CSF samples from the P and C groups (p = 0.005) and in serum samples from the P group compared to the normal value (p = 0.005), with sera showing more frequent abnormal results.


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BACKGROUND: Lamivudine has been shown to be an efficient drug for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) treatment. AIM: To investigate predictive factors of response, using a quantitative method with high sensitivity. METHODS: We carried out a prospective trial of lamivudine in 35 patients with CHB and evidence for viral replication, regardless to their HBeAg status. Lamivudine was given for 12 months at 300 mg daily and 150 mg thereafter. Response was considered when DNA was undetectable by PCR after 6 months of treatment. Viral replication was monitored by end-point dilution PCR. Mutation associated with resistance to lamivudine was detected by DNA sequencing in non-responder patients. RESULTS: Response was observed in 23/35 patients (65.7%) but only in 5/15 (33.3%) HBeAg positive patients. Only three pre-treatment variables were associated to low response: HBeAg (p = 0.006), high viral load (DNA-VHB > 3 x 10(6) copies/ml) (p = 0.004) and liver HBcAg (p = 0.0028). YMDD mutations were detected in 7/11 non-responder patients. CONCLUSIONS: HBeAg positive patients with high viral load show a high risk for developing drug resistance. On the other hand, HBeAg negative patients show a good response to lamivudine even with high viremia.


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Angiostrongylus costaricensis is a nematode parasitic of rodents. Man may become infected by ingestion of the third stage larvae produced within the intermediate hosts, usually slugs from the family Veronicellidae. An epidemiological study carried out in a locality in southern Brazil (western Santa Catarina State) where these slugs are a crop pest and an important vector for A. costaricensis has documented for the first time the natural infection of Deroceras laeve with metastrongylid larvae. This small limacid slug is frequently found amid the folds of vegetable leaves and may be inadvertently ingested. Therefore D. laeve may have an important role in transmission of A. costaricensis to man.


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During June 1997-June 1999 rotavirus infection was screened in infants aged up to 2 years and hospitalised with acute diarrhoea in São Luís, Northeastern Brazil. Altogether, 128 stool samples were collected from diarrhoeic patients and additional 122 faecal specimens from age- and- temporal matched inpatients without diarrhoea were obtained; rotavirus positivity rates for these groups were 32.0% (41/128) and 9.8% (12/122), respectively (p < 0.001). Both electropherotyping and serotyping could be performed in 42 (79.2%) of the 53 rotavirus-positive stool samples. Long and short electropherotypes were detected at similar rates - 38.1% and 40.5% of specimens, respectively. Overall, a G serotype could be assigned for 35 (83.3%) of specimens, the majority of them (66.7%) bearing G1-serotype specificity. Taking both electropherotypes and serotypes together, G1 rotavirus strains displaying long and short RNA patterns accounted for 30.9% and 19.0% of tested specimens, respectively; all G2 strains had short electropherotype. Rotavirus gastroenteritis was detected year-round and, in 1998, the incidence rates tended to be higher during the second semester than in the first semester: 45.2% and 26.1% (p = 0.13), respectively. Rotavirus infections peaked at the second semester of life with frequencies of 30.1% and 13.5% for diarrhoeic children and controls, respectively. While the six rotavirus strains bearing G2-type specificity were circulating throughout the whole study period, G1 serotypes (n = 27) emerged as from June 1998 onwards, 20 (74.1%) of which clustering in 1998. These data underscore the importance of rotaviruses in the aetiology of severe infantile gastroenteritis in Northeastern Brazil and sustain the concept that a future vaccine should confer protection against more than one serotype.


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Dengue is currently a major public-health problem. Dengue virus (DENV) is classified into four distinct serotypes, DENV 1-4. After 28 years of absence, DENV-4 was again detected in Brazil in 2010 in Roraima State, and one year later, the virus was identified in the northern Brazilian states of Amazonas and Pará, followed by Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. In Minas Gerais, the first confirmed case of DENV-4 occurred in the municipality of Frutal in 2011 and has now been isolated from a growing number of patients. Although DENV-2 is associated with the highest risk of severe forms of the disease and death due to the infection, DENV-4 has also been associated with severe forms of the disease and an increasing risk of hemorrhagic manifestations. Herein, the first fatal case of confirmed DENV-4 in Brazil is reported. The patient was an 11-year-old girl from the municipality of Montes Claros in northern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. She had idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura as a comorbid condition and presented with a fulminant course of infection, leading to death due to hemorrhagic complications. Diagnosis was confirmed by detection of Dengue-specific antibodies using IgM capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and semi-nested RT-PCR. Primary care physicians and other health-care providers should bear in mind that DENV-4 can also result in severe forms of the disease and lead to hemorrhagic complications and death, mainly when dengue infection is associated with coexisting conditions.


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Introduction: Hepatic capillariosis, caused by Capillaria hepatica (Calodium hepaticum) (Bancroft, 1893), Travassos, 1915 (Nematoda, Trichinelloidea, Capillariidae), is a common zoonosis in rodents but is rare in humans. Seventy-two cases in humans have been reported worldwide since the first case was described by MACARTHUR in 192417,27. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Capillaria hepatica in humans and rodents in an urban area of Porto Velho, the capital of Rondônia, in Brazil. Methods: After conducting a census of the area, 490 residents were randomly selected, and, after signing a term of consent, provided blood samples that were screened for anti-Capillaria hepatica antibodies. Simultaneously, rats were captured to assess the prevalence of this parasite in rodents by histopathological examination in liver sections. Results: A prevalence of 1.8% was found among residents who had specific antibodies at a dilution of 1:150, indicating exposure to parasite eggs; 0.8% of the subjects also had positive titers at a dilution of 1:400, indicating true infection. The prevalence in rats was 2%. Conclusions: The prevalence of infection with this parasite among humans and rats was low. While the prevalence encountered among humans was within the limits reported in the literature, the prevalence among rodents was much lower.


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O autor estuda os dados obtidos pela infecção de moluscos de Campinas e de Belo Horizonte por miracídios de S. mansoni. Chega à conclusão de que a população de Belo Horizonte mostrou-se mais susceptível à infecção pelo helminto do que a população de moluscos Campinas.


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São apresentados dados referentes às espécies e infecção natural de triatomíneos na Ilha de São Luis-MA. Dos triatomíneos coletados foram encontradas as seguintes espécies: Rhodnius pictipes Rhodnius neglectus, Rhodnius nasutus, Triatoma rubrofasciata, Panstrongylus lignarus e Panstrogylus geniculatus. A presença de infecção natural por Trypanosoma do tipo cruzi foi detectada em 19,7% do total de triatomíneos sendo o R. pictipes a espécie mais homogênea em distribuição na Ilha e com índice de infecção natural de 38,8%.