120 resultados para 256
Duas amostras do vírus da Diarréia Viral Bovina (BVDV) submetidas a múltiplas passagens em cultivo celular e exposição à radiação ultravioleta (UV) a cada passagem foram avaliadas como candidatos a vírus vacinais. As amostras foram testadas quanto à sua atenuação para bezerros e fetos ovinos, reatividade antigênica contra isolados de campo, e capacidade de induzir proteção fetal em ovelhas prenhes. Inoculação intramuscular (IM) dos vírus modificados em quatro bezerros produziu apenas uma elevação discreta e passageira da temperatura corporal, seguida de produção de altos títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes. O vírus não foi detectado em secreções nasais ou sangue nos dias seguintes à inoculação. Porém, a inoculação IM desses vírus em quatro ovelhas prenhes foi seguida de transmissão transplacentária e infecção em todos os fetos. Para os testes de proteção fetal, ovelhas prenhes previamente imunizadas com duas doses vacinais, foram inoculadas por via intranasal com amostras de BVDV-1 (SV-126.8, n=6) ou BVDV-2 (SV-260, n=5). No dia do desafio (134 dias após a segunda dose), todos os animais apresentavam altos títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes (256 a >4096) contra os vírus vacinais; além de títulos variados (8 a >4096) contra várias isolados brasileiros de BVDV-1 e BVDV-2. Quinze dias após o desafio, as ovelhas foram sacrificadas e os tecidos fetais foram examinados para a presença de vírus. Todos os fetos das ovelhas controle não-vacinadas apresentaram-se (n=4) positivos para os vírus utilizados no desafio. Em contraste, nenhum feto das ovelhas imunizadas (n=11) foi positivo para vírus, indicando que a resposta imunológica induzida pela vacinação com os vírus modificados foi capaz de prevenir a infecção fetal. Estes resultados indicam que é possível obter-se forte resposta imunológica e proteção fetal contra o BVDV com o uso de vacinas vivas modificadas.
Eight reproductive boars were divided into three groups and inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii [GI (n=3) 1.5x10(4) oocysts strain P; GII (n=3) 1.0x10(6) tachyzoites strain RH; and GIII (n=2) non-inoculated control]. Clinical, hematological, parasitemia and serological tests and studies of the parasite in the semen through bioassay and PCR, and in reproductive organs (Bioassay and immunohistochemical analyses) were conducted to evaluate the toxoplasmic infection. Blood and semen were collected on day -2, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and weekly up to 84 days post-inoculation (DPI). No clinical or hematimetric alteration was observed in the boars. Parasitemia was detected in one boar inoculated with oocysts at the 7th DPI and in another boar infected with tachyzoites (GII) at the 3rd and 49th DPI. Serological tests revealed antibodies against T. gondii in animals inoculated with oocysts or tachyzoites at the 7th DPI with dilutions of 1:256 and 1:64, which reached peaks of 1:4096 at day 11 and 9, respectively. The bioassays revealed the presence of the parasite in semen samples of a boar inoculated with oocysts (GI) at 3, 49 and 56 DPI and from two boars infected with tachyzoites (GII), one animal at 5 and two animals at 49 days DPI. Mice inoculated with semen from the control group (GIII) remained serologically negative. PCR analysis showed T. gondii DNA in the semen of Boar 1 and Boar 3 inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. The immuno-histochemical tests showed T. gondii in the reproductive organs of Boar 1 and Boar 2, inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. These findings suggest the possible occurrence of venereal transmission of T. gondii in swine.
