106 resultados para immunoglobulin D


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OBJETIVO: Determinar os pontos de melhor sensibilidade e especificidade do Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) e da Escala de Avaliação de Depressão de Hamilton (HAM-D) no diagnóstico de depressão associada à epilepsia. MÉTODOS: Setenta e três pacientes de um centro de referência no tratamento da epilepsia foram submetidos à avaliação neuropsiquiátrica. Foram colhidos dados clínicos e sociodemográficos, sendo utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: entrevista clínica estruturada (MINI-PLUS) para diagnóstico psiquiátrico conforme o DSM-IV, HAM-D e BDI. RESULTADOS: No momento da entrevista, 27,4% dos pacientes estavam deprimidos e 37% preenchiam critérios para diagnóstico de depressão maior ao longo da vida. A análise da curva ROC indicou que o ponto de corte em 16 (> 16) para o BDI (sensibilidade de 94,4%, especificidade de 90,6%) e em 16 (> 16) para a HAM-D (sensibilidade de 95%, especificidade de 75,5%) representou dicotomização ótima entre deprimidos e não deprimidos. Ambos os instrumentos apresentaram um valor preditivo negativo superior a 95%. CONCLUSÃO: A frequência de depressão maior é elevada em pacientes com epilepsia. BDI e a HAM-D podem auxiliar o clínico na identificação da depressão associada à epilepsia, diminuindo seu subdiagnóstico.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados iniciais da utilização do enxerto tubular orgânico, utilizados para anastomoses sistêmico-pulmonares. MÉTODOS: De março/2002 a abril/2003, 10 pacientes foram submetidos à realização de shunt sistêmico pulmonar tipo Blalock-Taussig modificado utilizando um novo tipo de enxerto biológico originado da artéria mesentérica bovina tratada com poliglicol denominado L-D-Hydro. A idade variou de 3 dias a 7 anos e 60% dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino. O diagnóstico das cardiopatias foi determinado pela ecocardiografia, todos apresentando sinais clínicos de hipóxia severa (cianose). As cardiopatias foram: tetralogia de Fallot (40%), atresia tricúspide (50%), defeito do septo atrioventricular (10%). RESULTADOS: Em 10 pacientes, ocorreu um óbito por sepse e em nove houve melhora imediata na saturação de O2 ao oxímetro de pulso e da pressão parcial de oxigênio à gasometria arterial. Nenhum paciente apresentou obstrução do shunt no pós-operatório imediato ou qualquer outra complicação. Todos os pacientes mostraram shunt pérvio ao exame ecocardiográfico no pós-operatório imediato e tardio, realizado no 3º mês de pós-operatório. Nenhum paciente apresentou sangramento no intra e pós-operatório. CONCLUSÃO: O enxerto tubular L-D-HYDRO demonstrou ser promissor para a realização de shunt sistêmico pulmonar, como alternativa para produtos inorgânicos existentes no mercado, entretanto, temos de ter maior número de implantes e acompanhamento tardio para uma avaliação definitiva.


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FUNDAMENTO: Estudos recentes revelaram uma forte associação entre o estado de vitamina D (VD) e a insuficiência cardíaca crônica (ICC). Hoje, é normalmente aceito que a resposta imune pró-inflamatória é subjacente ao desenvolvimento de ICC. OBJETIVO: Uma vez que a VD possui propriedades anti-inflamatórias, pesquisamos o seu impacto sobre as citocinas envolvidas na ICC, como TNFα e IL-17, em pacientes portadores de ICC. MÉTODOS: Foi extraído sangue de quarenta pacientes com ICC secundária à hipertensão arterial e/ou doença coronariana. Os níveis de VD status, IL-17 e TNFαforam avaliados através de 25-hidroxi VD3 EIA e ELISA de citocinas. Também foram realizadas avaliação clínica e ecocardiograma. RESULTADOS: Pacientes idosos com ICC em Nis (Sudeste da Europa, latitude 43ºN) apresentaram níveis de 25-hidroxi VD3 abaixo do normal. Nossos dados demonstraram que pacientes com ICC secundária à hipertensão arterial têm níveis significativamente menores de 25-hidroxi VD3, e maiores de TNFαe IL-17A, se comparados com os níveis de pacientes com ICC secundária à doença coronariana. CONCLUSÃO: É demonstrado aqui que, mesmo em regiões com muitos dias ensolarados a deficiência de VD é motivo de preocupação. Os dados sugerem que o déficit de VD contribui para os elevados níveis de IL-17 e TNFα e, assim, contribuir ao desenvolvimento de ICC.


