359 resultados para Sugarcane mosaic virus


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Amostras foliares de Crotalaria paulinea apresentando mosaico foram coletadas em São Luiz, MA, e enviadas ao Laboratório de Virologia Vegetal da UFC. As amostras foram testadas por Elisa indireto, contra anti-soros para Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV) e Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) e por dupla difusão em àgar contra anti-soro para Cowpea severe mosaic virus (CPSMV). As amostras reagiram somente com o anti-soro para CPSMV, indicando ser C. paulinea mais um hospedeiro natural do vírus. Extratos das folhas de C. paulinea foram inoculados em plantas de caupi (Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata) mantidas em casa de vegetação. Dez dias após a inoculação, as plantas passaram a exibir sintomas de mosaico e a presença do CPSMV foi confirmada por sorologia. Nos estudos de gama de hospedeiros, envolvendo oito espécies botânicas, o isolado de CPSMV obtido de C. paulinea (CPSMV-Cp) infetou sistemicamente somente cultivares de caupi. Estudos de reações de RT-PCR revelaram a presença de uma banda no gel de agarose de 594 pb para o CPSNV-Cp semelhante às de outros isolados de CPSMV. O CPSMV-Cp foi multiplicado em caupi cv. Pitiúba e purificado por clarificação com n-butanol, precipitação viral com PEG e ultracentrifugação. A preparação purificada apresentou um espectro de absorção ultravioleta típico de núcleoproteína com uma razão A260/A280 de 1,7. Coelho da raça Nova Zelândia Branca imunizado com a preparação viral purificada, produziu anti-soro policlonal reativo com CPSMV em dupla difusão em àgar. Este é o primeiro relato sobre a infecção natural de CPSMV em C. paulinea.


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The subtropical Northwestern region of Argentina (provinces of Tucumán, Salta, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero and Catamarca) suffers from a high incidence of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, and the detection of begomoviruses is also common. The Northwest is the main bean-growing region of the country, and approximately 10% of Argentina's soybean crop is grown in this area. We have used a PCR-based assay to establish the identity and genetic diversity of begomoviruses associated with bean and soybean crops in Northwestern Argentina. Universal begomovirus primers were used to direct the amplification of a fragment encompassing the 5' portion of the capsid protein gene. Amplified fragments were cloned, sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis to determine the sequence identity to known begomoviruses. The data indicated the presence of four distinct begomoviruses, all related to other New World begomoviruses. The prevalent virus, which was present in 94% of bean and soybean samples and also in two weed species, is closely related to Sida mottle virus (SiMoV). A virus with high sequence identity with Bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV) was found in beans. The two remaining viruses displayed less than 89% identity with other known begomoviruses, indicating that they may constitute novel species. One of these putative novel viruses was detected in bean, soybean and tomato samples.


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O tomateiro, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., hortaliça de grande importância econômica para o Brasil, apresenta muitos problemas fitossanitários, dentre os quais as viroses. Os vírus associados à cultura no país pertencem aos gêneros Begomovirus, mais frequentemente relatado, Potyvirus, Cucumovirus, Tospovirus e Tobamovirus. No Ceará, apesar de relatos da incidência de viroses em tomateiros na Chapada da Ibiapaba, maior região produtora do estado, há escassez de informações sobre a situação atual da ocorrência de begomovírus, nas diversas lavouras daquele agropólo. Assim, foram objetivos deste trabalho: realizar levantamento da presença de begomovírus nas cultivares e híbridos de tomateiro explorados comercialmente na Ibiapaba; verificar a ocorrência de plantas daninhas infectadas e investigar a transmissão artificial de begomovírus isolados de tomateiro e de plantas daninhas para tomateiro. Os testes sorológicos e a PCR realizados detectaram begomovírus em 'Alambra', 'Densus', 'Monalisa', 'Santa Clara', 'Sheila', 'Sofia', 'Raisa-N' e 'TY- Fanny', cultivares e híbridos mais cultivados nas lavouras. Além de begomovírus, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) e Potato virus Y (PVY) foram também detectados. As plantas daninhas Amaranthus spinosus, A. viridis, Ageratum conyzoides e Bidens pilosa foram identificadas como hospedeiras naturais de begomovírus. A transmissão de begomovírus de tomateiro para tomateiro ocorreu em inoculações por enxertia e via extrato foliar e de plantas daninhas infectadas para tomateiros sadios somente por enxertia. O levantamento revelou que, à semelhança do que ocorre no restante do país, begomovírus são predominantes nas lavouras de tomate da Ibiapaba e que as plantas invasoras ali encontradas podem ser fontes de infecção viral para a cultura.


