503 resultados para Enfermedad arterial periférica
Homem de 59 anos, portador de cardiomiopatia hipertrófica apical há 12 anos, apresentou agudização de quadro anginoso. Foi detectada doença arterial coronária com lesão trivascular, e indicada cirurgia de revascularização, com anastomose de artéria mamária e a colocação de duas pontes de veia safena, tendo evoluído com melhora do quadro anginoso e redução da dimensão do átrio esquerdo.
OBJETIVOS: Comparar a monitorização residencial da pressão arterial (MRPA) e monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA) com os registros de consultório e correlacionar o índice de massa de ventrículo esquerdo (IMVE) com a MRPA e medida de consultório. MÉTODOS: Protocolo 1 - Sessenta e oito hipertensos (58±12 anos, 37 mulheres) realizaram: a) MRPA durante 7 dias; b) MAPA de 24h; e c) medida da pressão arterial no consultório, pelo médico. Protocolo 2 - 41 hipertensos (48 ± 14 anos, 25 mulheres) além de MRPA e medida no consultório, realizaram ecocardiograma bi-dimensional. RESULTADOS: Protocolo 1 - a medida de consultório (153±24/96±13mmHg) foi maior (p<0,05) do que a obtida pela MAPA diurna (137±17/87±12mmHg) e pela MRPA (133±18/84±12mmHg). Protocolo 2 - o IMVE mostrou correlação com as médias de pressão sistólica/diastólica da MRPA (r= 0,39/0,49, p<0,05) mas não com as de consultório (r= 0,02/0,22, p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A MRPA apresentou valores menores do que a medida de consultório e semelhantes aos da MAPA, além de melhor correlação com IMVE do que a medida de consultório.
OBJETIVO: Estudo multicêntrico, aberto e não comparativo, para avaliar a eficácia e a tolerabilidade de dois agentes anti-hipertensivos combinados em doses baixas: o beta-bloqueador cardiosseletivo bisoprolol (2,5 e 5,0mg) com 6,25mg de hidroclorotiazida. MÉTODOS: Cento e seis pacientes com hipertensão arterial nos estágios I e II (leve a moderada) receberam a combinação bisoprolol/hidroclorotiazida, em uma única dose diária, e foram submetidos a uma avaliação da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e pressão arterial diastólica (PAD), durante 8 semanas. RESULTADOS: A combinação bisoprolol/hidroclorotiazida reduziu significativamente os valores médios iniciais da PAS (157,4mmHg para 137,3mmHg) e da PAD (98,8mmHg para 87,4mmHg). Ao final do estudo, 61% haviam normalizado a PA (<90mmHg) e 22,9% deles foram responsivos ao tratamento, resultando em elevada taxa de resposta terapêutica (normalizados + responsivos) - total de 83.9% dos casos. Eventos adversos foram descritos em 18,9% dos pacientes, sendo os mais freqüentes: tontura e cefaléia. Não se observaram alterações clinicamente significativas nos níveis plasmáticos de glicose, potássio, ácido úrico e perfil lipídico. CONCLUSÃO: A combinação bisoprolol/hidroclorotiazida em baixas doses pode ser considerada uma alternativa racional, eficaz e bem tolerada para o tratamento inicial da hipertensão arterial leve ou moderada.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a freqüência de tratamento de hipertensão arterial e hábitos de vida relacionados à saúde, comparando-se hipertensos e não hipertensos. MÉTODOS: Estudo seccional em amostra sistemática de 1183 funcionários de banco estatal, no Rio de Janeiro, através de questionário autopreenchido. Medidas diretas da pressão arterial, peso e estatura foram tomadas em subamostra. Participantes informados por profissional de saúde, mais de uma vez, que eram hipertensos, foram classificados como hipertensos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença importante entre hipertensos e não hipertensos, quanto à prevalência de tabagismo, consumo de álcool e atividades físicas. Entre os hipertensos com sobrepeso/obesidade, a prática de dieta foi mais freqüente do que entre não hipertensos com sobrepeso/obesidade. Apenas 44,7% dos hipertensos estavam sob tratamento, condição associada à alta escolaridade, ser ex-fumante, ter sobrepeso/obesidade ou história familiar de doenças cerebrovasculares. CONCLUSÃO: A disponibilidade de serviços de saúde e o acesso à informação não foram suficientes para garantir o tratamento ou adoção de hábitos de vida que contribuem para o controle da pressão arterial, no conjunto dos hipertensos.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a experiência global da nossa instituição com o fechamento percutâneo do canal arterial. MÉTODOS: Desde dezembro/92, 150 pacientes foram submetidos a 178 procedimentos (85 - técnica de Rashkind; 87 - coils de Gianturco; 6 - coils Duct Occlud). A mediana de idade foi de 6,5 anos (1 a 57). A média do diâmetro mínimo do canal foi de 3,05±1,24mm (1 a 8). Avaliações clínicas e ecocardiográficas foram realizadas seriadamente. RESULTADOS: Implantes adequados ocorreram em 143 (95,3%) pacientes. A prevalência de shunt residual imediato foi de 52,1%, decrescendo para 15,9% no seguimento. Esta taxa caiu para 5,2% após a realização de procedimentos adicionais. Embolização de coils ocorreu em 12 procedimentos e de umbrella em 1. Um paciente apresentou hemólise e outro estenose discreta da artéria pulmonar esquerda. Não houve mortalidade. CONCLUSÃO: Esta modalidade terapêutica é segura e eficaz, proporcionando bons resultados a longo prazo.
