396 resultados para ANGIONEUROTIC-EDEMA
O envolvimento renal na hanseníase é diverso, incluindo glomerulonefrites, amiloidose e nefrite túbulo-intersticial. Um homem de 58 anos foi admitido com edema de membros inferiores e dispnéia. Na admissão, havia retenção de escórias nitrogenadas, anemia, hipercalemia e acidose metabólica, com necessidade de hemodiálise. Referia história de hanseníase virchoviana. Foi realizada biopsia renal, compatível com amiloidose. O paciente evoluiu estável, sem recuperação da função renal, permanecendo em tratamento hemodialítico. A hanseníase deve ser investigada em todo paciente com perda de função renal, sobretudo naqueles que apresentam lesões cutâneas ou outras manifestações sugestivas de hanseníase.
Introduction Envenomation by scorpion stings is a major public health problem in numerous tropical countries because of its frequent incidence and potential severity. Approximately 1,900 species of scorpions are known in the world, and at least 130 of these have been described in Brazil. Methods This work reports on 3 child deaths caused by Tityus stigmurus stings and characterizes epidemiological and clinical surveys on pediatric cases of scorpionism recorded in the Centro de Assistência Toxicológica de Pernambuco (Ceatox-PE). Results Scorpion stings accounted for more than 60% of all cases recorded for venomous animals. The children were from 37 cities of the Pernambuco state and accounted for 28.8% of the victims treated for scorpion stings, with the highest incidence in the metropolitan area of Recife. Stings occurred throughout the year and slightly increased during the rainy season. Independent of the elapsed time for a prognosis, most cases showed mild symptoms. Three moderate cases that resulted in death featured cardiogenic shock and/or pulmonary edema or severe neurological symptoms. For the first time, death attributed to T. stigmurus was confirmed by the presence of the scorpion. Conclusions These results suggest that scorpionism in Pernambuco is a public health problem that needs to be monitored carefully throughout the year by the government.
IntroductionKala-azar is a disease resulting from infection by Leishmania donovani and Leishmania infantum. Most patients with the disease exhibit prolonged fever, wasting, anemia and hepatosplenomegaly without complications. However, some patients develop severe disease with hemorrhagic manifestations, bacterial infections, jaundice, and edema dyspnea, among other symptoms, followed by death. Among the parasite molecules that might influence the disease severity are the macrophage migration inhibitory factor-like proteins (MIF1 and MIF2) and N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase (NAGT), which act in the first step of protein N-glycosylation. This study aimed to determine whether MIF1, MIF2 and NAGT are virulence factors for severe kala-azar.MethodsTo determine the parasite genotype in kala-azar patients from Northeastern Brazil, we sequenced the NAGT genes of L. infantum from 68 patients as well as the MIF1 and MIF2 genes from 76 different subjects with diverse clinical manifestations. After polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the fragments were sequenced, followed by polymorphism identification.ResultsThe nucleotide sequencing of the 144 amplicons revealed the absence of genetic variability of the NAGT, MIF1 and MIF2 genes between the isolates. The conservation of these genes suggests that the clinical variability of kala-azar does not depend upon these genes. Additionally, this conservation suggests that these genes may be critical for parasite survival.ConclusionsNAGT, MIF1 and MIF2 do not alter the severity of kala-azar. NAGT, MIF1 and MIF2 are highly conserved among different isolates of identical species and exhibit potential for use in phylogenetic inferences or molecular diagnosis.
ABSTRACTIn Latin America, Bothrops envenomation is responsible for the majority of accidents caused by venomous snakes. Patients usually present local edema, bleeding and coagulopathy. Visceral hemorrhage is extremely rare and considered a challenge for diagnosis and management. We report the first case of hepatic hematoma owing to the bothropic envenomation in a 66-year-old man who was bitten in the left leg. He presented local edema, coagulopathy, and acute kidney injury. Radiological findings suggested hepatic hematoma, with a volume of almost 3 liters. The hepatic hematoma was gradually absorbed without the need for surgical intervention with complete resolution in 8 months.
ABSTRACTWe report a case of envenomation caused by a bushmaster ( Lachesis muta) in a male child in State of Pernambuco, Brazil. The victim showed discrete local manifestations, but presented altered blood coagulation 2 hours after the bite. Ten ampoules of bothropic-lachetic antivenom therapy were administered, and 48 hours later, the patient showed discrete edema, pain, and ecchymosis around the bite and normal blood coagulation. The patient was discharged 5 days after the envenomation. The prompt administration of specific treatment was important for the favorable outcomes observed.