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Um protocolo de PCR multiplex foi estabelecido para a detecção do Banana streak virus (BSV) e do Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) em bananeiras micropropagadas. Estes vírus são responsáveis por perdas na produção de bananas em todo o mundo. Alguns trabalhos descrevem a integração do BSV no genoma B da bananeira. Contudo, a existência de bananeiras híbridas livres do BSV tem sido demonstrada. Ademais, determinadas estirpes do CMV não são transmitidas mecanicamente sob condições de laboratório, nem tampouco detectadas por testes sorológicos. Como conseqüência, a indexação de matrizes para cultura de tecido algumas vezes se mostra ineficiente. A metodologia apresentada neste trabalho sobrepõe esta dificuldade, pois se baseia na detecção do ácido nucléico viral presente em amostras foliares de bananeira. Na reação, foram usados os oligonucleotídeos BADNA 1A e BADNA 4, para a detecção do BSV, e "CMV senso" e "CMV antisenso" para a detecção do CMV. Após a eletroforese foi verificada a presença de dois fragmentos de DNA amplificados simultaneamente, um dos quais com 597 pb correspondente ao BSV e o outro, com 488 pb, correspondente ao CMV. Este resultado indica que o PCR multiplex pode ser utilizado como uma ferramenta adicional na indexação do BSV e do CMV em bananeiras propagadas por cultura de tecido.


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A resistência em Capsicum spp a tobamovírus é governada pelos genes L¹ a L4. Baseado na capacidade de alguns isolados suplantarem a resistência destes genes, os tobamovírus podem ser classificados nos patótipos P0, P1, P1-2 e P1-2-3. No Brasil, até o momento as três espécies de tobamovírus conhecidas são: Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), pertencentes aos patótipos P0 e Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) pertencente ao patótipo P1-2, respectivamente e podem infectar pimentas e pimentões. Oitenta e seis genótipos de pimentão e pimenta foram avaliados quanto à resistência a tobamovírus, sendo 62 de Capsicum annuum, 18 de C. baccatum e seis de C. chinense. Oito acessos de C. annuum, seis de C. baccatum e os acessos ICA #39, Pimenta de cheiro e PI 152225 de C. chinense apresentaram reação de hipersensibilidade ao ToMV, enquanto que o acesso Ancho de C. annuum foi considerado tolerante, permanecendo assintomático, porém permitindo a recuperação do vírus quando inoculado em Nicotiana glutinosa. Para o PMMoV patótipo P1,2 foram avaliados os acessos de pimentão e pimenta considerados resistentes ao ToMV. Somente o PI 152225 de C. chinense desencadeou reação de hipersensibilidade ao PMMoV, sendo fonte potencial de resistência para programas de melhoramento a este vírus no Brasil.


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O Potato virus Y (PVY) e Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV) são as únicas espécies de potyvirus encontradas em pimenta e pimentão no Brasil. A região codificadora para a proteína capsidial de isolados de PepYMV e PVY coletados em pimentão, foi avaliada quanto à variabilidade e presença de motivos específicos aos potyvirus. A identidade da seqüência de aminoácidos na CP entre os isolados de PepYMV foi de 93% a 100%, enquanto que para os de PVY 94% a 98%. Entre os vírus esta variou de 73% a 79%. Foi observada variabilidade nas regiões conservadas da CP. Todos os isolados de PepYMV seqüenciados não apresentaram o motivo DAG na CP, relacionada a transmissão dos vírus por afídeos, enquanto que para as seqüências obtidas de PVY foi observada. Demais domínios como MVWCIENG, ENTERH, QMKAAA e PYMPRYG foram verificadas em ambas espécies.


