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Serum samples (n: 110) from blood donors and high risk individuals from Cordoba, Argentina with indeterminate HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II Wb profiles were studied for specific antibodies to HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and for the presence or absence of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II specific bands by Wb. This study was carried out in order to characterize their putative reactions with HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II proteins and to resolve the retrovirus infection status of these individuals. Results indicated that blood donors sera displaying indeterminate HIV-1 or HTLV-I/II Wb patterns were not immunoreactive to HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 on IFA. However, a high rate of indeterminate HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II Wb samples from high risk individuals had positive HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 IFA results respectively. Our study supports the growing evidence that HTLV-HIV indeterminate seroreactivity in low risk population is due to a cross reaction against nonviral antigens, and in high risk populations the indeterminate samples show serological cross-recognition between HIV-1 proteins and HTLV-I/II proteins on Wb. These results point out the necessity to investigate the HTLV-I/II reactivity in indeterminate HIV-1 samples and viceversa in order to confirm the diagnosis. Finally, this study shows the potential usefulness of IFA in elucidating the status of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II infection of individuals with indeterminate Wb profiles, thus enabling resolution of retrovirus infection status.
Serum- and/or- cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples obtained from 190 patients suffering from chronic, progressive neurological disease were screened for the presence of human T-cell lymphotropic viruses type I (HTLV-I) and type II (HTLV-II) antibodies over a six-year period (1996 to 2001) in Belém, Pará, Brazil. Patients were of both sexes (male subjects, 52%) with ages ranging from 2 to 79 years (mean, 35.9). Overall, 15 (7.9%) subjects - of whom 12 (80%) were female adults - reacted HTLV-I/II-seropositive when screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Serum samples from 14 of these patients were also analyzed using a recombinant Western blot (WB) assay that yielded HTLV-I-, HTLV-II-, and HTLV-I/II- reactivities for 10 (71.4%), 3 (21.4%) and 1 (7.2%) of them, respectively. The yearly rates of HTLV-I/II antibodies ranged from 2.6% (2001) to 21.7% (2000), with progressively increasing seropositivities from 1998 to 2000. Altogether, walking difficulty (n = 5 subjects), spasticity (n = 4) and leg weakness (n = 3) accounted for 80% of symptoms recorded among the 15 patients whose sera had antibodies to HTLV-I/II as detected by ELISA. These findings provide evidence that both HTLV-I and HTLV-II play a role in the development of chronic myelopathy in Belém, Pará, Northern Brazil.
In this study, the epidemiological and clinical features observed in solely HTLV-II-infected individuals were compared to those in patients co-infected with HIV-1. A total of 380 subjects attended at the HTLV Out-Patient Clinic in the Institute of Infectious Diseases "Emilio Ribas" (IIER), São Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated every 3-6 months for the last seven years by infectious disease specialists and neurologists. Using a testing algorithm that employs the enzyme immuno assay, Western Blot and polymerase chain reaction, it was found that 201 (53%) were HTLV-I positive and 50 (13%) were infected with HTLV-II. Thirty-seven (74%) of the HTLV-II reactors were co-infected with HIV-1. Of the 13 (26%) solely HTLV-II-infected subjects, urinary tract infection was diagnosed in three (23%), one case of skin vasculitis (8%) and two cases of lumbar pain and erectile dysfunction (15%), but none myelopathy case was observed. Among 37 co-infected with HIV-1, four cases (10%) presented with tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV-associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM) simile. Two patients showed paraparesis as the initial symptom, two cases first presented with vesical and erectile disturbances, peripheral neuropathies were observed in other five patients (13%), and seven (19%) patients showed some neurological signal or symptoms, most of them with lumbar pain (five cases). The results obtained suggest that neurological manifestations may be more frequent in HTLV-II/HIV-1-infected subjects than those infected with HTLV-II only.
Twelve strains of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from wild reservoirs, triatomines, and chronic chagasic patients in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil, and classified as T. cruzi I and II, were used to test the correlation between genetic and biological diversity. The Phagocytic Index (PI) and nitric-oxide (NO) production in vitro were used as biological parameters. The PI of the T. cruzi I and II strains did not differ significantly, nor did the PI of the T. cruzi strains isolated from humans, triatomines, or wild reservoirs. There was a statistical difference in the inhibition of NO production between T. cruzi I and II and between parasites isolated from humans and the strains isolated from triatomines and wild reservoirs, but there was no correlation between genetics and biology when the strains were analyzed independently of the lineages or hosts from which the strains were isolated. There were significant correlations for Randomly Amplified Polymorphic Deoxyribonucleic acid (RAPD) and biological parameters for T. cruzi I and II, and for humans or wild reservoirs when the lineages or hosts were considered individually.
