182 resultados para TG-DTA


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A agroindústria do açaí gera uma grande quantidade de resíduos, constituída de caroços e fibras, o que é um grave problema ambiental e de saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi estudar as fibras do mesocarpo e o caroço do fruto do açaí para sua utilização em materiais compósitos. As amostras foram caracterizadas usando análise por termogravimetria (TG/DTG) em atmosferas inerte e oxidativa, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia óptica. As fibras apresentaram boa estabilidade térmica até 230 ºC e um processo de degradação em atmosfera inerte em três etapas. Em atmosfera oxidativa, as fibras apresentaram menor estabilidade térmica e uma mudança no processo de degradação de três para quatro etapas. os resultados da análise térmica do caroço mostraram um comportamento térmico similar ao da fibra. A microscopia mostrou que as fibras presentes no fruto do açaí recobrem o caroço e possuem morfologia irregular com a presença de células do parênquima na sua superfície. O comportamento térmico das fibras do açaí é semelhante ao de outras fibras vegetais já utilizadas industrialmente na área de compósitos poliméricos, o que abre novas e promissoras áreas para sua utilização.


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Um programa de garantia da qualidade é um pré-requisito obrigatório para a exatidão necessária em radioterapia. Este trabalho relata parte dos testes de rotina mensal do controle da qualidade dos aceleradores lineares do Instituto Nacional do Câncer, relativos à calibração dos feixes de fótons e elétrons, no período de dois anos. Os resultados foram comparados com as recomendações do protocolo AAPM TG-40. Na análise do fator de calibração para o feixe de fótons foi encontrado um desvio máximo de 12%; para o feixe de elétrons o maior desvio encontrado foi 10%. A flutuação observada no indicador da qualidade do feixe para os feixes de elétrons foi maior que para os feixes de fótons. Os resultados confirmam a importância de um programa de garantia da qualidade em um serviço de radioterapia, permitindo correções rápidas da dose administrada ao paciente.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relevância clínica da varredura pré-dose ablativa em pacientes com carcinoma diferenciado de tireóide. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Analisamos a varredura com 131I e a tireoglobulina (Tg) sérica em hipotireoidismo antes da primeira terapia ablativa em 100 pacientes submetidos a tireoidectomia total, considerando a varredura clinicamente importante quando revelou metástases ressecáveis ou que foram tratadas com doses maiores que a inicialmente proposta (100 mCi de 131I), além dos casos sem captação e com Tg < 5 ng/ml, que não receberam radioiodoterapia. RESULTADOS: A varredura revelou captação correspondente a metástases linfonodais em dez pacientes (10%), metástases distantes em cinco (5%), apenas em leito tireoidiano em 76 (76%) e foi negativa em nove (9%), sendo clinicamente relevante (indicando cirurgia, aumento da dose ou dispensando a radioiodoterapia) em 18% dos pacientes. Nos pacientes com Tg > 10 ng/ml a varredura influenciou a conduta em 41% dos casos pela presença de metástases, e naqueles com Tg < 10 ng/ml em apenas 10%, na maioria por não receberem radioiodo. CONCLUSÃO: A varredura pré-dose ablativa fornece informacões clinicamente importantes (presença de metástases) em muitos pacientes com Tg > 10 ng/ml, sendo indicada nesta condição.


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The catalytic dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene in presence of steam is the main commercial route to produce styrene. The industrial catalysts are potassium- and chromia-doped hematite which show low surface areas leading to bad performance and short life. In order to develop catalysts with high areas, the effect of beryllium on the textural properties and on the catalytic performance of this iron oxide was studied. The influence of the amount of the dopant, the starting material and the calcination temperature were also studied. In sample preparations, iron and beryllium salts (nitrate or sulfate) were hydrolyzed with ammonia and then calcinated. The experiments followed a factorial design with two variables in two levels (Fe/Be= 3 and 7; calcination temperature= 500 and 700ºC). Solids without any dopant were also prepared. Samples were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, surface area and porosity measurements, X-ray diffraction, DSC and TG. The catalysts were tested in a microreactor at 524ºC and 1 atm, by using a mole ratio of steam/ ethylbenzene=10. The selectivity was measured by monitoring styrene, benzene and toluene formation. It was found that the effect of beryllium on the characteristics of hematite and on its catalytic performance depends on the starting material and on the amount of dopant. Surface areas increased due to the dopant as well as the nature of the precursor; samples produced by beryllium sulfate showed higher areas. Beryllium-doped solids showed a higher catalytic activity when compared to pure hematite, but no significant influence of the anion of starting material was noted. It can be concluded that beryllium acts as both textural and structural promoter. Samples with Fe/Be= 3, heated at 500ºC, lead to the highest conversion and were the most selective. However, catalysts prepared from beryllium sulfate are the most promising to ethylbenzene dehydrogenation due to their high surface area which could lead to a longer life.


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The effects of the heating rate on a TG curve of a sample have been widely discussed in the literature. This paper shows the influence of heating rate (beta) in thermogravimetry results when stoichiometry determinations are studied. For this purpose the compound Sm(CH3SO3)3.2(3-picNO) was considered beta of 2,5; 5; 10; 20 and 40°C min-1 in dynamic air atmosphere were obtained. The results are in agreement with proposed stoichiometry for beta equal to 2,5 and 5°C min-1. However, using a higher beta the same results were not obtained resulting in false stoichiometry determinations.


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Calcium phosphate compounds such as Hydroxyapatite (HAp) were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis with phycogenic CaCO3 as starting material. Material obtained was characterised by usual methods (XRD, FTIR, TG, N2-adsorption, SEM and EDX) in order to study its physical-chemical characteristics. The prepared HAp showed that it may be suitable for use as a biomaterial.


