110 resultados para bile duct


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It has been demonstrated that parotid glands of rats infected with Trypanosoma cruzi present severe histological alterations; changes include reduction in density and volume of the acini and duct systems and an increase in connective tissue. We evaluated the association between morphological changes in parotid glands, circulating testosterone levels and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) expression in experimental Chagas disease in rats. Animals at 18 days of infection (acute phase) showed a significant decrease in body weight, serum testosterone levels and EGF-R expression in the parotid gland compared with a control group. Since decreases in body weight could lead to a reduction in circulating testosterone concentration, we believe that the reduction in EGF-R expression in parotid glands of infected rats is due to alterations in testosterone levels and atrophy of parotid glands is caused by changes in EGF-R expression. Additionally, at 50 days (chronic phase) of infection parotid glands showed a normal histological aspect likely due to the normalization of the body weight. These findings suggest that the testosterone-EGF-R axis is involved in the histological changes.


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The vectorial capacity of Aedes aegypti is directly influenced by its high reproductive output. Nevertheless, females are restricted to a single mating event, sufficient to acquire enough sperm to fertilize a lifetime supply of eggs. How Ae. aegypti is able to maintain viable spermatozoa remains a mystery. Male spermatozoa are stored within either of two spermathecae that in Ae. aegypti consist of one large and two smaller organs each. In addition, each organ is divided into reservoir, duct and glandular portions. Many aspects of the morphology of the spermatheca in virgin and inseminated Ae. aegypti were investigated here using a combination of light, confocal, electron and scanning microscopes, as well as histochemistry. The abundance of mitochondria and microvilli in spermathecal gland cells is suggestive of a secretory role and results obtained from periodic acid Schiff assays of cell apexes and lumens indicate that gland cells produce and secrete neutral polysaccharides probably related to maintenance of spermatozoa. These new data contribute to our understanding of gamete maintenance in the spermathecae of Ae. aegypti and to an improved general understanding of mosquito reproductive biology.


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Stool is chemically complex and the extraction of DNA from stool samples is extremely difficult. Haemoglobin breakdown products, such as bilirubin, bile acids and mineral ions, that are present in the stool samples, can inhibit DNA amplification and cause molecular assays to produce false-negative results. Therefore, stool storage conditions are highly important for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites and other microorganisms through molecular approaches. In the current study, stool samples that were positive for Giardia intestinalis were collected from five different patients. Each sample was stored using one out of six different storage conditions [room temperature (RT), +4ºC, -20ºC, 70% alcohol, 10% formaldehyde or 2.5% potassium dichromate] for DNA extraction procedures at one, two, three and four weeks. A modified QIAamp Stool Mini Kit procedure was used to isolate the DNA from stored samples. After DNA isolation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was performed using primers that target the β-giardin gene. A G. intestinalis-specific 384 bp band was obtained from all of the cyst-containing stool samples that were stored at RT, +4ºC and -20ºC and in 70% alcohol and 2.5% potassium dichromate; however, this band was not produced by samples that had been stored in 10% formaldehyde. Moreover, for the stool samples containing trophozoites, the same G. intestinalis-specific band was only obtained from the samples that were stored in 2.5% potassium dichromate for up to one month. As a result, it appears evident that the most suitable storage condition for stool samples to permit the isolation of G. intestinalis DNA is in 2.5% potassium dichromate; under these conditions, stool samples may be stored for one month.


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A new species of Brazilian phlebotomine sandfly found in Brazil, municipality of Diamantina, state of Minas Gerais, is described based on males and females collected in a quartzite cave. The body of spermathecae is continuous to the individual duct, lanky and tapering at the end, with conical shaped, not striated and presenting the head with dense setae. The male presents gonostyle with four spines and a small subterminal seta and gonocoxite with one group of persistent setae. The paramere is simple with a group of small setae on the dorsal apex. The morphological features of this new species permit its inclusion in the migonei group.