OBJECTIVE: A double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study involving 34 centers from different Brazilian regions was performed to evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy and tolerability of trandolapril, an angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor, in the treatment of mild-to-moderate systemic arterial hypertension. METHODS: Of 262 patients enrolled in this study, 127 were treated with trandolapril 2 mg/day for 8 consecutive weeks, and the remaining 135 patients received placebo for the same period of time. Reduction in blood pressure (BP) and the occurrence of adverse events during this period were evaluated in both groups. RESULTS: Significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic pressures were observed in patients treated with trandolapril when compared with those on placebo. Antihypertensive efficacy was achieved in 57.5% of the patients on trandolapril and in 42% of these normal values of BP were obtained. The efficacy of trandolapril was similar in all centers, regardless of the area of the country. In a subset of 30 patients who underwent ABPM, responders showed a significant hypotensive effect to trandolapril throughout the 24 hour day. The adverse event profile was similar in both trandolapril and placebo groups. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate, for the first time in a large group of hypertensive patients from different regions in Brazil, good efficacy and tolerability of trandolapril during treatment of mild-to-moderate essential systemic hypertension.
OBJECTIVE: To study the quantitative changes in intramyocardial blood vessels in rats in whom nitric oxide synthesis was inhibited. METHODS: Four groups of 10 rats were studied: control (C25 and C40) and L-NAME (L25 and L40). The animals L25 and L40 received L-NAME in the dosage of 50mg/kg/day for 25 and 40 days, respectively. On days 26 and 41 the animals in groups 25 and 40 were sacrificed. Analysis of the myocardium was performed using light microscopy and stereology. RESULTS: Arterial blood pressure and heart weight increased 74.5 and 57.8% after 25 days and 90.2 and 34.6% after 40 days, respectively. Comparing the L-NAME rats with the respective controls revealed that vessel volume density decreased 31.3% after 40 days, and the vessel length-density decreased 53.5% after 25 days and 25.7% after 40 days. The mean cross-sectional area of the vessels showed an important reduction of 154.6% after 25 days. The intramyocardial vessels decreased significantly in length- density in the L-NAME animals. The mean cross-sectional area of the vessels, which normally increases during heart growth between 25 and 40 days, showed a precocious increase by the 25th day in the L-NAME rats. This suggests an increase of the size of the heart, including blood vessels. CONCLUSION: The inhibition of the NO synthesis provokes rarefaction in the intramyocardial vessels that progresses with the time of administration of L-NAME.
OBJECTIVE: The intracellular Gram-negative bacterium Chlamydia pneumoniae has been associated with atherosclerosis. The presence of Chlamydia pneumoniae has been investigated in fragments of the arterial wall with a technique for DNA identification. METHODS: Arterial fragments obtained from vascular surgical procedures in 58 patients were analyzed. From these patients, 39 were males and the mean age was 65±6 years. The polymerase chain reaction was used to identify the bacterial DNA with a pair of primers that codify the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of Chlamydia pneumoniae. The amplified product was visualized by electrophoresis in the 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide, and it was considered positive when migrating in the band of molecular weight of the positive controls. RESULTS: Seven (12%) out of the 58 patients showed positive results for Chlamydia pneumoniae. CONCLUSION: DNA from Chlamydia pneumoniae was identified in the arterial wall of a substantial number of patients with atherosclerosis. This association, which has already been described in other countries, corroborates the evidence favoring a role played by Chlamydia pneumoniae in atherogenesis.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia terapêutica do verapamil COER-24 180/240 mg, em dose única, ao deitar, como monoterapia para a hipertensão arterial leve a moderada. MÉTODOS: Estudo multicêntrico, aberto, não comparativo com 81 pacientes de ambos os sexos, com idade >20 anos e hipertensão arterial essencial leve e moderada. Medimos a pressão arterial no consultório e com a monitorização ambulatorial (MAPA) durante 24h antes e ao final de 8 semanas do uso da medicação. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se diminuição (p<0,0001) das pressões sistólicas e diastólicas medidas no consultório às semanas 3 e 8. A MAPA demonstrou que tanto a pressão sistólica, diastólica, média e freqüência cardíaca, quando as cargas pressóricas médias de 24h apresentaram reduções após 8 semanas de tratamento, além da redução do duplo-produto, especialmente pela manhã. A tolerabilidade foi boa, 68% dos pacientes não apresentaram eventos adversos. CONCLUSÃO: A monoterapia com o verapamil COER-24 180/240mg em dose única é eficaz para o controle da pressão arterial em hipertensos leves e moderados, com redução tanto na pressão casual quanto na MAPA/24h, além de apresentar boa tolerabilidade.