Two young men with Salmonella bacteraemia, active schistosomiasis and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are reported. The clinical presentation comprised nonspecific signs and symptoms, such as fatigue, malaise, weight loss, diarrhoea, prolonged fever, and hepatosplenomegaly. In one patient, liver biopsy showed poorly formed granulomata around Schistosoma mansoni eggs and hepatitis. Treatment of schistosomiasis alone induced consistent clinical improvement with eventual cure of both Salmonella and S. mansoni infections. Recognition of the Salmonella-S. mansoni association in patients with AIDS is important because treatment of schistosomiasis makes a difference, improving the prognosis of this otherwise, recurrent, potentially fatal bacteraemia.
Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Salmonella Typhi were studied in 30 strains, isolated in different years, from some areas in Brazil. Conventional typing methods were performed by biochemical tests, Vi phage-typing scheme, and antimicrobial susceptibility test. Molecular typing methods were performed by analysis of plasmid DNA and by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR). For the latter, an optimization step was performed to ensure the reproducibility of the process in genetic characterization of S. Typhi. The predominance of 76.7% of biotype I (xylose +, arabinose -) was noticed in all studied areas. Three phage types were recognized, with prominence for the phage types A (73.3%) and I+IV (23.3%). All the strains were susceptible to the drugs used. However, 36.7% of the strains contained plasmids, with predominance of the 105 Kb plasmid. RAPD was capable of grouping the strains in 8 genotypic patterns using primer 784, in 6, using primer 787 and in 7, using primer 797. Conventional phenotypic typing methods, as well as the DNA plasmid analysis, presented nonsignificant discriminatory power; however, RAPD-PCR analysis showed discriminatory power, reproducibility, easy interpretation and performance, being considered as a promising alternative typing method for S. Typhi.
272 isolates of Salmonella Enteritidis (111 isolated from frozen broiler chicken carcasses, 126 from human food and other biological materials involved in food poisoning outbreaks and 35 from different poultry materials) were selected for phage typing. From these, 111 were phage typed, 57.65% being classified as phage type 4, 32.43% as phage type 4a, 3.60% as phage type 6a and 0.90% as phage type 7, whereas 5.40% samples were not phage typeable. The predominance of phage type 4 is in agreement with the results published worldwide, and reinforces the need for studies related to the epidemiological meaning of these findings.
In São Paulo State, Brazil, the epidemic increase in isolation of Salmonella Enteritidis has been observed since 1994. A total of 105 S. Enteritidis strains (72 from human and 33 from non-human sources) isolated during the period 1975-1995, previously characterized by phage typing, was analyzed by antimicrobial susceptibility, plasmid profile, and ribotyping. Over 70% of the strains were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents tested, however, multiple resistance to antimicrobials was observed among the studied strains, mainly those from hospitalized patients. Phage type 8 (PT-8) was predominant among the strains isolated during the period of 1975-1992, but in the following years, PT-4 was the most frequent phage type identified. Seven different plasmid profiles were detected and 96% of the isolates harbored a plasmid of approximately 36 MDa. Ribotyping discriminated fourteen ribotypes (R1 to R14) among the strains examined. By analysis of dendrogram the strains were included in three groups with similarity level of 60%. The obtained results indicate that, a single ribotype (R11), determined for PT-4 strains isolated from 1993, characterizes the epidemic clone of S. Enteritidis in our region.
Bacteremia due to non-typhi Salmonella is more frequent in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, focal complications have been rarely described. We report a case of liver abscess due to Salmonella enteritidis in an HIV-infected patient who recently returned to Sao Paulo, Brazil, from a trip in the Caribbean. A good clinical and radiological response was seen with both percutaneous catheter drainage and antibiotic treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first culture proven case of non-typhi Salmonellaliver abscess in an HIV-infected patient in Brazil.
The presence of Vibrio spp. and Salmonella spp. in crabs marketed at the Bezerra de Menezes Ave., Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil, was assessed between February and May, 2003. The number of individuals sampled in each one of the fifteen weekly samplings ranged between four and eight. Seven strains of Salmonella, from four different samplings, were identified, being five of them identified as serotype S. Senftenberg and two as S. Poona. All strains of Salmonella were sensitive to the tested anti-microbial drugs, with the exception of tetracycline and nalidixic acid, for which an intermediary sensibility was found. The MPN's for Vibrio ranged between 110/g and 110,000/g. Of the forty five Vibrio strains isolated from the crab samples, only 10 were identified up to the species level: two V. alginolyticus and eight V. parahaemolyticus. Bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonaceae families were also identified, namely Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Pantoea agglomerans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The proper cooking of the animals is recommended in order to avoid problems for the consumers of this crustacean.
The antimicrobial activity of plant hidroethanolic extracts on bacteria Gram positive, Gram negative, yeasts, Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37 and Mycobacterium bovis was evaluated by using the technique of Agar diffusion and microdilution in broth. Among the extracts evaluated by Agar diffusion, the extract of Bidens pilosa leaf presented the most expressive average of haloes of growth inhibition to the microorganisms, followed by the extract of B. pilosa flower, of Eugenia pyriformis' leaf and seed, of Plinia cauliflora leaf which statistically presented the same average of haloes inhibitory formation on bacteria Gram positive, Gram negative and yeasts. The extracts of Heliconia rostrata did not present activity. Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37 and Mycobacterium bovis(BCG) appeared resistant to all the extracts. The susceptibility profile of Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungi were compared to one another and to the Gram positive Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis and the Gram negative Salmonella typhimurium bacteria (p > 0.05). The evaluation of cytotoxicity was carried out on C6-36 larvae cells of the Aedes albopictus mosquito. The extracts of stem and flower of Heliconia rostrata, leaf and stem of Plinia cauliflora, seed of Anonna crassiflora and stem, flower and root of B. pilosa did not present toxicity in the analyzed concentrations. The highest rates of selectivity appeared in the extracts of stem of A. crassiflora and flower of B. pilosa to Staphylococcus aureus, presenting potential for future studies about a new drug development.
