99 resultados para motives for environmental responsibility


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Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar a adaptação cultural do The Environmental Stressor Questionnaire - (ESQ) para a língua portuguesa do Brasil e verificar sua confiabilidade e validade. Foram empregadas as etapas metodológicas recomendadas pela literatura para adaptação cultural. A versão brasileira do ESQ foi aplicada a 106 pacientes de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) de dois hospitais, público e privado, do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A confiabilidade foi avaliada quanto à consistência interna e estabilidade (teste e reteste); a validade convergente foi verificada por meio da correlação entre o ESQ e questão genérica sobre estresse em UTI. A confiabilidade foi satisfatória com Alfa de Crombach=0,94 e Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse=0,861 (IC95% 0,723; 0,933). Constatou-se correlação entre o escore total do ESQ e a questão genérica sobre estresse (r=0,70), confirmando a validade convergente. A versão brasileira do ESQ mostrou-se uma ferramenta confiável e válida para avaliação de estressores em UTI.


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OBJECTIVETo compare the total sleep time of premature infant in the presence or absence of reducing sensory and environmental stimuli in the neonatal unit.METHODLongitudinal study in a Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit of a public hospital in Sao Paulo. The sample consisted of 13 premature infants. We used polysomnograph and unstructured observation for data collection. We analyzed 240 and 1200 minutes corresponding to the periods of the presence and absence of environmental management, respectively. Data were compared in proportion to the total sleep time in the two moments proposed by the study.RESULTSThe total sleep time in periods without environmental management was on average 696.4 (± 112.1) minutes and with management 168.5 (± 27.9) minutes, proportionally premature infant slept an average of 70.2% during periods with no intervention and 58.0% without management (p=0.002).CONCLUSIONReducing stimulation and handling of premature infant environment periods was effective to provide greater total sleep time.


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OBJECTIVETo search for evidence of the efficiency of sodium hypochlorite on environmental surfaces in reducing contamination and prevention of healthcare-associated infection HAIs.METHODSystematic review in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration.RESULTSWe analyzed 14 studies, all controlled trials, published between 1989-2013. Most studies resulted in inhibition of microorganism growth. Some decreased infection, microorganism resistance and colonization, loss of efficiency in the presence of dirty and surface-dried viruses.CONCLUSIONThe hypochlorite is an effective disinfectant, however, the issue of the direct relation with the reduction of HAIs remains. The absence of control for confounding variables in the analyzed studies made the meta-analysis performance inadequate. The evaluation of internal validity using CONSORT and TREND was not possible because its contents were not appropriate to laboratory and microbiological studies. As a result, there is an urgent need for developing specific protocol for evaluating such studies.


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A sustainable management of soils with low natural fertility on family farms in the humid tropics is a great challenge and overcoming it would be an enormous benefit for the environment and the farmers. The objective of this study was to assess the environmental and agronomic benefits of alley cropping, based on the evaluation of C sequestration, soil quality indicators, and corn yields. Combinations of four legumes were used in alley cropping systems in the following treatments: Clitoria fairchildiana + Cajanus cajan; Acacia mangium + Cajanus cajan; Leucaena leucocephala + Cajanus cajan; Clitoria fairchildiana + Leucaena leucocephala; Leucaena leucocephala + Acacia mangium and a control. Corn was used as a cash crop. The C content was determined in the different compartments of soil organic matter, CEC, available P, base saturation, percentage of water saturation, the period of the root hospitality factor below the critical level and corn yield. It was concluded that alley cropping could substitute the slash and burn system in the humid tropics. The main environmental benefit of alley cropping is the maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium between C input and output that could sustain up to 10 Mg ha-1 of C in the litter layer, decreasing atmospheric CO2 levels. Alley cropping is also beneficial from the agricultural point of view, because it increases base saturation and decreases physical resistance to root penetration in the soil layer 0 - 10 cm, which ensures the increase and sustainability of corn yield.


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Studies of soils in Environmental Protection Areas (EPAs) are of great importance, because they are an essential component of ecosystems, directly interfering in environmental sustainability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the structural quality of soil cultivated with coffee and used as pasture in the Capituva's River microbasin, which is located in the Environmental Protection Area in Coqueiral, south of the state of Minas Gerais. Uniaxial compression test (preconsolidation test) and soil resistance to penetration were used. Undisturbed samples were taken from the surface layer (0-5 cm) of the soils in the area: a typic dystrophic Red Latosol (LVd - Oxisol), a typic eutrophic Red Argisol (PVe - Ultisol), and a typic dystrophic Haplic Cambisol (CXbd - Inceptisol). A significant linear positive correlation was observed between the results of the preconsolidation test and soil resistance to penetration. Load bearing capacity of soil could be estimated accordingly by means of penetration resistance for LVd, PVe, and CXbd. Cambisol - CXbd showed lower loading support capacity and resistance to penetration than LVd and PVe, due to the better crop management in this soil that resulted in higher physical quality which accounts for higher production and environmental sustainability.


