227 resultados para Snellman, Alex


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As in humans, sub-clinical infection by arboviruses in domestic animals is common; however, its detection only occurs during epizootics and the silent circulation of some arboviruses may remain undetected. The objective of the present paper was to assess the current circulation of arboviruses in the Nhecolândia sub-region of South Pantanal, Brazil. Sera from a total of 135 horses, of which 75 were immunized with bivalent vaccine composed of inactive Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) and Western equine encephalitis virus(WEEV) and 60 were unvaccinated, were submitted to thorough viral isolation, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and neutralization tests for Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), EEEV, WEEV and Mayaro virus (MAYV). No virus was isolated and viral nucleic-acid detection by RT-PCR was also negative. Nevertheless, the prevalence of neutralizing antibodies in horses older than seven months was 43.7% for SLEV in equines regardless of vaccine status, and 36.4% for WEEV and 47.7% for EEEV in unvaccinated horses. There was no evidence of MAYV infections. The serologic evidence of circulation of arboviruses responsible for equine and human encephalitis, without recent official reports of clinical infections in the area, suggests that the Nhecolândia sub-region in South Pantanal is an important area for detection of silent activity of arboviruses in Brazil.


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Despite evidence of West Nile virus (WNV) activity in Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina, this virus has not been reported in most South American countries. In February 2009, we commenced an investigation for WNV in mosquitoes, horses and caimans from the Pantanal, Central-West Brazil. The sera of 168 horses and 30 caimans were initially tested using a flaviviruses-specific epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (blocking ELISA) for the detection of flavivirus-reactive antibodies. The seropositive samples were further tested using a plaque-reduction neutralisation test (PRNT90) for WNV and its most closely-related flaviviruses that circulate in Brazil to confirm the detection of specific virus-neutralising antibodies. Of the 93 (55.4%) blocking ELISA-seropositive horse serum samples, five (3%) were seropositive for WNV, nine (5.4%) were seropositive for St. Louis encephalitis virus, 18 (10.7%) were seropositive for Ilheus virus, three (1.8%) were seropositive for Cacipacore virus and none were seropositive for Rocio virus using PRNT90, with a criteria of > four-fold antibody titre difference. All caimans were negative for flaviviruses-specific antibodies using the blocking ELISA. No virus genome was detected from caiman blood or mosquito samples. The present study is the first report of confirmed serological evidence of WNV activity in Brazil.


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Schistosoma mansoni infection or associated products are able to down-modulate the type 1 CD4+ T cell inflammatory response characteristic of autoimmune diseases. In this study, we evaluated how S. mansoni antigens altered the immune response that was induced by the soluble Leishmania antigen (SLA) from cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) patients. Cytokines were measured from the supernatants of peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures stimulated with SLA. This was performed using the sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay technique in the presence or absence of S. mansoni recombinant antigens Sm29, SmTSP-2 and PIII. The addition of S. mansoni antigens to the cultures resulted in the reduction of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) levels in 37-50% of patients. Although to a lesser extent, the antigens were also able to decrease the production of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). We compared patients that either had or did not have reduction in IFN-γ and TNF-α production in cultures stimulated with SLA in the presence of S. mansoni antigens. We found that there was no significant difference in the levels of interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-5 in response to S. mansoni antigens between the groups. The antigens used in this study down-modulated the in vitro proinflammatory response induced by SLA in a group of CL patients through a currently undefined mechanism.


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Antimony compounds are the cornerstone treatments for tegumentary leishmaniasis. The reactivation of herpes virus is a side effect described in few reports. We conducted an observational study to describe the incidence of herpes zoster reactivation during treatment with antimony compounds. The global incidence of herpes zoster is approximately 2.5 cases per 1,000 persons per month (or 30 cases per 1,000 persons per year). The estimated incidence of herpes zoster in patients undergoing antimony therapy is higher than previously reported.


