580 resultados para Eurocidade Chaves-Verín
Um estudo seccional foi realizado nas Vilas Waimiri e Atroari em Balbina, entre julho e outubro de 2006, com o objetivo de estimar a freqüência de anticorpo antiToxocara canis da classe IgG e avaliar as variáveis epidemiológicas e socioculturais. Foram estudadas 34 famílias e incluídos 100 indivíduos, o que correspondeu a 5% (100/2.000) da população das vilas. A idade variou de zero a 76 anos (M=22,9 Dp=18). Quanto ao gênero, 53% eram femininos e 47% masculino; 52% das amostras foram positivas para Toxocara canis, 44,5% negativas e 3,2% inconclusivas. Observou-se menor número de indivíduos com sorologia negativa na Vila Atroari 29,5% (13/44) em comparação com a Waimiri 46,4% (26/56). Com relação ao contato com cães, dos 55 indivíduos com contato domiciliar 60% (33/55) foram positivos para anticorpo antiToxocara canis Apresentaram sorologia positiva 66,6% (10/15) dos indivíduos que tinham contato domiciliar com filhotes de cão (chi²22,149 p=0,008). A existência de contato domiciliar com cães e filhotes mostrou associação com a presença de anticorpo anti-Toxocara canis na população estudada.
No presente estudo, avaliou-se a distribuição dos eosinófilos nas diferentes fases da formação do granuloma hepático de camundongos infectados pelo Schistosoma mansoni. A partir dos resultados obtidos sugerimos uma nova classificação para a evolução do granuloma hepático em camundongos montada a partir de fases descritas por outros autores. Em cada fase há um padrão diferente de distribuição dos eosinófilos. Na fase necrótico-exudativa os eosinófilos encontram-se concentrados na periferia e no centro do granuloma e na área de necrose eles são escassos; na "produtiva" os eosinófilos estão ainda distribuídos de maneira difusa por todo o granuloma; na de cura por fibrose se concentram na periferia e no centro do granuloma. Os eosinófilos estavam em contato direto com os ovos em todos os estágios de evolução dos granulomas. Conclui-se então que a dinâmica dos eosinófilos possui papel importante na formação da reação granulomatosa do hospedeiro e resolução do processo inflamatório causado pelo ovo do parasita, além de acrescentar novos dados na classificação dos granulomas hepáticos.
In March 2005, a resident of the municipality of Monte Alegre de Minas, State of Minas Gerais, without any history of traveling to endemic areas for malaria, was diagnosed with Plasmodium vivax infection and local mosquito-borne transmission was suspected. The epidemiological investigation identified another 10 cases with local transmission and all of them were related to the imported malaria case that was detected in this region. The potential exposure site was the banks of the river Tejuco, an area frequented by mineral prospectors. Some of these prospectors were known to have come from states with malaria transmission. In the autochthonous cases, Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum were diagnosed. Entomological investigation identified Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) darlingi, Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis, Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) triannulatus and Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) parvus. After the first outbreak, another three autochthonous cases were notified in municipality of Monte Alegre de Minas, in the same year. The occurrence of these outbreaks highlights the importance of surveillance systems in areas that are nonendemic for malaria.
O perfil dos indivíduos, a situação vacinal e as vacinas recomendadas aos viajantes que procuram o serviço médico de orientação pré-viagem do Ambulatório dos Viajantes do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo foram analisados no presente estudo. Dos 445 viajantes estudados, 51% eram mulheres; a mediana de idade foi de 33,5 anos; 51% viajavam a trabalho e 39,5% por lazer. Destinos mais procurados: África (47%); Ásia (31,7%); América do Sul (21,4%). Trezentos e oitenta e cinco (86,5%) viajantes tiveram indicação de vacinação para viagem. Principais vacinas recomendadas: febre tifóide (55,7%), difteria-tétano (54,1%), hepatite A (46,1%), hepatite B (44,2%), febre amarela (24,7%). A orientação pré-viagem mostrou-se importante não só para indicar as vacinas recomendadas para a viagem, mas também como oportunidade para atualização das vacinas de rotina.
Os programas de controle da hanseníase se beneficiariam de um método fácil para estimar prevalência e avaliar o impacto das ações de controle na prevalência da doença. A determinação da soroprevalência de anticorpos contra PGL-I através de estudos com crianças em idade escolar foi sugerida como indicador útil da taxa de prevalência da hanseníase a nível municipal.Para investigar se a soropositividade estaria associada aos coeficientes de detecção da hanseníase e se poderia ser usada como indicador da prevalência em outras áreas, 7.073 crianças em três estados endêmicos de hanseníase no Brasil foram testadas. Resultados mostram uma considerável variação da distribuição de soropositividade nas comunidades, independente do número de casos de hanseníase detectados. A soroprevalência foi significativamente menor nos colégios. Nenhuma diferença na distribuição da soropositividade determinada por ELISA ou dipstick foi observada. Nenhuma correlação entre o coeficiente de detecção da hanseníase e soropositividade pôde ser estabelecida.