Foram revisados casos de intoxicação por samambaia (Pteridium aquilinum) em bovinos de 10 pequenas propriedades rurais de sete municípios da Região Central do Rio Grande do Sul. O estudo abrangeu 6.256 necrospias de bovinos realizadas num período de 43 anos e incluiu 15 necropsias de bovinos que morreram em conseqüência da intoxicação aguda por samambaia. As taxas de morbidade e mortalidade foram 17,9% e a letalidade era virtualmente de 100%. Em 40% das propriedades a doença ocorreu em pequenos surtos afetando vários bovinos; em 60% das propriedades apenas um bovino era afetado. Os principais sinais clínicos incluíam febre (40-42ºC), apatia, salivação e hemorragias, principalmente pelas gengivas, pela cavidade nasal e pelo trato gastrintestinal. Múltiplas petéquias eram observadas nas mucosas e na pele. Ocasionalmente observou-se hematúria e sangue no leite. A doença era invariavelmente fatal após um curso clínico de dois dias. Alterações hematológicas consistiam de leucopenia por neutropenia, anemia normocítica normocrômica e trombocitopenia arregenerativa. Os achados de necropsia incluíam hemorragias de intensidade variável em vários órgãos e infartos no fígado. Tanto as hemorragias quanto os infartos foram confirmados histologicamente; agregados de bacilos e vasos trombosados foram observados em associação com os infartos. Aplasia da medula óssea era um achado consistente nos quatro casos em que esse órgão foi examinado.
Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a member of the group 2 of the Coronavirus (Nidovirales: Coronaviridae) and the causative agent of enteritis in both calves and adult bovine, as well as respiratory disease in calves. The present study aimed to develop a semi-nested RT-PCR for the detection of BCoV based on representative up-to-date sequences of the nucleocapsid gene, a conserved region of coronavirus genome. Three primers were designed, the first round with a 463bp and the second (semi-nested) with a 306bp predicted fragment. The analytical sensitivity was determined by 10-fold serial dilutions of the BCoV Kakegawa strain (HA titre: 256) in DEPC treated ultra-pure water, in fetal bovine serum (FBS) and in a BCoV-free fecal suspension, when positive results were found up to the 10-2, 10-3 and 10-7 dilutions, respectively, which suggests that the total amount of RNA in the sample influence the precipitation of pellets by the method of extraction used. When fecal samples was used, a large quantity of total RNA serves as carrier of BCoV RNA, demonstrating a high analytical sensitivity and lack of possible substances inhibiting the PCR. The final semi-nested RT-PCR protocol was applied to 25 fecal samples from adult cows, previously tested by a nested RT-PCR RdRp used as a reference test, resulting in 20 and 17 positives for the first and second tests, respectively, and a substantial agreement was found by kappa statistics (0.694). The high sensitivity and specificity of the new proposed method and the fact that primers were designed based on current BCoV sequences give basis to a more accurate diagnosis of BCoV-caused diseases, as well as to further insights on protocols for the detection of other Coronavirus representatives of both Animal and Public Health importance.
Toxoplasmosis is caused by the obligate intracellular protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii and affects warm-blooded vertebrates, including pets and man. Dogs are epidemio-logically important since they act as sentinels for the infection in humans. The present study aimed to determine the presence of antibodies to T. gondii in 205 serum samples from dogs in Ubatuba, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, through indirect immunofluorescence reaction (IFAT), as well as the risk factors related to toxoplasmosis in the animals such as breed, age, sex, access to outdoors, homemade food ingestion, access to untreated water, and contact with rodents. Toxoplasmosis-positive samples accounted for 52/205 (25.4%), with titers ranging from 16 to 256. The serological results presented significant association (P<0.05) with homemade food ingestion (45/118; 38.1%; CI95% 29.9%-47.2%) (OR=7.0; CI95% 3.0-16.6), and with access to outdoors where those that do not have access to the street were prevalent (37/121; 30.6%; CI95% 23.1%-39.3%) (OR=0.5; CI95% 0.2-1.0). These results show that toxoplasmosis in this region is related to problems of sanitary education, mainly concerning the appropriate cooking of foods, since most positive animals did not show significant association with the presence of rodents or untreated water consumption but showed, instead association with ingestion of homemade food. Thus, toxoplasmosis is a public health problem in the studied region, and sanitary measures are needed to control the infection due to the strict relationship between man and dog and the presented risk factors
Bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) is an important pathogen of cattle in South America and efforts have been made to produce safer and more effective vaccines. In addition to afford protection, herpesvirus vaccines should allow serological differentiation of vaccinated from naturally, latently infected animals. We previously reported the construction and characterization in vitro of a double mutant BoHV-5 (BoHV-5gE/TK Δ) lacking the genes encoding thymidine kinase (tk) for attenuation, and glycoprotein E (gE) as the antigenic marker, as a vaccine candidate strain (Brum et al. 2010a). The present article reports an investigation on the attenuation and immunogenicity of this recombinant in calves. In a first experiment, 80 to 90-day-old seronegative calves (n=6) inoculated intranasally with the recombinant (titer of 10(7.5)TCID50) shed virus in low to moderate titers in nasal secretions for up to 6 days, yet did not develop any respiratory, systemic or neurological signs of infection. At day 30 post-infection (pi) all calves had BoHV-5 specific neutralizing (VN) antibodies in titers of 4 to 8 and were negative for anti-gE antibodies in a commercial ELISA test. Administration of dexamethasone (0.1mg/kg/day during 5 days) to four of these calves at day 42 pi did not result in virus shedding or increase in VN titers, indicating lack of viral reactivation. Secondly, a group of 8-month-old calves (n=9) vaccinated intramuscularly (IM) with the recombinant virus (10(7.5)TCID50/animal) did not shed virus in nasal secretions, remained healthy and developed VN titers from 2 to 8 at day 42 post-vaccination (pv), remaining negative for gE antibodies. Lastly, 21 calves (around 10 months old) maintained under field conditions were vaccinated IM with the recombinant virus (titer of 10(7.3)TCID50). All vaccinated animals developed VN titers from 2 to 16 at day 30 pv. A boost vaccination performed at day 240 pv resulted in a rapid and strong anamnestic antibody response, with VN titers reaching from 16 to 256 at day 14 post-booster. Again, serum samples remained negative for gE antibodies. Selected serum samples from vaccinated animals showed a broad VN activity against nine BoHV-5 and eight BoHV-1 field isolates. These results show that the recombinant virus is attenuated, immunogenic for calves and induces an antibody response differentiable from that induced by natural infection. Thus, the recombinant BoHV-5gE/TKΔ is an adequate candidate strain for a modified live vaccine.
A toxoplasmose é uma zoonose de ampla distribuição mundial, causada pelo Toxoplasma gondii. O estudo da prevalência desta infecção em animais produtores de carne e leite é de interesse à saúde pública, devido ao fato desses produtos oriundos de animais infectados serem importantes vias de transmissão para o homem, quando consumidos in natura. Além disso, há o aspecto econômico, uma vez que pode causar aborto, retardo no crescimento e animais debilitados, levando prejuízos ao pecuarista. Este trabalho objetivou estimar a soroprevalência da infecção por T. gondii, por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) em caprinos e ovinos de três municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro, provenientes de 10 propriedades. A prevalência de anticorpos IgG anti-T.gondii foi de 29,12% (60/206) nos caprinos e de 38,05% (137/360) nos ovinos, sendo observada nessa última espécie associação (p<0,05) entre sexo (fêmeas), idade adulta, sistema de criação extensivo, dieta de pastagem e água de beber de açude com a soropositividade. Os títulos variaram de 64 a 256, podendo ser sugestivos de infecção crônica. Melhorias nas técnicas de criação podem reduzir as fontes de infecção por T. gondii nos rebanhos.
Para avaliar as proteínas do soro lácteo durante a lactação, o soro obtido a partir de 48 amostras de leite coletadas de 12 vacas da raça Jersey antes da ordenha foi estudado. Os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos: terço inicial (30-120 dias de lactação), terço médio (121-210 dias de lactação) e terço final da lactação (mais de 211 dias de lactação). O proteinograma consistiu da concentração de proteína total do soro lácteo, determinado pelo método de biureto e da eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE). A diminuição gradual e significativa de algumas frações do soro de leite foi observada durante a lactação, albumina, lactoferrina, imunoglobulinas, β-lactoglobulina e α-lactoalbumina. Os valores de normalidade obtidos para as proteínas do soro do leite de vacas Jersey foram: proteína total do soro de leite 569,0-713,0mg/dL, lactoferrina 36,0-49,0mg/dL, albumina 24,0-34.0mg/dL, cadeia pesada de imunoglobulina 38,0-51,0 mg/dL; cadeia leve de imunoglobulina 59,0-95,0mg/dL, β-lactoglobulina 207,0-256,0mg/dL, α-lactoalbumina 117,0-157,0mg/dL, proteína com 226 KDa 5,80-12.0mg/dL, e proteína com 118 kDa 2,30-6.80mg/dL.
Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is responsible for various pathological processes in birds and is considered as one of the principal causes of morbidity and mortality, associated with economic losses to the poultry industry. The objective of this study was to demonstrate that it is possible to predict antimicrobial resistance of 256 samples (APEC) using 38 different genes responsible for virulence factors, through a computer program of artificial neural networks (ANNs). A second target was to find the relationship between (PI) pathogenicity index and resistance to 14 antibiotics by statistical analysis. The results showed that the RNAs were able to make the correct classification of the behavior of APEC samples with a range from 74.22 to 98.44%, and make it possible to predict antimicrobial resistance. The statistical analysis to assess the relationship between the pathogenic index (PI) and resistance against 14 antibiotics showed that these variables are independent, i.e. peaks in PI can happen without changing the antimicrobial resistance, or the opposite, changing the antimicrobial resistance without a change in PI.
RESUMO - (Colonização de clareiras naturais na floresta Atlântica no sudeste do Brasil). Em duas florestas na encosta atlântica no sudeste do Brasil, foi analisada a colonização vegetal de 23 clareiras naturais (34-256 m²). Nos dois locais de estudo, as clareiras pequenas foram as mais abundantes, cobrindo a maior parte da superfície ocupada por este tipo de perturbação (100-66%). As clareiras apresentaram padrão comum de colonização, caracterizado pela dominância de indivíduos e espécies tolerantes à sombra, principalmente aquelas de sub-bosque. Não observou-se relação entre tamanho das clareiras, composição de guildas de regeneração e a abundância das espécies dominantes. Os resultados sugerem que a floresta atlântica possui riqueza reduzida de espécies intolerantes à sombra, principalmente as grandes pioneiras, que são pouco abundantes e pouco freqüentes. O tamanho não é o melhor preditor da composição florística e ecológica das clareiras.
The population structure of a common canopy tree was examined in three sites to investigate the possible effects of forest fragmentation in eastern Amazonia. Evidence for the escape hypothesis of differential seed/seedling survival was evaluated. Two 1 ha plots were established at each site and all individuals of Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S. A. Mori over 1 m tall were tagged, measured and mapped. Smaller individuals were recorded in the same way within subplots. Mature individuals were abundant at all sites with densities of 32-52 ha-1. The species exhibited substantial regeneration, although total population density varied fourfold among sites (1,256-4,805 individuals ha-1). Overall, juveniles were clumped while adults were randomly distributed. The difference between the dispersion pattern of adults and juveniles supported the escape hypothesis. However, no difference in population structure among sites could be related to the forest fragmentation.
Dense molecular genetic maps are used for an efficient quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and in the marker-assisted selection programs. A dense genetic map was generated with 139 microsatellite markers using 256 F2 plants generated by the crossing of two tropical maize inbred lines (L-02-03D and L-20-01F). This map presented 1,858.61 cM in length, where 10 linkage groups were found spanned, with an average interval of 13.47 cM between adjacent markers. Seventy seven percent of the maize genetic mapping bins were covered, which means an increase of 14% coverage in relation to the previous tropical maize maps. The results provide a more detailed and informative genetic map in a tropical maize population representing the first step to make possible the studies of genetic architecture to identify and map QTL and estimate their effects on the variation of quantitative traits, thus allowing the manipulation and use in tropical maize breeding programs.