135 resultados para 153-924


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Um estudo de dois anos foi desenvolvido no Parque Estadual do Turvo, município de Derrubadas, sul do Brasil, com o objetivo de avaliar a composição, abundância e riqueza de espécies de Pentatomoidea. As amostragens foram efetuadas nas primaveras de 2003 e 2004 (outubro) e nos outonos de 2004 e 2005 (maio), utilizando a metodologia do guarda-chuva entomológico, ao longo de duas trilhas do Parque. O esforço amostral foi medido em número de horas de coleta X número de coletores, totalizando 153 horas de amostragem. Um total de 816 indivíduos de Pentatomoidea foram coletados, distribuídos em 56 espécies/morfoespécies, pertencentes a sete famílias. A riqueza estimada de espécies no outono de 2005 foi significativamente menor do que nos demais períodos amostrados. Não houve, entretanto, diferenças significativas entre as primaveras de 2003 e 2004 e o outono de 2004, para o mesmo parâmetro. A trilha do Yucumã apresentou uma riqueza estimada significativamente maior do que a trilha do Garcia. Espécies únicas ou representadas por dois indivíduos equivaleram a 44,6% do total de espécies registradas. Adicionalmente, 20 outras espécies/morfoespécies de Pentatomoidea foram obtidas com amostragens qualitativas, que incluíram, além de guarda-chuva entomológico, armadilhas luminosas e inspeção visual. A presença de espécies de pentatomídeos geralmente associadas a cultivos, dominantes nos diferentes períodos, sugere uma influência das culturas adjacentes a esta unidade de conservação. Novos registros de espécies para o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul são fornecidos.


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Utilizando o método de deslocamento modal para a identificação das idades, estimou-se o crescimento do siri-azul Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 em duas áreas de pesca no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. Os indivíduos foram coletados entre fevereiro de 2005 e março de 2006 no Saco da Mangueira e Saco do Arraial por meio de arrasto de rede de portas da pesca artesanal. Coletou-se um total de 2.609 animais, sendo 1.193 machos e 1.416 fêmeas. Para obtenção das curvas de crescimento utilizou-se o modelo de von Bertalanffy. As curvas foram validadas pela sua adequação ao ciclo de vida e aspectos biológicos da espécie. O tamanho máximo de largura de carapaça (LCmáx) utilizado foi mantido fixo em todas as análises (LCmáx=162,71mm; ± d.p.=3,10 para machos e LCmáx=157,78mm; ± d.p.=5,45 para fêmeas), sendo esses valores médios das maiores medidas obtidas em mais de 20 anos de coletas no estuário. Os parâmetros de crescimento e longevidade foram estimados para machos (Saco da Mangueira, K=0,0039/dia; t o=-6.07; 1.195 dias; Saco do Arraial, K=0,0041/dia; t o=-5,84; 1.102 dias) e fêmeas (Saco da Mangueira, K=0,0040/dia; t o=-6,22; 1.153 dias; Saco do Arraial, K=0,0039/dia; t o=-5.91; 1.181 dias). As curvas de crescimento estimadas nesse trabalho denotam que a espécie atinge o tamanho mínimo de captura praticamente no primeiro ano de vida (120mm).


