OBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência dos fatores de risco das doenças cardiovasculares, em particular, a hipertensão arterial sistêmica na população adulta do RS, seu nível de reconhecimento e controle, além dos fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, com amostragem aleatória por conglomerado, em 918 adultos >20 anos, realizada de 1999-2000, tendo hipertensão arterial sistêmica definida como pressão arterial >140/90 ou uso atual de anti-hipertensivos. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica foi de 33,7% (n=309), sendo que 49,2% desconheciam ser hipertensos; 10,4% tinham conhecimento de ser hipertensos, mas não seguiam o tratamento; 30,1% seguiam o tratamento, mas não apresentavam controle adequado e 10,4% seguiam tratamento anti-hipertensivo com bom controle. Após análise multivariada, as características associadas significativamente com a presença de hipertensão arterial sistêmica foram: idade (OR=1,06), obesidade (OR=3,03) e baixa escolaridade (OR=1,82); as mesmas características foram associadas à falta de reconhecimento da hipertensão: idade (OR=1,05), obesidade (OR=2,46) e baixa escolaridade (OR=2,17). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica no RS manteve-se em níveis constantes nas últimas décadas, e seu grau de reconhecimento apresentou discreta melhora. Entretanto, o nível de controle da hipertensão arterial sistêmica não apresentou crescimento. Este estudo permitiu definir um grupo-alvo - pessoas de maior idade, obesas e de baixa escolaridade - tanto para campanhas diagnósticas, como para a obtenção de maior controle de níveis pressóricos.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e os fatores associados a sua ocorrência. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo transversal, de base populacional, na população de 20 a 69 anos residente na zona urbana de Pelotas-RS. A variável dependente hipertensão arterial sistêmica foi definida como pressão arterial >160 x 95 mmHg (média de duas medidas) ou o uso atual de medicação anti-hipertensiva. RESULTADOS: Entre as 1.968 pessoas incluídas no estudo, foi encontrada uma prevalência de 23,6% (IC95% 21,6 a 25,3) de hipertensão arterial. Os fatores de confusão foram controlados através da regressão de Poisson. Foram mantidas no modelo final com significância estatística as variáveis: renda familiar, idade, cor da pele, sexo, história familiar de hipertensão, consumo adicional de sal e índice de massa corporal. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se um aumento da prevalência de hipertensão em comparação com estudo semelhante realizado em 1992. O maior aumento percentual de prevalência ocorreu nos grupos mais jovens.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito prognóstico da esclerose valvular aórtica na mortalidade e morte de causa cardíaca de pacientes atendidos no Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul nos anos de 1996 a 2000. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte histórico que utilizou informações contidas nos bancos de dados do laboratório de ecocardiografia do Hospital de Cardiologia e nos Registros de Óbitos da Secretária da Saúde do Rio Grande do Sul. O período de avaliação foi de 1996 a 2000. Os desfechos foram morte e morte de causa cardíaca. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 8.585 casos, dos quais 2.154 (25%) eram portadores de esclerose valvular aórtica. O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 41±6 meses, e a ocorrência de morte e morte cardíaca foram respectivamente, de 299 (3,5%) e 95 (1,1%). O grupo de pacientes com esclerose valvular aórtica apresentou mais miocardiopatia segmentar, disfunção ventricular, aumento ventricular e hipertrofia ventricular, e não apresentou, entretanto, maior risco de morte ou morte de causa cardíaca quando feita análise de multivariança. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de esclerose valvular aórtica não aumentou o risco de morte e de morte de causa cardíaca na população estudada.
FUNDAMENTO: A síndrome metabólica (SM) é considerada um fator muito importante no desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV). OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de síndrome metabólica (SM) nos pacientes atendidos no ambulatório para a prevenção secundária de doença arterial coronariana do IC-FUC, bem como verificar o excesso de peso por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC) e a prevalência de obesidade abdominal na doença cardiovascular (DCV). MÉTODOS: A amostra final foi composta por 151 indivíduos (de 26 a 84 anos), cujos dados foram retirados da primeira consulta que apresentou exames sanguíneos de jejum, medidas da pressão arterial (PA), circunferência abdominal (CA) em centímetros, peso e estatura, associando sexo e idade. Para A avaliação de SM, foi utilizado o conceito do NCEP-ATP III. RESULTADOS: O sexo masculino representou 64,9% da amostra. Foram encontrados índices de sobrepeso de 50% e obesidade de 21,3%, estando a CA aumentada presente em 30,8% dos indivíduos, 20 homens e 25 mulheres. Atendendo aos critérios do NCEP-ATP III para o diagnóstico de SM, a prevalência dessa síndrome foi de 61,5%, incluindo 54 homens e 39 mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: Verifica-se que a prevalência de SM em pacientes portadores de DCV no ambulatório para a prevenção secundária de DAC do IC-FUC é elevada, tendo também como característica a alta prevalência de sobrepeso, obesidade e CA aumentada.
