184 resultados para Humorous poetry, American.


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A new species of whipworm, Trichuris robusti, is described from the cecum and large intestine of rodent, Ctnomys robusti, collected in northern Chile. The nematode shows close affinityto T. bradleyi and T. chilensis, both having been described from Chile but because of the possession of ceertain specific morphological chareacters, particularly the disposition of the proximal cloacal tube, could not be assigned to either of them. A key is presented to some of the Trichuris species reported from hystricomorph rodents in Chile and the biographical significance of speciation of chilean trichurids is discussed.


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In order to evaluate the reliability of histopathological classifications of cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis the authors compared the histopathological patterns of two biopsies taken simultaneously from the same patient, and classified the material according to Ridley et al. (1980), to Magalhães et al. (1986a), and to a more simplified classification with only three patterns. District histopathological aspects, were observed in different lesions or even in the same lesion. The authors concluded that histopathological patterns do not represent a stage of tegumentary leishmaniasis, thus they can not be correlated with prognosis and therapeutical response as suggested in the literature.


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The effect of deltamethrin of the sandfly population in a focus of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Viana, Espírito Santo State is desvribed. The phlebotomine population density was determined inside and outside houses during a one year period in a treated and untreated area. The results showed a significant reduction in the number of sandflies inside houses in the treated area compared with both the untreated area and the same area before sparying. Despite having a residual action for 12 months after spraying the insecticide was ineffective outside houses. It is concluded therefore that deltamethrin is an efficient insecticide for reducing the number of phlebotomine sandflies inside houses.


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The authors report a case of culture-proven disseminated American muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania brasiliensis brasiliensis in an HIV positive patient. Lesions began in the oropharynx and nasal mucosa eventually spreading to much of the skin surface. The response to a short course of glucantime therapy was good.


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South American Aoutus an d Saimiri monkeys, which are susceptible to infection with human malarias, have been used to develop models for the testing of huma malaria vaccines. Studies indicate that blood-stage and sporozoite vaccines can be tested in these monkeys using appropriate strains of parasites.


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American mucocutaneous leishmaniasis is a granulomatous disease clinically characterized by ulcerated skin lesions that can regress spontaneously. A small percentage of the affected individuals can however develop a severe destruction of the nasal, oral, pharyngeal and/or laryngeal mucous membranes many years after the healing of the primary lesion. The human immune response to the infection and the possible mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of the disease, determining either the self-healing or the development of chronic and destructive mucosal lesions, are discussed.


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In order to characterize the epidemiology of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL) in a periurban area of the municipality of Sabará in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte (MRBH), an area until then considered free of the disease, a cross sectional survey was undertaken in 1990. The survey of the population consisted of 1119 interviews and 881 clinical examinations using Montenegro's skin test (MST). A low prevalence (3.7%) of positive MST was encountered. The disease had been occuring in the area for about 20 years in the form of sporadic cases. The predominant species of sandfly both in domestic areas and nearby areas of secondary vegetation was Lutzomyia whitmani. A canine survey of delayed hypersensitivity to the antigen P10,000 identified only one dog with a positive reaction out of 113 examined. The transmission of ACL in MRBH was confirmed. The occurrence of the disease in women, children and individuals with no contact with forest areas as well as the presence of potential vector species in the domiciliar environment, suggests the transmission of the disease in this environment.


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The CIPA programme is a collaborative project including two entomologists from France and seven South and Central America countries. Its objective is the development of an expert system for computer aided identification of phlebotomine sandflies from the Americas. It also includes the formation of data bases for bibliographic, taxonomic and biogeographic data. Participant consensus on taxonomic prerequisites, standardization in bibliographic data collections and selection of descriptive variables for the final programme has been established through continous communication among participants and annual meetings. The adopted check-list of American sandflies presented here includes 386 specific taxa, ordered into genera and 28 sub-genera or species groups.


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Investigations were carried out on the host parasitoid interaction between Periplaneta americana, the American cockroach and Tetrastichus hagenowii, an oothecal parasitoid. This gregarious female parasitoid infected and or oviposited in only one host and caused 100 por cento mortality of the infected host. However, increase in parasitoid density decreased the progeny production and influenced the sex ratio. The progenies produced were male biased. When host preference was tested by offering oothecae of different species of cockroaches, T. hagenowii showed a predilection towards the oothecae of P. americana, suggestings its host specificity.


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The aim of this study is to review some of the ecoepidemiological aspects of american cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. During the first half of this century ACL occured in São Paulo, predominantly on the bank of the Tietê river, where there were railroad constructions and there was inevitable contact between and forested areas. Man's activities resulted in a drastic reduction of the forested regions of the state and molded the present landscape found in São Paulo, which brought a gradual change in the epidemiology of ACL during this century. Currently ACL can be considered as an endemic disease. Nowadays, ACL is found in different regions of São Paulo state, and is no longer limited to the bank of the Tietê river. The disease occurs in all age groups and sexes. Lack of knowledge about wild reservoir hosts of Leishmania (V.) braziliensis has simulated speculation about the possible role played by domestic animals (dogs and equines). Man's activities also favoured Lutzomyia intermedia a sandfly species which can clearly thrive in changed environments L. (V.) braziliensis continues to be transmitted, even after decades of forest destruction in São Paulo.


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American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) has been increasing in Pernambuco, thus becoming an important problem for Public Health. The incindence is predominant in the region called "Zona da Mata", in the east of this state. This region corresponds geographically to the primitive area of the Atlantic forest. In order to characterize the eco-epidemiology expression of ACL in this region, two localities situated in the municipalities of Amaraji e Cortes have been selected by the criterion of higher incindence of human cases. Five stocks of patients were characterized and identified on the basis of enzyme profiles as a new variant of Leishmania (V.) braziliensis. A survey of wild and domestic animals was carried out by means of a parasitological and serological diagnosis. Through the analysis of the spleen and liver imprints, were detected amastigotes compatible with Leishmania in five Nectomys s. squamipes, five Bolomys l. pixuna, two Rattus r. alexandrinus and one Rattus r. frugivorus. For two years we carried out monthly sandflies captures using CDC light traps as well as manual captures. Lutzomyia whitmani was predominant, which accounted for 97.4 por cento of the total. These data indicate a strong evidence on the vector and the potential reservoirs of L. braziliensis in this region.


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This study evaluates whether blood collected on filter paper kept at 4 degrees C and tested at different intervals of time (1, 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after collection) would present similar results when compared to the serum samples and whether the type of filter paper influences the results. Eluates from filter paper samples were tested for Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies using indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT), indirect haemagglutination (IHA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as reference, the antibody titer in sera. Analysis of data showed that results obtained with IFAT, IHA (cut off point = 1:40) and ELISA in sera had similar sensitivity and good concordance among reactions. The use of a multiple linear regression model indicated that titer fall in eluates occurs up to the 7th day after the collection, and it is more marked for samples with lower antibodies titers. However, no significant differences were observed by IFAT, IHA (cut off point = 1:20) and ELISA in the proportion of positive reactions between sera and eluates. The results also showed that Melitta, Klabin or Whatman (reference) filter papers could be indicated for surveys, since they have shown similar capacity of maintenance of anti-T. cruzi immunoglobulins.


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Seventeen patients proceeding from the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil presenting with the cutaneous ulcerative form of American leishmaniasis were treated with one ampoule of pentavalent antimony daily for 30 days. With this regimen the individuals doses varies greatly: from 3.8 mg/kg of body weight to 22.3 mg/kg. After five years, patients receiving either a smaller dose or a bigger one, showed the same therapeutic result: cutaneous scars and no mucosal lesions.