283 resultados para negro
OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of hearing loss for the population in the urban area. METHODS: A cross-sectional household survey based on the World Health Organization Ear and Hearing Disorders Survey Protocol was conducted in 298 households in the urban area of Monte Negro, Rondonia, Northern Brazil, from 2005 to 2007. Ear examinations, behavioral audiometry and pure tone audiometry were conducted on 577 individuals. RESULTS: The results showed that 3.8% (95%CI 2.17;5.45) of population were classified in the disabling hearing impairment category. The prevalence of moderate hearing impairment was 3.4%; severe impairment was 0.4%; and profound hearing impairment was not found. CONCLUSIONS: The impairing hearing loss prevalence found in this study is within of the international prevalence for this level of hearing loss and smaller than observed in a previous study in the South region of Brazil.
Cinco pacientes portadores de esquistossomose mansônica hépato-esplênica, associada à salmonelose, foram tratados com dose única de praziquantel (60 mg/kg peso), havendo desaparecimento da hipertermia do 1.° ao 3.° dia após a terapêutica e cura clínica subseqüente da salmonelose e da esquistossomose. O estudo da sensibilidade "in vitro" das bactérias isoladas: Salmonella minnesota, Salmonella dublin, Salmonella panama e Salmonella typhi (2 pacientes) não mostrou ação direta do praziquantel sobre tais enterobactérias. Os soros coletados antes e 24 horas após o tratamento não foram capazes de inibir o crescimento das bactérias isoladas dos respectivos pacientes.
Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis) is a systemic disease, strikingly more frequent in males, caused by the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. A radiometric assay system has been applied to study the metabolic activity and the effect of drugs on this fungus "in vitro". The Y form of the yeast, grown in liquid Sabouraud medium was inoculated into sterile reaction vials containing the 6B aerobic medium along with 2.0 μCi of 14C-substrates. Control vials, prepared in the same way, contained autoclaved fungi. To study the effects of amphotericin B (AB) (0.1 and 10 μg/ml) and diethylstilbestrol (DSB) (1.0, 5.0 and 10 μg/ml) extra controls with live fungi and no drug were used. All vials were incubated at 35°C and metabolism measured daily with a Bactec instrument. 14CO2 production by P. brasiliensis was slow and could be followed for as long as 50 days. AB at 10mg/ml and DSB at 5 μg/ml inhibited the metabolism and had a cidal effect on this fungus. The results with DSB might explain the low incidence of the disease in females. This technique shows promise for studying metabolic pathways, investi gating more convenient 14C-substrates to expedite radiometric detection and for monitoring the effects of other drugs and factors on the metabolism of P. brasiliensis "in vitro".
Foram estudadas as alterações hematológicas de 30 pacientes com diagnóstico de leptospirose internados na Clínica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sáo Paulo. Verificou-se que mais da metade dos pacientes 16 (53,3%) apresentavam contagem normal de leucócitos no momento da internação; 12 (40%) apresentavam leucócitos e 2 (6,6%) leucopenia. Vinte e cinco doentes (83,3%) apresentavam desvio à esquerda e 29 (96,6%) neutrofilia relativa. Vinte e quatro pacientes tiveram o diagnóstico de anemia. A plaquetopenia ocorreu em 26 (86,6%) dos doentes. Como alterações mais características no mielograma, ressaltamos a alteração da relação G/E (série Granulocítica/série Eritroblástica), às custas de hipercelula-ridade relativa e/ou absoluta da série granulocítica, e/ou hipocelularidade relativa e/ou absoluta da série vermelha; a eritropoese predominantemente microeritroblástica em vários doentes; o encontro de plasmocitose discreta ou moderada e, na série intersticial, o aumento da atividade macrofágica. A análise estatística da série megacariocitária do mielograma dos 30 pacientes revelou não existir relação de dependência significativa entre a celularidade da série megacariocitária e o número de plaquetas no sangue periférico; porém, verificou-se existência da relação de dependência entre a plaquetogênese medular e a contagem de plaquetas no sangue periférico. A possibilidade de haver inibição da plaquetogênese medular por algum produto bacteriano náo pode ser totalmente afastada, porém acreditamos que o exame estático da medula óssea não pode dar-nos uma idéia precisa do mecanismo dinâmico da formação de plaquetas na presença de "consumo periférico".