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This work reports the synthesis and characterization of adducts of general formula MCl2.ngly, where M= Mn and Cu; n= 2 and 4, and gly= glycine. The manganese adducts were synthesized by dissolution of both, manganese chloride and glycine in water, whereas the copper adducts were obtained by using an alternative solid state synthesis approach. For all adducts, the obtained infrared data shows that the coordination involves the amine nitrogen atom, as well as an oxygen atom of the COO- group. The TG curves for the synthesized adducts exhibit only one mass loss step associated with the release of glycine molecules.


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A series of experiments were performed in order to demonstrate to undergraduate students or users of the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), that several factors can influence the qualitative and quantitative aspects of DSC results. Saccharin, an artificial sweetner, was used as a probe and its thermal behavior is also discussed on the basis of thermogravimetric (TG) and DSC curves.


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The Cerium (IV) and Titanium (IV) oxides mixture (CeO2-3TiO2) was prepared by thermal treatment of the oxochloroisopropoxide of Cerium (IV) and Titanium (IV). The chemical route utilizing the Cerium (III) chloride alcoholic complex and Titanium (IV) isopropoxide is presented. The compound Ce5Ti15Cl16O30 (iOPr)4(OH-Et)15 was characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR and TG/DTG. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the oxides resulting from the thermal decomposition of the precursor at 1000 °C for 36 h indicated the formation of cubic cerianite (a = 5.417Å) and tetragonal rutile (a = 4.592Å) and (c = 2.962 Å), with apparent crystallite sizes around 38 and 55nm, respectively.


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Well-ordered kaolinite from the Brazilian Amazon Region (State of Pará) was initially reacted at 60 °C with a water dimethylsulfoxide mixture. After washing and characterisation, the resulting material was washed several times with methanol and in the final step with water. The water molecules displace the previously dimethylsulfoxide intercalated molecules and two different hydrated kaolinites were obtained. An unstable phase characterized by an interplanar basal distance of 0,996 nm that after drying collapse to the stable 0,844 nm hydrated kaolinite. The dehydration of the sample to disordered kaolinite was accompanied by Powder X-ray Diffractometry, thermal analysis (simultaneous TG and DSC) and FTIR spectroscopy.


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Simultaneous oxidation/co-precipitation of an equimolar mixture of La(III) and Co(II) nitrates and La(III) nitrate and Mn(II) chloride afforded a hydroxide gel, which was converted to LaCoO3 and LaMnO3 on calcination at 600 °C. After calcination, the obtained perovskites have been characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thermogravimetric analysis (DTA - TGA) and BET specific surface determination. Specific surface areas of perovskites were 12 - 60 m²/g. XRD analysis showed that LaCoO3 and LaMnO3 are simple phase perovskite - type oxides. Traces of LaOCl, in addition to the perovskite were detected in the LaMnO3. The catalytic behavior was examined in the propane and CO oxidation. The LaCoO3 catalyst was more active to CO2 than the LaMnO3 catalyst.


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The use of fluidized bed combustors to burn coal is largely studied to permit the addition of limestone to capture SO2. The particle size for coal and limestone is an important parameter in this process. Thermogravimetry (TG) is used to elucidate the combustion and sulfation processes, but the experimental parameters must be evaluated to be representative in fluidized bed combustors. In the present study the effect of particle size is analyzed in the calcination of limestones and the combustion of coal through the thermogravimetric curve for limestone and derivative thermogravimetric curve for coal. Small peaks representing mass losses between 400 and 500 ºC are observed due to the jumping of particles out of the crucible. This effect, recognized as decrepitation is observed for mid-sized particles provoked by the release of water vapor trapped within their lattice.


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Three mixtures of triterpenes (maniladiol and breine; alpha and beta-amyrin; lupenone, alpha and beta-amyrinone) were isolated from Protium heptaphyllum March resin. The structural identification was based on NMR and mass spectrometry data. Lupenone, and alpha and beta-amyrinone were not reported before as constituents of this resin. The resin was submitted to methylation and acetylation reactions. The pure and derivatized resins and the mixtures (maniladiol and breine; alpha and beta-amyrin) were analyzed by TG and DSC. The TG curves revealed that the derivatization decreases the thermal stability of the resin. The DSC curves showed peaks that can be assigned to evaporation and phase transitions processes.


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This work reports the preparation, characterization and study of the ion exchange behavior of hydrous niobium oxide prepared by a homogeneous precipitation method. The precipitating agent was obtained in aqueous solution by thermal decomposition of urea or ammonium carbonate. The compounds were chemically and physically characterized by X-ray diffractometry, thermal analysis (TG/DTG), surface area measurements and ion exchange behavior with sodium. The materials prepared with ammonium carbonate presented a higher degree of crystallinity and better ion exchange capacity with sodium than materials prepared with urea. In the homogeneous precipitation method, materials were obtained with specific surface area of 123 - 224 m² g-1. A variation of the preparation process produced hydrous niobium oxide with a different degree of hydration and specific surface area. This provided materials with different physico-chemical properties.


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Thermal decomposition of [Bu4N]2[Zn(imnt)2] and [M(NH3)2(imnt)] complexes with M = Zn and Cd, and imnt = (bis 1,1-dicyanoethylene-2,2 dithiolate) in inert atmosphere was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Pyrolysis studies at different temperatures, 300, 400, 500, and 600 ºC, in N2 atmosphere were performed and the products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The products were identified as sulfide sub-micron particles, along with amorphous carbon. Particle sizes estimated by SEM were ca. 50 nm for the cationic complexes and 500 nm for the neutral complexes.