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Background: End-stage kidney disease patients continue to have markedly increased cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. Analysis of genetic factors connected with the renin-angiotensin system that influences the survival of the patients with end-stage kidney disease supports the ongoing search for improved outcomes. Objective: To assess survival and its association with the polymorphism of renin-angiotensin system genes: angiotensin I-converting enzyme insertion/deletion and angiotensinogen M235T in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Methods: Our study was designed to examine the role of renin-angiotensin system genes. It was an observational study. We analyzed 473 chronic hemodialysis patients in four dialysis units in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Survival rates were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method and the differences between the curves were evaluated by Tarone-Ware, Peto-Prentice, and log rank tests. We also used logistic regression analysis and the multinomial model. A p value ≤ 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. The local medical ethics committee gave their approval to this study. Results: The mean age of patients was 45.8 years old. The overall survival rate was 48% at 11 years. The major causes of death were cardiovascular diseases (34%) and infections (15%). Logistic regression analysis found statistical significance for the following variables: age (p = 0.000038), TT angiotensinogen (p = 0.08261), and family income greater than five times the minimum wage (p = 0.03089), the latter being a protective factor. Conclusions: The survival of hemodialysis patients is likely to be influenced by the TT of the angiotensinogen M235T gene.


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Background: To alert for the diagnosis of the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Objective: To describe the main CHDs, as well as phenotypic, metabolic and immunological findings in a series of 60 patients diagnosed with 22q11.2DS. Methods: The study included 60 patients with 22q11.2DS evaluated between 2007 and 2013 (M:F=1.3, age range 14 days to 20 years and 3 months) at a pediatric reference center for primary immunodeficiencies. The diagnosis was established by detection of the 22q11.2 microdeletion using FISH (n = 18) and/or MLPA (n = 42), in association with clinical and laboratory information. Associated CHDs, progression of phenotypic facial features, hypocalcemia and immunological changes were analyzed. Results: CHDs were detected in 77% of the patients and the most frequent type was tetralogy of Fallot (38.3%). Surgical correction of CHD was performed in 34 patients. Craniofacial dysmorphisms were detected in 41 patients: elongated face (60%) and/or elongated nose (53.3%), narrow palpebral fissure (50%), dysplastic, overfolded ears (48.3%), thin lips (41.6%), elongated fingers (38.3%) and short stature (36.6%). Hypocalcemia was detected in 64.2% and decreased parathyroid hormone (PTH) level in 25.9%. Decrease in total lymphocytes, CD4 and CD8 counts were present in 40%, 53.3% and 33.3%, respectively. Hypogammaglobulinemia was detected in one patient and decreased concentrations of immunoglobulin M (IgM) in two other patients. Conclusion: Suspicion for 22q11.2DS should be raised in all patients with CHD associated with hypocalcemia and/or facial dysmorphisms, considering that many of these changes may evolve with age. The 22q11.2 microdeletion should be confirmed by molecular testing in all patients.


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Background: D-dimer values are frequently increased in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) compared to subjects in sinus rhythm. Hypokalemia plays a role in several cardiovascular diseases, but little is known about the association with AF. Objective: D-dimer values are frequently increased in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) compared with subjects in sinus rhythm. Hypokalemia plays a role in several cardiovascular diseases, but little is known about the association with AF. The aim of this study was to investigate correlations between D-dimer and serum potassium in acute-onset AF (AAF). Methods: To investigate the potential correlation between the values of serum potassium and D-dimer in patients with AAF, we retrospectively reviewed clinical and laboratory data of all emergency department visits for AAF in 2013. Results: Among 271 consecutive AAF patients with D-dimer assessments, those with hypokalemia (n = 98) had significantly higher D-dimer values than normokalemic patients (139 versus 114 ng/mL, p = 0.004). The rate of patients with D-dimer values exceeding the diagnostic cut-off was higher in the group of patients with hypokalemia than in those with normal serum potassium (26.5% versus 16.2%; p = 0.029). An inverse and highly significant correlation was found between serum potassium and D-dimer (r = −0.21; p < 0.001), even after adjustments for age and sex (beta coefficient −94.8; p = 0.001). The relative risk for a positive D-dimer value attributed to hypokalemia was 1.64 (95% CI, 1.02 to 2.63; p = 0.040). The correlation remained statistically significant in patients free from antihypertensive drugs (r = −0.25; p = 0.018), but not in those taking angiotensin-receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or diuretics. Conclusions: The inverse correlation between values of potassium and D-dimer in patients with AAF provides important and complementary information about the thromboembolic risk of these patients.


