212 resultados para edge areas
Fidena adnaticornis n. sp. is described from female specimens. It closely resembles Fidena besckii (WIED. ), 1828 and indeed more closely Fidena soledadei (LUTZ), 1911. It can be distinguished from both by the antenna which are so close together that the distance between their basis is less that the width of the first antennal segment; also by the prevalence of yellow hairs on the coxae. In F. soledadei and chiefly in F. besckii the antennae an evidently more separated; they have also few yellow hairs limited to the base extremity of the coxae with prevalence of brown or black hairs. In F. besck the prealar hairs are predominantly yellow ones and there exist yellow hair around the edge of the scutellum, which does not occours in F. adnaticorn and in F. soledadei. In the abdomen the following areas, covered by whit hairs are more extensive in F. besckii: the mid row of white patches on the sternites is more conspicuous and involves the fifth segment; on the sternites instead of stripes the hairs form bands somewhat broader at the middle the respective segment, they may even form triangles with the base as with as the whole segment. Both cotypes of F. soledadei have the hairs damages but, at least, in the 1+2 sternites the areas covered by the white hairs see to be larger than in F. adnaticornis; they have also a higher frons: index : = 2.9.
Based on the available data from the Hospital responsible for the care of paralitic poliomyelitis cases in Rio de Janeiro City (Guanabara State) and adjacent areas, and the laboratory studies carried out on these patients, the authors analize epidemiological aspects of poliomyelitis in a period of ten years (1961 to 1970). Paralitic poliomyelitis remains a public health problem, with a typical incidence in the less than 4 year age group. All three poliovirus types have been prevalent for at least one period of time during the last ten years. Trivalent oral vaccine has been used since 1961 but the vaccination levels achieved were not enough to a permanent control of the disease. A definite seasonal distribution of cases could not be observed with the available data. Active mass campaign vaccinations with previous motivation of all segments of the population, specially the low-income groups instead of passive waiting of children in Vaccination Centers seems to be the best aproach to control poliomyelitis in this area.
Twenty one opossums (Didelphis marsupialis) from disturbed primary forest in the vicinity of Manaus, and seven from an isolated island of secondary vegetation within the city of Manaus, were examined for the presence of Leishmania. Of the opossums from the primary forests, 13 (61.9%) were found to be positive for Leishmania braziliensis guyanenesis. One additional opossum was found to be positive for Le. mexicana amazonensis. A simple and economical trapping technique for opossums is presented here, and a control method in special cases is suggested.
There are areas in the periphery of Rio de Janeiro city where human cases of Visceral and/or Cutaneous Leishmaniasis occur. The parasites have been identified as Leishmania donovani and Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis respectively. A survey for Leishmaniasis was done among 1,342 dogs from those areas using an indirect immunofluorescent test. From the dogs, 616 came from areas where only human cases of Visceral Leishmaniasis occurred, 373 from an area where all human cases were of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and 353 from a third area (Campo Grande) where both visceral and cutaneous human cases were detected. The prevalence of parasite antibody titers among dogs from areas of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis was significantly higher than that of Visceral Leishmaniasis (8.6% vs. 4.3%, p < 0.02). The highest prevalence was observed among dogs from the area where both diseases are present (12.7%).
In Egypt the "national schistosomiasis control program" was formulated to control transmission by reduction of prevalence and intensity of current infections, and thereby achieve an acceptable level of schistosomiasis disease control. The program was implemented foremost in Middle Egypt (1977) and Upper Egypt (1980), collectively extending 800 km alongside of the River Nile and accommodate about 10.5 million people. Schistosoma haematobium has been essentially the prevailing species infection in both areas. The strategy of control entailed both area-wide mollusciciding with niclosamide, and selective population chemotherapy with metrifonate. Evaluation in 1986 showed that prevalence dropped from pre-control 29.4% in Middle Egypt and 26.3% in Upper Egypt to 6% and 7.8% respectively, together with a remarkable drop of infections among children. Also mean intensity attained low levels consistent of low grade infections. It is evident therefore that in these areas where an enhancement of schistosomiasis infections had been anticipated the employment of the twofold strategy effected a state of low-prevalence/low-intensity signifying a lowered reservoir of infection and a substantial interference with the potentials of transmission.
Epidemiological studies were conducted on malaria in three rural areas of the Amazon basin in the State of Rondônia: the town of Costa Marques, Forte Príncipe da Beira (Fort), and an immigrant settlement in the nearby forest. These studies were instituted to document the malaria problem and to describe the role of immigration on its distribution and prevalence. Hospital records in the town show that the number of malaria cases increased five fold from 1983 to 1987 and that the predominant malaria parasite changel from Plasmodium vivax to P. falciparum. Increased malaria followed increased immigration and colonization of the forest. A series of epidemiologic studies suggested the linkage between malaria and immigration as the prevalence of malaria was 1-2% at the Fort, a stable community, 8-9% at Costa Marques, a growing community, and 14-26% in the new settlements in the forest.
In view of recent studies incriminating several species of anophelines, besides Anopheles darlingi, as malaria vectors in the Brazilian Amazon, we performed an anopheline survey in four localities - Ariquemes, Cujubim, Machadinho and Itapoã do Oeste - in Rondônia, the most malarious State in the Country. Twenty species were found. An. darlingi was, by far, the dominant species and the only one whose density coincided with that of malaria. On human baits it was more numerous in the immediate vincinity of houses than indoors whre, however, it was almost the only species encountered. On both situations it fed mostly at sunset and during the first half of the night. It was less numerous far from houses and scarce inside the forest. Other species (An. triannulatus, An. evansae, An. albitarsis, An. strodei) appeared in appreciable numbers only in Ariquemes, both in areas with and without malaria. The remaining species were scanty. An. darlingi was confirmed as the primary local vector.