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The Pantanal hosts diverse wildlife species and therefore is a hotspot for arbovirus studies in South America. A serosurvey for Mayaro virus (MAYV), eastern (EEEV), western (WEEV) and Venezuelan (VEEV) equine encephalitis viruses was conducted with 237 sheep, 87 free-ranging caimans and 748 equids, including 37 collected from a ranch where a neurologic disorder outbreak had been recently reported. Sera were tested for specific viral antibodies using plaque-reduction neutralisation test. From a total of 748 equids, of which 264 were immunised with vaccine composed of EEEV and WEEV and 484 had no history of immunisation, 10 (1.3%) were seropositive for MAYV and two (0.3%) for VEEV using criteria of a ≥ 4-fold antibody titre difference. Among the 484 equids without history of immunisation, 48 (9.9%) were seropositive for EEEV and four (0.8%) for WEEV using the same criteria. Among the sheep, five were sero- positive for equine encephalitis alphaviruses, with one (0.4%) for EEEV, one (0.4%) for WEEV and three (1.3%) for VEEV. Regarding free-ranging caimans, one (1.1%) and three (3.4%), respectively, had low titres for neutralising antibodies to VEEV and undetermined alphaviruses. The neurological disorder outbreak could not be linked to the alphaviruses tested. Our findings represent strong evidence that MAYV and all equine encephalitis alphaviruses circulated in the Pantanal.


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Malaria is responsible for more deaths around the world than any other parasitic disease. Due to the emergence of strains that are resistant to the current chemotherapeutic antimalarial arsenal, the search for new antimalarial drugs remains urgent though hampered by a lack of knowledge regarding the molecular mechanisms of artemisinin resistance. Semisynthetic compounds derived from diterpenes from the medicinal plant Wedelia paludosawere tested in silico against the Plasmodium falciparumCa2+-ATPase, PfATP6. This protein was constructed by comparative modelling using the three-dimensional structure of a homologous protein, 1IWO, as a scaffold. Compound 21 showed the best docking scores, indicating a better interaction with PfATP6 than that of thapsigargin, the natural inhibitor. Inhibition of PfATP6 by diterpene compounds could promote a change in calcium homeostasis, leading to parasite death. These data suggest PfATP6 as a potential target for the antimalarial ent-kaurane diterpenes.


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This study shows an experimental spillover infection of Sigmodontinae rodents with Rio Mamore hantavirus (RIOMV). Necromys lasiurus and Akodon sp were infected with 103 RNA copies of RIOMV by intraperitoneal administration. The viral genome was detected in heart, lung, and kidney tissues 18 days after infection (ai), and viral excretion in urine and faeces began at four and six ai, respectively. These results reveal that urine and faeces of infected rodents contain the virus for at least 18 days. It is possible that inhaled aerosols of these excreta could transmit hantavirus to humans and other animals.


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Na pesquisa aqui apresentada teve-se por objetivo identificar e analisar as variáveis que influenciam o processo de lealdade dos torcedores atleticanos e cruzeirenses em Belo Horizonte em relação ao consumo dos produtos oficiais dessas equipes. Estruturada em modelo teórico usado para identificar os atributos de lealdade, a investigação foi desenvolvida com 300 clientes-torcedores, cujos dados foram submetidos a análises uni e multivariadas. Os resultados, obtidos por meio da modelagem de equações estruturais, confirmaram que a oferta de produtos e serviços impacta de forma positiva no investimento, no sentimento de dependência e na confiança. Verificou-se que: quanto maior o investimento no relacionamento comercial, maior é o sentimento de dependência do cliente; quanto mais intensa a troca de informações, maior é o sentimento de confiança; quanto maiores a dependência e a confiança, maior é o comprometimento do cliente no relacionamento comercial; e quanto maior o comprometimento, maior é a lealdade à empresa. O modelo proposto explicou 53,6% das inter-relações entre os construtos e desses com suas variáveis manifestas. O modelo de mensuração explicou 53,1% da variabilidade dos construtos e o modelo estrutural explicou 54,1% dessas mesmas variáveis. Tendo em vista que se trata de uma pesquisa social, em que o controle das respostas é mais restrito, esses resultados foram considerados satisfatórios, por conseguirem explicar mais da metade da variabilidade das variáveis avaliadas.