The present study has intended to contribute to the elucidation of the pathogenic mechanisms, involved in the thrombocytopenia and in the bleeding diathesis seen in the course of Leptospirosis. The group of cases included in the present prospective study consisted of 30 patients with Leptospirosis, admitted to the Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Ward, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. The following possible mechanisms of thrombocytopenia have been considered and therefore investigated: platelet consumption, due to disseminated intravascular coagulation; immune-mediated platelet destruction, due to platelet-associated antibodies and an inhibited platelet production in the bone marrow. Thrombocytopenia occurred in 86.6% of 30 patients and did not seem to be immune-mediated by platelet-associated antibodies. Furthermore it did not seem to be due to a disseminated intravascular coagulation consumption. Although there was a statistically-significant correlation between bone marrow platelet production and platelet counts we think that the static microscopic examination of a bone marrow aspirate cannot accurately depict the dynamic mechanisms of platelet production when these cells are being consumed in peripheral blood. Vasculitis should be considered as the most important factor for the pathogenesis of the bleeding disturbances in Leptospirosis. However, we believe that thrombocytopenia, uremia and coagulation disorders, individually or as a group, should be included among the contributing factors that lead to and worsen bleeding episodes, which represent the leading cause of death in this disease.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a produção de exoantígenos H e M das amostras 58, B-679, A-811 e O187 de Histoplasma capsulatum, utilizando o meio NGTA (neopeptona, glicose, tiamina e asparagina) em períodos de cultivo de 1, 2 e 3 meses, a 36ºC, sob agitação constante (50 v.p.m.). Os antígenos brutos foram avaliados contra anti-soro e antígeno de Histoplasma capsulatum de referência (Center for Disease Control), 4 soros de pacientes portadores de paracoccidioidomicose, 7 de histoplasmose e soro hiperimune anti-H. capsulatum produzido em coelhos, através da reação de imunodifusão dupla. Verificou-se que, com exceção de B-679 com 1 mês de crescimento, todos os demais exoantígenos apresentaram as frações H e M de precipitação. Os exoantígenos obtidos de A-811 apresentaram só a banda H. Excetuando-se os exoantígenos 58 e B-679 com 1 mês de crescimento, todos os demais exoantígenos reagiram contra soros de pacientes com histoplasmose. Em relação aos soros de pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose, somente os exoantígenos 58 e O187 não apresentaram reação cruzada. Todos os exoantígenos reagiram frente ao soro hiperimune de coelho anti-H. capsulatum. Para obtenção de exoantígenos de H. capsulatum, sugerimos que as amostras sejam cultivadas sob as condições anteriormente descritas, adotando-se o período de 3 meses de crescimento, utilizando-se exoantígenos de referência como controles da reação.
This work reports on the results of double immunodiffusion (ID), counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE), complement fixation (CF) and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) techniques in the serodiagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis. The study was undertaken on four groups of individuals: 46 patients with untreated paracoccidioidomycosis, 22 patients with other deep mycoses, 30 with other infectious diseases (tuberculosis and cutaneous leishmaniasis) and 47 blood donors as negative controls. Data were obtained using Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens, i.e.,a yeast culture filtrate for ID, CIE and CF, and a yeast cell suspension for IIF. The sensitivity, specificity and efficiency values were measured according to GALEN & GAMBINO8.The gel precipitation tests (ID and CIE) showed the greatest sensitivity (91.3 and 95.6%, respectively), maximum specificity (100%) and the highest efficiency values when compared to the CF and IIF tests.
São descritos 3 casos de paracoccidioidomicose com a forma aguda da doença, nos quais formas leveduriformes de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis foram visualizadas ao exame direto de medula óssea, sendo a cultura também positiva em um caso. Salienta-se o acometimento do sistema fagocítico-mononuclear e a ausência de resposta às provas cutâneas de hipersensibilidade tardia a antígenos microbianos e de P. brasiliensis em todos, bem como a gravidade do quadro clínico e lesões ósseas generalizadas em um caso, com 20.260 eosinófilos/mm³ no sangue periférico. Os autores discutem o possível papel do eosinófilo na interação hospedeiro-parasita na paracoccidioidomicose, sugerindo que a ativação de subpopulação TH 2 e o aumento de secreção de IL 5 e de GM-CSF possam estar relacionados à grande eosinofilia presente no caso mais grave
Os Autores apresentam os resultados obtidos com a amostra "pinguim" de Paracoccidioides, isolada por GEZUELE et al. (1989) na Antártica uruguaia. Das fezes de um desses animais, foi isolado um fungo considerado, recentemente, como nova espécie de Paracoccididoides - P. antarclicus. Os exames micológico e imunoquímico demonstraram tratar-se de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, inclusive com a verificação da presença da glicoproteína 43 kDa pelos métodos de imunodifusão dupla, SDS-PAGE e imunoeletroforese. A possibilidade de se tratar de uma variedade do Paracoccididoides brasiliensis somente poderá ser confirmada através de outros estudos baseados na chamada taxonomía molecular, incluindo cariotipagem. Os Autores registram o significado epidemiológico deste achado, sugerindo uma revisão nos conhecimentos do nicho ecológico do P. brasiliensis.
La estrategia básica para el desarrollo de programas de lucha contra la hidatidosis es en la actualidad la de atención primaria de la salud. En el presente trabajo, y en ese marco, se instrumenta un sistema de detección precoz de la hidatidosis basado en el diagnóstico inmunológico mediante la técnica de Elisa, a partir de muestras de sangre capilar tomadas en papel de filtro por maestras y agentes sanitarios de los servicios oficiales de la provincia de Rio Negro. Fueron entrenadas 177 maestras y 45 agentes sanitarios correspondientes a 25 escuelas, 3 albergues y 9 hospitales, todos del medio rural. Se obtuvieron 890 muestras de sangre durante el entrenamiento. Posteriormente el personal entrenado instrumentó el sistema obteniendo 728 muestras al inicio del programa. No hubo diferencias estadísticas en la reactividad de ambas muestras. La prevalencia serológica hallada fue del 1.32%. La actividad desplegada por maestras y agentes sanitarios permitió detectar 21 casos nuevos, lo cual constituyó el 20% de los casos nuevos diagnosticados en el área en el período de trabajo. Se discute la viabilidad y la importancia de la incorporación de efectores no tradicionales en los Programas de Control de la Hidatidosis.