Abstract: Scorpion stings are currently the leading cause of venom-related injury to humans in Brazil and are a significant public health problem globally. Only scorpions of the Tityus genus are of medical importance in Brazil, and Tityus serrulatus is responsible for the most serious envenomations and deaths. The toxic effects of scorpion envenomation are due to a massive release of sympathetic and parasympathetic neurotransmitters; the severity is related to cardiac and hemodynamic changes, with cardiogenic shock and pulmonary edema contributing to the main causes of death. The pathophysiology of cardiac involvement has been discussed for decades and has been attributed to adrenergic discharge and a possible toxic effect of venom on the myocardium, while acute pulmonary edema may have a cardiogenic and/or non-cardiogenic origin. Currently, the clinical data point to catecholamine excess as the cause for reversible scorpion cardiomyopathy . These data include electrocardiographic changes, profiling of cardiac enzymes and troponin I, echocardiographic data with global or regional left ventricle dysfunction, and myocardial perfusion alterations compatible with spasm in the coronary microcirculation. Furthermore, recent data on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging findings, which are similar to those observed for stress-induced cardiomyopathy, have also been linked to catecholamine excess. The efficiency of antivenom serum treatment is controversial in the literature. Our experience in Brazil is that the management of patients with systemic manifestations of scorpion stings is based on three approaches, all of which are extremely important. These include symptomatic treatment, antivenom serum, and cardiorespiratory support.
Hypoalbuminemia may cause interstitial edema and hemodilution, which we hypothesized may influence serum sodium levels. Our purpose was to compare serum sodium levels of hospitalized adults with or without hypoalbuminemia. All sodium and albumin serum levels of 142 adults hospitalized at general medical wards over a six-month period were searched at a University Hospital mainframe computer. Relevant laboratory data and clinical details were also registered. Hypoalbuminemia was defined by serum albumin concentration < 3.3 g/dl Fisher, Mann-Whitney, and Student's t tests were applied to compare groups with or without hypoalbuminemia. Ninety-nine patients, classified as hypoalbuminemic, had lower blood hemoglobin (10.68 ± 2.62 vs. 13.54 ± 2.41), and sodium (135.1 ± 6.44 vs. 139.9 ± 4.76mEq/l) and albumin (2.74 ± 0.35 vs. 3.58 ± 0.28g/dl) serum levels than non-hypoalbuminemic (n=43). Pearson's coefficient showed a significant direct correlation between albumin and sodium serum levels (r=0.40) and between serum albumin and blood hemoglobin concentration (r=0.46). Our results suggest that hypoalbuminemic adults have lower serum sodium levels than those without hypoalbuminemia, a phenomenon that may be at least partially attributed to body water retention associated with acute phase response syndrome.
Blood glucose levels in the high normal range or even moderate hyperglycemia is the expected profile in septic postoperative patients receiving high-calorie enteral alimentation. The addition of growth hormone as an anabolic agent should additionally reinforce this tendency. In a cancer patient undergoing partial gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy and suffering from postoperative subphrenic abscess and prolonged sepsis, tube feeding (38.3 kcal/kg/day) and growth hormone (0.17 IU/kg/day) were simultaneously administered for 25 days. Blood glucose levels were in the lower limits of the normal range before growth hormone introduction, and continued with a similar tendency during most of the therapeutic period. Two additional complications, namely heart arrest and peripheral edema, were documented during the same period. It is concluded that sepsis was the most likely mechanism for low glucose values, and that high-calorie enteral diet and growth hormone supplementation did not prevent that result. It is uncertain whether heart arrest was due to the drug, but its association with peripheral edema is well documented in clinical series.
Adnexal torsion may occur in girls and adolescents. Often it is associated with ovarian diseases resulting in ovarian enlargement. Adnexal torsion may involve the ovary, fallopian tube or both, and the main sympton is acute pelvic pain. An 8-year-old girl complaining of acute pelvic and abdominal pain, who was previously diagnosed with precocious puberty and who received treatment with a GnRH analog, is reported. Ultrasound demonstrated a normal-sized uterus and bilaterally enlarged ovaries with multiple internal cysts. At laparotomy, we found a complete torsion in the right adnexa. The histological examination revealed massive edema associated with multiple antral follicles and reduction of the follicular reserve.
São apresentados os resultados das experiências com edema bucal provocados pelas ráfides de Dieffenbachia picta lavados somente com água ou com éter. As ráfides lavadas com água e resuspensas em água não provocam mais edema. As ráfides lavadas com água apresentam coloração vermelha pelo SUDAM III enquanto as lavadas com éter não se colorem mais.
Foram efetuados estudos químicos e farmacológicos dos extratos brutos hidroalcóolicos obtidos das folhas ou das raízes de E. argentinum ou de frações semi-purificadas desta planta. Os testes químicos revelaram a existência de alcalóides, fitoesteróides, leucoantocianidinas, glicosídeos flavonóides, cumarinas e taninos. A análise farmacológica in vivo demonstrou que o extrato das folhas é menos tóxico que o da raiz. Tanto o extrato bruto como as frações semi-purificadas obtidas das folhas reduziram a locomoção e pressão arterial de rato e potenciaram o sono barbiturico em camundongos. O extrato bruto, principalmente o da raiz, reduziu o edema induzido por carragenina na pata de rato. Testes in vitro demonstraram que o extrato bruto ou as frações semi-purificadas das folhas produziram uma ação semelhante à cocaína avaliada no canal deferente de rato. Além disso, o extrato bruto produziu relaxamento inespecífico no útero de rata e contração do íleo de cobaia. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que esta planta possui constituintes ativos dotados de distintas propriedades farmacológicas, destacando-se o efeito anti-inflamatório, além de uma ação tipo cocaína, merecendo, portanto, estudos químicos e farmacológicos complementares.
Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de duas espécies amazônicas em doenças relacionadas aos processos de oxidação, determinou-se a capacidade antioxidante (método Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), o teor de polifenóis totais (método Folin-Ciocalteu - PT), bem como os efeitos farmacológicos in vitro (efeito antiproliferativo) e in vivo (antinociceptivo, antiinflamatório, antiulcerogênico) dos extratos hidroalcoólicos (65:35; v/v; etanol:água) das folhas de Byrsonima crassifolia (BC) e Inga edulis (IE). Os extratos de BC e IE apresentaram elevada capacidade antioxidante (1.422 e 694 µmol de Trolox Equivalente g-1 de folha seca - FS, respectivamente) e um valor relativamente alto de PT (35,93 e 24,50 mg Equivalente ácido gálico g-1 FS, respectivamente). Essa atividade antioxidante não teve relação direta com o teor de compostos fenólicos dos extratos, sugerindo a contribuição de outros grupos químicos nessa atividade. Em cultura de células tumorais humanas (nove linhagens), os extratos não apresentaram atividade antiproliferativa significante, com efeito citotóxico somente na concentração mais elevada. Em modelo de nocicepção induzida pelo calor (placa quente), o extrato de IE apresentou efeito antinociceptivo (P < 0,05) após 30 (250 e 500 mg kg-1) e 60 min (125 e 500 mg kg-1) de sua administração oral. Nos modelos de inflamação houve somente redução do edema para IE na concentração de 500 mg kg-1. Os extratos das duas espécies reduziram as lesões ulcerativas produzidas por etanol em até 84% (P < 0,05), sugerindo uma possível ligação com a atividade antioxidante observada e indicando a necessidade de estudos para a elucidação do mecanismo de ação envolvido.
Alho do mato (Cipura paludosa, Iridaceae) is a medicinal plant found in the Amazon rain forest, North of Brazil. It has been used to treat algic, inflammatory and infectious processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive action of the crude Cipura paludosa ethanolic extract at concentrations ranging between 2.0 and 4.0% in Oil and Water cream formulations for topical use. The physical-chemical stability of the formulations was monitored over a six-month period with the use of accelerated stability tests. In order to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities, we used a paw edema test induced by carrageenan and a formalin test, respectively. The paw edema test showed that there was a statistical difference in the control group in relation to the treatments. The formalin test did not confirm antinociceptive action of the treatments with the extract in the early phase of the test. However, statistical difference was confirmed for the treatments in relation to the control in the late phase. The antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of Cipura paludosa preparations, as demonstrated in the results, at least partially support the ethno-medical uses of this plant.
RESUMO Retratamos o relato de um homem de 61 anos que apresentava um glioblastoma multiforme em região do giro têmporo-occipital lateral esquerdo que rechaça cranialmente o hipocampo e o corno temporal do ventrículo lateral correspondente. Não havia sinais e sintomas neurológicos e o quadro clínico lembrava a demência de Alzheimer. Havia comprometimento de memória e alterações comportamentais com duração de três meses. Foram afastadas inicialmente outras causas de demência rapidamente progressivas e a ressonância magnética revelou a etiologia tumoral dos sintomas neuropsiquiátricos. Foi submetido à bateria de testes neuropsicométricos com pontuação compatível com doença de Alzheimer (DA). Em razão de extensa área de edema, foi introduzida dexametasona com reversão completa dos sintomas neuropsiquiátricos iniciais e a repetição da bateria neuropsicológica mostrou melhora acentuada em todos os testes. Optou-se por tratamento conservador, após biópsia por agulha, com evolução para óbito em cinco meses.
Gestante com 33 anos na 28ª semana e sinais de óbito fetal foi admitida em caráter de urgência com quadro de edema pulmonar agudo secundário à estenose mitral grave. Com o insucesso do tratamento medicamentoso intensivo, a paciente foi submetida à valvoplastia mitral percutânea de emergência com melhora imediata. O agravamento subseqüente do quadro, atribuído ao óbito fetal, foi tratado através parto cesáreo com melhora clínica considerável. A paciente teve alta hospitalar no 10º dia, e 11 meses após o procedimento, encontra-se em classe funcional I, sem uso de medicação e com sinais ecocardiográficos de estenose mitral leve (área valvar: 2,0 cm²).