Abstract Background: Due to the importance of coronary artery disease (CAD), continuous investigation of the risk factors (RFs) is needed. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of RFs for CAD in cities in Rio Grande do Sul State, and compare it with that reported in a similar study conducted in the same cities in 2002. Methods: Cross-sectional study on 1,056 healthy adults, investigating the prevalence and absolute and relative frequencies of the following RFs for CAD: obesity, systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), dyslipidemias, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes mellitus, and family history, as well as age and sex. Data was collected in 19 cities, host of the Offices of the Regional Coordinators of Health, as in the 2002 study. Results: Twenty-six percent of the sample consisted of older adults and 57% were women. The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle was 44%, history family 50%, smoking 23%, overweight/obesity 68%, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol levels) 43%, SAH 40%, and diabetes 11%. When compared to the 2002 study, the prevalence of active smoking and sedentary behavior decreased, whereas the prevalence of hypertension, dyslipidemia and obesity increased. Obesity is the most prevalent RF in women, and SAH the most prevalent in men. Conclusions: The prevalence of RFs for CAD in Rio Grande do Sul State remains high. Hypertension, obesity and dyslipidemia are still prevalent and require major prevention programs. Smoking and physical inactivity have decreased in the state, suggesting the efficacy of related campaigns.
A field survey of flowering plants used as food resource by the adults of Heliconius erato phyllis (Fabricius, 1775) was carried out in four sites located in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Samples were taken in preserved areas of the Atlantic Rain and Myrtaceae forests, an Eucalyptus plantation, and an urban park. Adult feeding frequencies on flowers were registered monthly from December 1996 to May 1997, on plants located on previously marked 200 m long transects. Flowers on which H. erato phyllis fed in the field were collected, drawn and morphometrically characterized. Feeding was registered on flowers of twenty-three species, of which seventeen are new records for H. erato in Brazil . The use of a given plant varied among localities, as a function of its corresponding abundance. The most visited flowers were those of Lantana camara L. and Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl, followed by Dahliapinnata Voss in the urban site. The data suggest the existence of size and shape convergence between the proboscis and the small, tubular flowers upon which H. eratophyllis feeds. They also indicate that H. eratophyllis adults have an opportunistic nectar feeding / pollen gathering habit, using several of those flowers available in a given time and locality that fit such a morphometrical pattern. Since plant species of both primitive and derived families are used, there is no indication that phylogenetic constraints play a major role in this association, nor that color of flowers, growth pattern or size of the plants are relevant in determining their use by H. erato phyllis.
A survey of the Streblidae batflies on the phyllostomid bats was conducted in the northeastern Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, during 1997. Hundred thirty three streblids were collected on 44 parasited hosts. Eleven species of batflies (Trichobius dugesii Townsend, 1891, T. tiptoni Wenzel, 1976, Trichobius sp., Paratrichobius longicrus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1907), Megistopoda aranea (Coquillett, 1899), M. proxima (Séguy, 1926), Exastinion clovisi (Pessoa & Guimarães, 1936), Paraeuctenodes longipes Pessoa & Guimarães, 1936, Anastrebla modestini Wenzel, 1966, A. caudiferae Wenzel, 1976 and Metelasmus pseudopterus Coquillett, 1907) were found on six species of phyllostomid bats (Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818), A. fimbriatus Gray, 1838, Sturnira lilium (E. Geoffroy, 1810), Glossophaga soricina (Pallas, 1766), Anoura caudifera (E. Geoffroy, 1818) and A. geoffroyi Gray, 1838). All records are new for the Rio Grande do Sul and Anastrebla caudiferae is firstly recorded in Brazil. Differences in the batflies community composition in Artibeus fimbriatus and A. lituratus are discussed.
The feeding biology of Steindachnerina brevipinna (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) is described based on specimens collected in the Ibicuí-Mirim river, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from April 2001 to March 2002. Diet description is based on the analysis of the frequency of occurrence and index of dietary importance of the ingested items. The monthly variation of stomach repletion, hepatosomatic and intestinal indexes was also analyzed. Major feeding activity occurred before (May, June and July 2001) the reproductive period, with the hepatosomatic index values showing similar variation along the year. Both the mean intestinal quotient and the analysis of the main ingested items (Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta algae) indicate a detritivorous diet.
Oligosarcus jenynsii (Günther, 1864) and O. robustus Menezes, 1969 are fish species distributed in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Uruguay, and northern Argentina. The reproductive period and recruitment, sex ratio, absolute and relative fecundity, and body length at first gonadal maturation of the two carnivorous species from Fortaleza Lagoon were analized. The specimens were sampled monthly, from May 2000 to April 2001, with fishing effort of 24 hours/month, using stationary gillnets of different mesh sizes and seine net (three samples per edge). The records of each individual included total length, total weight, gonad weight, sex and gonadal maturity stage. The reproductive period of both O. jenynsii and O. robustus ranges from May/June to November/December, according to the bimonthly variation of the mean values of gonosomatic index, and the relative frequencies of the gonadal maturation stages. Recruitment of new individuals to the population occurs from November/December to March/April. The sex ratio is different from 1:1 for O. jenynsii and similar to 1:1 for O. robustus. The mean absolute fecundity, calculated by counting sub-sampled oocytes from mature females, was 14,483 oocytes for O. jenynsii, and 16,308 oocytes for O. robustus. The first maturation curve shows that O. jenynsii begins to reproduce between 84 mm and 104 mm (total length), and O. robustus between 126 mm and 146 mm, probably at similar ages.
