97 resultados para 6S rRNA
The structure of the large proteoglycan present in the bullfrog epiphyseal cartilage was studied by immunochemical and biochemical methods. The isolated monomer showed a polydisperse behavior on Sepharose CL2B, with a peak at Kav = 0.14. Chondroitin sulfate chains were identified by HPLC analysis of the products formed by chondroitinase digestion and mercuric acetate treatment. These chains have approximately 38 disaccharides, a Di45:Di68 ratio of 1.6 and GalNAc4S + GalNAc4,6S are the main non-reducing terminals. Keratan sulfate was identified by the use of two monoclonal antibodies in Western blots after chondroitinase ABC treatment. A keratan sulfate-rich region (~110 kDa) was isolated by sequential treatment with chondroitinase ABC and proteases. We also employed antibodies in Western blotting experiments and showed that the full length deglycosylated core protein is about 300 kDa after SDS-PAGE. Domain-specific antibodies revealed the presence of immunoreactive sites corresponding to G1/G2 and G3 globular domains and the characterization of this large proteoglycan as aggrecan. The results indicate the high conservation of the aggrecan domain structure in this lower vertebrate.
Genotyping techniques are valuable tools for the epidemiologic study of Staphylococcus aureus infections in the hospital setting. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is the current method of choice for S. aureus strain typing. However, the method is laborious and requires expensive equipment. In the present study, we evaluated the natural polymorphism of the genomic 16S-23S rRNA region for genotyping purpose, by PCR-based ribotyping. Three primer pairs were tested to determine the size of amplicons produced and to obtain better discrimination with agar gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. The resolution of the typing system was determined using sets of bacteria obtained from clinical specimens from a large tertiary care hospital. These included DNA from three samples obtained from a bacteremic patient, six strains with known and diverse PGFE patterns, and 88 strains collected over a 3-month period in the same hospital. Amplification patterns obtained from samples from the same patient were identical, and PFGE from samples known to be different produced three genotypes. Amplification of DNA from 61 methicillin-resistant isolates produced only one pattern. Methicillin-sensitive strains yielded a diversity of patterns, pointing to a true polyclonal distribution throughout the hospital (22 unique patterns from 27 strains). Computer-based software can be used to differentiate among identifiable strains, given the low number of bands and good characterization of PCR products. PCR-based ribotyping can be a useful technique for genotyping methicillin-sensitive S. aureus strains, but is of limited value for methicillin-resistant strains.
Infection with Bartonella spp may cause cardiac arrhythmias, myocarditis and endocarditis in humans. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a possible association between Bartonella spp bacteremia and endocarditis, arrhythmia and Chagas cardiomyopathy in patients from Brazil and Argentina. We screened for the presence of bacterial 16S rRNA in human blood by PCR using oligonucleotides to amplify a 185-bp bacterial DNA fragment. Blood samples were taken from four groups of subjects in Brazil and Argentina: i) control patients without clinical disease, ii) patients with negative blood-culture endocarditis, iii) patients with arrhythmias, and iv) patients with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy. PCR products were analyzed on 1.5% agarose gel to visualize the 185-bp fragment and then sequenced to confirm the identity of DNA. Sixty of 148 patients (40.5%) with cardiac disease and 1 of 56 subjects (1.8%) from the control group presented positive PCR amplification for Bartonella spp, suggesting a positive association of the bacteria with these diseases. Separate analysis of the four groups showed that the risk of a Brazilian patient with endocarditis being infected with Bartonella was 22 times higher than in the controls. In arrhythmic patients, the prevalence of infection was 45 times higher when compared to the same controls and 40 times higher for patients with Chagas cardiomyopathy. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report of the association between Bartonella spp bacteremia and Chagas disease. The present data may be useful for epidemiological and prevention studies in Brazil and Argentina.
