155 resultados para APOPTOTIC MARKERS
The objectives of this work were to investigate the genetic variation in 79 soybean (Glycine max) accessions from different regions of the world, to cluster the accessions based on their similarity, and to test the correlation between the two types of markers used. Simple sequence repeat markers present in genomic (SSR) and in expressed regions (EST-SSR) were used. Thirty SSR primer-pairs were selected (20 genomic and 10 EST-SSR) based on their distribution on the 20 genetic linkage groups of soybean, on their trinucleotide repetition unit and on their polymorphism information content. All analyzed loci were polymorphic, and 259 alleles were found. The number of alleles per locus varied from 2-21, with an average of 8.63. The accessions exhibit a significant number of rare alleles, with genotypes 19, 35, 63 and 65 carrying the greater number of exclusive alleles. Accessions 75 and 79 were the most similar and accessions 31 and 35, and 40 and 78, were the most divergent ones. A low correlation between SSR and EST-SSR data was observed, thus genomic and expressed microsatellite markers are required for an appropriate analysis of genetic diversity in soybean. The genetic diversity observed was high and allowed the formation of five groups and several subgroups. A moderate relationship between genetic divergence and geographic origin of accessions was observed.
The objective of this work was to estimate outcrossing rates between Haden and Tommy Atkins mango cultivars, using AFLP and microsatellite markers. Progenies of an isolated 'Haden' plant, identified in a 'Tommy Atkins' commercial orchard, in Petrolina, PE, Brazil, were analyzed. Total DNA was isolated from the progeny leaves and used for AFLP and microsatellite reactions. Multilocus outcrossing rates (t m) were estimated by direct count of AFLP or microsatellite markers and by the mLTR software. Outcrossing rates ranged from 0.85 to 0.87 with the analysis based on seven AFLP markers, and from 0.83 to 0.91 based on three microsatellite primers. No unexpected band patterns were observed for 'Haden' and 'Tommy Atkins'. The estimates obtained with the mLTR software were close to those obtained by direct AFLP and microsatellite allele counting, which indicates that the multilocus model was appropriate for this kind of study. The microsatellites mMiCIR005, mMiCIR030, and mMiCIR036 can be used to elucidate the origin of 'Haden' and 'Tommy Atkins' seedlings.
The objective of this work was to analyze the genetic diversity of 47 table grape accessions, from the grapevine germplasm bank of Embrapa Semiárido, using 20 RAPD and seven microsatellite markers. Genetic distances between pairs of accessions were obtained based on Jaccard's similarity index for RAPD data and on the arithmetic complement of the weighted index for microsatellite data. The groups were formed according to the Tocher's cluster analysis and to the unweighted pair‑group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The microsatellite markers were more efficient than the RAPD ones in the identification of genetic relationships. Information on the genetic distance, based on molecular characteristics and coupled with the cultivar agronomic performance, allowed for the recommendation of parents for crossings, in order to obtain superior hybrids in segregating populations for the table grape breeding program of Embrapa Semiárido.
The objective of this work was to assess the potential of interspecific hybridization of Vitis labruscana and Muscadinia rotundifolia by using artificial cross-pollinations. Microsatellite markers were used to confirm interspecific hybridizations and the identity of the parental genotypes. In crosses in which M. rotundifolia was used as the female parent, no true hybrids were obtained. In the reciprocal crosses, 114 seedlings were identified as true V. labruscana x M. rotundifolia hybrids. Self pollination occurred in direct and in reciprocal crosses. The crossings between 'Bordo' x 'Carlos', 'Magnolia', 'Regale' and' Roanoke', and between' Isabel' x 'Bountiful', 'Carlos', 'Magnolia', 'Regale' and 'Roanoke' were confirmed. The 15 markers evaluated showed that two M. rotundifolia parental genotypes had the same fingerprint profile, indicating a like lyplanting error. The success of hybridization depends mainly on the species and on the cultivar used as the female parent. Microsatellite markers are efficient to confirm the paternity of interspecific F1 hybrids and to determine the correct identity of M. rotundifolia cultivars.
The objective of this work was to analyze coffee (Coffea arabica) genotypes resistant to the coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella) using microsatellite markers. Sixty-six loci were evaluated, of which 63 were obtained from the Brazilian Coffee Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) database. These loci were amplified in bulks of individuals from F5 progenies of 'Siriema' (C. arabica x C. racemosa) resistant and susceptible to the insect, in eight samples of C. racemosa, and in a F6 population of 'Siriema' with 91 individuals segregating for resistance to the leaf miner. Polymorphisms were verified for two simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci in bulks of the susceptible progenies. The two polymorphic alleles were present in around 70% of the susceptible genotypes in F5 and in approximately 90% of the susceptible individuals in F6. However, the polymorphic EST-SSR markers among populations contrasting for resistance to leaf miner were not correlated to the evaluated characteristics. SSR markers show inter- and intraspecific polymorphism in C. arabica and C. racemosa.
