350 resultados para Stage Malaria
Only a small percentage of individuals living in endemic areas develop severe malaria suggesting that host genetic factors may play a key role. This study has determined the frequency of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in some pro and anti-inflammatory cytokine gene sequences: IL6 (-174; rs1800795), IL12p40 (+1188; rs3212227), IL4 (+33; rs2070874), IL10 (-3575; rs1800890) and TGFb1 (+869; rs1800470), by means of PCR-RFLP. Blood samples were collected from 104 symptomatic and 37 asymptomatic subjects. Laboratory diagnosis was assessed by the thick blood smear test and nested-PCR. No association was found between IL6 (-174), IL12p40 (+1188), IL4 (+33), IL10 (- 3575), TGFb1 (+869) SNPs and malaria symptoms. However, regarding the IL10 -3575 T/A SNP, there were significantly more AA and AT subjects, carrying the polymorphic allele A, in the symptomatic group (c2 = 4.54, p = 0.01, OR = 0.40 [95% CI - 0.17- 0.94]). When the analysis was performed by allele, the frequency of the polymorphic allele A was also significantly higher in the symptomatic group (c2 = 4.50, p = 0.01, OR = 0.45 [95% CI - 0.21-0.95]). In conclusion, this study has suggested the possibility that the IL10 - 3575 T/A SNP might be associated with the presence and maintenance of malaria symptoms in individuals living in endemic areas. Taking into account that this polymorphism is related to decreased IL10 production, a possible role of this SNP in the pathophysiology of malaria is also suggested, but replication studies with a higher number of patients and evaluation of IL10 levels are needed for confirmation.
Lagochilascariosis, a disease caused by Lagochilascaris minor, affects the neck, sinuses, tonsils, lungs, the sacral region, dental alveoli, eyeballs and the central nervous system of humans. A cycle of autoinfection may occur in human host tissues characterized by the presence of eggs, larvae and adult worms. This peculiarity of the cycle hinders therapy, since there are no drugs that exhibit ovicidal, larvicidal and vermicidal activity. Given these facts, we studied the action of levamisole hydrochloride on third-stage larvae in the migration phase (G1) and on encysted larvae (G3) of L. minor. To this end, 87 inbred mice of the C57BL/6 strain were divided into test groups comprising 67 animals (G1-37; G3-30) and a control group (G2-10; G4-10) with 20 animals. Each animal was inoculated orally with 2,000 infective eggs of the parasite. The animals of the test groups were treated individually with a single oral dose of levamisole hydrochloride at a concentration of 0.075 mg. The drug was administered either 30 minutes prior to the parasite inoculation (G1 animals) or 120 days after the inoculation (G3 animals). The mice in the control groups were not treated with the drug. After the time required for the migration and the encysting of L. minor larvae, all the animals were euthanized and their tissues examined. The data were analyzed using the Student's unpaired t-test and the Levene test. The groups showed no statistically significant difference. Levamisole hydrochloride was ineffective on third-stage larvae of L. minor. These findings explain the massive expulsion of live adult worms, as well as the use of long treatment schemes, owing to the persistence of larvae and eggs in human parasitic lesions.
Review of the early literature as well as more recent results show that sulfonamides possess a distinct antimalarial activity. However, when give alone, their action is less marked and slower than that of the antimalarials commonly used in the treatment of the acute attack. Combinations with pyrimethamine provide better results, even in cases of pyrimethamine and chloroquine resistance. This warrants further investigations in an attempt to develop a therapeutic agent suitable for the treatment of such resistant cases. It may also be possible with an appropriate combination of pyrimethamine with a sulfonamide to achieve a satisfactory method for suppressive treatment both in areas with and without pyrimethamine resistance. Three main points must still be carefully studied: 1) the risk of developing malaria resistance against one or both of the components of the combination. 2) The risk of developing bacterial resistance to sulfonamides if these substances are used on a large scale in too low doses. It seems indeed that antimalarial effect with the combination of sufonamides + pyrimethamine can be obtained with doses of sulfonamides which are below those usually employed in bacterial diseases. Since the range of the ratios providing potentiation is rather large, only ratios of the combination sulfonamides: pyrimethamine should be chosen in which an antfbacterial sulfonamidemia is guaranteed. 3) It goes without sayinq that, although both pyrimethamine and modem sulfonamides, when given by themselves, have proved tc possess a large margin of safety, long term administration of their combination should be careful studied from the point of view of possible side effects. Substantial evidence has already been produced to show that the long acting sulfonamide Fanasil (Ro 4-4393) given once or once weekly possesses marked schizonticidal activity against P. falciparum. Although its action is slower than that of 4-aminoquinolines, it may be useful as a second choice drug in semi-immune subjects for the therapy of falciparum malaria. Preliminary results show that, when combined with pyrimethamine, Fanasil is highly effective in suppressing fever and asexual parasitemia due to P. falciparum. Single doses of 1 g Fanasil together with 50 mg pyrimethamine seem to be adequate for the treatment of acute falciparum malaria in semi-immune patients. The onset of action of the combination is much more rapid than that of the single components. Weekly doses of 500 mg Fanasil and 25 mg pyrimeihamine appear to provide satisfactory suppressive effects against P. falciparum at least in East Africa. This combination is active on strains which do not respond satisfactorily to the standard doses of pyrimethamine and/or chloroquine and seems to have a satisfactory sporontocidal effect. Preliminary results indicate that Fanasil alone cannot be recommended for use against the other human malaria parasites. The combination with pyrimethamine appears to be much more effective. East African strains of P. malariae seem to respond better to the combination than do Malayan strains of P. vivax but further trials are required before definite assessment can be made. Fanasil by itself has no gametocytoddal or sporontocidal action but seems to potentiate the effect of pyrimethamine at least on sporogony of P. falciparum.
