84 resultados para foraging strategies
Salivary cortisol is an index of plasma free cortisol and is obtained by a noninvasive procedure. We have been using salivary cortisol as a tool for physiological and diagnostic studies, among them the emergence of circadian rhythm in preterm and term infants. The salivary cortisol circadian rhythm in term and premature infants was established between 8 and 12 postnatal weeks. In the preterm infants the emergence of circadian rhythm was parallel to the onset of sleep rhythm. We also studied the use of salivary cortisol for screening for Cushing's syndrome (CS) in control and obese outpatients based on circadian rhythm and the overnight 1 mg dexamethasone (DEX) suppression test. Salivary cortisol was suppressed to less than 100 ng/dl after 1 mg DEX in control and obese patients. A single salivary cortisol measurement at 23:00 h and again after 1 mg DEX above the 90th percentile of the obese group values had sensitivity and specificity of 93 and 93% (23:00 h), and 91 and 94% (after DEX), respectively. The sensitivity improved to 100% when we combined both parameters. We also studied 11 CS children and 21 age-matched primary obese children for whom salivary cortisol sensitivity and specificity were 100/95% (23:00 h), and 100/95% (1 mg DEX), respectively. Similar to adults, sensitivity and specificity of 100% were obtained by combining 23:00 h and 1 mg DEX. The measurement of salivary cortisol is a useful tool for physiological studies and for the diagnosis of CS in children and adults on an outpatient basis.
Adrenocortical carcinoma is a highly malignant neoplasm with an incidence of two per million people per year. Several treatment strategies have resulted in temporary or partial tumor regression but very few cases have attained long survival. Surgical resection of the primary tumor and metastases is most effective. Several chemotherapeutic protocols have been employed with variable success. Mitotane (o,p'-DDD) is an adrenalytic drug effective in inducing a tumor response in 33% of patients treated. Mitotane requires metabolic transformation for therapeutic action. Tumors may vary in their ability to metabolize mitotane and the ability of tumors to transform mitotane may predict the clinical response to the drug. Preliminary data show a possible correlation between metabolic activity of neoplastic adrenocortical tissue and response to mitotane. We have attempted to develop mitotane analogs with enhanced adrenalytic effect. Compared to mitotane, a di-chloro compound, the bromo-chloro and di-bromo analogs appear to have a greater effect. Future approaches to the treatment of adrenocortical carcinoma are likely to be based on blocking or reversing the biological mechanisms of tumorigenesis. Angiogenic and chemotactic mechanisms may play a role in adrenal tumor growth and inhibition of these mechanisms may result in inhibition of tumor growth. New mitotane analogs with greater adrenalytic potential could be a promising approach to developing more effective and selective therapies for adrenal cancer. Alternative approaches should attempt to suppress tumor growth by means of compounds with anti-angiogenic and anti-chemotactic activity.
The exposure of fish to air is normally expected to interfere with the nitrogen excretion process. Hoplias malabaricus and Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, two teleost species, display distinct behaviors in response to decreases in natural reservoir water levels, although they may employ similar biochemical strategies. To investigate this point, plasma levels of ammonia, urea, uric acid, and the two urea cycle enzymes, ornithine carbamoyl transferase (OCT) and arginase (ARG), as well as glutamine synthetase (GS) were determined for both species after exposure to air. Plasma ammonia increased gradually during exposure to air, but only H. malabaricus showed increased concentrations of urea. Plasma uric acid remained very low in both fish. Enzymatic activities (mean ± SD, µmol min-1 g protein-1) of H. malabaricus showed significant increases (P<0.05, N = 6) in OCT from 0.84 ± 0.05 to 1.42 ± 0.03, in ARG from 8.07 ± 0.47 to 9.97 ± 0.53 and in GS from 1.15 ± 0.03 to 2.39 ± 0.04. The OCT and ARG enzymes remained constant in H. unitaeniatus (N = 6), but GS increased from 1.49 ± 0.02 to 2.06 ± 0.03. Although these species are very closely related and share the same environment, their biochemical strategies in response to exposure to air or to increased plasma ammonia are different.
To inhibit an ongoing flow of thoughts or actions has been largely considered to be a crucial executive function, and the stop-signal paradigm makes inhibitory control measurable. Stop-signal tasks usually combine two concurrent tasks, i.e., manual responses to a primary task (go-task) are occasionally countermanded by a stimulus which signals participants to inhibit their response in that trial (stop-task). Participants are always instructed not to wait for the stop-signal, since waiting strategies cause the response times to be unstable, invalidating the data. The aim of the present study was to experimentally control the strategies of waiting deliberately for the stop-signal in a stop-task by means of an algorithm that measured the variation in the reaction times to go-stimuli on-line, and displayed a warning legend urging participants to be faster when their reaction times were more than two standard deviations of the mean. Thirty-four university students performed a stop-task with go- and stop-stimuli, both of which were delivered in the visual modality and were lateralized within the visual field. The participants were divided into two groups (group A, without the algorithm, vs group B, with the algorithm). Group B exhibited lower variability of reaction times to go-stimuli, whereas no significant between-group differences were found in any of the measures of inhibitory control, showing that the algorithm succeeded in controlling the deliberate waiting strategies. Differences between deliberate and unintentional waiting strategies, and anxiety as a probable factor responsible for individual differences in deliberate waiting behavior, are discussed.