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The experiment was conducted throughout the year 2005, at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas campus. The objectives of the study were to analyze the decomposition of rabbit (Oryctolagus cunniculus L.) with mean weight 2.67 Kg carcass and describe the interaction of insects acting on it, as well as the insect's potential use in legal medicine. We collected 5.239 insect specimens; 1.827 of them were obtained from larvae collected from carcasses and reared. The specimens were identified and 20 species were of forensic importance. The species Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, 1819) and Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) were better indicators of post-mortem interval (PMI) because they occurred in all seasons and were the first to reach the carcass. Hemilucilia semidiaphana (Rondani, 1850), H. segmentaria (Fabricius, 1805) (Diptera, Calliphoridae), Muscina stabulans (Fallén, 1817) and Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp, 1883) (Diptera, Muscidae) can disclose death time because they occur only in certain months of the year. Oxyletrum discicolle (Brullé, 1840) (Coleoptera, Silphidae) and Dermestes maculates De Geer, 1774 (Coleoptera, Desmestidae) were found in advanced stages of decomposition.


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Entre Maio e Junho de 2008 foi observado a sobrevivência das pupas de Lucilia eximia (Diptera, Calliphoridae) após submersão em laboratório. Para este experimento foram utilizadas 480 pupas de mesma idade, sendo estas divididas em oito grupos: o controle não foi submerso e os demais grupos foram submersos de um a sete dias. O aumento do período de submersão diminui a sobrevivência, com um dia de submersão a sobrevivência é de 80%, com dois dias 40%, é de 30% a partir do terceiro dia, no quarto dia cai para 23,34% e no quinto dia fica em 10%. Após este período a mortalidade sobe para 100%. Este padrão pode ser explicado pela curva "U-shaped" que ocorre no consumo de O2 durante o período pupal, onde o consumo é maior no início e no final do período pupal. O tempo de submersão também afeta o tempo de desenvolvimento, aumentando o período pupal. Estes dados têm o potencial para serem utilizados em investigações envolvendo Entomologia Forense, para a estimativa do tempo de submersão de um cadáver.


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Dipteran larvae were collected from rabbit (Oryctolagus cunniculus L.) carcasses during the four seasons in 2005 in the southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The larvae were fed ground beef at ambient temperatures following collection from carcasses. The development of each species under these conditions was estimated. The most abundant species in the carcasses were Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann) and Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) (Calliphoridae), and they were found in all seasons. The data were fitted to a linear model that describes the relationship between temperature and linear developmental rating. These two species are primary forensic indicators in southern Brazil. Other species such as Hemilucilia semidiaphana (Rondani) (Calliphoridae), Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp), Muscina stabulans (Fallen) (Muscidae), and Fannia pusio (Wiedemann) (Fanniidae) were forensically less important because they only occurred in high frequency in certain seasons and during the first days of carcass decomposition.


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Effect of silicon and acibenzolar-s-methyl on colored cotton plants infested or not with Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera, Aphididae). The aphid Aphis gossypii is an insect pest that causes damage mainly at the beginning of the cotton plant development. The effect of resistance inductors silicon and acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM) on the development of colored cotton plants were researched in the presence and absence of A. gossypii. Three colored cotton cultivars were sown in pots and individually infested with 25 apterous aphids, 13 days after the application of the inductors. Fifteen days after plant emergence, the silicon was applied at a dosage equivalent to 3 t/ha and acibenzolar-s-methyl in 0.2% solution of the product BION 500®. After 21 days of infestation the following parameters were evaluated: plant height, stem diameter, dry matter of aerial part and root, and total number of aphids replaced. It was verified that the plant height was reduced in the presence of aphids and all variables were negatively affected by the application of ASM. However, silicon did not affect plant development.


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Biological aspects of Leucothyreus alvarengai Frey and Leucothyreus aff. semipruinosus Ohaus (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae) in crop succession at central Brazil. Beetles of the family Melolonthidae make up a large group and some species are considered pests of planted crops. Little information is available on the basic biological aspects of the genus Leucothyreus, such as association with cultivated crops and their occurrence periods. Therefore studies were developed in soybean and corn crops in Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil, with the objective of studying the occurrence and biological aspects of Leucothyreus alvarengai Frey and Leucothyreus aff. semipruinosus Ohaus. For acquisition of immature specimens of both species, in April 2011 sampling was performed in corn fields, in July and October in the fallow area, and in soybeans fields planted in December; in 2012 sampling was performed in January and February in soybean fields and in March in corn fields. In 2011 the total number of larvae obtained in April, July, October and December were 100, 6, 30 and 27, and in January, February and March of 2012 these quantities were 32, 52 and 65 larvae, respectively. In all sampling events the larvae of L. alvarengai were collected in greater quantity. At the beginning of the reproductive period of L. alvarengai and L. aff. semipruinosus, it was observed that the adults began to fly and soon after started oviposition in the field in September. The appearance of larvae coincides with the time of soybean planting in the field, thus the larvae feed on roots of soybean plants at the beginning of their development and the cycle from egg to adult of the two species was completed in one year.