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of the siesta in ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring and in cardiac structure parameters. METHODS: 1940 ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring tests were analyzed (Spacelabs 90207, 15/15 minutes from 7:00 to 22:00 hours and 20/20 minutes from 22:01 to 6.59hours) and 21% of the records indicated that the person had taken a siesta (263 woman, 52±14 years). The average duration of the siesta was 118±58 minutes. RESULTS: (average ± standard deviation) The average of systolic/diastolic pressures during wakefulness, including the napping period, was less than the average for the period not including the siesta (138±16/85±11 vs 139±16/86±11 mmHg, p<0.05); 2) pressure loads during wakefulness including the siesta, were less than those observed without the siesta); 3) the averages of nocturnal sleep blood pressures were similar to those of the siesta, 4) nocturnal sleep pressure drops were similar to those in the siesta including wakefulness with and without the siesta; 5) the averages of BP in men were higher (p<0.05) during wakefulness with and without the siesta, during the siesta and nocturnal sleep in relation to the average obtained in women; 6) patients with a reduction of 0- 5% during the siesta had thickening of the interventricular septum and a larger posterior wall than those with a reduction during the siesta >5%. CONCLUSION: The siesta influenced the heart structure parameters and from a statistical point of view the average of systolic and diastolic pressures and the respective pressure loads of the wakeful period.
OBJECTIVE: We analyzed the frequency of peripheral embolisms, the underlying heart disease,triggering factors, the sites of the emboli, and evolution of the patients. METHODS: We analyzed 29 cases of peripheral arterial embolism out of a total of 20,211 hospitalizations in a cardiology center in the city of São Paulo. The age was 51.89±18.66 years, and 15 were males. RESULTS: Embolism in the right lower limb occurred in 18 patients (62.0%),in the left lower 11(37.9%) and right upper 3 (10.3%) limbs, and in the left arm (1). Four patients had embolism in two limbs. The heart disease, mitral valvar heart disease (9 patients - 31.0%); infective endocarditis (7- 24.1%); dilated cardiomyopathy (6 - 20.6%); ischemic coronary heart disease (6 patients - 20.6%); and one patient with cor pulmonale. Atrial fibrillation was observed in 20 patients (68.9%), chronic in 12 patients (41.3% ) and acute in 8 (27.5%). All patients with mitral valvar heart disease had atrial fibrillation, chronic in 8 patients (88.8%); patients with cardiomyopathy and coronary heart disease, 4 in each group had atrial fibrillation, acute in 60% of the patients.Patients with infective endocarditis, 3 had staphylococcus and 2 Gram-negative bacteria. In the follow-up, 2 patients (6.8%) required limbs amputation, and 5 (17.2%) died due to embolism. CONCLUSION: Most of the time, embolism does not cause permanent complications. Our data highlight the importance of anticoagulation for patients acute atrial fibrillation in myocardial dysfunction and for patients with chronic atrial fibrillation in cases of mitral valvar heart disease to prevent peripheral embolism.
Multiple arterial anomalies characterized by tortuosity and rolling of the pulmonary arteries and aorta were diagnosed on echocardiography in an asymptomatic newborn infant with a phenotype suggesting Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. These changes were later confirmed on angiography, which also showed peripheral vascular abnormalities. The electrocardiogram showed a probable hemiblock of the left anterosuperior branch, and the chest x-ray showed an excavated pulmonary trunk with normal pulmonary flow.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate elastic properties of conduit arteries in asymptomatic patients who have severe chronic aortic regurgitation. METHODS: Twelve healthy volunteers aged 30±1 years (control group) and 14 asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation aged 29±2 years and left ventricular ejection fraction of 0.61±0.02 (radioisotope ventriculography) were studied. High-resolution ultrasonography was performed to measure the systolic and diastolic diameters of the common carotid artery. Simultaneous measurement of blood pressure enabled the calculation of arterial compliance and distensibility. RESULTS: No differences were observed between patients with aortic regurgitation and the control group concerning age, sex, body surface, and mean blood pressure. Pulse pressure was significantly higher in the aortic regurgitation group compared with that in the control group (78±3 versus 48±1mmHg, P<0.01). Arterial compliance and distensibility were significantly greater in the aortic regurgitation group compared with that in the control group (11.0±0.8 versus 8.1±0.7 10-10 N-1 m4, P=0.01 e and 39.3±2.6 versus 31.1±2.0 10-6 N-1 m², P=0.02, respectively). CONCLUSION: Patients with chronic aortic regurgitation have increased arterial distensibility. Greater vascular compliance, to lessen the impact of systolic volume ejected into conduit arteries, represents a compensatory mechanism in left ventricular and arterial system coupling.