314 resultados para Cutaneous radiation syndrome
A non-randomized controlled clinical trial was carried outin order to evaluate both azithromycin and antimony efficacy in cutaneous leishmaniasis in Manaus, AM, Brazil. Forty nine patients from both genders, aged 14 to 70, with cutaneous ulcers for less than three months and a positive imprint for Leishmania spp. amastigotes were recruited into two groups. Group I (26 patients) received a daily-single oral dose of 500 mg of azithromycin for 20 days and Group II (23 patients) received a daily-single intramuscular dose of 20 mg/kg of meglumine antimony, also for 20 days. Azithromycin cured three of 24 (12.5%) patients on days 60, 90 and 120 respectively whereas therapeutic failure was considered in 21 of 24 (87.5%) cases. In group II, antimony cured eight of 19 (42.1%) cases as follows: three on day 30, one each on day 60 and day 90, and three on day 120. Therapeutic failure occurred in 11 of 19 (57.9%) individuals. The efficacy of antimony for leishmaniasis was better than azithromycin but analysis for the intention-to-treat response rate did not show statistical difference between them. Although azithromycin was better tolerated, it showed a very low efficacy to treat cutaneous leishmaniasis in Manaus.
American tegumentary leishmaniasis presents as two major clinical forms: localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL). The immune response in leishmaniasis is efficiently evaluated by the response to Leishmania antigen through the Montenegro skin test (MST). Both LCL and MCL present positive response to MST, indicating that the patients present cell-mediated immunity against the parasite - Leishmania. In spite of the presence of immunity in MCL, this is not sufficient to stop disease progression and prevent resistance to treatment. In this study we demonstrated interleukin (IL) 2, 4, 5 and interferon (IFN) gamma expression in biopsies of MST of ten patients with American tegumentary leishmaniasis. The obtained results were compared between LCL (n = 5) and MCL (n = 5) patients. The MST of MCL patients displayed a higher expression of IL-2, IL-4 and IL-5, in comparison to LCL. There was no significant difference in IFN-gamma expression between groups. The obtained results suggest the role of IL-4 and IL-5 in the maintenance of the immunopathogenic mechanism of the destructive lesions that characterize MCL.
In the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, 95% of the human cases of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis are caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana with an incidence rate of 5.08 per 100,000 inhabitants. Transmission is limited to the winter months (November to March). One study on wild rodents has incriminated Ototylomys phyllotis and Peromyscus yucatanicus as primary reservoirs of L. (L.) mexicana in the focus of La Libertad, Campeche. In the present study, the prevalence of both infection and disease caused by L. (L.) mexicana in small terrestrial mammals were documented during five transmission seasons (1994-2004) in five foci of Leishmaniasis in the state of Campeche. Foci separated by only 100 km, with similar relative abundances of small mammals, were found to differ significantly in their prevalence of both symptoms and infection. Transmission rates and reservoir species seemed to change in space as well as in time which limited the implementation of effective control measures of the disease even in a small endemic area such as the south of the Yucatan Peninsula.
We described a case of a 27-year old male patient with skin and soft tissue infection of a neoplastic lesion caused by Corynebacterium striatum, an organism which has been rarely described as a human pathogen. Identification was confirmed by DNA sequencing. Successful treatment with penicillin was achieved. The role of the C. striatum as an emerging opportunistic pathogen is discussed.
American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) occurs in epidemic outbreaks and in sporadic cases with small annual variation in the Pontal of Paranapanema, SP. There is little research on the sandfly fauna of this region. The last outbreaks were related to the Movement of the Landless Workers (MST) and with the ecological tourism in preserved forest of the Parque Estadual do Morro do Diabo (PEMD). AIM: identification of the sandfly fauna within the PEMD, mainly anthropophilic species already incriminated as vectors of ACL, as well as their seasonality, hourly frequency and data of the behavior. M&M: The captures were undertaken with CDC light and Shannon traps from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, monthly from May 2000 to December 2001. The temperature and relative humidity data were registered at hourly intervals. RESULTS: The captured species were: Brumptomyia brumpti, Nyssomyia neivai, Nyssomyia whitmani, Pintomyia fischeri and Pintomyia pessoai. The P. pessoai predominated (34.39%) and N. neivai was less found (0.74%), only being captured in CDC traps. Shannon trap captured more sandflies (63.01%) than the CDC traps (36.99%). Despite the environmental degradation anthropophilic species, indicates favorable bioecological conditions for persistence of vectors and potential transmission of leishmaniasis.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiological, clinical and laboratorial profile of patients with Baggio-Yoshinari Syndrome (BYS), who underwent internment at the Instituto de Infectologia Emilio Ribas in São Paulo, Brazil, during the period from July 1990 to July 2006. BYS is a new Brazilian tick-borne disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato microorganisms that resembles features of Lyme disease (LD), except for its epidemiological, clinical and laboratorial particularities. From 60 patients' records with positive serology to B. burgdorferi done by ELISA and Western-blotting methods, 19 cases were diagnosed as having BYS, according to criteria adopted at LIM-17 HCFMUSP, the Brazilian Reference Laboratory for the research of BYS. The other 41 remaining patients displayed miscellaneous infections or auto-immune processes. The beginning of symptoms in BYS group varied from one day to six years, from the onset of the disease. Four of 19 patients were included in acute disease stage, and 15 in latent. General unspecific symptoms were identified in almost all cases, with high frequencies of fever (78.9%) and lymphadenomegaly (36.8%). Six patients had skin lesions (31.5%); six arthralgia or arthritis (31.5%) and eight neurological symptoms (42%). Interestingly, two patients showed antibodies directed to B. burgdorferi exclusively in cerebrospinal fluid. Since BYS is a new emergent Brazilian zoonosis and its diagnosis is sometimes complex, all the new knowledge about BYS must be scattered to Brazilian Medical specialists, aiming to teach them how to diagnose this amazing tick-borne disease and to avoid its progression to chronic irreversible sequels
