87 resultados para Simulium guianense
The predation and phoretic association (occasional?) among simulids and mollusks are being registered here for the first time on the Neotropical region. These inter-relations observations were obtained among Asolene (Pomella) megastoma (Sowerby, 1825) and the simulids: Simulium (Thyrsopelma) Orbitale Lutz, 1910; Simulium (Psaroniocompsa) spp. The material studied is proceeding from the Uruguai river Hidrological Basin. Based on the mollusks natural habitat, it is here suggested his use as a possible integrated management element for simulids species which immature stages live on mighty river with rocks.
Two practical field methods for indirect detection of simuliid populations resistant to temephos are proposed. The first is based on high esterase activity in resistant larvae and involves adaptations of a filter paper test in which faintly stained spots indicate susceptible populations and strongly stained ones reveal populations resistant to temephos. The second is based on the resistance to the larvicide when adults are topically exposed, and involves the use of diagnostic doses obtained by the comparison between the LD50 for susceptible and resistant populations. The relevance of such methods is discussed in order to help resistance detection in Simulium pertinax Kollar control programmes.
This review stresses the importance of studies that will provide a basic understanding of the pathology of parasite-infected vector insects. This knowledge should be a vital component of the very focussed initiatives currently being funded in the areas of vector control. Vector fecundity reduction is discussed as an example of such pathology. Underlying mechanisms are being investigated in a model system, Hymenolepis diminuta-infected Tenebrio molitor and in Onchocerca-infected blackflies and Plasmodium-infected Anopheles stephensi. In all cases, host vitellogenesis is disrupted by the parasite and, in the tapeworm/beetle model, interaction between the parasite and the endocrine control of the insect's reproductive physiology has been demonstrated.
Mansonella ozzardi, a relatively non pathogenic filarial parasite of man in Latin America, is transmitted by either ceratopogonid midges or simuliid blackflies. In the only known focus of the disease in north-western Argentina the vectors have never been incriminated. This study investigated the potential vectors of M. ozzardi in this area. The only anthropophilic species of these Diptera families biting man at the time of the investigation were Simulium exiguum, S. dinellii, Culicoides lahillei and C. paraensis. Using experimentally infected flies S. exiguum and both species of Culicoides allowed full development of microfilariae to the infective stage, with C. lahillei being a more competent host than S. exiguum. Based on these data, biting rates and natural infectivity rates it is probable that at the begininning of the wet season C. lahillei is the main vector of M. ozzardi and both C. paraensis and S. exiguum secondary vectors. Additionally, it was found that a single dose of ivermectin was ineffectual in eradicating M. ozzardi from infected individuals in this area.
Detection of Onchocerca volvulus in Simulium populations is of primary importance in the assessment of the effectiveness of onchocerciasis control programs. In Brazil, the main focus of onchocerciasis is in the Amazon region, in a Yanomami reserve. The main onchocerciasis control strategy in Brazil is the semi-annually mass distribution of the microfilaricide ivermectin. In accordance with the control strategy for the disease, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied in pools of simuliids from the area to detect the helminth infection in the vectors, as recommended by the Onchocerciasis Elimination Program for the Americas and the World Health Organization. Systematic sampling was performed monthly from September 1998 to October 1999, and a total of 4942 blackflies were collected from two sites (2576 from Balawaú and 2366 from Toototobi). The molecular methodology was found to be highly sensitive and specific for the detection of infected and/or infective blackflies in pools of 50 blackflies. The results from the material collected under field conditions showed that after the sixth cycle of distribution of ivermectin, the prevalence of infected blackflies with O. volvulus had decreased from 8.6 to 0.3% in Balawaú and from 4 to 0.1% in Toototobi.
We describe the abiotic factors affecting the distribution of black flies at a microhabitat scale, rather than at the regional scale usually present in the literature on the Neotropics. Black fly larvae were sampled from the Tocantins River and three tributaries, located in the Brazilian savanna (state of Tocantins, Brazil) during six bi-monthly sampling periods from October 2004-August 2005. At each sampling site, 15 random quadrats (30 x 30 cm) were sampled each period and for each quadrat were determined mean water velocity, predominant substrate type (rocks, riffle litter or riparian vegetation) and depth detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to determine associations with current velocity, whereas correspondence analysis (CA) was used to estimate site specific current velocity associations. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to identify general microhabitat associations. The CCA showed that most species had a trend towards riffle litter, except for Simulium nigrimanum associated with rocky substrate and Simulium cuasiexiguum associated with riparian vegetation. The DCA showed a well defined pattern of water velocity associations. The CA revealed that the species showed different speed associations from one site to another, suggesting different competitive pressures resulting in the occurrence of different realized niches.
Adult and immature Simuliidae were studied in 31 streams of 8 regions of the State of São Paulo. Among the 25 species collected, seven are new records for the State of São Paulo, and one of them, Simulium shewellianum Coscarón, 1985 for Brazil as well.
