94 resultados para Determinantes de rentabilidade
Sete casos de criptococose (seis gatos e um cão) foram estudados para estabelecer as características histomorfológicas e histoquímicas determinantes no diagnóstico histopatológico dessa condição. Os dados complementares relacionados à epidemiologia, aos aspectos clínicos, à localização das lesões e às alterações macroscópicas foram obtidos dos protocolos de necropsias e biópsias. Na histologia, as leveduras foram observadas no interior de macrófagos ou livres no parênquima, associadas à reação inflamatória linfo-histioplasmocítica que variou de escassa a acentuada. Pela técnica de hematoxilina-eosina (HE) as leveduras eram arredondadas, com célula central contendo um núcleo, circundada por um halo claro (cápsula geralmente não corada). As técnicas histoquímicas do ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS), Grocott e Fontana-Masson (FM) foram utilizadas e evidenciaram a parede das células das leveduras. Pelo FM observou-se a melanina presente nessas células. As técnicas do azul Alciano e da mucicarmina de Mayer evidenciaram principalmente a cápsula polissacarídica das leveduras. O diâmetro das células das leveduras variou de 1,67 a 10,00µm e o diâmetro total das leveduras encapsuladas variou entre 4,17 e 34,16µm. Os brotamentos foram melhor visualizados através do PAS e ocorreram em base estreita, de forma única ou múltipla, principalmente em polos opostos das células das leveduras ou formando uma cadeia. O diagnóstico definitivo de criptococose foi estabelecido através do exame histopatológico, baseando-se na morfologia característica do agente (levedura encapsulada) e em suas propriedades tintoriais (histoquímicas), principalmente nos casos em que a cultura micológica não foi realizada.
This paper investigates the role that economic variables play in the determination of happiness, using reported happiness as a proxy to individual well-being. We use microdata extracted from the World Values Survey for five countries, emphasizing the Brazilian case. Our findings suggest that there is a positive and significant correlation between happiness and income. Unemployment is also a large source of unhappiness. In most cases, happiness appears to be positively correlated to being married. Moreover, happiness is apparently U-shaped in age (minimizing at 50's).
Decisive factors affecting the recent increase in formal employment in Brazil. This paper gives a general overview of the evolution of labour market indicators between 1995 and 2005 in Brazil. It shows an overall increase in formal employment rates from 2001 to 2005, as opposite to what had happened from 1995 to 1999. It is argued that such recent trends might indicate the reconfiguration of the labour market in better terms, with potential positive consequences to the finance performance of the Social Security sector. The paper also examines some of the major factors associated with this new trend and their chances to maintain such tendency in the near future. It's important to notice that all of them may be subject to some kind of political management by the State. In other words, we suggest that there are suficient instruments and operative skills in the Brazilian State to make these and others factors work in favour of a more persistent strategy of development with social inclusion through labour.
Determinative common factors of currency and financial crisis. This paper identifies and evaluates determinative common factors of currency and financial crisis in relation to 86 crises episodes between 1970-2004, based on factor analysis, cluster and discriminant analysis. One evidenced that the rise of the ratios of domestic credit, fiscal deficit and residents bank deposits to the GDP is inherent to the different types of crises classified for economic literature. It was also identified as common factors to these episodes some indicators that capture the excessive monetary expansion of the economies and that reflect the fall in international reserves, represented by M2/Reserves and Imports/Reserves ratios and also the total volume of international reserves.