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In the region of the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, peat bog is formed in hydromorphic environments developed in sunken areas on the plain surfaces with vegetation adapted to hydromorphic conditions, favoring the accumulation and preservation of organic matter. This pedoenvironment is developed on the regionally predominant quartzite rocks. Peat bog in the Environmental Protection Area - APA Pau-de-Fruta, located in the watershed of Córrego das Pedras, Diamantina,Brazil, was mapped and three representative profiles were morphologically characterized and sampled for physical, chemical and microbiological analyses. The organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acid (FA), humic acids (HA) and humin (H). Two profiles were sampled to determine the radiocarbon age and δ13C. The structural organization of the three profiles is homogeneous. The first two layers consist of fibric, the two subsequent of hemic and the four deepest of sapric peat, showing that organic matter decomposition advances with depth and that the influence of mineral materials in deeper layers is greater. Physical properties were homogeneous in the profiles, but varied in the sampled layers. Chemical properties were similar in the layers, but the Ca content, sum of bases and base saturation differed between profiles. Contents of H predominated in the more soluble organic matter fractions and were accumulated at a higher rate in the surface and deeper layers, while HA levels were higher in the intermediate and FA in the deeper layers. Microbial activity did not vary among profiles and was highest in the surface layers, decreasing with depth. From the results of radiocarbon dating and isotope analysis, it was inferred that bog formation began about 20 thousand years ago and that the vegetation of the area had not changed significantly since then.


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Soil β-glucosidase participates in the final step of cellulose biodegradation. It is significant in the soil C cycle and is used as an indicator of the biological fertility of soil. However, the response of its kinetic parameters to environmental temperature and moisture regimes is not well understood. This study tested the β-glucosidase response in the main agricultural soils (black soil, albic soil, brown soil, and cinnamon soil) of Northeast China. Incubation tests were conducted to measure the kinetic parameters Km, Vmax or Vmax/Km of soil β-glucosidase at environmental temperatures of 10, 20 and 30 ºC and at 10, 20 and 30 % soil moisture content. The insensitive response of the kinetic parameters to temperature changes indicates that soil β-glucosidase was present primarily in immobilized form. The significant response of the kinetic parameters of soil β-glucosidase to soil moisture rather than to environmental temperatures suggests that the catalytic ability of soil β-glucosidase was sensitive to changing soil moisture regimes.


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The State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, has agricultural and livestock activities, such as pig farming, that are responsible for adding large amounts of phosphorus (P) to soils. However, a method is required to evaluate the environmental risk of these high soil P levels. One possible method for evaluating the environmental risk of P fertilization, whether organic or mineral, is to establish threshold levels of soil available P, measured by Mehlich-1 extractions, below which there is not a high risk of P transfer from the soil to surface waters. However, the Mehlich-1 extractant is sensitive to soil clay content, and that factor should be considered when establishing such P-thresholds. The objective of this study was to determine P-thresholds using the Mehlich-1 extractant for soils with different clay contents in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Soil from the B-horizon of an Oxisol with 800 g kg-1 clay was mixed with different amounts of sand to prepare artificial soils with 200, 400, 600, and 800 g kg-1 clay. The artificial soils were incubated for 30 days with moisture content at 80 % of field capacity to stabilize their physicochemical properties, followed by additional incubation for 30 days after liming to raise the pH(H2O) to 6.0. Soil P sorption curves were produced, and the maximum sorption (Pmax) was determined using the Langmuir model for each soil texture evaluated. Based on the Pmax values, seven rates of P were added to four replicates of each soil, and incubated for 20 days more. Following incubation, available P contents (P-Mehlich-1) and P dissolved in the soil solution (P-water) were determined. A change-point value (the P-Mehlich-1 value above which P-water starts increasing sharply) was calculated through the use of segmented equations. The maximum level of P that a soil might safely adsorb (P-threshold) was defined as 80 % of the change-point value to maintain a margin for environmental safety. The P-threshold value, in mg dm-3, was dependent on the soil clay content according to the model P-threshold = 40 + Clay, where the soil clay content is expressed as a percentage. The model was tested in 82 diverse soil samples from the State of Santa Catarina and was able to distinguish samples with high and low environmental risk.


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The yearly genetic progress obtained by breeding for increased soybean yield has been considered acceptable worldwide. It is common sense, however, that this progress can be improved further if refined breeding techniques, developed from the knowledge of the genetic mechanisms controlling soybean yield, are used. In this paper, data from four cultivars and/or lines and their derived sets of F2, F3, F7, F8, F9 and F10 generations assayed in 17 environments were analyzed to allow an insight of the genetic control of soybean yield under different environmental conditions. The general picture was of a complex polygene system controlling yield in soybeans. Additive genetic effects predominated although dominance was often found to be significant. Complications such as epistasis, linkage and macro and micro genotype x environment (G x E) interactions were also commonly detected. The overall heritability was 0.29. The relative magnitude of the additive effects and the complicating factors allowed the inference that the latter are not a serious problem to the breeder. The low heritability values and the considerable magnitude of G x E interactions for yield, however, indicated that careful evaluation through experiments designed to allow for the presence of these effects is necessary for successful selection.