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Infection by Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (ScYLV) causes severe leaf symptoms in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) hybrids, which indicate alterations in its photosynthetic apparatus. To gain an overview of the physiological status of infected plants, we evaluated chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange assays, correlating the results with leaf metabolic surveys, i.e., photosynthetic pigments and carbohydrate contents. When compared to healthy plants, infected plants showed a reduction in potential quantum efficiency for photochemistry of photosystem (PSII) and alterations in the filling up of the plastoquinone (PQ) pool. They also showed reduction in the CO2 net exchange rates, probably as a consequence of impaired quantum yield. In addition, reductions were found in the contents of photosynthetic leaf pigments and in the ratio chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b (chla/chlb). Carbohydrate content in the leaves was increased as a secondary effect of the ScYLV infection. This article discusses the relation of virus replication and host defense responses with general alterations in the photosynthetic apparatus and in the metabolism of infected plants.


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The cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum) fruit, originating in the Amazon basin, is commonly used in that region for food, medicine, and cosmetics. In an experimental culture of cubiu, in order to evaluate its adaptation to conditions in the Northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, it was observed plants with mosaic symptoms. A cubiu plant was collected and analyzed to identify the etiological agent. After mechanical passage through a local lesion host, a host range test was performed. The virus induced chlorotic local lesions in Chenopodium quinoa, necrotic local lesions in Gomphrena globosa, mosaic in S. sessiliflorum, leaf and stem necrosis in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) 'Rutgers', mosaic and leaf distortion in Datura stramonium and Physalis floridana, and necrotic local lesions followed by systemic necrosis and plant death in four Nicotiana species. Electron microscopic observations of ultra thin sections from infected cubiu leaves showed the presence of spheroidal, membrane-bound particles typical of tospovirus species. Analysis of the nucleocapsid protein from concentrated virus particles indicated the presence of a 28 kDa protein. RT-PCR was performed after total RNA extraction from infected IPA-6 tomato leaves. A fragment of approximately 0,8 kbp corresponding to the N gene was amplified, cloned and sequenced. The N protein from the cubiu isolate was 95% homologous to the Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) protein, and no more than 85% homologous to those from Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV) and Chrysanthemun stem necrosis virus (CSNV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), and Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV). This is the first report of the occurrence of GRSV (or any other plant virus) in cubiu.


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In the regions of Campinas and Sumaré, São Paulo, Brazil, hidroponically grown crops of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) cv. Verônica, which showed virus-like symptoms were examined by electron microscope, biological, serological and molecular tests. Pleomorphic, enveloped particles (80-100 nm in diameter) were always detected in these samples. Experimentally inoculated host plants, including lettuce, reacted with tospoviruses-induced symptoms. Some differences were observed in Gomphrena globosa, which reacted by showing local lesions and systemic mosaic. Two isolates of Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) were identified by DAS-ELISA and by RT-PCR. The sequencing and alignment of the RT-PCR coat protein amplified fragments have indicated a high degree of homology with the TCSV sequences stored in the GenBank. This is the first report of losses due to a virus from the genus Tospovirus in commercial hydroponic lettuce crops in Brazil. Further epidemiological studies are needed for better understanding the spread of the virus in hydroponic crops, since Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is reported to spread through the nutritive solution.


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The socioeconomic importance of sugar cane in Brazil is unquestionable because it is the raw material for the production of ethanol and sugar. The accurate spatial intervention in the management of the crop, resulting zones of soil management, increases productivity as well as its agricultural yields. The spatial and Person's correlations between sugarcane attributes and physico-chemical attributes of a Typic Tropustalf were studied in the growing season of 2009, in Suzanápolis, State of São Paulo, Brazil (20°28'10'' S lat.; 50°49'20'' W long.), in order to obtain the one that best correlates with agricultural productivity. Thus, the geostatistical grid with 120 sampling points was installed to soil and data collection in a plot of 14.6 ha with second crop sugarcane. Due to their substantial and excellent linear and spatial correlations with the productivity of the sugarcane, the population of plants and the organic matter content of the soil, by evidencing substantial correlations, linear and spatial, with the productivity of sugarcane, were indicators of management zones strongly attached to such productivity.