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Bilioma é qualquer coleção de bile fora das vias biliares. Geralmente, resulta de complicações cirúrgicas e trauma abdominal. A ocorrência espontânea é rara, ocasionalmente associada a coledocolitíase. Relata-se um caso de bilioma espontâneo, cujo diagnóstico foi confirmado radiologicamente. À laparotomia, observou-se bilioma retroperitoneal. A colangiografia transoperatória não evidenciou fístula. Após drenagem, o paciente teve boa evolução e alta hospitalar.


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Cochlear implant is the method of choice in the treatment of deep sensorineural hypoacusis, particularly in patients where conventional amplification devices do not imply noticeable clinical improvement. Imaging findings are crucial in the indication or contraindication for such surgical procedure. In the assessment of the temporal bone, radiologists should be familiar with relative or absolute contraindication factors, as well as with factors that might significantly complicate the implantation. Some criteria such as cochlear nerve aplasia, labyrinthine and/or cochlear aplasia are still considered as absolute contraindications, in spite of studies bringing such criteria into question. Cochlear dysplasias constitute relative contraindications, among them labyrinthitis ossificans is highlighted. Other alterations may be mentioned as complicating agents in the temporal bone assessment, namely, hypoplasia of the mastoid process, aberrant facial nerve, otomastoiditis, otosclerosis, dehiscent jugular bulb, enlarged endolymphatic duct and sac. The experienced radiologist assumes an important role in the evaluation of this condition.


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Room-temperature phosphorimetry was used to quantify trace levels of chrysene in sugar-cane spirits and in fish bile. A selective phosphorescence enhancer (AgNO3) and synchronous scanning allowed the detection of ng amounts of chrysene. Accuracy (113 ± 17%) and selectivity was evaluated using the CRM-NIST-1647d - Priority Pollutant Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in acetonitrile. Analysis of sugar-cane spirit samples enabled recovery of 108 ± 18% which agreed with the one achieved using HPLC. Method's uncertainty was equivalent to 3.4 ng of the analyte, however, the analyte pre-concentration (SPE) improved sensibility and minimized the relative uncertainty. Characterization and homogeneity studies in fish bile were also performed.


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Hemosuccus pancreaticus is a unusual syndrome manifested by hemorrhage into the pancreatic duct and by blood loss through the ampulla of Vater: It may be caused by tumors, arteriovenous malformation, pancreatic lithiasis, aneurism rupture from adjacent vessels, or erosion of pancreatic and peripancreatic vessels due to chronic pancreatitis. The authors describe a case of massive and recurrent gastrointestinal upper hemorrhage in a 26-year-old man without known risk factors for pancreatitis. This man underwent urgent surgery due to gastrointestinal bleeding during the ínvestigation. During the procedure, blood was found in the intestinal lumen and a tumor in the head of pancreas with two centimeters of diameter: A gastroduodenopancreatectomy was performed. Histological study showed chronic pancreatitis with a fistula from the pancreatic vessels to the Wirsung duct. The patient was discharged without postoperative complications and after months, remains assymptomatic.


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The authors present a case of a female. 43-year-old patient. with a neck mass suggestive of a thyroglossal duct cyst. During the operation. a hard and adherent mass was found and the pathological findings demonstrated a metastatic follicular carcinoma. Despite of the negative image, total thyroidectomy was performed and a small primary tumor of 0,2cm was found in the left inferior lobe. There were only three of these cases reported.


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Two types primary epithelial tumours of the kidney have been distinguished, such as renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma or Grawitz) deriving from proximal tubules and carcinoma arising in the urothelium of the kidney's collecting system. Mancilla-Jimenez e cols were the first to describe in 1976 an atypical papillary carcinoma of the kidney deriving from collecting duct system-Bellini duct carcinoma (BDC). In the World Healthy Organization classification it is listed as a rare carcinoma ( 1 % of the renal malignancies) originating in the renal medulla. Histologic examination shows both tubular and papillary architeture, which can lead to misinterpretation as renal cell or transitional cell carcinoma. Renal cell carcinoma originates from the metanephrogenic blastema and collecting duct carcinoma derived embryologicaly from the mesonephron Wolff duct. Renal cell carcinoma has been shown to express both cytokeratins and vimetin, whereas the distal convoluted tubule expresses only cytokeratins. BDC can be considered as a renal malignancy with a very bad prognosis compared to the other renal cell carcinoma. The best treatment is radical nephrectomy. A case of BDC is reported in a young black man, 27 year old with only history of light left back pain. Ultrasound and other image examinations showed a tumour about 6 cm in the middle and low left kidney. Patient was submitted to extraperitoneal radical nephectomy. Microscopic evaluation revealed kidney's collecting duct carcinoma with metastasis on two retroperitoneal lymphy nodes.