While all species of the genus Callinectes Stimpson, 1860 have a continuous distribution on the Atlantic coast of the Americas, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 is the only one with disjunct distribution. Considering that this species was introduced in Europe and Japan, it has been suggested that the occurrence of C. sapidus on the southern coast of Brazil was due to the transport by ballast water. In the archaeological site Ariano Souza, located in the estuary of the Patos Lagoon (southern Brazil), remains of crustaceans, including claws of approximately two thousand years ago, were found. A preliminary analysis of this material showed Callinectes chelae. Because this archaeological site is located inside the estuary, it has been hypothesized that these chelae belong either to C. sapidus or to C. danae Smith, 1869. A comparison between pincers collected in the archaeological and pincers of these two species (90 dactyls, 30 of each type) was performed. The analysis (ANOVA) considered the variability of seven characters of the dactyls, and demonstrated the existence of two groups. Results showed that the measured characters suffice to separate these species, and indicated that the material found in the archaeological site belongs to C. sapidus. The hypothesis of the introduction of C. sapidus in the area is rejected. The possible biogeographic history of the species is discussed.
Bone diseases and tooth alterations in 47 specimens of Otaria byronia (Blainville, 1820), from southern Brazilian coast, were analized. Tooth wear and the associated bone pathologies were determined, as well as their percentuals. The main infection was osteomyelitis associated with tooth alterations, such as fractures and attrition, both of them exposing the pulp chamber. Tooth attrition increases with age, favoring fractures and their complications, including osteomyelitis, causing a high frequency of them in specimens presenting more pronounced tooth wear. In one specimen tuberculosis was found in the maxilla, perhaps primarily pulmonary. The high frequency of enamel hypoplasia might reflect cyclic food deficit. Infections and tooth fractures might be related to behaviour, such as fishermen interaction, territorial fighting, and accidents during food capture.
The thermal requeriments of Culex quinquefasciatus (Say, 1823) and the number of generations in the year are determined. The colony to obtain eggs, larvae, pupae and adults was established under laboratory conditions. Every stage was maintained at constant temperature (15, 20, 25 and 30ºC), in cameras, with relative humidity of 80% ± 5 and photophase of 12 hours, to settle down the thermal inferior limit and the thermal constant by the method of the hiperbole. The thermal inferior limit to phase of egg, larvae and pupa were respectively 10.0, 9.1 and 10.2ºC, and 10.2ºC to all the aquatic cycle, with a thermal constant of 207.2 degree-day, with the mean of 15.5 generations per year in Pelotas, State of Rio Grande do Sul.
In order to investigate the population fluctuation of Diptera in a poultry house in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, six collection methods were utilized: 1 (0 to 7 day-old feces from chickens), 2 (7 to 14 day-old feces), 3 (14 to 21 day-old feces), 4 (0 to 21 day-old feces), 5 (accumulated feces) and 6 (tube trap). Analyses of polynomial regression were accomplished independent of the collection method. The survey was conducted from August 1998 to July 1999 in chicken houses at the Conjunto Agrotécnico Visconde da Graça. A total of 28,720 Diptera were collected, including the following species: Coproica sp. and Telomerina flavipes (Meigen, 1830) (15,640); Drosophila repleta Wollaston, 1858 (9,229); Dohrniphora cornuta (Bigot, 1857) (2,539); Ischiolepta scabricula (Haliday, 1833) (544); Lestodiplosis sp. (320); Muscina stabulans (Fallen, 1817) (159); Musca domestica L., 1758 (143); Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830 (95); Telmatoscopus albipunctatus Williston, 1893 (21); Rhegmoclema sp. (14); Fannia canicularis (L., 1761) (7); Stomoxys calcitrans (L., 1758) (2); and unidentified species of Psychodidae (6) and Muscidae (1). The greatest number of species occurred in October, November and December and the fewest in August, September and April. The greatest abundance of Diptera was recorded in October (9,092), while the lowest index of capture was noted in April (658). The population fluctuation was estimated for Coproica sp. and T. flavipes, D. repleta, D. cornuta, I. scabricula and Lestodiplosis sp.
To estimate the populational fluctuation of Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 species and the relation of populational abundance around, six wind oriented trap (WOT) were placed in three distinct ecological areas (urban, rural and wild) in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from February/1993 to January/1995. The flies were weekly collected. Captured species were Chrysomya albiceps Wiedmann, 1819, C. megacephala Fabricius, 1794 and C. putoria Wiedmann, 1830 with respective abundance of 64.5%, 19.7% and 0.9%, representing a total of 85.0% of 409,920 specimens of Calliphoridae. The three species demonstrated similarity in the populational fluctuation, except in the abundance. The populational peak ocurred in autum when the temperature decreases. In the months of July to November no fly was collected, recomposing the population in December, when the temperature surpassed 20ºC.