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of water velocity speed on the local distribution and taxocenosis structure of blackfly larvae. The larvae were collected from two adjacent streams located in the municipality of Angra dos Reis (RJ): Caputera River and one of its tributaries. Riffle litter patches were sampled randomly using a 30 x 30 cm quadrat. Four blackfly species were found: Simulium incrustatum s. l. Lutz, 1910; Simulium (Inaequalium) sp. ; Simulium pertinax s. l. Kollar, 1832 and Simulium subpallidum s. l. Lutz, 1909. Among these species, Simulium pertinax s. l. was clearly associated with higher water current speeds, while Simulium subpallidum s. l. showed association with lower water velocities, and Simulium (Inaequalium) sp. had a relatively constant distribution along the water current gradient.
Fauna of Simuliidae (Diptera) from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil: Distribution, new records and list of species. The fauna of Simuliidae in Brazil is composed of 87 species, 17 of which are recorded from the state of Espírito Santo. Entomological collections were carried out in 2010-2011 with the objective of increasing the knowledge of the species richness of this family in the state. Ninety three rivers and streams were sampled, each collection being carried out in a 50m transect. During the study period 30 species were collected, 13 of which represent new records for the state, 12 of the genus Simulium and one of the genus Lutzsimulium. Among these new state records one, Simulium lobatoi, also represents a new record from southeastern Brazil. The other newly recorded species are: Lutzsimulium hirticosta, Simulium distinctum, Simulium exiguum, Simulium oyapockense, Simulium botulibranchium, Simulium petropoliense, Simulium clavibranchium, Simulium rappae, Simulium minusculum, Simulium dinellii, Simulium ochraceum and Simulium scutistriatum.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interferência da disponibilidade de luz na resposta à adubação de plantios de enriquecimento da capoeira com leguminosas arbóreas. As espécies Hymenaea courbaril, Stryphnodendron guianense, Parkia platycephala e Stryphnodendron microstachyum foram plantadas em capoeira, sob três tratamentos de fertilização: adubação orgânica, adubação orgânica acrescida de mineral e ausência de adubação. A disponibilidade de luz condicionou a resposta de P. platycephala e H. courbaril à fertilização. A aleatorização não foi suficiente para garantir condições semelhantes de luz nos plantios de enriquecimento. A variação na quantidade de luz incidente no sub‑bosque compromete a correta avaliação dos tratamentos de fertilização.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o estoque e o crescimento em volume, biomassa, carbono e dióxido de carbono em duas áreas de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Submontana em estágios médio e médio/avançado de sucessão da vegetação secundária. Foram utilizados dados de inventários de parcelas permanentes medidas em 2002 e 2007. Para determinar as densidades básicas da madeira e da casca das árvores, foram selecionadas espécies que apresentavam maiores porcentuais em volume e, no mínimo, cinco indivíduos. Na área em estágio médio de sucessão da vegetação secundária, os crescimentos em volume, biomassa, carbono e dióxido de carbono do estrato arbóreo foram, respectivamente, 1,49 m³.ha-1.ano-1, 0,27 tB.ha-1.ano-1, 10,13 tC.ha-1.ano-1 e 0,50 tCO2.ha-1.ano-1. A área em estágio médio avançado de sucessão apresentou 3,78 m³.ha-1.ano-1, 1,54 tB.ha-1.ano-1, 0,768 tC.ha-1.ano-1 e 2,82 tCO2.ha-1.ano-1, o que denota taxas de crescimento relativo do estoque de dióxido de carbono de 0,37% na área em estágio médio de sucessão e 1,05% na área em estágio médio avançado. As espécies com maiores estoques e crescimentos na área em estágio médio foram de Mabea fistulifera, Apuleia leiocarpa, Pouteria torta, Brosimum guianense e Pseudopiptadenia contorta e, na área em estágio médio avançado de sucessão, foram Pseudopiptadenia contorta, Mabea fistulifera, Apuleia leiocarpa, Brosimum guianense, Tapirira guianensis e Cupania oblongifolia.
Foi estudada uma doença em 159 ovinos em 15 propriedades localizadas em sete municípios das mesorregiões nordeste e sudeste do estado do Pará e uma em um município do estado de Roraima. Os ovinos da raça Santa Inês e seus mestiços, de ambos os sexos e com dois a quatro anos de idade, eram os mais acometidos. A doença caracterizava-se por alopecia em diversas regiões do corpo, principalmente ao redor dos olhos; essas lesões evoluíam para eritemas multifocais, pequenas pápulas e crostas. Os animais apresentavam prurido intenso no local das lesões, inquietação, perda de peso e corrimento ocular. Sempre era observada a presença de mosquitos ao redor dos animais. Com o auxílio de um puçá foi realizada a captura de insetos associados às lesões, durante o repasto nos ovinos, para a identificação. Foram identificados insetos dos gêneros Simulium e Hippelates. Realizou-se biópsia da pele lesada de 10 ovinos. As lesões histológicas se caracterizaram por leves infiltrados inflamatórios mononucleares na derme, com presença de eosinófilos. Os estudos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos desses casos, bem como o descarte dos diagnósticos diferenciais, permitiram concluir que se trata de dermatite alérgica por picada de insetos.