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A two-year study was carried out to evaluate the composition, abundance and species richness of Miridae from Parque Estadual do Turvo, municipality of Derrubadas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Samplings were made in the springs of 2003 and 2004 (October), and autumns of 2004 and 2005 (May), using a beating tray method, along two trails of the park. Sampling effort (hours x collectors) in the quantitative collections totaled 153 hours. Two-hundred mirid specimens of 50 species were collected. The most abundant mirid was Prepops setosipes (Reuter, 1910), representing 23% of the collected individuals, followed by Collaria capixaba Carvalho & Fontes, 1981 (10.5%) and Tropidosteptes cribratus (Stål, 1860) (7%), the latter recorded in all sampling periods. The highest abundance was observed in the springs of 2003 and 2004, with 53 and 78 individuals, respectively. Rarefaction method showed that estimated species richness was higher in autumn/2004 than in the other sampling periods, and higher along Yucumã than in Garcia trail. Besides a higher species richeness, Yucumã had more exclusive species than Garcia trail. The percent of species represented by one or two specimens in quantitative samplings (singletons and doubletons) was 60%. Additional samplings including hand collection, random beating tray and light trap collections added 20 species not recorded in the quantitative samplings.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar os ciclos de vida entre amostras de populações de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) coletadas em dez municípios localizados no semiárido paraibano. Os ciclos de vida foram estudados a uma temperatura de 26 ± 2ºC, umidade relativa de 60 ± 10% e fotofase de 12 horas. Diariamente foram avaliados os períodos de desenvolvimentos e as viabilidades das fases de ovo, larva e pupa, bem como a razão sexual, longevidade, tamanho e fecundidade dos adultos. Foi realizada uma análise de agrupamento, utilizando-se uma matriz de distância euclidiana através do método da média não-ponderada. As durações e viabilidades para as fases de ovo, larva e pupa apresentaram respectivamente, uma variação média de 3,7 a 4,7 dias e 82,8% a 97,7%, 9,1 a 10,8 dias e 91,2% a 99,2% e de 2,1 a 2,5 dias e 93,5% a 98,4%. O comprimento alar foi de 5,13 a 5,34 mm para as fêmeas e de 4,18 a 4,25 mm para os machos. A menor fecundidade (153,6 ovos/fêmea) ocorreu na população de A. aegypti oriunda de Pedra Lavrada, enquanto que a maior fecundidade (310,6 ovos/fêmea) foi constatada para A. aegypti de Campina Grande. A análise de agrupamento com base na similaridade dos dados biológicos revelou a formação de dois grandes grupos distintos, onde as populações de A. aegypti de Serra Branca e Cuité apresentam maior similaridade entre si. As diferenças de ciclos biológicos verificadas entre as populações de A. aegypti demonstra a capacidade dessa espécie de sofrer variações na sua biologia e se adaptar às diferentes condições ambientais, favorecendo a permanência deste inseto nessas áreas com aumento do risco de transmissão do vírus da dengue.


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RESUMO Foram realizadas dez coletas em 2013 na RPPN Fazenda Bom Retiro, sendo cinco em uma área florestada, localizada no interior da mata e outras cinco em área aberta, distante cerca de 600 m uma da outra. O mesmo esforço de coleta foi empregado nas duas áreas, e as mesmas foram realizadas sempre no mesmo dia. A área florestada se mostrou mais diversa, sendo capturados 256 morcegos, todos de Phyllostomidae, pertencentes a 14 espécies; Carollia perspicillata (n=112), Sturnira lilium(n=46) e Desmodus rotundus (n=25) foram as mais capturadas. Na área aberta foram capturados 153 espécimes pertencentes a quatro famílias, Phyllostomidae, Noctilidae, Vespertilionidae e Molossidae, sendo registradas 10 espécies; Carollia perspicillata (n=52), Desmodus rotundus (n=39) e Artibeus lituratus (n=24) foram as mais capturadas. Observou-se maior diversidade na área florestada (Hʼ 1,812), onde devem existir mais recursos e abrigos, e, consequentemente mais proteção.