Thirty-nine symptomless carriers of P. vivax parasites in the blood gave blood films at monthly intervals for four to six months during the non- transmission season. It was found that parasitaemias can continue for many months. Thirteen of those studied relapsed with symptoms and were treated with chloroquine at a dosage of 600 mg for adults with proportionate doses for children. Of these nine relapsed silently while under observation: a symptomless relapse rate of approximately 70 per cent. One case had symptoms attributable to malaria close to the time of the original survey (the day before). Of the remaining 38 asymptomatic parasite carriers four showed microgametocytes in a density that suggested a potentially high infectivity and six showed microgametocytes in a density suggesting a potentially low to moderate infectivity for mosquito vectors. There was thus a proportion of one smptomatic case of malaria to 10 potentially infective symptomless parasite carriers. Because they feel no need to seek treatment, such persons may form an important reservoir of infection when vectors cannot be fully controlled by spraying. Some possible methods of dealing with such situations are discussed.
An electronmicroscopy study of the spleen from mice infected with Plasmodium berghei was carried out to investigate the types ofcells in volved in the removal of parasites from the blood, and the mechanisms by which this occurs. Macrophages, particularly from the red pulp and the marginal zone of the spleen, constituted the most important population of phagocytic cells in the spleen. At the height ofparasitaemia, macrophages in the periphery of the white pulp, especially in the mantle zone of secondary follicles, were also found to participate in phagocytosis, although to a limited extent. Our fingings suggest that phagocytosis of free parasites or parasitized erythrocytes in the spleen is an important mechanism of clearance of parasites from the circulation. Parasites removed from the erythrocytes when these cells cross the interendothelial slits are further phagocytosed by neighbouring macrophages. Evidence is presented suggesting that spleen macrophages may act against the parasite through a process of cytotoxicity.
In August 1983,85 inhabitants of the municipality of Humaitá, Amazonas State, Brazil were studied to determine the prevalence of antigens to HLA-A, -B, -C and DR. Thirty-eight were sick with malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum. All subjects were examined for splenomegaly, blood parasitaemia and antibodies to malaria. They constituted three groups: 1) 25 subjects native to the Amazon region who had never had malaria; 2) 38 Amazonian subjects who had malaria in the past or currently had an infection; 3) 22 patients with malaria who had acquired the infection in the Amazon Region but came from other regions of Brazil. Blood was taken from each person, the lymphocytes were separated and typed by the test of microlymphocytotoxicity. There was a high frequency of antigens that could not be identified in the groups studied which suggests the existence of a homozygote or phenotype not identified in the population. There was a high frequency of the phenotype Ag(W24) (44.7%) in group 2 when compared with group 1 (32%) or group 3 (9%). Also the individuals in group 2 showed an elevated frequency of antigen DR(4)80%) when compared with group 1 (36.6%) or group 3 (16.6%). These observations suggest the possibility of a genetic susceptibility to malaria among Amazonian residents and indicate a necessity for more extensive studies of the frequency of HLA antigens among inhabitants of this endemic malarial zone.