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The authors report a case of spontaneous perforation of the biliary tract (S.P.B.T) in a three-month-old infant. The diagnosis was suspected before the operation by clinical signs and diagnostic tests. The importance of paracentesis and scintigraphy is stressed. A surgical approach was chosen and drainage procedure of the area around the perforation and a cholecystostomy were done. S.P.B.T. is rare and its etiology is controversial, but cannot be forgotten in association between biliary ascites and cholestatic jaundice during the first months of life.


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In a large number of patients, with episodes of acute pancreatitis the etiology is not identified, even after initial clinical history, detailed physical examination, laboratory tests and biochemical exams and an transabdominal ultrasound. This patient are considered with a unexplained acute pancreatitis. In this cases the treatment is restricted to improvement of symptoms. These patients after treated tend to have new episodes with the risk of raising the rates of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the identification of a cause and its prompt treatment prevent at recurrent episodes of pancreatitis. This review aims to draw attention to how best diagnostic approach when the light of evidence-based medicine, to search for causes of difficult identification with microlithiasis, occult stones, the anatomical variations of biliary and pancreatic duct and in addition to sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.


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Laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in donors of living liver transplantation. The authors present a case of laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in a donor of living liver transplantation. The procedure was done in six hours and the left lateral segment of the liver was removed through a 15 cm right subcostal incision. The patient was discharged on the 5th post-operative day. A 40 mL intrabdominal collection of bile was percutaneously drained guided by ultra-sonography. The drain was removed after five days. Afterwards, the patient had good recovery with no other complication.


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Descreve-se a ocorrência de um surto de intoxicação espontânea por Senecio brasiliensis em ovinos em um estabelecimento do município de Mata, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em meados de janeiro de 1997. De um total de 94 ovinos, 51 (54,25%) animais adoeceram e 50 (53,2%) morreram. Esse rebanho permaneceu durante aproximadamente 7 meses (de junho de 1996 a janeiro de 1997) em piquetes de pastagem nativa onde havia grande quantidade de S. brasiliensis. O quadro clínico manifestado pelos animais afetados consistia em fotossensibilização, emagrecimento progressivo, apatia, fraqueza, perturbações neurológicas como depressão, andar a esmo e desequilibrado, icterícia e hemoglobinúria. Houve melhora das lesões de pele naqueles ovinos que desenvolveram fotossensibilização hepatógena depois que foram retirados do sol. As principais lesões macroscópicas observadas em 9 dos 10 ovinos necropsiados incluíam fígado diminuído de tamanho, firme, difusamente marrom amarelado ou esverdeado, com quantidades variáveis de nódulos de 1-3 mm de diâmetro, bem circunscritos, salientes na cápsula, amarelados, distribuídos aleatoriamente por todo o parênquima. A vesícula biliar estava repleta e preenchida por bile verde escura e espessa. Havia também derrames cavitários (hidropericárdio e ascite). Crise hemolítica aguda fatal associada à intoxicação crônica hepatógena por cobre foi observada em cinco ovinos. Além das lesões hepáticas macroscópicas já mencionadas, foi observada icterícia generalizada da carcaça, rins tumefeitos, friáveis, difusamente escurecidos ou com fino pontilhado enegrecido; a urina era marrom escura (hemoglobinúria). As principais lesões microscópicas foram observadas no fígado e consistiam em hepatomegalocitose, proliferação de ductos biliares (hiperplasia ductal) e fibrose periportal moderada acompanhada de infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear. Macrófagos carregados de pigmento acastanhado formavam aglomerados nas tríades portais ou estavam dispersos entre os hepatócitos remanescentes. O material armazenado no citoplasma desses macrófagos correspondia a ceróide e cobre, positivo nas técnicas de PAS e rodanina, respectivamente. Nos rins de cinco animais, havia nefrose hemoglobinúrica caracterizada por degeneração e necrose do epitélio tubular, presença de hemoglobina e hemossiderina no citoplasma das células epiteliais dos túbulos contorcidos e cilindros de hemoglobina na luz tubular. Evidência morfológica de encefalopatia hepática incluía degeneração esponjosa (status spongiosus) da substância branca do encéfalo. Achados ultra-estruturais no fígado incluíam graus variáveis de degeneração hepatocelular caracterizada pelo acúmulo de numerosas gotas lipídicas no citoplasma das células hepáticas e presença de lisossomos carregados de material eletrodenso que, na maioria dos casos, correspondia à lipofuscina-ceróide. Adicionalmente, havia discreta dilatação do retículo endoplasmático rugoso e moderada hiperplasia do retículo endoplasmático liso em algumas regiões do citoplasma dos hepatócitos. No epitélio dos túbulos contorcidos proximais do rim foi observado edema intracelular e diversas alterações mitocondriais de caráter degenerativo que incluíam tumefação, desorganização e ruptura das cristas, matriz finamente granular, acúmulo de gotículas de gordura e ruptura das membranas em alguns casos. Lisossomos contendo material fortemente eletrodenso foram observados em muitas células tubulares renais. O exame laboratorial de fragmentos de fígado e rim dos ovinos afetados revelou níveis elevados de cobre que variaram respectivamente de 369 ppm a 1248 ppm e 152 ppm a 687 ppm com base na matéria seca. O diagnóstico de intoxicação por Senecio brasiliensis baseou-se em dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, de necropsia, histopatológicos e laboratoriais.