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ABSTRACT Soils of tropical regions are more weathered and in need of conservation managements to maintain and improve the quality of its components. The objective of this study was to evaluate the availability of K, the organic matter content and the stock of total carbon of an Argisol after vinasse application and manual and mechanized harvesting of burnt and raw sugarcane, in western São Paulo.The data collection was done in the 2012/2013 harvest, in a bioenergy company in Presidente Prudente/SP. The research was arranged out following a split-plot scheme in a 5x5 factorial design, characterized by four management systems: without vinasse application and harvest without burning; with vinasse application and harvest without burning; with vinasse application and harvest after burning; without vinasse application and harvest after burning; plus native forest, and five soil sampling depths (0-10 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 cm), with four replications. In each treatment, the K content in the soil and accumulated in the remaining dry biomass in the area, the levels of organic matter, organic carbon and soil carbon stock were determined. The mean values were compared by Tukey test. The vinasse application associated with the harvest without burning increased the K content in soil layers up to 40 cm deep. The managements without vinasse application and manual harvest after burning, and without vinasse application with mechanical harvesting without burning did not increase the levels of organic matter, organic carbon and stock of total soil organic carbon, while the vinasse application and harvest after burning and without burning increased the levels of these attributes in the depth of 0-10 cm.


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In order to obtain evidence on the size of the impact of the Hong Kong/68 variant of influenza A2 virus on the population of São Paulo, Brazil, serum samples taken in 1967 before this variant appeared and during successive years after it appeared were examined for their antibody content. Haemagglutination-inhibition tests performed on a total of 2726 serum samples from adults showed a sharp decrease in 1969 of the proportion of sera without antibody to the Hong Kong/68 variant and a corresponding mercase in the proportion with high titres. It was concluded that about three-quarters of the adult population became infected at some time after the variant appeared, the majority in the first year of prevalence.


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Nos tubos de Malpighi de Triatoma infestans Klug e de Panstrongylus megistus Burmeister foram encontradas estruturas víricas distribuídas no citoplasma, no interior de citolissomos ou outros tipos de glóbulos, formando às vezes arranjos para cristalinos envolvidos por membrana, e entre plasmalemas de células contíguas. Outros tecidos dos mesmos insetos apresentam arranjos paracristalinos desses virus. A análise citoquímica ao nível da microscopia eletrônica indica serem estes virus compostos de RNP. Não são encontradas alterações morfológicas drásticas nos tecidos infectados. Admite-se que tais virus tenham sido ingeridos durante uma alimentação de sangue infectado de ave.


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É feita revisão dos estudos soro-epidemiológicos do vírus de Epstein-Barr (vírus EB), mostrando a ubicuidade deste vírus, bem como sua relação com doenças malígnas e não malígnas do homem. O desenvolvimento de novas técnicas laboratoriais e o acúmulo, nos últimos 10 anos, de grande número de estudos soro-epidemiológicos, levaram à conclusão de que, além da associação etiológica com a mononucleose infecciosa, torna-se cada vez mais evidente a ligação do vírus EB com o linfoma de Burkitt e com o carcinoma do nasofaringe. Estas observações, além de sua extraordinária importância intrínseca, tem sido de grande utilidade para a melhor compreensão dos possíveis mecanismos e efeitos das infecções virais no homem.


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First-generation progeny of field-collected Psorophora ferox, Aedes scapularis, and Aedes serratus from the Rocio encephalitis epidemic zone in S.Paulo State, Brazil, were tested for vector competency in the laboratory. Psorophora ferox and Ae. scapularis are susceptible to per os infection with Rocio virus and can transmit the virus by bite following a suitable incubation period. Oral ID50S for the two species (10(4.1) and 10(4.3) Vero cell plaque forming units, respectively) did not differ significantly. Infection rates in Ae. serratus never exceeded 36%, and, consequently, an ID50 could not be calculated for this species. It is unlikely that Ae. serratus is an epidemiologically important vector of Rocio virus. The utility of an in vitro feeding technique for demonstrating virus transmission by infected mosquitoes and difficulties encountered in working with uncolonized progeny of field-collected mosquitoes are discussed.