INTRODUCTION: Septal fibrosis of the liver regularly develops in rats infected with the nematode Capillaria hepatica. Curative treatment of the infection prevents the development of septal fibrosis when intervention occurs up to postinfection day (PID) 15, but not later. The present investigation aimed to demonstrate which parasitic factors are present when the process of septal fibrosis can no longer be prevented by curative treatment. METHODS: Wistar rats were infected with 600 embryonated eggs of C. hepatica administered by gavage and treated with ivermectin and mebendazole in separate groups at PIDs 10, 12, 15, 17 or 20. Rats from each group and their nontreated controls, were killed and examined 40 days after the end of treatment. RESULTS: Findings by PID 15 were compatible with the stage of complete maturation of infection, when worms and eggs were fully developed and a complex host-parasite multifocal necroinflammatory reaction showed greater intensity, but with no signs of septal fibrosis, which appeared from PID 17 onward. CONCLUSIONS: Since the worms spontaneously died by PID 15, not only septal fibrosis production, but also its maintenance and further development appeared dependent on the presence of eggs, which were the only parasitic factor remaining thereafter.
INTRODUÇÃO: Uma variante do vírus da raivafoi identificadaem associação a casos de raiva humanos, no Estado do Ceará, transmitidos por saguis (Callithrix jacchus), primatas frequentemente criados como animais de estimação. Essa variante não apresenta proximidade antigênica ou relação genética com as variantes do vírus encontradas em morcegos e mamíferos terrestres das Américas. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os fatores de risco de transmissão do vírus da raiva oriundo de sagui (C. jacchus), criado como animal de estimação, para o homem na região metropolitana de Fortaleza, Ceará. MÉTODOS: Foi aplicado um questionário estruturado aos criadores de saguis, residentes nos municípios de Aquiraz e Maranguape, Ceará, enfocando o manejo e a interação desses primatas com humanos. Para avaliação da ocorrência de antígenos rábicos, através do teste de imunofluorescência direta (IFD), foram coletadas amostras de saliva dos saguis domiciliados e semidomiciliados. Com base nos resultados obtidos desses espécimes, foram analisadas amostras de sistema nervoso central (SNC). RESULTADOS: Na análise dos questionários, observou-se a proximidade dos criadores de saguis durante o manejo desses animais nos domicílios, bem como, seus conhecimentos limitados sobre a raiva, demonstrando haver risco quanto à transmissão do vírus. De 29 amostras de saliva de saguis reavaliadas, uma (3,4%) apresentou reação de IFD positiva. De 11 amostras de SNC, três (27,3%) apresentaram positividade. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados laboratoriais estão de acordo com os achados dos questionários, confirmando haver risco da transmissão do vírus da raiva devido à convivência de humanos com saguis (C. jacchus).
INTRODUCTION: Studies on Chagas disease deal with the perspective of its occurrence in the Amazon region, which is directly correlated to the population growth and the spread of the bug biotope. The state of Rondônia has an immense source of vectors (Triatomine) and reservoirs of Trypanosoma cruzi. Environmental changes brought forth by the deforestation in the region may cause vector behavior changes and bring these vectors to a closer contact with humans, increasing the probability of vector infection. METHODS: This study was carried out to check the occurrence of Chagas disease in the municipality of Monte Negro, Rondônia, Brazil, based on a random sampling of the farms and people wherein blood collection from the population and capturing triatomines were done. The blood samples were submitted to serologic tests to detect antibodies of the IgG class against T. cruzi. The triatomines that were collected had their digestive tract checked for the presence of trypanosomatidae with morphology resembling that of the T. cruzi. RESULTS: The population examined was mostly from other states. From the 322 bugs examined on the microscope, 50% showed parasites with morphology compatible with T. cruzi. From the serology of 344 random samples of human blood, 1.2% was found positive, 6% showed inconclusive results, and 92.8% were negative. CONCLUSIONS: Monte Negro shows low prevalence of human infection by T. cruzi and none active vector transmission; however, preventive and surveying measures, which are not performed until now, shall be taken due to the abundance of vectors infected by trypanosomatidae.
INTRODUCTION: Visceral leishmaniasis presents urban behavior in some Brazilian cities, with domestic dogs as the main infection source. In Cuiabá, MT, canine visceral leishmaniasis was diagnosed and characterized as recommended by the Ministry of Health. METHODS: Biological samples from suspected canine carriers were analyzed by the isoenzyme electrophoresis technique. The 6PGDH enzyme and reference strain IOC/L0566 (MHOM/BR/1975/M2903) of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum was used as one of the controls. RESULTS: Electrophoresis analysis revealed that the canine isolates belonged to the species L. (L.) infantum. CONCLUSIONS: The authors emphasize the importance of species characterization, particularly in areas of mixed infection like Cuiabá.