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) perfused into the aorta of the isolated rat heart induces a positive inotropic effect, with cardiac arrhythmia such as extrasystolic potentiation or cardiac contractures, depending on the dose. The last effect is similar to the "stone heart" observed in reperfusion injury and may be ascribed to lipoperoxidation (LPO) of the membrane lipids, to protein damage, to reduction of the ATP level, to enzymatic alterations and to cardioactive compounds liberated by LPO. These effects may result in calcium overload of the cardiac fibers and contracture ("stone heart"). Hearts from male Wistar rats (300-350 g) were perfused at 31oC with Tyrode, 0.2 mM trolox C, 256 mM H2O2 or trolox C + H2O2. Cardiac contractures (baseline elevation of the myograms obtained) were observed when hearts were perfused with H2O2 (Tyrode: 5.9 ± 3.2; H2O2: 60.5 ± 13.9% of the initial value); perfusion with H2O2 increased the LPO of rat heart homogenates measured by chemiluminescence (Tyrode: 3,199 ± 259; H2O2: 5,304 ± 133 cps mg protein-1 60 min-1), oxygen uptake (Tyrode: 0.44 ± 0.1; H2O2: 3.2 ± 0.8 nmol min-1 mg protein-1) and malonaldehyde (TBARS) formation (Tyrode: 0.12 ± 0; H2O2: 0.37 ± 0.1 nmol/ml). Previous perfusion with 0.2 mM trolox C reduced the LPO (chemiluminescence: 4,098 ± 531), oxygen uptake (0.51 ± 0) and TBARS (0.13 ± 0) but did not prevent the H2O2-induced contractures (33.3 ± 16%). ATP (Tyrode: 2.84 ± 0; H2O2: 0.57 ± 0) and glycogen levels (Tyrode: 0.46 ± 0; H2O2: 0.26 ± 0) were reduced by H2O2. Trolox did not prevent these effects (ATP: 0.84 ± 0 and glycogen: 0.27 ± 0). Trolox C is known to be more effective than a -tocopherol or g -tocopherol in reducing LPO though it lacks the phytol portion of vitamin E to be fixed to the cell membranes. Trolox C, unlike vitamin A, did not prevent the glycogen reduction induced by H2O2. Trolox C induced a positive chronotropic effect that resulted in higher energy consumption. The reduction of energy level seemed to be more important than LPO in the mechanism of H2O2-induced contracture
The submucous plexus of the normal small and large intestine of Calomys callosus was studied by NADH and AChE histochemical techniques and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The plexus contains (mean ± SD) 7,488 ± 293 neurons/cm2 in the duodenum, 5,611 ± 836 in the jejunum, 2,741 ± 360 in the ileum, 3,067 ± 179 in the cecum, and 3,817 ± 256 in the proximal colon. No ganglia or nerve cell bodies were seen in the esophagus, stomach, distal colon or rectum. The neurons are pear-shaped with a round or oval nucleus and the neuronal cell profile areas were larger in the large intestine than in the small intestine. Most of the neurons display intense AChE activity in the cytoplasm. AChE-positive nerve fibers are present in a primary meshwork of large nerve bundles and in a secondary meshwork of finer nerve bundles. At the ultrastructural level, the ganglia are irregular in shape and covered with fibroblast-like cells. The nucleoplasm of the neurons is finely granular with a few condensations of chromatin attached to the nuclear envelope. In the neuropil numerous varicosities filled with vesicles of different size and electron densities are seen. The pre- and post-synaptic membrane thickenings are asymmetric. Characteristic glial cells with oval nuclei and few organelles are numerous. These data provide a detailed description of this submucosal meshwork.
The tumoricidal activity of activated macrophages has been attributed largely to the release of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), or to the production of reactive oxygen or nitrogen intermediates. The L929 tumor cell line (a murine fibroblast-like cell) when treated with actinomycin D (ActD) has been used to measure TNFa cytotoxicity. In the present study, we determined the cytotoxic activity of BCG-activated peritoneal macrophages against ActD-untreated L929 tumor cells. Furthermore, we measured the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO) and TNF by macrophages cultured in the presence or absence of L929 cells. As expected, BCG-activated macrophages produced significant amounts of H2O2 (16.0 ± 3.0 µM), TNF (512 U/ml) and NO (71.5 ± 3.2 µM). TNF (256 U/ml) and NO (78.9 ± 9.7 µM) production was unchanged in co-cultures of L929 cells with BCG-activated macrophages but H2O2 production was totally inhibited. The cytotoxic activity was dependent on NO release since L-NAME (2.5, 5.0 and 10 mM), which blocks NO synthase, inhibited the killing of L929 cells. Addition of anti-TNF (20 µg/ml) antibodies to the cultures did not affect the tumoricidal activity of macrophages. Our results indicate that macrophage-mediated killing of L929 cells is largely dependent on NO production but independent of H2O2 or TNF release.