A serological survery for canine visceral (VL) and American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) has been carried out during 1984-1989, to assess the effects of the prophylactic measures adopted in areas where there was a risk of transmission of the diseases in Rio de Janeiro. A previous serologival survey (1982/83) had detected serum positive dogas as well as the human disease in these same areas. A total fo 22,828 dogs have been examined in this last survey, 7,807 of which came from Campo Grande (VL and ACL area), 4,110 from Jacarepaguá (ACL area), 4,l46 from Realengo, 3,879 from Bangu and 2,886 from Senador Camará, (three VL areas). The analysis of these results showed a notable reduction in the number of serum positve dogs, compared to those of the first survey was 12.7%, against 0.62% of the second; (b) in Jacarepaguá (ACL) it decreased from 8.6%) to l.8% (c) in Bangu, Realengo and Senador Camará (VL) the rate decreased from 4.3% to 0.38%. The results indicate that this decrease was due to the prophylactic measures adopted in those areas.
Crude extracts of eggs (SEA) adult worms (SWAP) or cercariae (Cerc) have been used to stimulate Peripheral Blood Mononuclear cells (PBMC) and have provided rather distinct profiles of responses in different types of patients. In genenral it is clear that patients with early infections respond strongly to SEA while response to SWAP are developed more slowly. As infection progresses into the more chronic phases, a general pattern is seen whic leads to lower anti-SEA proliferative responses in the face of higher responses to SWAP and variable anti-cerc responsiveness. Cured not re-exposed patients express very high levels of anti-SEA proliferation. It has recently been seen that those individuals who live in endemic areas and have continued water contact, but are reapeatedly stool-negative (who are presumed to have self-cured or be putatively resistant; endemic normals) are strongly responsive to antigenic extracts, particularly to SEA. Furthermore, our results show that endemic normal individuals have significantly higher IFN gamma production upon PBMC stimulation with schistosome antigens than infected individuals. With the emergence of more studies it is becoming apparent that both the intensity and the prevalence of a given area may influence or shape the general responsiveness of the population under study.
Cross-sectional and evolutive studies on schistosomiasis mansoni were carried out before and after mass treatment in the endemic areas of Capitao Andrade and Padre Paraíso, state of Minas Gerais, Riachuelo, state of Sergipe, Alhandra, state of Paraíba, and Aliança, Alegre and Coroatá, lowland of the state of Maranhao, Brazil, in the last eighteen years. The studies included clinical and fecal examination by the Kato-Katz quantitative technique, skin testfor Schistosoma mansoni infection, evaluation of man-water contact and other epidemiological investigations such as infection rate and dynamic of the snail population. Results showed: (1) Higher prevalence of S. mansoni infection, greater egg load elimination and higher and earlier morbidity of the chronic froms of the disease in the southeast areas of Capitao Andrade and Padre Paraíso; (2) The incidence of hepatosplenic form is higher in some family clusters, in whites and mullattos in all the endemic areas but develop earlier in the southeast; (3) The prevalence and morbidity of schistosomiasis are decreasing both in the mass treated northeast and in the untreated southeast areas; (4) The mass treatment reduces rapidily the prevalence of the infection and the morbidity of the disease but can not control it because of the frequent reinfections due to the intensity of man-water contact.
The spatial and temporal distribution of anopheline larvae was studied in two coastal malarious areas of Sucre, State, Venezuela. Seven habitat types were sampled in the village of Guayana and eight species of Anopheles were collected. Anopheles aquasalis was the predominant species collected and was most abundant in the brackish marsh habitat (71 larvae per 100 samples). It was most abundant during the rainy season. At the second location, Santa F e, six habitat types were sampled and four anopheline species were collected. Habitats where An. aquasalis was most abundant were temporary freshwater ponds (34 larvae per 100 samples) and mangroves (10.5 larvae per 100 samples). At this location it was also most abundant in the rainy season. During the dry season it was collected in small numbers in river pools (1.3 larvae per 100 samples) along with large numbers of An. pseudopunctipennis (479 larvae per 100 samples). Larval control could be an important component of the malaria control program because major habitats could be defined and presence and abundance of larvae was limited to specific times of year.
The principal vector of malaria in eastern Venezuela, Anopheles aquasalis, is exophagic and exophilic. Control using indoor insecticide house sprays has failed to lower the number of malaria cases. Therefore, studies were initiated in two villages of the eastern coastal state of Sucre to better understand this vector's biology and develop a more integrated control program. An. aquasalis was found to have a crepuscular biting behavior with a major peak at dusk and a minor peak at dawn. Mosquitos were collected more outdoors than indoors. Forty-seven percent of the biting took place before people went to bed (22:30 hr) and 69% of the mosquitos biting during this time period bite outdoors. Outdoor biting could be the reason why indoor spraying alone did not lower malaria cases. Seasonal abundance was greater in the rainy season compared to the dry season. Seasonal parous rates were high (78.3%-100%) and similar indoors and outdoors and between dry and wet season in Santa F e. In Guayana, the seasonal parity was lower (34.6%-42.2%) than Santa F e with indoor parity slightly higher than outdoors. Malaria cases were higher in Santa F e, but adult mosquito density was much lower than in Guayana. This difference could have been due to higher parity in Santa F e compared to Guayana. The greater distance to the nearest breeding site and presence of alternative hosts in Guayana can not be discounted as factors which contributed to the difference in malaria transmission between locations. We concluded that knowledge on seasonal occurrence, biting activity, resting behavior and breeding site location can be used to design a new control strategy for this vector.