INTRODUCTION: This study sought to describe the profile and geographic distribution of reported cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the City of Campo Grande, State of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil, from 2002 to 2009. METHODS: Human data were collected from the Brazilian National Information System for Notifiable Diseases. Canine cases and entomological data were obtained from the Information Service for Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis Control/Campo Grande, MS. RESULTS: A total of 951 records from 2002 to 2009 were investigated. The number of reported cases of VL in males was significantly higher (p < 0.0001) than that in females. The higher frequency observed among males was associated with age (p < 0.0001), which increased in individuals aged 40 years and older. The overall fatality rate was 7.4%. Entomological surveys conducted in 2006, 2007, and 2009 showed the insect vector Lutzomyia longipalpis to be present in all urban regions of the county. CONCLUSIONS: VL cases in humans and dogs, as well as in vectors, occurs in all urban regions of Campo Grande. Despite not observing tendencies of increase or reduction in the incidence of the disease due to aging, the major incidence in men is higher in those aged 40 years or above.
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the response to hepatitis B (HB) revaccination of healthcare workers (HCW) who are negative for antibodies to HB surface antigen (anti-HBs) after a complete vaccination series. METHODS: HCW whose anti-HBs test was performed > 90 days after a HB vaccination course were given a 4th dose. A post-vaccination test was done within 30 to 90 days. RESULTS: One hundred and seventy HCW were enrolled: 126 (74.1%) were anti-HBs-positive after the 4th dose. CONCLUSIONS: Rechecking anti-HBs after the 4th HB vaccine dose is a practical approach in case of post-vaccination tests performed >90 days after the full vaccination course.
Introduction Chagasic megaesophagus (CM) is the most common digestive manifestation of Chagas disease in Brazil, and the State of Goiás is one of the most affected regions. In recent decades, the Hospital das Clínicas (HC)/Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) has been a reference center for the study and treatment of CM. The objective of this study was to characterize the current epidemiological profile of patients with CM observed at the HC of the UFG from 1998 to 2010. Methods In total, 939 patient records were analyzed, and age, gender, place of birth, serology, symptoms and radiological classification according to Rezende et al. were analyzed. Results The median patient age was 55 years. Male patients were more (54%) prevalent than female patients. The prevalence of younger patients (less than 31 years of age) was 4.2%, but 82.1% of the younger patients were from State of Bahia. Patients older than 40 years were the majority (85.5%). The radiological groups were distributed as follows: Group I (35.9%), Group II (32.9%), Group III (17%) and Group IV (14.2%). Conclusions Compared with previous studies by the same group in 1975, 1994 and 1995, the number of younger patients decreased, and the frequency curve has shifted to older patients.
Introduction The cryopreservation of rabies virus has been described in detail in the literature. To date, little information is available on the use of cryoprotective agents for cold preservation of this virus, and the available data focus only on short-term virus preservation. In this study, we investigated the medium-term cryopreservation of samples of rabies virus using different cryopreservation protocols. Methods The cryopreservation protocols for the rabies virus samples were performed at -20°C and were divided according to the variables of time and cryoprotectant type used. The laboratory tests (intracerebral inoculation of mice, viral titration and direct immunofluorescence) were performed at regular intervals (360 and 720 days) to assess the viability of the viral samples according to the different preservation techniques used. Results After 1 year of cryopreservation, the fluorescence intensity of intracellular corpuscles of the rabies virus and the median survival time of the mice differed between the positive controls and the treatments with the cryoprotectants. After 2 years, most of the samples subjected to the cryopreservation protocols (including the controls) did not produce fluorescence. However, the virus samples exposed to the cryoprotectant sucrose (68% solution) responded positively in the direct immunofluorescence assay and in the intracerebral inoculation of the mice. Conclusions Medium-term cryopreservation of the rabies virus inactivates the viral sample. However, the cryoprotectant agent sucrose (68%) produces a preservative effect in cryopreserved rabies virus samples.
Introduction The role of trypanocidal therapy in the chronic phase of Chagas disease remains controversial. Methods A total of 13 patients with chronic Chagas disease were treated with benznidazole (5mg/kg/day/60 days) and surveyed via antibody measurement and conventional electrocardiogram over the course of 4 years. Results The antibody titers were significantly reduced after 4 years (p<0.05). Most of the patients showed maintenance of the initial clinical picture (electrocardiographic), with the exception of 4 cases. Conclusions Although trypanocidal therapy in the chronic phase of Chagas disease was of limited effectiveness, we believe that it is beneficial in treating these patients.
Introduction: The published literature shows an increased occurrence of adverse events, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated lipodystrophy syndrome, that are associated with the continuous use of antiretroviral therapy. This study was performed to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with lipodystrophy in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study between October 2012 and February 2013. The sample consisted of patients with AIDS who attended the Outpatient Treatment Center for Infectious Diseases at Nereu Ramos Hospital, Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. We collected information on demographics, lifestyle, HIV infection, and clinical aspects of the disease. Self-reported signs of lipodystrophy and body measurements were used for lipodystrophy diagnosis. Results: We studied 74 patients (mean age 44.3±9.2 years; 60.8% men). Among the patients, 45.9% were smokers, 31.1% consumed alcoholic beverages, and 55.4% were sedentary. The prevalence of lipodystrophy was 32.4%, and sedentary subjects had a higher prevalence of lipodystrophy compared with physically active individuals. Conclusions: The prevalence of lipodystrophy was 32.4%. Physical activity was considered an independent protective factor against the onset of HIV-associated lipodystrophy.