Camundongos "vacinados" com vacina viva avirulenta de T. cruzi se mostraram protegidos contra infecção virulenta, até 20 semanas após a imunização. Essa proteção foi inferior à observada avós 4 semanas de imunização e menor ainda do que a apresentada por animais infectados 4 semanas após a "vacinação" e reinfeetados 15 semanas depois. Neste último caso, a primeira infecção parece ter atuado como uma dose de reforço. O Autor assinala a dificuldade em determinar o tempo de validade da vacina, em virtude da resistência natural apresentada com a idade, mesmo pelos animais mais sensíveis.
Os autores apresentam os resultados de levantamentos seccionais sóbre a prevalência e a mortndade da esquistossomose mansônica no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os levantamentos foram, feitos em 44 localidades, urbanas e rurais. A prevalência da esquistossomose e de outras helmintoses intestinais foi muito variável. As formas hépato-esplênicas da esquistossomose variaram de 0 a 4%.
Os autores apresentam dados quantitativos sôbre os anticorpos presentes em vacinados com vacina oral trivalente, contra a poliomielite (Tabela 1). Apos a 3.ª dose de vacina verificou-se um aumento do título geométrico médio da população em relação aos títulos obtidos com duas doses de vacina. Infecções naturais devem ter contribuído para formação de anticorpos para poliomielite na população, ao lado da vacina. Anticorpos para enterovírus não-pólio (Coxsackie B e alguns tipos de vírus ECHO) são apresentados na Tabela II e referem-se a amostras de sôro colhidas quando da 1.ª dose de vacina. Os autores chamam a atenção para a incidência de enterovírus na região, embora poucos sejam os dados ainda disponíveis.
Os autores relatam os resultados obtidos no diagnóstico laboratorial de varíola, durante o segundo ano de funcionamento de uma unidade montada no Instituto Presidente Castello Branco, da Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Crus, no Rio de Janeiro. O exame de 105 espécimens de crostas e de 76 de líquido vesicular /pustular, forneceu 39 e 34 amostras de vírus da varíola, respectivamente (Tabela 1). A demora em chegar ao laboratório influencia significativamente a taxa de isolamento de vírus (Tabela 2). Foi encontrada estreita relação entre os diagnósticos clínico e laboratorial (Tabela 3), quando possível compará-los. A inoculação em ovos embrionados após 1 a 2 horas do abaixamento da mebrana cório-alantóica, foi considerada como adequada às condições em que são realizados os exames. O laboratório continua a receber regularmente mais especimens para diagnóstico.
As part of the health survey on the Ilha da Conceição, a 25 percent random sample of households was identified and a health guestionnaire completed at 236 households. These households contained 536 children, of whom 239 were under age six. Prenatal care had been obtained by 70 percent of the mothers during the pregnancies of the youngest children and 83 percent of these children had been born in hospital. The use of available health facilities was reported more frequently for the younger children in comparison to the older children. Over 90 percent of the children had been vaccinated against one or more diseases but only 50 to 60 percent of the children had complete vaccination against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus. Almost two-thirds of the stool specimens from the children revealed evidence of parasites and were most commonly found in children two to three years of age. Low hemoglobin values were found commonly under age three and hemoglobin leveis ábove 12 grams were not commonly found until age six. Compared with a North American standard for height and weight, proportionately more children on the Ilha da Conceição were found below the 25th and 3rd percentiles. These findings suggest that an improved health status for the children on the Ilha da Conceição would result from a household health record maintained at the island clinic including current information on vaccination status of all children, and a health education program focused on expectant mothers and the well baby clinic program.
Neste trabalho são relatadas pesquisas parasitológicas e epiâemiológicas realizadas numa provável fonte de infecção de Histoplasmose da área rural do D. F. - Brasília, onde 14 pessoas contraíram a doença. Os estudos clínico, imunológico e radiológico foram anteriormente descritos. Os autores conseguiram isolar o H. capsulatum do solo da caverna e das vísceras e do sangue de morcegos (Phyllostomus hastatus hastatus, Pallas 1767) que nela habitavam. Resultaram negativas as tentativas de isolamento do fungo de animais sentinelas (cobaios), assim como não se obteve neles a viragem dos testes intradérmicos com histoplasmina. Em impressões de vísceras dos morcegos, constataram-se formas semelhantes as do T. gondii que posteriormente foram isoladas, em camundongos jovens, por inoculação de vísceras maceradas e sangue. Foram encontrados 2 ectoparasitos nos morcegos: Boophilus microplus e um díptero da família Streblidae. O ácaro albergava tripomastigotos do tipo cruzi, não sendo porém conseguido seu isolamento. No tubo digestivo dos quirópteros, foram retirados nematódeos (Histiostrongylus octaeantus) e cestódeos do gênero Mathevotaenia. Foram capturados, em torno da entrada da caverna, 2 exemplares de Cercomys cunicularis apereoide não sendo examinados sob o ponto de vista parasitológico. Testes intradérmicos realizados em 826 habitantes da área resultaram positivos em 184 (22,27%). A gruta, fonte da infecção, está localizada em uma formação calcárea, pertencente à série Bambuí, acreditando-se, pelos aspectos tectônicos, ser da idade siluriana. No Brasil, o isolamento de H. capsulatum de solo, guanos de morcegos e vísceras de roedores já tinham sido realizados; contudo, esta foi a primeira vez que se conseguiu isolá-lo do solo de uma caverna, fonte de infecção, e das vísceras e sangue de morcegos. Os resultados obtidos com os testes intradérmicos com histoplasmina demonstraram a prevalência de histoplasmose na área rural do DF e, conseqüentemente, a possibilidade de ocorrerem outra microepidemia ou aparecimento de casos isolados de histoplasmose-doença.