Several studies of the quantitative relationship between sodium need and sodium intake in rats are reviewed. Using acute diuretic treatment 24 h beforehand, intake matches need fairly accurately when intake is spread out in time by using a hypotonic solution of NaCl. In contrast, using a hypertonic solution, intake is typically double the need. Using the same diuretic treatment, although the natriuresis occurs within ~1 h, the appetite appears only slowly over 24 h. Increased plasma levels of aldosterone parallel the increased intake; however, treatment with metyrapone blocks the rise in aldosterone but has no effect on appetite. Satiation of sodium appetite was studied in rats using sodium loss induced by chronic diuretic treatment and daily salt consumption sessions. When a simulated foraging cost was imposed on NaCl access in the form of a progressive ratio lever press task, rats showed satiation for NaCl (break point) after consuming an amount close to their estimated deficit. The chronic diuretic regimen produced hypovolemia and large increases in plasma aldosterone concentration and renin activity. These parameters were reversed to or toward non-depleted control values at the time of behavioral satiation in the progressive ratio protocol. Satiation mechanisms for sodium appetite thus do appear to exist. However, they do not operate quantitatively when concentrated salt is available at no effort, but instead allow overconsumption. There are reasons to believe that such a bias toward overconsumption may have been beneficial over evolutionary time, but such biasing for salt and other commodities is maladaptive in a resource-rich environment.
Genes encoding lipoproteins LipL32, LipL41 and the outer-membrane protein OmpL1 of leptospira were recombined and cloned into a pVAX1 plasmid. BALB/c mice were immunized with LipL32 and recombined LipL32-41-OmpL1 using DNA-DNA, DNA-protein and protein-protein strategies, respectively. Prime immunization was on day 1, boost immunizations were on day 11 and day 21. Sera were collected from each mouse on day 35 for antibody, cytokine detection and microscopic agglutination test while spleen cells were collected for splenocyte proliferation assay. All experimental groups (N = 10 mice per group) showed statistically significant increases in antigen-specific antibodies, in cytokines IL-4 and IL-10, as well as in the microscopic agglutination test and splenocyte proliferation compared with the pVAX1 control group. The groups receiving the recombined LipL32-41-OmpL1 vaccine induced anti-LipL41 and anti-OmpL1 antibodies and yielded better splenocyte proliferation values than the groups receiving LipL32. DNA prime and protein boost immune strategies stimulated more antibodies than a DNA-DNA immune strategy and yielded greater cytokine and splenocyte proliferation than a protein-protein immune strategy. It is clear from these results that recombination of protective antigen genes lipL32, lipL41, and ompL1 and a DNA-protein immune strategy resulted in better immune responses against leptospira than single-component, LipL32, or single DNA or protein immunization.
Vaccines were initially developed on an empirical basis, relying mostly on attenuation or inactivation of pathogens. Advances in immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genomics, and proteomics have added new perspectives to the vaccinology field. The use of recombinant proteins allows the targeting of immune responses focused against few protective antigens. There are a variety of expression systems with different advantages, allowing the production of large quantities of proteins depending on the required characteristics. Live recombinant bacteria or viral vectors effectively stimulate the immune system as in natural infections and have intrinsic adjuvant properties. DNA vaccines, which consist of non-replicating plasmids, can induce strong long-term cellular immune responses. Prime-boost strategies combine different antigen delivery systems to broaden the immune response. In general, all of these strategies have shown advantages and disadvantages, and their use will depend on the knowledge of the mechanisms of infection of the target pathogen and of the immune response required for protection. In this review, we discuss some of the major breakthroughs that have been achieved using recombinant vaccine technologies, as well as new approaches and strategies for vaccine development, including potential shortcomings and risks.
Diabetes mellitus represents a serious public health problem owing to its global prevalence in the last decade. The causes of this metabolic disease include dysfunction and/or insufficient number of β cells. Existing diabetes mellitus treatments do not reverse or control the disease. Therefore, β-cell mass restoration might be a promising treatment. Several restoration approaches have been developed: inducing the proliferation of remaining insulin-producing cells, de novo islet formation from pancreatic progenitor cells (neogenesis), and converting non-β cells within the pancreas to β cells (transdifferentiation) are the most direct, simple, and least invasive ways to increase β-cell mass. However, their clinical significance is yet to be determined. Hypothetically, β cells or islet transplantation methods might be curative strategies for diabetes mellitus; however, the scarcity of donors limits the clinical application of these approaches. Thus, alternative cell sources for β-cell replacement could include embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and mesenchymal stem cells. However, most differentiated cells obtained using these techniques are functionally immature and show poor glucose-stimulated insulin secretion compared with native β cells. Currently, their clinical use is still hampered by ethical issues and the risk of tumor development post transplantation. In this review, we briefly summarize the current knowledge of mouse pancreas organogenesis, morphogenesis, and maturation, including the molecular mechanisms involved. We then discuss two possible approaches of β-cell mass restoration for diabetes mellitus therapy: β-cell regeneration and β-cell replacement. We critically analyze each strategy with respect to the accessibility of the cells, potential risk to patients, and possible clinical outcomes.
When compared to Latin America, Asian economies since 1980 have grown faster and have done so with relatively modest inequalities. Why? A comparison of Asia and Latin America underlines the superiority of the nationalist capitalist model of development, which has often been pursued more explicitly in Asia, over that of a dependent capitalist model, which has often been pursued in Latin America. In comparison to Latin America, the Asian model has facilitated higher and less volatile rates of economic growth and a greater political room to pursue social democratic policies. The "tap root" of these alternate pathways is relative autonomy from global constraints: states and economies in Asia have been more nationalist and autonomous than in Latin America.