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Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo dos casos de tristeza parasitária bovina (TPB) ocorridos no sul do Rio Grande do Sul, área de influência do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD) da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas entre 1978 e 2005. De um total de 4.884 materiais de bovinos provenientes de necropsias realizadas e órgãos ou sangue enviados ao laboratório 231 (4,7%) tiveram o diagnóstico de TPB. Desses 231 surtos foram resgatados os dados de 221 diagnósticos dos quais 91 (41,1%) foram causados por Babesia bovis, 11 (4,9%) por Babesia bigemina, e 65 (29,41%) por Anaplasma marginale. Em outros 33 (14,93%) surtos de babesiose não foi informada a espécie de Babesia e em 21 (9,5%) surtos foi detectada infecção mista por Babesia sp e A. marginale. Os índices gerais médios de morbidade, mortalidade e letalidade, resgatados em 149 dos 221 surtos da doença, foram de 11,17%, 6,81% e 70,04%, respectivamente. Verificou-se que, na região estudada, a maioria dos surtos ocorre durante os meses de verão e outono, e que os animais com um a três anos de idade são os mais afetados. Os sinais clínicos nos surtos caracterizaram-se por apatia, orelhas caídas, debilidade, febre, anorexia e emagrecimento. Os valores de hematócrito eram baixos. Hemoglobinúria foi frequentemente observada nos casos de babesiose. Sinais neurológicos estavam presentes nos casos de babesiose por B. bovis e se caracterizaram por transtornos da locomoção, tremores musculares, agressividade e quedas com movimentos de pedalagem. As lesões macroscópicas principais relatadas nos casos de babesiose foram esplenomegalia, hepatomegalia, fígado amarelo, hemoglobinúria, icterícia, hemorragias cardíacas e bile espessa. Congestão do córtex cerebral foi relatada nos casos de babesiose por B. bovis. Nesta região, com população de bovinos de aproximadamente 2.630.000 cabeças as perdas anuais por morte de bovinos pela enfermidade podem ser estimadas em 6.220 cabeças por ano representando um prejuízo econômico anual aproximado de R$3.732.000,00 evidenciando a necessidade de medidas preventivas que evitem a exposição de animais desprote-gidos aos agentes da TPB.