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In Brazil all the fishes belonging to the sub-family Curimatinae are called « saguirú ». The present work gives a biological study of the Curimatus elegans Steind., a small fish without any economical importance, which is to be found along the whole brazilian coast, down till Paraguay. The specimens utilized for the present study come from Fortaleza (Ceará, north-eastern Brazil). The C. elegans is « ilyophagus », that means, it feeds itself exclusively with those organic materials to be found in mud, specially with microscopical algae. The intestines are very extent, some of them measuring about 9 to 11 times body's length. Studies have been made about growth and age of the C. elegans; the biggest sizes found were of 153 mm. for females and 88 mm. for males. The C. elegans shows developed sexual glands during a long period (April to September). The movements of the spermatozoa, in contact with water is of 40 to 50 seconds of intense movements, ceasing after 70 to 100 seconds. In contact with 0.5% NaCl-solution spermatozoa show a big increase in movements-time, that can last till about 25 minutes. The eggs' diameter measures 0.70 to 0.73 mm., mature and hydrated it attains 0.93 to 1,00 mm. There is a certain correlation between the size of the body and the quantity of eggs. Big specimens can produce a total of 200.000 eggs. The average quantity contained in 1 gr. and 1 cc. is 6018 and 6229 eggs, respectively. Maturity and spawning in laboratory has been obtained due to injections of suspension of fish-hypophysis. Three or four hours after the injection, fishes show more movement and evident signs of excitation, proceeding spawning after 5 to 6 hours. Males, persecuting females, describe successive circles (merry-go-round) - carroussel), swimming side by side with females up to water's surface, where sexual products are start beating dry, for there is no blood yet. Circulation-scheme is to be found on fig. 4 and 5. The swim-bladder and the stomach are but delineated; the intestine is formed by a cylindric tube, all closed. At the place, where later on there will open the mouth, we find a group of ciliary hairs that produce a liquid current, very evident by the semi-circle formed by attached solid particles. After 36 hours, opening of the mouth and formation of the gill slits begin. At the age of 90 hours (4 mm.) the larvas swim well and start to feed themselves; the digestive tube is now all open and the swimbladder works already. During the first days of life, larvas have an adhesive organ situated at their frontal region (fig. 7) in form of a crescent, by means of which they hang to surrounding vegetation (fig. 6). When the larva begins to swim and to feed itself and its yolk are having been absorbed. the adhesive organ retracts and disappears. While larvas and alevins feed themselves with plancton, they have small eye-teeth, which disappear,. when fishes become « ilyophagus ». There exist too, during their life as larvas, pharyngeal-teeth. The lateral line appears in the larva after 16 to 18 days; more or less at the same time all fins are completely developed. Shortly after, first scales appear (20 to 23 days). Evolution of intestines twisting followed (fig. 9). Larvas show at different parts of their bodies small of organs excretory functions, that are constituted by bottons in serial disposition, every one with an excretory canal that opens towards the outside. These formations disappear suddenly when larvas attain their phase of alevin. The existence of a great number of said formations at the caudal fin (fig. 12) is of great interest. In our experiences of breeding we have employed several thousands of C. elegans larvas in different environs and we made conditions of surrounding change (illumination), depth of water, temperature, presence of sand at bottom of aquariums and without sand, food). In this way we could compare the results obtained, estimate the action of each factor for the realisation of a good bring-up of larvas.


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A morphological study was done on A. nigricans, based on the observation of shell, radula, renal region and genitalia of 50 specimens measuring 18 mm in diameter. The data obtained are to be compared with those recorded in our previous paper (PARAENSE & DESLANDES, 1955) on A. glabratus. The characteristics common to both species will not be mentioned here. The numerals refere to the means and their standard deviations: no special reference being done, they correspond to length measurementes. Shell - 18 mm in diameter, 6.37 ± 0.29 mm in greatest width, 6 whorls. Prevailing colur ferruginous sepia, a minority of olivaceous, ochreous, nigrescent and deeply black specimens being found. Right side variously depressed, umbilicated, 1.5 to 3.5 mm deep from the bottom of the umblicus to the highest level of the last whorl. Left side more depressed than the right one, broadly concave, 1.5 to 3.5 mm deep. Both sides show a varously distinct keel, that looks sharper at the left. Aperture deltoid, varying in outline and width. Body, extended - 60.26 ± 3.62 mm, less pigmented than in glabratus. Renal tube - 30.68 ± 1.69 mm, showing neither ridge nor pigmented line along its ventral surface, this negative character affording a sure means of separation from glabratus. Ovotestis - 14.48 ± 1.93 mm. Ovisperm duct - 13.04 ± 1.60 mm, including the non-unwound seminal vesicle. The latter was 0.97 ± 0,21 mm in greatest width. Carrefour - Resembling that of glabratus. Sperm duct - 21.36 ± 1.53 mm. Prostate - Prostate duct 7.14 ± 0.74 mm, collecting a row of long diverticula numbering 19.6 ± 3.1 and more separate than in glabratus. Last diverticulum generally bifurcate or arborescent, the remaining ones arborescent. Vas deferens - 28.68 ± 1.38. Ratio vas deferens/vergic sac = 6.8±0.8. Verge - 3.08 ± 0.28 mm long, 0.11 ± 0.02 mm wide. Vergic sac - 3.07 ± 0.28 mm long, about 0.20 mm wide. Ratio vergic sac/preputium = 0.84 ± 0.12. Preputium - 3.69 ± 0.47 mm long, 0.85 ± 0.10 mm wide. Albumen gland - Resembling taht of glabratus. Oviduct - 16.26 ± 1.41 mm, swollen at the cephalic end. Uterus - 13.24 ± 1.19 mm. Vagina - 1.70 ± 0.22 mm, swolen at the caudal portion. Spermatheca - 2.78 ± 0.40 mm long, 0.86 ± 0.16 mm wide. Spermathecal duct 1.11 ± 0.20 mm. Radula - 125 to 168 horizontal rows of teeth (mean 153.9 ± 8.4). Radula formula 28-1-28 to 36-1-36 (mean 31.8 ± 1.9). Mode formula 31-1-31. The morphological characteristics of the renal region and shell, and the great body length in the same condition of shell diameter, distinguish A. nigricans from the most related species A. glabratus, giving support to considering it a good species from a txonomic or phenotypic standpoint (morphospecies).