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In order to study the action of herbicides - sodium salt, amine salt and ester of 2,4-D, TCA and 2,4,5-T a preliminary experiment for pre-emergence weed control was corried out, and the corresponding results are given in table I and II. The corn used in the experiments was of the flint type 1A 3531. The loam soil on which the experiment has been carried out is called "terra roxa". All treatments were highly significant when compared with the check plots, except the 2B one in the control of broad leaf weeds, and 4B in the control of grass weeds. Among these treatments there are no significant differences. But we note the following: (table I). a) treatments of higher concentrations were superior to lower ones. b) the treatments which gave the best control for broad leaf weeds were in the following decreasing order: 1A, 5A and 3A. For grass weeds, they were 5A, 1A and 3A. c) the amine 2,4-D (600 grs. per hectare) supplied very good control when we get into consideration that on the acid basis, it was in very low concentration. d) TCA in high concentration affected the germination, growth and yield, in the lower one it did not show good control of weeds, especially of grasses. It is not suitable for pre-emergence control in corn. e) 2,4,5-T was not better than the 2,4-D products. As it is much more expensive than the others, economically its use in pre-emergence weed control in corn is not praticable. f) all the products used controled grass weeds as well as broad leaf ones; this show the superiority of the pre-emergence treatment method over that of post-emergence. g) Even a dose as strong as the treatment 1A (3.400g. of 2,4-D acid per hectare) did not damage corn production (table II). h) the superiority noted in the production of all the treatments with the exception of 2A, which damaged the plants, we atribute to the lack of competion between corn and weeds; all chek-plots suffered this competition, because they were not Probably, there was, also, hormonial effect of 2,4-D on the corn plant. Not withstanding the fact that the present experiment has been successful, we think that new researches are necessary, especially with the purpose of studying factors as climate and soil which in other countries, interferred with the success of the pre-emergence weed control.


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Tomato roots heavily disfigured by root-knot nematodes were throughly mixed with soil. At various time intervals, samples were taken from the mixture and treated in closed containers by each of the folio wing nematicides: D.D., E.D.B. and M.B. The efficacy of the treatment was tested by setting indicator plants in the treated soil and by examining their roots for the presence of galls two months later. In other words, the ability of the three nematicides to penetrate nematode galls after various periods of rotting, which varied from 5 to 30 days was studied. The main conclusions drawn are as follows: a) no nematicide among the three listed above showed the ability for complete destruction of the nematodes protected inside the roots, for a number of small galls developed on the root system of the indicator plant in all treatments; b) smaller and less numerous galls were present on the roots of the indicator plants grown in soil treated after a rotting period of 30 days; c) however, the control obtained seems to be quite satisfactory economically, since the check plants grew poorly and have developed a very unhealthy root system. This is in accordance with STARK & LEAR (1947), LEAR (1951) and CICCARONE's (1951) statements. The results of the present experiments show again that awaiting for the rotting of galls of the root-knot nematodes is not indispensable for an economically convenient soil fumigation. Fields in which many fleshy infected roots from previous crops have been buried can be economically fumigated immediately, without any loss of time. Notwithstanding, when thick woody roots are present in the soil, the above statements may not hold true. This should constitute a new problem calling for further experiments. Another essay dealing with methyl bromide alone, consisted in treating cotton roots heavily disfigured by Meloidogyne incognita in a container (diameter = 28cm, height = 32 cm), which remained closed for five days. After the treatment, the roots were mixed with soil, in which tomato seedlings were planted. After a growing period of two months, the roots of the tomato plants were washed in running water and examined for the presence of galls. As an early infeccion was present in the root system of all plants, the inefficacy of the treatment has been proved.


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The writers report results on the application of four fumigants (D. D., E. D. B.-40, C. B. P. and Vapam) for control of root-knot and meadow nematodes attacking potato in beds filled with soil artificially inoculated. The data obtained were as follows: a) as reported by previous authors, potato is sensitive to C.B.P., the toxical effects of which disapearing only about 6 and half months after application. On the other hand, C.B.P. proved to have a significative residual nematicidal value, protecting the seeds from root-knot nematodes for a period of two years; b) D. D., E. D. B., and Vapam were effective for controling root-knot but with no residual value, having to be used prior to each planting; c) at the rates used, no nematicide was effective to control meadow nematodes; d) in the conditions of the experiments, all nematicides incited attacks bv Streptomyces scabies. Actually, in some cases scab did not affect any tuber from the check while the entire production from the treated beds was heavily desfigured. The writers assume that as the nematicides killed protozoa and too many bacteria-eating nematodes, they destroyed the biological equilibrium existing in the soil, thus allowing the S. scabies population to reach a high level.