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Photosynthetic responses to daily environmental changes were studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes 'Carioca', 'Ouro Negro', and Guarumbé. Light response curves of CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance (g s) were also evaluated under controlled (optimum) environmental condition. Under this condition, CO2 assimilation of 'Carioca' was not saturated at 2,000 µmol m-2 s-1, whereas Guarumbé and 'Ouro Negro' exhibited different levels of light saturation. All genotypes showed dynamic photoinhibition and reversible increase in the minimum chlorophyll fluorescence yield under natural condition, as well as lower photosynthetic capacity when compared with optimum environmental condition. Since differences in g s were not observed between natural and controlled conditions for Guarumbé and 'Ouro Negro', the lower photosynthetic capacity of these genotypes under natural condition seems to be caused by high temperature effects on biochemical reactions, as suggested by increased alternative electron sinks. The highest g s values of 'Carioca' were observed at controlled condition, providing evidences that reduction of photosynthetic capacity at natural condition was due to low g s in addition to the high temperature effects on the photosynthetic apparatus. 'Carioca' exhibited the highest photosynthetic rates under optimum environmental condition, and was more affected by daily changes of air temperature and leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference.


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The aim of this study was to characterize gas exchange responses of young cashew plants to varying photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), temperature, vapor-pressure deficit (VPD), and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), under controlled conditions. Daily courses of gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were measured under natural conditions. Maximum CO2 assimilation rates, under optimal controlled conditions, were about 13 mmol m-2 s-1 , with light saturation around 1,000 mmol m-2 s-1. Leaf temperatures between 25ºC and 35ºC were optimal for photosynthesis. Stomata showed sensitivity to CO2, and a closing response with increasing Ci. Increasing VPD had a small effect on CO2 assimilation rates, with a small decrease above 2.5 kPa. Stomata, however, were strongly affected by VPD, exhibiting gradual closure above 1.5 kPa. The reduced stomatal conductances at high VPD were efficient in restricting water losses by transpiration, demonstrating the species adaptability to dry environments. Under natural irradiance, CO2 assimilation rates were saturated in early morning, following thereafter the PPFD changes. Transient Fv/Fm decreases were registered around 11h, indicating the occurrence of photoinhibition. Decreases of excitation capture efficiency, decreases of effective quantum yield of photosystem II, and increases in non-photochemical quenching were consistent with the occurrence of photoprotection under excessive irradiance levels.


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The objective of this work was to determine genetic and environmental effects on beta-conglycinin and glycinin content in Brazilian soybean cultivars. The concentrations of these protein fractions were analyzed by scanning densitometry after electrophoresis, in 90 Brazilian soybean cultivars sown in Ponta Grossa, PR, in 2001. The effects of the sowing location were determined in the cultivar MG/BR 46 (Conquista), sown in 16 locations of Goiás and Minas Gerais states (Central Brazil), and in the cultivar IAS 5, sown in 12 locations of Paraná and São Paulo states (Southern Brazil), in 2002 soybean season. A significant variability for beta-conglycinin (7S) and glycinin (11S) protein fractions ratio was observed among the 90 Brazilian soybean cultivars. 'MS/BRS 169' (Bacuri) and 'BR-8' (Pelotas) presented the highest and the lowest 11S/7S ratios (2.76 and 1.17, respectively). Beta-conglycinin protein fractions presented more variability than glycinin protein fractions. Grouping test classified 7S proteins in seven groups, 11S proteins in four groups, and protein fraction ratios (11S/7S) in nine groups. Significant effect of sowing locations was also observed on protein fractions contents. There is a good possibility of breeding for individual protein fractions, and their subunits, without affecting protein content.


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The objectives of this work were to caracterize the tropical maize germplasm and to compare the combining abilities of maize grain yield under different levels of environmental stress. A diallel was performed among tropical maize cultivars with wide adaptability, whose hybrid combinations were evaluated in two sowing dates, in two years. The significance of the environmental effect emphasized the environmental contrasts. Based on grain yield, the environments were classified as favorable (8,331 kg ha-1), low stress (6,637 kg ha-1), high stress (5,495 kg ha-1), and intense stress (2,443 kg ha-1). None of the genetic effects were significant in favorable and intense stress environments, indicating that there was low germplasm variability under these conditions. In low and high stresses, the specific combining ability effects (SCA) were significant, showing that the nonadditive genetic effects were the most important, and that it is possible to select parent pairs with breeding potential. SCA and grain yield showed significant correlations only between the closer environment pairs like favorable/low stress and high/intense stress. The genetic control of grain yield differed under contrasting stress environments for which maize cultivars with wide adaptability are not adequate.