The objective of this work was to identify genes that could be used as suitable markers for molecular recognition of phenological stages during coffee (Coffea arabica) fruit development. Four cultivars were evaluated as to their differential expression of genes associated to fruit development and maturation processes. Gene expression was characterized by both semi-quantitative and quantitative RT-PCR, in fruit harvested at seven different developmental stages, during three different seasons. No size polymorphisms or differential expression were observed among the cultivars for the evaluated genes; however, distinct expression profiles along fruit development were determined for each gene. Four out of the 28 evaluated genes exhibited a regular expression profile in all cultivars and harvest seasons, and, therefore, they were validated as candidate phenological markers of coffee fruit. The gene α-galactosidase can be used as a marker of green stage, caffeine synthase as a marker of transition to green and yellowish-green stages, and isocitrate lyase and ethylene receptor 3 as markers of late maturation.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of EST‑SSR markers in the assessment of the genetic diversity of rubber tree genotypes (Hevea brasiliensis) and to verify the transferability of these markers for wild species of Hevea. Forty‑five rubber tree accessions from the Instituto Agronômico (Campinas, SP, Brazil) and six wild species were used. Information provided by modified Roger's genetic distance were used to analyze EST‑SSR data. UPGMA clustering divided the samples into two major groups with high genetic differentiation, while the software Structure distributed the 51 clones into eight groups. A parallel could be established between both clustering analyses. The 30 polymorphic EST‑SSRs showed from two to ten alleles and were efficient in amplifying the six wild species. Functional EST‑SSR microsatellites are efficient in evaluating the genetic diversity among rubber tree clones and can be used to translate the genetic differences among cultivars and to fingerprint closely related materials. The accessions from the Instituto Agronômico show high genetic diversity. The EST‑SSR markers, developed from Hevea brasiliensis, show transferability and are able to amplify other species of Hevea.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the diversity and genetic relationships between lines and varieties of the sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) germplasm bank of the National Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research, Mexico, using AFLP and SSR markers. The molecular markers revealed robust amplification profiles and were able to differentiate the 41 genotypes of sweet sorghum evaluated. Analysis of the frequency and distribution of polymorphic fragments allowed for the detection of unique (AFLP) and rare (SSR) alleles in several genotypes (RBSS‑8, RBSS‑9, RBSS‑25, RBSS‑32, and RBSS‑37), indicating that these markers may be associated with a feature that has not yet been determined or may be useful for the identification of these genotypes. The genetic relationships indicated the presence of at least two types of sweet sorghum: a group of modern genotypes used for sugar and biofuel production, and another group consisting of historic and modern genotypes used for the production of syrups. Sweet sorghum genotypes may be used to develop new varieties with higher sugar and juice contents.
The objective of this work was to standardize a semiautomated method for genotyping soybean, based on universal tail sequence primers (UTSP), and to compare it with the conventional genotyping method that uses electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels. Thirty soybean cultivars were genotypically characterized by both methods, using 13 microsatellite loci. For the UTSP method, the number of alleles (NA) was 50 (2-7 per marker) and the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.40 to 0.74. For the conventional method, the NA was 38 (2-5 per marker) and the PIC varied from 0.39 to 0.67. The genetic dissimilarity matrices obtained by the two methods were highly correlated with each other (0.8026), and the formed groups were coherent with the phenotypic data used for varietal registration. The 13 markers allowed the distinction of all analyzed cultivars. The low cost of the UTSP method, associated with its high accuracy, makes it ideal for the characterization of soybean cultivars and for the determination of genetic purity.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to identify polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for varietal identification of cotton and evaluation of the genetic distance among the varieties. Initially, 92 SSR markers were genotyped in 20 Brazilian cotton cultivars. Of this total, 38 loci were polymorphic, two of which were amplified by one primer pair; the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.2. The values of polymorphic information content (PIC) and discrimination power (DP) were, on average, 0.374 and 0.433, respectively. The mean genetic distance was 0.397 (minimum of 0.092 and maximum of 0.641). A panel of 96 varieties originating from different regions of the world was assessed by 21 polymorphic loci derived from 17 selected primer pairs. Among these varieties, the mean genetic distance was 0.387 (minimum of 0 and maximum of 0.786). The dendrograms generated by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA) did not reflect the regions of Brazil (20 genotypes) or around the world (96 genotypes), where the varieties or lines were selected. Bootstrap resampling shows that genotype identification is viable with 19 loci. The polymorphic markers evaluated are useful to perform varietal identification in a large panel of cotton varieties and may be applied in studies of the species diversity.