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Valendo-se das "fórmulas diretas" de Ansheles, o autor apresenta uma nova dedução da fórmula que permite calcular o ângulo de duas faces, de símbolos conhecidos, em sistema cristalográfico retangular.


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Trabalhando com 20 amostras de água de superfície coletadas quase sempre dentro da área pertencente à ESALQ, usando a técnica usual e o método de Winkler e a modificação introduzida por Rideal-Stewart, o A. fêz 29 determinações, sendo 23 de oxigênio dissolvido (D. O.) e 6 de demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (B. O. D.); zero e 7,6 p. p. m. foram os limites encontrados para o D. O. e zero e 1,4, os limites para o B. O. D. Quando a mesma amostra era usada para a determinação feita pelos dois métodos, observava-se que os valores eram sempre maiores com o método de Winkler, não modificado; isto foi atribuído à presença de nitritos, sais de ferro e matéria orgânica, em quantidade significativa, na água das amostras. Releva considerar que as amostras foram colhidas em região onde o solo é de natureza argilosa e rico de elementos ferrosos, conhecido localmente como terra roxa. Das 17 dosagens feitas pelo método de Winkler, 6 mostraram valores inferiores a 4 para o D. O., o que indica, considerado o Código Sanitário do Estado de São Paulo, cujo projeto foi apresentado por ANDRADE et al. (1957), que as águas onde as amostras foram retiradas, têm o seu uso vedado para fins potáveis, agrícolas ou recreacionais. Das 6 determinações de D. O. feitas pelo método de Winkler, modificado por Rideal-Stewart, apenas uma (água-filtrada, não clorada, da Estação de Tratamento), apresentou valor acima de 4 p. p. m., a qual poderia ser usada para o consumo, mas, assim mesmo, com desinfecção prévia e não após a filtração, como vem sendo realizado naquela estação. Os resultados obtidos para o B. O. D., aliás muito poucos, usando-se em 50% dos casos, água clorada que interfere no crescimento e multiplicação das bactérias porventura ali presentes, são já favoráveis ao uso das águas analisadas.


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A análise das folhas das plantas revelaram que a absorção de Mg e de K aumentaram com a concentração do elemento respectivo na solução. O Mg não interferiu na absorção do K nos tratamentos correspondentes à omissão e dose 2 deste nutriente; nos tratamentos correspondentes à dose 1, 48 p.p.m. de Mg nas, soluções nutritivas estimularam a absorção de K. O K inibiu a absprção de Mg nos tratamentos correspondentes às doses 0 e 2 deste elemento: quanto na presença da dose 1, 234, p.p.m. de K nas soluções nutritivas determinaram maior concentração de Mg nas folhas. O K teve ação antagônica sobre o Ca; o Mg teve efeito semelhante só quando na presença da dose mais elevada de K. Na ausência desse elemento ou na presença de 234 p.p.m. dele o efeito do Mg foi quadrático.


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Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados dos estudos das diferenças entre as dimensões (comprimento, diâmetro e espessura) das fibras lenhosas nos anéis de crescimento (da periferia ao centro do fuste), determinadas ao nível do D. A. P. (distância a altura do peito) e em diferentes níveis (10%, 20% e 30% da altura do fuste) de árvores adultas de Eucalyptus saligna Smith, tendo como objetivo verificar se em nossas condições, as amostras tomadas apenas no D. A. P. representam o fuste da árvore.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de 2,4-D na absorção de fósforo - pelo trigo (Triticum aestivum, L) no estado de 3 folhas e a sua distribuição na planta. Foram realizados quatro ensaios em vaso, conduzidos em casa de vegetação, com quatro repetições. As plantas foram cortadas 8 horas, 26 e 50 horas após a pulverização do herbicida. Em cada um dos ensaios foram aplicados 4 doses de 2,4-D: 0, 1000, 2000 e 4000 ppm e uma solução contendo 32p. Os dados obtidos mostraram que: - 0, 2,4-D afetou a absorção do fósforo e a distribuição deste na planta. - A tendência, nos quatro ensaios, foi de que as doses utilizadas estimularam a absorção do fósforo pelo trigo, a qual foi decrescendo com o decorrer do tempo. - A distribuição do fósforo foi, de modo geral, estimulada, decrescendo com o decorrer do tempo. No terceiro ensaio, quando as plantas foram pulverizadas com 2000 e 4000 ppm. de 24-D, a distribuição foi prejudicada, sendo maior naquelas plantas não tratadas com o herbicida.