BACKGROUND: Sporotrichosis is a subacute or chronic disease caused by a dimorphic fungus, Sporothrix schenckii. The first and most traditional treatment is potassium iodide in satured solution (SSKI) used by DE BEURMANN in 1907. For its effectiveness, it is still used for cutaneous sporotrichosis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the treatment of cutaneous sporotrichosis with SSKI in relation to clinical cure, side effects, length of treatment and reactivation. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of medical records over a 24-year period (1981-2005). Patients of all ages who were treated in the hospital´s division of dermatology were included in the study providing that they had a positive culture of S. schenckii. Satured solution of potassium iodide (3 to 6g per day) was the treatment prescribed. For children, half of the dose was prescribed. RESULTS: The lymphocutaneous disease was prevalent, the cure rate was 94.7%, side effects were described in 5.5% of the cases, mean length of treatment was 3.5 months and possible reactivation was observed in 11.1%. CONCLUSION: SSKI is an effective drug, with many side effects, but with low frequency. Resolution was for maximum six months of treatment. SSKI has been found to be a very effective drug in this retrospective study of culture-proven cases of cutaneous and lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis. It should be used as first drug of choice especially in resource-limited settings.
This paper reports a case of dengue in a six-year-old female child who suddenly developed excruciating headaches, fever, myalgia and paresis. Laboratory examinations included blood count, platelet count, biochemical tests (BUN, creatinine, aminotransferases, and total bilirubin and bilirubin fractions) and specific IgM titers (enzyme-immunoassay with recombinant tetravalent dengue). After ten days of hospitalization and having already been in a home environment, a new clinical image emerged, characterized by dysphagia, dysphonia, weakness, peripheral facial palsy and paresthesia. The diagnosis of Guillain-Barré Syndrome was based on clinical findings, cerebrospinal fluid examination, electrophysiological findings and the exclusion of other pathologies. Our case, as some shown in previous reports, calls attention to the possibility that Guillain-Barré Syndrome may occur in association with dengue.
The concomitance of nephrotic syndrome and acute infection by Toxoplasma gondii is a rare occurrence in humans. In this paper seven cases of children, ranging from 11 months to 7 year-old, with concomitant nephrotic syndrome and asymptomatic acute T. gondii infection are reported. In one of those patients only the administration of anti-Toxoplasma therapy was enough to control the clinical and laboratory manifestations of the disease. In the other patients it was necessary to introduce corticosteroids or other immunosuppressant drugs. Three patients had complete clinical and laboratory improvement and the remaining showed only a partial response.
There is not an experimental model of localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) mexicana. The aim of the present study was to characterize the clinical and histological features of Peromyscus yucatanicus experimentally infected with L. (L.) mexicana. A total of 54 P. yucatanicus (groups of 18) were inoculated with 1x10(6) promastigotes of L. (L.) mexicana in the base of the tail. They were euthanized at three and six months post experimental infection. The control group was inoculated with RPMI-1640. The predominant clinical sign observed was a single ulcerated lesion in 27.77% (5/18) and in 11.11% (2/18) P. yucatanicus at three and six months respectively. The histological pattern described as chronic granulomatous inflammation with or without necrosis was found in 7/7 (100%) biopsies of euthanized P. yucatanicus at three (n = 5) and six (n = 2) months, respectively. These results resembled clinical and histological features caused by L. (L.) mexicana in humans, and support the possibility to employ P. yucatanicus as a novel experimental model to study LCL caused by this parasite.
We reviewed the records of 151 patients diagnosed with American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) from 1993 to 2009 in the municipality of Japura, Paraná, Brazil. Gender, age, occupation, place of residence, location of lesions, type and number of lesions were analyzed. The prevalence rate of ACL was 11.5/10,000 hab, of which 84.7% were male, 58.3% lived in rural area and 49.0% were farmers. The most frequent age group was between 30 to 39 years (26.6%). Skin lesions occurred in 92.7% of the patients with predominance in the lower limbs (23.9%) and 49.1% of the records did not include the number of lesions location due to incomplete filling. A single ulceration was present in 44.4%. Japurá is an endemic area for ACL, requiring public actions and preventive education.
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in HIV-infected subjects initiating antiretroviral therapy most commonly involves new or worsening manifestations of previously subclinical or overt infectious diseases. Reports of non-infectious IRIS are much less common but represent important diagnostic and treatment challenges. We report on a 34-year-old HIV-infected male patient with no history of gout who developed acute gouty arthritis in a single joint one month after initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy.
Envenoming syndrome from Africanized bee stings is a toxic syndrome caused by the inoculation of large amounts of venom from multiple bee stings, generally more than five hundred. The incidence of severe toxicity from Africanized bee stings is rare but deadly. This report reveals that because of the small volume of distribution, having fewer stings does not exempt a patient from experiencing an unfavorable outcome, particularly in children, elderly people or underweight people.