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In the Epidemiological Surveillance Program in the county of Bambuí, Minas Gerais, between August 1986 and December 1988, 154 Panstrongylus megistus were captured by the local population in both peridomicile and intradomicile environments. Fifteen (9.8%) of the P. megistus harboured Trypanosoma cruzi. Preciptin tests showed that the most frequent triatomine blood meal sources were birds, but other sources were dogs, men and cats. The isoenzyme characterization of 13 T. cruzi strains showed that six belonged to zymodeme Z1, corresponding to the wild parasites, and seven belonged to zymodeme Z2, corresponding to parasites isolated from chronic chagasic patients (domestic cycle). As P. megistus were found to be naturally infected by parasites from both cycles, they are cleary able to transmit T. cruzi from the wild cycle to the domestic cycle. Furthermore the capacity of P. megistus in colonizing houses was observed in one residence, vacant for several years, in wich 153 triatomines were captured. The data show the possibility of P. megistus reintroducing transmission of Chaga's disease in the county if Epidemiological Surveillance is interrupted.


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To study the frequency of Blastocystis hominis among healthy individuals, feces were collected from 153 children and 20 staff members of some municipal day-care centers. Three separate stool specimens of each individual were processed by Lutz and Faust methods. From 173 studied individuals, 60 (34.7%) showed B. hominis, frequently in association with other intestinal parasites and/or commensals. B. hominis was found mainly in adults and children between 36 and 72 months old. All positive cases were detected only by Lutz method and the use of three stool specimens increased the positivity of the parasitological diagnostic.


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The life cycle of Clerada apicicornis was determined under laboratory conditions. Mean development times in days were: egg 27.2, nymph I 12.5, nymph II 12, nymph III 13.4, nymph IV 16.4, nymph V 26. The life expectancy of adults ranged from 117 to 317 days (mean 196 days). Based on a cohort of 29 females of C. apicicornis, a horizontal life table was constructed. The following predictive parameters were obtained: net rate of reproduction (Ro = 48.31), intrinsic rate of population increase (r m = 0.153), generation time (Tc = 28.20 weeks), and finite rate of population increment (lambda = 1.16). The reproductive value (Vx) for each age class of the cohort females was calculated. The following observed parameters were calculated after mortality in each stage: net rate of reproduction (R'o=13.4), intrinsic rate of population increase (r c' =0.09 ), and finite rate of population increment (lambda' =1.1). The generation time (Tc' =27.4) was estimated using the methods of Laughlin and Bengstron. A vertical life table was elaborated and mortality was described for one generation of the cohort.


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Eleven species of fleas were collected from 601 small rodents, from November 1995 to October 1997, in areas of natural focus of bubonic plague, including the municipalities of Nova Friburgo, Sumidouro and Teresópolis, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Among 924 fleas collected, Polygenis (Polygenis) rimatus (Rhopalopsyllidae) was the predominant species regarding the frequency, representing 41.3% (N:382), followed by P. (Neopolygenis) pradoi, representing 20% (N:185) and Craneopsylla minervaminerva (Stephanocircidae), representing 18.9% (N:175). The host Akodon cursor harbored 47.9% of these fleas. Other six host species were infested by 52.1% of the remaining fleas. Fleas were found on hosts and in places within the focus not previously reported by the literature.


