174 resultados para Extra Nonadditive Parameters
Apparently, there are no custard apple cultivars defined for the northeastern region of Brazil. The establishment of breeding programs aimed at the selection of types from productive locations for later cloning is desirable. This work's objective was to evaluate the yield (during the first three crops) and quality (first crop) of fruits from 20 half-sibling custard apple tree progenies, selected from home orchards. An additional objective was to estimate genetic parameters for the traits evaluated. A micro sprinkling-irrigated experiment was conducted in Mossoró-RN, Brazil, as random blocks with five replications. In characteristics evaluated for periods longer than a year (diameter, height and mean weight of fruits, number of fruits ha-1 and fruit yield (kg ha-1), and a split-plot design was adopted, with progenies considered as plots and annual cropping seasons as subplots. The best progenies in terms of fruit yield (A3 and A4) are not necessarily the best for fruit dimensions and fruit mean weight (A2, FE4, JG1, JG2, SM1, SM7, and SM8). These progenies show great potential to be used in future studies on crosses or on vegetative propagation. In this regard, progeny JG2 should be highlighted as promising in terms of yield and fruit size. The progenies are not different with regard to percentages (in relation to mean fruit mass) of pericarp, endocarp, seeds, and receptacle, in the fruit, and fruit volume, number of seeds/fruit, and total soluble solids content in the fruit pulp, but progeny FE4 presents higher total titratable acidity in the fruit pulp. Narrow-sense heritability estimates were relatively high for all characteristics in which there was variability between progenies, with higher values for number of fruits ha-1 (80 %) and fruit yield (78 %). Relatively high coefficients of genotypic variation (around 20%) were observed for number of fruits ha-1 and fruit yield, with lower values for the other characteristics. There were positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations between fruit diameter (FD) and fruit height, FD and mean fruit weight, and number of fruits ha-1 and fruit yield.
O osteossarcoma extra-esquelético é uma neoplasia rara caracterizada pela produção de osteóide "maligno". Esta condição tem sido descrita em faixa etária acima da esperada para o osteossarcoma ósseo, e a coxa é o local de predileção. Realizamos revisão da literatura e descrevemos o caso clínico de uma paciente de 19 anos de idade com história de massa na região cervical direita associada a parestesia dos membros superiores, a qual foi diagnosticada como portadora de osteossarcoma extra-esquelético. Enfatizamos as características clínicas, os aspectos das imagens em diversos métodos empregados (exames radiográficos convencionais, tomografia computadorizada, exame por ressonância magnética), análise histopatológica e os principais diagnósticos diferenciais desta afecção.
Doenças sistêmicas, doenças orbitárias primárias e lesões extra-orbitárias com extensão secundária para a órbita podem causar proptose ocular. Foram estudados, por tomografia computadorizada, 11 pacientes com proptose ocular causada por tumores malignos extra-orbitários, sem qualquer tratamento prévio do tumor. Houve predomínio de neoplasias não-epiteliais (82%), tendo sido três rabdomiossarcomas (27%) e três linfomas não-Hodgkin (27%). Outros sarcomas estiveram presentes em dois casos (18%), seguidos por linfoma de Burkitt (9%), carcinoma epidermóide (9%) e carcinoma pouco diferenciado (9%). Nove tumores (82%) tiveram origem nas cavidades sinonasais, a maioria (cinco casos) com origem no seio etmoidal. Proptose ocular foi a única alteração oftálmica em quatro casos (36%), e um paciente teve proptose ocular bilateral como único sinal da doença. Dezessete órbitas foram acometidas pelos 11 tumores, já que seis pacientes tiveram comprometimento orbitário tumoral bilateral. Os tumores se estenderam às órbitas preferencialmente através da parede óssea orbitária (16 órbitas; 94%). Das 17 órbitas comprometidas, a maioria (59%) teve todos os compartimentos lesados. Em 16 órbitas o tumor apresentou situação extraconal. À tomografia computadorizada, proptose ocular esteve presente em 15 das 17 órbitas (88%), tendo sido bilateral em quatro casos (oito órbitas). Houve predomínio de proptose ocular grau 2 à tomografia computadorizada (sete pacientes; 47%). Um total de 44 regiões crânio-faciais foi comprometido, além da órbita e do sítio de origem da neoplasia, indicando a grande extensão loco-regional desses tumores no momento do diagnóstico.
Um caso de tumor de Wilms extra-renal de localização retroperitoneal em uma paciente do sexo feminino de dois anos de idade é apresentado, associado a revisão de literatura. Foram realizados exames de radiografia simples do abdome, urografia excretora, ultra-sonografia e tomografia computadorizada sem e com contraste, que evidenciaram a presença de massa retroperitoneal adjacente ao rim direito. A paciente foi submetida a intervenção cirúrgica, com ressecção de toda a massa, sendo o diagnóstico de tumor de Wilms confirmado com exame anatomopatológico. O tumor de Wilms extra-renal é uma entidade extremamente rara e maligna, descrito na literatura principalmente sob a forma de relato de caso. Pode ocorrer no retroperitônio, útero e ovários, canal inguinal, testículos, pele, e até mesmo no tórax. O mecanismo exato que poderia explicar a ocorrência deste tumor em tecido extra-renal não foi bem estabelecido ainda. O diagnóstico é feito através do estudo anatomopatológico da lesão, geralmente após intervenção cirúrgica.