A malaria survey was conducted in an area of high transmission (Costa Marques, Rondonia, Brazil) to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic parasitemia and its clinical significance. Most of the people surveyed were immigrants who had lived in the endemic area < 5 years. The people had easy access to free diagnostic and treatment services at the Malaria Clinic in the town of Costa Marques. The prevalence of plasmodial parasitemia in 344 people was 22%. There were 36 individuals with asymptomatic infections among the 77 parasitemic patients. During the two days following the initial examination, 19 ofthe 36 individuals: with asymptomatic infections developed malaria. Among the 17 patients who remained asymptomatic for > 2 days, 4 had only gametocytes, 1 had taken inadequate anti-malarial treatment, 3 were under treatment and 2 moved. Six asymptomatic patients denied the use of anti-malarial drugs and they developed malaria 3-6 days after the initial parasitological diagnosis. The final patient remained asymptomatic during the 7 day observation period. He had a history of > 40 malaria attacks and denied the use of antimalarial treatment. With the exception of the latter all of the other asymptomatic patients, were either in the incubation period or had been treated It is concluded that asymptomatic malaria is rare in the Costa Marques area and that it is necessary to treat all individuals with plasmodial parasitemia.
A total of 207 patients with malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum were submitted to 5 different treatment schedules with clindamycin from 1981 to 1984: A - 89 patients were treated intravenously and orally, or intramuscularly and orally with 20 mg/kg/day divided into two daily applications for 5 to 7 days; B-40 patients were treated orally with 20 mg/kg/day divided into two daily doses for 5 to 7 days; C-27 patients were treated with 20 mg/kg/day intravenously or orally divided into two daily applications for 3 days; D-16 patients were treated orally and/or intravenously with a single daily dose of 20 to 40 mg/kg/day for 5 to 7 days; E-35 patients were treated orally with 5 mg/kg/day divided into two doses for 5 days. Patients were examined daily during treatment and reexamined on the 7th, 24th, 21st, 28th and 35th day both clinically and parasitologically (blood test). Eighty three (40.1%) had moderate or severe malaria, and 97 (46.8%) had shown resistance to chloroquine or to the combination ofsulfadoxin and pyrimethamine. The proportion of cured patients was higher than 95% among patients submitted to schedules A and B. Side effects were only occasional and of low intensity. Three deaths occurred (1.4%), two of them involving patients whose signs and symptoms were already very severe when treatment was started. Thus, clindamycin proved to be very useful in the treatment of patients with malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum and we recommend schedule A for moderate and severe cases and Bfor initial cases.
We report the clinical picture, treatment and evolution of a child with hyperreactive malarious splenomegaly treated outside the endemic area of malaria. The patient presented gross splenomegaly, proceeded from an area where malaria is endemic, showed increased immunoglobulins levels, high antimalarial antibody titres and hepatic sinusoidal lymphocytosis. The child did not return to an area where malaria is endemic and showed a favorable response to only one course of quinine. The response of this patient to limited antimalarial therapy suggests the importance of reinfection with malaria in the development and maintenance of this syndrome.
HIV-l isolation was attempted on 72 individuais, including persons with knoum HIV infection and five without proven HIV infection but with indeterminate Western blot patterns, as well as on low-risk HIV seronegative persons. The ahility to detect HIV- 1 frorn culture supernatant by p24 antigen capture assay was evaluated by segregating patients by absolute CD4+ cell counts, clinicai stage of disease, p24 antigenemia and zidovudine use. The likelihood of a p24 positive HIV culture was highest among patients with CD4+ T-cell counts below 200/ul and patients with advanced clinical disease. Use of zidovudine did not affect the rate ofHIV positwity in cultures.
The frequency and description of side effects secondaiy to the subcutaneous application of SPf66 malaria vaccine and placebo are reported for each dose of application in the participants of the vaccine efficacy trial in Brazil. Side effects evaluated two hours after each application were detected in 8.0%, 30.2% and 8.8%, for the Is', and 3"' dose, respectively, in the SPf66group, and in 7.0%, 8.5% and 2.9% in the placebo group. Local reactions such as mild inflammation, nodule and pain or erythema frequently accompanied by pruritus were the most common reactions detected in both groups (3-8%, 29.1% and 8.5% in the SPf66 group and 4.0%, 7.6% and 2.5% in the placebo group). Among vaccinees, local side effects after the 2nd dose were more frequent in females. Systemic side effects were expressed mainly through general symptoms referred by the participants and were most frequent after the 1st dose in both groups (4.3% in the SPf66 group and 3-0% in the placebo group). Muscle aches and fever were refewred by few participants. No severe adverse reactions were detected for either dose of application or group.
We have compared Duffy blood group genotype distribution, as determined by polymerase chain reaction with allele-specific primers, in 68 Plasmodium vivax-infected patients and 59 non-vivax malaria controls from Rondônia, Brazil. Homozygosity for the allele Fy, which abolishes Duffy antigen expression on erythrocytes, was observed in 12% non-vivax controls but in no P. vivax patient. However, no significant association was found between Fy heterozygosity and protection against P. vivax. The Fy x allele, which has recently been associated with very weak erythrocyte expression of Duffy antigen, was not found in local P. vivax patients.