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Some demographic and epidemiological patterns of the rural population of Monte Negro, locality situated in the State of Rondônia (Brazil), Western Amazonia, are described based on a sample of 924 randomly selected individuals, approximately 10% of the whole population. The main features of this sample are (1) the illiteracy rates in the parental generation were 23% for fathers and 20% for mothers. Among children, this figure dropped to 6%; (2) housing in Monte Negro is characterized by being constructed with wood (92%), and also a floor (75%). Nevertheless, only 32% of these houses had electric energy; (3) the mean ages for the parental generation were 41.9 for males and 36.3 for females. These values for the offspring generation were 12.2 and 10.5, respectively; (4) the sex-ratio of the offspring generation was 1.32;(5) the bioassay of kinship was estimated as .033 for this long range migrant population; (6) the prevalence of some macrophage dependent infectious disease was conspicuously high; (7) the reported number of malarial episodes among males and females was statistically different, suggesting that malaria may be, in part, a "professional" disease; (8) the prevalence of serum-positive reactions against B-hepatitis is distressing. It has a strong age dependence and reaches 74% among adult males. Conversely, signs of active infection (AgHbs) rises to 16% among children.


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The kidney trematode Paratanaisia bragai is reported for the first time parasitizing the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus L., 1758) and the pathological alterations associated to the parasitism are referred on the basis of 50 specimens of this bird from backyard flocks in 11 counties of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil after clinical examination, necropsies, and histopathological analysis. The counting of the kidney flukes was based on worms recovered from one of the kidneys, since the other was fixed in 10% formalin and then routinely processed for histopathological procedures. The prevalence of P. bragai was of 22%, with a mean intensity of 44.3, mean abundance of 9.7, and range of infection of 3-153. Parasitized birds did not present with clinical signs and kidney gross lesions. Microscopic lesions were mild and characterized by dilatation of the renal medullary collecting ducts, occasional flattening of the lining epithelium of the ducts and inflammatory reaction of variable intensity with granulocytes around the ureter branches and medullary collecting ducts. The severity and pattern of the microscopic lesions seem not to be associated to the size of the worm burden and could be related to the mechanic action of the parasites, without traumatism, in despite of the presence of the tegumentar spines in specimens of P. bragai.


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The objective of this study was to identify possible predisposing factors for candiduria in intensive care unit (ICU) patients from Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil, during one year. Urine samples from 153 ICU patients were obtained by catheterization on admission day and every seven days. Data such as sex, age, antifungal therapy, and variables as antibiotics, underlying diseases or comorbid conditions and stay in the hospital, were collected from patients who had at least one urine culture that yielded > 10³ yeast colonies/ml. Candiduria was recovered in 68 patients and the commonest predisposing factors were antibiotic therapy (100%) and indwelling urinary catheter (92.6%). The percentage of Candida spp. isolation increased during the extended periods in which patients remained in the ICU. C. albicans was isolated in 69.1%, and the other species non-albicans as C. glabrata, C. kefyr, C. parapsilosis, C. famata, C. guilliermondii, C. krusei, and C. tropicalis were isolated in lower percentage. The high frequency of candiduria and the possible predisposing factors found in ICU patients show that candiduria surveillance should be performed to help reducing nosocomial infections.


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Fingerprinting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from tuberculosis (TB) patients attended in Community Health Centers (CHCs) of Rio de Janeiro was performed to verify possible risk factors for TB transmission. A prospective community-based study was performed during the period of July 1996 to December 1996 by collecting sputum samples of 489 patients in 11 different CHCs in four different planning areas (APs) of the city. Bacteriological, clinical, and epidemiological information was collected and M. tuberculosis genotypes defined after restriction fragment length polymorphism (IS6110-RFLP) and double repetitive element (DRE) fingerprinting of RFLP-clustered cases. Risk factors for TB transmission were looked for using three levels of cluster stringency. Among 349 (71%) positive cultures obtained, IS6110-RFLP typing could be performed on strains from 153 different patients. When using identity of RFLP patterns as cluster definition, 49 (32%) of the strains belonged to a cluster and none of the clinical or epidemiologic characteristics was associated with higher clustering levels. However, higher clustering level was observed in the AP including the central region of the city when compared to others. This strongly suggests that more recent transmission occurs in that area and this may be related with higher incidence of TB and HIV in this region.