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A distribuição das formas de P nos diferentes compartimentos do solo (lábil, pouco lábil e não-lábil) é amplamente influenciada por processos geoquímicos e biológicos e, também, por ações antrópicas. Visando avaliar a influência da calagem e do esterco bovino sobre a distribuição do P nos diferentes compartimentos do solo, foram realizados em casa de vegetação quatro experimentos no delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4 x 5, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por quatro doses de calcário (0; 0,5; 1; e 2 vezes a dose recomendada para atingir V = 60 %) e cinco doses de esterco bovino (0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5; e 10 % do volume total de solo), aplicadas em amostras de 4 dm³ de Neossolo Quartzarênico órtico (RQo), Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico textura média (LVAd-1), Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico textura argilosa (LVAd-2) e Latossolo Vermelho distrófico textura muito argilosa (LVd), sendo cada solo um experimento. Foram avaliados os teores de P Mehlich-1, P lábil (P resina + Pi e Po-NaHCO3), P pouco lábil (Pi e Po-NaOH) e P não-lábil (P-HCl + P-residual). De maneira geral, a adição de calcário e esterco bovino incrementou os teores de P Mehlich-1, principalmente nos solos menos oxídicos e com textura mais arenosa. Houve aumento em todas as formas de P nos solos, sendo a contribuição das formas pouco lábeis (Po ligado a compostos húmicos e Pi ligado a Fe e Al) bastante substancial, predominando, porém, as formas não-lábeis de P.


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Volatilização de NH3 é a principal reação que diminui a eficiência de utilização pelas plantas do N proveniente da ureia, quando ela é aplicada sobre a superfície do solo. A fim de minimizar essa perda, produtos têm sido misturados à ureia para inibir temporariamente a ação da urease. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar alternativas de aplicação de um fertilizante com inibidor de urease, visando a diminuir a volatilização de NH3 relativamente à ureia convencional, em algumas condições ambientais e de solo. Foram desenvolvidos quatro experimentos, todos em condições de laboratório, em 2007 e 2008, em Cambissolo Húmico. Os tratamentos variaram em cada estudo e incluíram combinações de níveis de pH do solo (natural; 5,5; 6,3; e 6,8), umidade do solo (5, 10 ou 20 % de água) e temperaturas ambientais (18 e 35 ºC), além de estados físicos (sólido ou líquido) e de métodos de aplicação dos fertilizantes (na superfície ou incorporado ao solo). As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por bandejas plásticas (23 x 51 x 17 cm) com 12 kg de solo, numa espessura de 15 cm, sobre as quais foram instaladas câmaras coletoras de NH3. A amônia volatilizada foi determinada em várias épocas, nos primeiros 28 dias após a aplicação dos fertilizantes. O pico de volatilização diária de NH3 ocorreu sempre na primeira semana depois da adição dos fertilizantes ao solo, e aconteceu dois a três dias mais tarde para a ureia com inibidor de urease, em relação à ureia convencional. A volatilização de NH3 nem sempre foi maior para a ureia convencional em comparação ao fertilizante contendo inibidor de urease, tampouco para o estado líquido em relação ao granulado. A volatilização de NH3 aumentou com a elevação do pH, da temperatura e da dose aplicada de N e foi menor nos extremos de umidade (solo com 5 % ou com 20 % de água). Para os fertilizantes aplicados sobre a superfície do solo, a taxa máxima de perda diária foi correspondente a 14 kg ha-1 de N, e a perda total acumulada variou de 2 a 50 % do N aplicado, dependendo principalmente do estado físico em que o fertilizante foi aplicado, da umidade do solo e da temperatura ambiente. A incorporação dos fertilizantes amídicos ao solo foi a maneira mais eficaz de minimizar as perdas de N por volatilização.