We report the microbiological characterization of four New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-1 (blaNDM-1)-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. blaNDM-1 was located on a conjugative plasmid and was associated with Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-2 (blaKPC-2) or aminoglycoside-resistance methylase (armA), a 16S rRNA methylase not previously reported in Brazil, in two distinct strains of Enterobacter cloacae. Our results suggested that the introduction of blaNDM-1 in Brazil has been accompanied by rapid spread, since our isolates showed no genetic relationship.
A bacterial strain (PAP04) isolated from cattle farm soil was shown to produce an extracellular, solvent-stable protease. Sequence analysis using 16S rRNA showed that this strain was highly homologous (99%) to Brevibacillus laterosporus. Growth conditions that optimize protease production in this strain were determined as maltose (carbon source), skim milk (nitrogen source), pH 7.0, 40°C temperature, and 48 h incubation. Overall, conditions were optimized to yield a 5.91-fold higher production of protease compared to standard conditions. Furthermore, the stability of the enzyme in organic solvents was assessed by incubation for 2 weeks in solutions containing 50% concentration of various organic solvents. The enzyme retained activity in all tested solvents except ethanol; however, the protease activity was stimulated in benzene (74%) followed by acetone (63%) and chloroform (54.8%). In addition, the plate assay and zymography results also confirmed the stability of the PAP04 protease in various organic solvents. The organic solvent stability of this protease at high (50%) concentrations of solvents makes it an alternative catalyst for peptide synthesis in non-aqueous media.
No processamento tradicional de extração de óleo de palma, uma quantidade substancial do produto é perdida na fibra - durante a etapa de prensagem do fruto - e na borra - durante a etapa de clarificação do óleo cru. A viscosidade deste constitui a principal dificuldade de separação do óleo dos demais componentes da mistura. A eficiência de recuperação do óleo é usualmente melhorada por adição de água, no tanque de clarificação. Neste trabalho avaliou-se os efeitos da diluição e do tratamento enzimático no comportamento reológico do óleo de palma cru. Estes dados são importantes para estimar a velocidade de separação do óleo nos tanques de clarificação e/ou nos decanters das usinas comerciais. O óleo cru utilizado neste estudo foi recolhido em uma unidade comercial sendo composto de 65% de água, 30% de óleo e 5% de sólidos. A hidrólise enzimática foi conduzida usando como agentes hidrolisantes uma enzima comercial (viscozyme) da Novo Nordisk e um preparado enzimático produzido no CTAA. Pode-se constatar que quanto mais diluída a amostra maior é a redução na viscosidade após a hidrólise enzimática. Para uma taxa de deformação fixa em 6s-1, o tratamento enzimático do óleo cru a 60°C reduziu a viscosidade do mesmo em cerca de 29% enquanto a adição de 20% de água em cerca de 35%. A combinação da diluição com 20% de água seguida de tratamento enzimático reduziu a viscosidade do óleo cru em cerca de 75%.
L-glutaminase and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) catalyzes the hydrolysis of L-glutamine and glutamate, respectively. L-glutaminase widely used in cancer therapy along with a combination of other enzymes and most importantly these enzymes were used in food industries, as a major catalyst of bioconversion. The current investigation was aimed to screen and select L-glutaminase, and GAD producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB). A total of 338 LAB were isolated from fermented meat, fermented fish, fermented soya bean, fermented vegetables and fruits. Among 338 isolates, 22 and 237 LAB has been found to be positive for L-glutaminase and GAD, respectively. We found that 30 days of incubation at 35 ºC and pH 6.0 was the optimum condition for glutaminase activity by G507/1. G254/2 was found to be the best for GAD activity with the optimum condition of pH 6.5, temperature 40 ºC and ten days of incubation. These LAB strains, G507/1 and G254/2, were identified as close relative of Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 14869 and Lactobacillus fermentum NBRC 3956, respectively by 16S rRNA sequencing. Further, improvements in up-stream of the fermentation process with these LAB strains are currently under development.