A sample of P. brasiliensis isolated from the spleen and the liver of an armadillo (Dasipus novencinctus) has been analysed under a mycological and immunochemical viewpoint. The armadillo was captured in an area of Tucuruí (State of Pará, Brazil), the animal being already established as an enzootic reservoir of P. brasiliensis at that region of the country. This sample maintained in the fungal collection of the Tropical Medicine Institute of São Paulo (Brazil) numbered 135, has got all the characteristics of P. brasiliensis, with a strong antigenic power and low virulence for guinea-pigs and Wistar rats. The specific exoantigen of P. brasiliensis - the glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 43 kDa - was easily demonstrated with double immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, SDS-PAGE and immunobloting techniques.
A serological survey, involving indirect immunofluorescence testing of blood sera samples, was carried out on the residents of one in every five dwellings in the town of Barcelos (in the northern part of the State of Amazonas, on the right bank of the Rio Negro, 490 Km from Manaus by river) and on the rural populations of the villages of Piloto and Marará (also on the right bank of the Rio Negro, 30 minutes by boat from Barcelos). A total of 710 sera samples were tested, 628 from the resident population in the town of Barcelos, 35 from Piloto and 47 from Marará. The tests were carried out using human anti-gammaglobulin type IgG (Biolab) and antigen from formolized culture of T.cruzi Y strain. The sera were serially diluted from 1:40 to 1:320 in PBS 7.2. Of the 710 samples examined 89(12.5%) were positive for anti-T.cruzi antibodies: 2 of these (2.2%) at a dilution of 1:320; 12(13.4%) at 1:160; 38 (42.6%) at 1:80; and the remainder at 1:40, giving a median serological dilution of 1:80. The following questions are discussed: the high serological prevalence for Chagas'infection found in our survey; the possibility of serological cross-reactions; the need for confirmatory tests for the positives reactions; and the strong correlation between our results and preliminary epidemiological data (such as the level of human contact with wild triatominae, know locally as "Piacava's lice". We draw attention to the isolation by xenodiagnosis of one strain of T.cruzi from a patient with positive serology for Chagas' infection.
Two serological surveys for Chagas' infection were carried out, in 1991 and 1993, respectively, using a conglomerate family samples from the residents in the town of Barcelos (in the northern part of the State of Amazonas, on the right bank of the Rio Negro, 490 Km up-river from Manaus), using indirect immunofluorescent tests for anti-T. cruzi antibodies. In the first survey (1991), 628 blood samples from the residents of 142 dwellings were tested, showing positive in 12.7% for anti-T. cruzi antibodies and in 1993 an other 658 samples from residents of 171 dwellings showed positive in 13.7% of the tests, thus confirming the previous results. From 170 individuals with positive serology for T. cruzi antibodies, 112 (66%) were interviewed and submitted to electrocardiographic and clinical examinations; 82 (73.2%) of them gave consent for xenodiagnosis. From the 112 interviewed 52 (46.4%) recognized the triatomines as "piaçavas' lice", 48 (42.8%) knew the bugs from their work places being gatherers of piaçava fibers in rural areas and 19 (16.9%) said that have been bitten by bugs in their huts. Only 2 (2.4%) of 82 xenodiagnosis applied were positive for T. cruzi and 9 (8%) of the ECG had alterations compatible with Chagas' disease.
Coccidioidomycosis is an endemic infection with a relatively limited geographic distribution: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguai, Argentina and the southwest of the United States. In these countries, the endemic area is restricted to the semiarid desert like regions which are similar to the northeast of Brazil. Case report: The patient is a 32 year-old male, born in the state of Bahia (Northeast of Brazil) and has been living in São Paulo (Southeast) for 6 years. He was admitted at Hospital das Clínicas, at the Department of Pneumology in October 1996, with a 6 month history of progressive and productive cough, fever, malaise, chills, loss of weight, weakness and arthralgia in the small joints. Chest x-rays and computerized tomography disclosed an interstitial reticulonodular infiltrate with a cavity in the right upper lobe. The standard potassium hydroxide preparation of sputum and broncoalveolar lavage demonstrated the characteristic thickened wall spherules in various stages of development. Sabouraud dextrose agar, at 25° C and 30° C showed growth of white and cottony aerial micelium. The microscopic morphology disclosed branched hyphae characterized by thick walled, barrel shaped arthroconidia alternated with empty cells. The sorological studies with positive double immunodiffusion test, and also positive complement fixation test in 1/128 dilution confirmed the diagnosis. The patient has been treated with ketoconazole and presents a favorable clinical and radiological evolution