It has been evaluated the genetic variability through the use of RAPD molecular markers on the following passionflower species: Passiflora amethystina, P. caerulea, P. cincinnata, P. coccinea, P. serrato digitata, P. foetida, P. maliformis, P. alata, P. giberti, P. laurifolia, P. macrocarpa, P. nitida, P. setacea, P. suberosa, P. ligularis, P. capsularis, P. edulis Sims and its botanical variety P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg. In this research work, the analyses of the random amplified polymorphic DNA products (RAPD) were employed to estimate the genetic diversity and the taxonomic linkage within the species above. The total of 21 primers were used in this study which generated 270 different polymorphic products. It was possible to detect that the Passiflora species had shown a similarity of 17,3%, and between Passiflora edulis Sims and Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa a similarity of 34,35% has been found. The rate of similarity within edulis specie is low, making it clear that a large variability between the yellow and the purple forms exists.
Actually mango (Mangifera indica, L.) is considered one of the largest Brazilian fruitbusiness for the export market. Cultivar selection having high fruit quality is a fundamental step to obtain excellent results in this business. A mango breeding program based on intervarietal hybridization may produce new improved cultivars for mango growers. Mango hybrids have been obtained by controlled or open crosses. In the last one, it is important to identify the male parent because it is useful for the genetic cultivar history, thus it is important for planning further improvements. This work presents a parentage test using among others parameters RAPD (Random amplified Polymorphic DNA) markers to estimate the male parent of the selected hybrids in an open cross plot by using five mango cultivars densely planted in a latin square design.
Mango can be propagated by seeds or by grafting. For commercial purpose, grafting is the most appropriate method because it maintains the genetic characters from the propagated variety. To obtain grafted mango it is important to use polyembryonic varieties as rootstock since they produce a zygotic and many nucellar plantlets. The nucellar plantlets maintain the genetics of the mother-plant thus, are preferred for grafting since they supposedly give more uniformity to the orchard. In general, nurserymen use the most vigorous plantelet to graft, believing that they are nucellar. But, orchard disuniformities on height and yield are very common among mango trees of commercial orchards in Northeast region. The objective of this paper was to identify the genetical origin of plantlets from polyembryonic seeds of Rosinha variety using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Moreover, the position of the zygotic embryo and the percentage of the vigorous zygotic and nucellar plantlets was also determined. It was obtained an elevated taxa of vigorous zygotic plantlets which possibly explains the disuniformity on height of trees at commercial mango orchards.
The first phytopathogenic bacterium with its DNA entirely sequenced is being detected and isolated from different host plants in several geographic regions. Although it causes diseases in cultures of economic importance, such as citrus, coffee, and grapevine little is known about the genetic relationships among different strains. Actually, all strains are grouped as a single species, Xylella fastidiosa, despite colonizing different hosts, developing symptoms, and different physiological and microbiological observed conditions. The existence of genetic diversity among X. fastidiosa strains was detected by different methodological techniques, since cultural to molecular methods. However, little is know about the phylogenetic relationships developed by Brazilian strains obtained from coffee and citrus plants. In order to evaluate it, fAFLP markers were used to verify genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships developed by Brazilian and strange strains. fAFLP is an efficient technique, with high reproducibility that is currently used for bacterial typing and classification. The obtained results showed that Brazilian strains present genetic diversity and that the strains from this study were grouped distinctly according host and geographical origin like citrus-coffee, temecula-grapevine-mulberry and plum-elm.
Due to the low genetic variability reported in the commercial plantations of papaya (Carica papaya L.), the objective of this study was analyze the genetic diversity of 32 genotypes including cultivars, landraces, inbred lines, and improved germplasm using the AFLP technique (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism). The genetic distance matrix was obtained using the Nei and Li genetic distance and clustering was performed using the unweighted pair-method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). Using 11 combinations of EcoRI/MseI primers, 383 polymorphic bands were obtained. On average, 34.8 polymorphic bands were obtained per primer combination. Five clusters were formed. The traditional cultivar 'Sunrise' and the inbred line CMF-L30-08 were the closest genotypes, and the improved germplasm (CMF041) and landrace (CMF233) the most distant. The main papaya cultivars commercially grown in Brazil, as well as four inbred lines and three improved germplasm, were clustered together, however, were not grouped in the same branch. The genetic distance between the Sunrise and Golden cultivars was 0.329, and even arising from mutation and selection within the Sunrise variety, the Golden stores considerable genetic variability. Additional variability was observed in the inbred lines derived from papaya breeding program at Embrapa Cassava and Fruits.