Objective To develop procedures to ensure consistency of printing quality of digital images, by means of hardcopy quantitative analysis based on a standard image. Materials and Methods Characteristics of mammography DI-ML and general purpose DI-HL films were studied through the QC-Test utilizing different processing techniques in a FujiFilm®-DryPix4000 printer. A software was developed for sensitometric evaluation, generating a digital image including a gray scale and a bar pattern to evaluate contrast and spatial resolution. Results Mammography films showed maximum optical density of 4.11 and general purpose films, 3.22. The digital image was developed with a 33-step wedge scale and a high-contrast bar pattern (1 to 30 lp/cm) for spatial resolution evaluation. Conclusion Mammographic films presented higher values for maximum optical density and contrast resolution as compared with general purpose films. The utilized digital processing technique could only change the image pixels matrix values and did not affect the printing standard. The proposed digital image standard allows greater control of the relationship between pixels values and optical density obtained in the analysis of films quality and printing systems.
AbstractObjective:The present study is aimed at contributing to identify the most appropriate OSEM parameters to generate myocardial perfusion imaging reconstructions with the best diagnostic quality, correlating them with patients' body mass index.Materials and Methods:The present study included 28 adult patients submitted to myocardial perfusion imaging in a public hospital. The OSEM method was utilized in the images reconstruction with six different combinations of iterations and subsets numbers. The images were analyzed by nuclear cardiology specialists taking their diagnostic value into consideration and indicating the most appropriate images in terms of diagnostic quality.Results:An overall scoring analysis demonstrated that the combination of four iterations and four subsets has generated the most appropriate images in terms of diagnostic quality for all the classes of body mass index; however, the role played by the combination of six iterations and four subsets is highlighted in relation to the higher body mass index classes.Conclusion:The use of optimized parameters seems to play a relevant role in the generation of images with better diagnostic quality, ensuring the diagnosis and consequential appropriate and effective treatment for the patient.
Stingless bees produce a honey that is different from the Apis honey in terms of composition. There aren't enough data to establish quality control parameters for this product, mainly due to lack of research results. The aim of this work is to evaluate some physicochemical parameters that can be used for the characterization and for the quality control of the Meliponinae honey. Four different samples were collected in the Amazon region of Brazil in 2004 (Melipona compressipes manaoense bee and Melipona seminigra merribae bee). Honey analyses were performed as described by the official methods. The mean results were: moisture (30.13%), pH (3.65), acidity (24.57 mEq/kg), water activity (0.75), fructose (31.91%), glucose (29.30%) and sucrose (0.19%). These results reinforce the need for a specific regulation for stingless bee honey. This will only be feasible when enough data is available to establish upper and lower limits for the physicochemical parameters used for quality control.
The environmental impact of plastic waste has attracted worldwide attention. Amid the current context of increasing concern for the environment, biodegradable plastics have been widely studied as a replacement for synthetic plastics. Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P(3HB)) is a biopolymer stored as an intracellular energy and reserve source in many microorganisms. Because it is an intracellular product, P(3HB) must be extracted from the cells at the end of the culture. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of extraction time, heating temperature, first standing time (after filtration and extraction), second standing time (after P(3HB) precipitation) and solvent amount, during the process of extracting P(3HB) from Cupriavidus necator DSM 545, using propylene carbonate as solvent. The extraction kinetic of P(3HB) with propylene carbonate from thermally treated biomass was evaluated at different temperatures. The physical properties of the P(3HB) obtained were also evaluated. In this case, P(3HB) obtained at optimal conditions of recovery (98%) and purity (99%) was used. Results showed that temperature was the most important factor in these responses for the range of values studied (110-150 ºC).
Some aspects of the application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to studies of solid electrode / solution interface, in the absence of faradaic processes, are analysed. In order to perform this analysis, gold electrodes with (111) and (210) crystallographic orientations in an aqueous solution containing 10 mmol dm-3 KF, as supporting electrolyte, and a pyridine concentration varying from 0.01 to 4.6 mmol dm-3, were used. The experimental data was analysed by using EQUIVCRT software, which utilises non-linear least squares routines, attributing to the solid electrode / solution interface behaviour described by an equivalent circuit with a resistance in series with a constant phase element. The results of this fitting procedure were analysed by the dependence on the electrode potential on two parameters: the pre-exponential factor, Y0, and the exponent n f, related with the phase angle shift. By this analysis it was possible to observe that the pyridine adsorption is strongly affected by the crystallographic orientation of the electrode surface and that the extent of deviation from ideal capacitive behaviour is mainly of interfacial origin.