Para estabelecer os mecanismos de transmissão de enteroparasitas entre a população de um orfanato, os autores pesquisaram a presença de ovos de helmintos e cistos de protozoários nas mãos, unhas e roupas das internas; nos objetos e peças de banheiros coletivos e poeira de dormitórios. Realizaram também exame bacteriológico da água que abastece a instituição. Os resultados são apresentados e discutidos.
The development of integrated measures which involve sterile mate release to supplement the conventional insecticidal techniques used in controlagainst insects of medical importance, raised the question, whether the vectors of Chagas'disease possess the natural mechanisms by manipulation of which they may be controlled. Results of earlier expenments, that had been published previously, were restricted to fragmentary information that raised various questions, the answer to which became available in the study herein described. Interspecific hybrids were produced from reciprocal crosses between T. pseudomaculata and T. sórdida and from unilateral crosses between female T. pseudomaculata and male. T. infestans. These females mated with males, laid less than the normal complement of eggs, but offspring was relatively abundant. When T. pseudomaculata females were paired with T. brasiliensis males, hybridization was more difficult because few of the females mated and those that did had a strongly reduced fertility. Adults emerged from ali crosses but exhibited sex disproportion, females predominating in all populations but one. The two Rhodnius species tested were also found to cross, but only when female R. prolixus were paired with male R. neglectus. These females laid a relatively high complement o f eggs, had a strongly reduced fertility, but 50% of the fertile eggs developed into vigorous adults, males predominating females. Neither type of hybrid male elicited fertilized eggs from either parental type of female, through their vesicula seminal is were found to be packed with spermatozoa, some normal looking and moving, others underdeveloped and motionless. Although, no artificial insemination was performed, the sperm in itself did not appear to be the prime inducer of sterility. Females paired with these hybrids did mate, sperm was transfered, as evidenced by the discharged spermatophores smeared with sperm, but did notcontain spermatozoa in their spermatecae. The failure of the sperm to migrate to the spermatecae indicate prezygotic pos-copulation incompatibility, thus the hybrid male can't be used to suppress populations. The female hybrids mated with parent males of either species had reduced fertility and ther sons were sterile as were those of their fertile daughters. However, continous backcrossing of the hybrid females and their female progeny to parental males partially restored fertility of the males and increased fertility of females, as scored by egg hatchability. Fertility of hybrid females, measured by the yield of adults capable to reproduce, indicated that the reproductive perfomance decreased when hybrid females and their daughters were backcrossed additional generations to parental males. It is tentatively suggested that hybrid females could be used for suppression if they compete efficiently with wild females.
In the present paper the life cycle of Rhodnius neglectus was studied. The mean length from egg to adult was 119 days. The mean length in day from each stage was: 17.4 (± 1.15) for first, 18.2 (± 1.28) for second, fourth and 29.8 (± 1.46) for fifth.
Os Autores descrevem um caso grave de esquistossomose mansoni (forma hepática com hipertensão portal associada a forma pulmonar com hipertensão pulmonar e cor pulmonalej sobre o qual evoluiu uma sindrome toxi-infectuosa grave e de longa duração. Sucessivos exames radiológicos do tórax revelaram acometimento predominantemente arteriolar, ao lado de uma micronodulação pulmonar grosseira e difusa em ambos os hemitóraces e configuração de coração pulmonar. A histopatologia de material de biópsia pulmonar identificou basicamente uma arterite pulmonar característica, inflamação granulomatosa atípica provocada principalmente por vermes e raros ovos de S. mansoni envolvidos por escassa reação inflamatória. Para explicar a origem de constelação clínica toxi-infectuosa, foram afastadas as hipóteses de associação da esquistossomose a concausas infectuosas ou não, mas de curso febril, e a superposição de uma forma toxêmica sobre outra crônica pré-existente. Com base em dados clínicos, particularmente em subsídios da laparoscopia, e anatômicos, concluiu-se tratar o caso de uma forma crônica de esquistossomose reativada, provavelmente em virtude de alterações imunológicas inusitadas do hospedeiro. Ao que tudo parece indicar, o desvio de ovos e de vermes aos pulmões deveu-se à sindrome de hipertensão portal, cujos shunts entre a circulação portal e sistêmica determinaram a rota preferencial da migração.