Stability constant (log beta) and thermodynamic parameters of Cd2+ complexes with sulfonamide and cephapirin were determined by Polarographic technique at pH = 7.30 ± 0.01 and µ = 1.0 M KNO3 at 250°C. The sulfonamides were sulfadiazine, sulfisoxazole, sulfamethaxazole, sulfamethazine, sulfathiazole, sulfacetamide and sulfanilamide used as primary ligands and cephapirin as secondary ligand. Cd2+ formed 1:1:1, 1:2:1 and 1:1:2 complexes. The nature of electrode processes were reversible and diffusion controlled. The stability constants and thermodynamic parameters (deltaG, deltaH and deltaS) were determined. The formation of the metal complexes has been found to be spontaneous, exothermic in nature, and entropically unfavourable at higher temperature.
A quantitative analysis is made on the correlation ship of thermodynamic property, i.e., standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with Kier's molecular connectivity index(¹Xv),vander waal's volume (Vw) electrotopological state index (E) and refractotopological state index (R) in gaseous state of alkanes. The regression analysis reveals a significant linear correlation of standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with ¹Xv, Vw, E and R. The equations obtained by regression analysis may be used to estimate standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) of alkanes in gaseous state.
ABSTRACT The productivity of Eucalyptus at plantations is increasing and has undergone a variety of research studies. Most research is dealing with simple dendrometric variables like the DBH (diameter at breast height) and tree height, or more complex variables including crown parameters or variables concerning photosynthesis. The root systems, however, have not been well analyzed yet. The objective of the study was to analyze the root system with a non-destructive method and to evaluate possible correlations with dendrometric variables of the tree (DBH, height, crown expansion). A small experimental plantation with 39 even-aged, 6-year-old trees of Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla has been investigated within this study. The results of the study show the highest correlation of the root areas with the crown expansion. In general, the root area shows a significantly bigger expansion in the eucalypt plantation than the tree crown, with a more homogeneous development.
The objective of this work was to determine the effect of environmental variables and supplementation levels on physiological parameters of Moxotó goats in confined and semi-confined rising systems, in the Brazilian semi-arid region. The semi-confined individuals were kept on a grass based diet during the day and arrested in the end of the afternoon. The confined animals were kept in a management center, receiving two diets composed by forage cactus and maniçoba hay into two different levels (0.5 and 1.5% of the body weight). Inside the management center and in the external environment the environmental comfort parameters were set high during the afternoon period characterizing a situation of thermal discomfort for the animals. During the morning the semi-confined animals presented an average respiratory frequency (69.5 mov min-1) and rectal temperature (39.5 ºC) higher than the confined ones (62.6 mov min-1 and 39.0 ºC, respectively). The confined and semi-confined animals were able to maintain their rectal temperature within normal limits, with increase in the cardiac beatings rate and respiratory frequency. The greater percentage of the used supplementations (1.5%) seemed to increase rectal temperature in the two studied rising systems.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the behavior, performance and physiological parameters of pigs in different production systems. Twenty four animals in the growth phase were distributed in a randomized block design in three treatments: T1 - concrete floor, T2 - deep bedding with wood shaving, and T3 - deep bedding with coffee husks. The behavioral study was carried out by observing the animal behavior for an uninterrupted period of eight hours throughout seven weeks. The proportions of time spent in each behavior were characterized using the frequency histogram composition. Environmental (IBGTH), physiological (rectal and skin temperature and respiratory rate) and performance (weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion) parameters were measured in animals during the period. The production systems of deep bedding showed higher values of IBGTH. There was no effect of production systems evaluated on the performance parameters. Rectal temperature was higher in animals reared on deep bedding with coffee husks in relation to the concrete floor. The use of deep bedding benefited the behavior of piglets in the growth phase and it reduced the agonistic behavior among individuals.
In the last few years, precision agriculture has become commonly used with many crops, particularly cereals, and there is also interest in precision horticulture. Pear is a seasonal fruit and well appreciated by Brazilian people, although it is mostly imported. Brazilian farmers are nowadays trying to increase pear production. Thus, this research aimed at mapping the yield of pear trees in order to study the spatial variability of yield as well as its comparison with spatial variability of soil and plant attributes. The experimental field had 146 pear trees, variety 'Pêra d'água', distributed on a 1.24 ha. Four harvests were performed according to the fruit ripening and from each tree; only the ripe fruits were harvested. In each harvest, all the fruits were weighed and the total yield was obtained based on the sum of each harvest. The soil attributes analyzed were P, K, Ca, Mg, pH in CaCl2, C, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and base saturation, and the plant attributes were fruit length, diameter and yield. Yield had low correlation with soil and plant attributes. An index of spatial variability was suggested in this study and helped in classifying levels of spatial dependence of the various soil and plant attributes: very low (fruit length); low (P, fruit diameter), medium (Mg, pH, Cu, Zn, Fe), high (Ca, K, base saturation and yield), and very high (Mn and C).