Salmonella is the most common etiological agent of cases and outbreaks of foodborne diarrheal illnesses. The emergence and spread of Salmonella spp., which has become multi-drug resistant and potentially more pathogenic, have increased the concern with this pathogen. In this study, 237 Salmonella spp., associated or not with foodborne salmonellosis in Brazil, belonging mainly to serotype Enteritidis, were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility and the presence of the virulence genes spvC, invA, sefA and pefA. Of the isolates, 46.8% were sensitive to all antimicrobials and 51.9% were resistant to at least one antimicrobial agent. Resistance to more than one antimicrobial agent was observed in 10.5% of the strains. The highest rates of resistance were observed for streptomycin (35.9%) and nalidixic acid (16.9%). No strain was resistant to cefoxitin, cephalothin, cefotaxime, amikacin, ciprofloxacin and imipenem. The invA gene was detected in all strains. Genes spvC and pefA were found in 48.1% and 44.3% of strains, respectively. The gene sefA was detected in 31.6% of the strains and only among S. Enteritidis. Resistance and virulence determinants were detected in Salmonella strains belonging to several serotypes. The high rates of antibiotic-resistance in strains isolated from poultry products demonstrate the potential risk associated with the consumption of these products and the need to ensure good food hygiene practices from farm to table to reduce the spread of pathogens relevant to public health.
Em face à predominante eliminação biliar da rifamicina S.V. atingindo concentrações muitas vêzes superiores aos níveis séricos obtidos com as doses terapêuticas, e pelo possível interêsse dessa verificação para o tratamento dos portadores biliares crônicos de Salmonella typhi determinou-se a concentração mínima inibitória de 165 estirpes de enterobactérias, incluindo 77 amostras de S. typhi. Foi verificado que a maioria das cepas de Escherichia coli, Shigella e Proteus mirabilis correspondiam a uma concentração inibitória mínima entre 33 a 65 μg/ml. Entre 65 e 128 μg/ml foram determinadas as concetrações inibitórias mínimas da maioria das outras espécies de Proteus, de Providencia e de Klebsiella. Para Salmonella e Enterobacter o limite mínino de sensibilidade foi, em regra, igual ou superior a 128 μg/ml. Diferenças mais acentuadas de comportamento entre as enterobactérias foram observadas quanto à ação bactericida da rifamicidas S.V. De uma maneira geral, para E. coli e Shigella, as concentrações inibitórias mínimas já referidas. Para as espécies de Proteus e Providencia houve variação maior de comportamento, mas tendência a que o efeito bactericidas fôsse encontrado em concentrações que correspondiam a 4 vêzes as bacteriostáticas para as mesmas espécies. Finalmente, de modo pouco feliz para os propósitos visados, em Salmonella, com a inclusão de S. typhi, não foi atingido um efeito bactericida, com as mais altas concentrações usadas as quais corresponderam em média a 6 vêzes as concentrações bacteriostáticas para esse gênero.
Foi feita uma avaliação dos mecanismos de seletividade e inibição do meio de Rappaport em relação a espécies representativas de enterobactérias. O meio hipertônico original, com 3,6% de cloreto de magnésio demonstrou-se inibidor para Salmonella typhimurium, a qual foi ainda inibida à concentração de 3,1%. Não se verificou crescimento de tôdas as espécies de Shigella, a partir da concentração de 1,8%, Escherichia coli a partir de 2,2%, Enterobacter a partir de 3,1% e Proteus mirabilis só com 3,6%. O verde malaquita na concentração original de 0,012% demonstra capacidade de inibição do crescimento de todas as espécies testadas, com a exceção de Enterobacter e S. typhimurium. A substituição do fosfato diácido de potássio pelo correspondente sal de sódio, atenua o poder inibidor do meio para tôdas as espécies bacterianas estudadas. As shigelas revelaram-se as enterobactérias mais sensíveis em relação a êsse meio, sendo igualmente inibidas pelos meios à base do tiosulfado de cálcio ou de magnésio, também inspirados no emprêgo de soluções hipertônicas.
Foram estudadas 813 amostras de Salmonella typhi provenientes dos estados da Bahia, Guanabara, Pará, Pernambuco e S. Paulo, quanto ao seu comportamento diante da arabinose e xilose. Revelaram os resultados que 472 culturas (58,05%) caracterizaram-se como tipo fermentativo I (acidificando apenas a xilose), 334 amostras (41,08%) pertencei am ao biotipo II (ausência de fermentação em arabinose e xilose), tendo apenas 7 culturas (0,86%) representando o biotipo III (fermentam a arabinose e xilose).
Os autores, utilizando a técnica da diluição seriada em meio líquido, determinaram as concentrações mínimas inibitórias da ampicüina e da hetacilina em 150 amostras de Salmonella typhi, isoladas em sua totalidade a partir de hemoculturas, no Estado da Guanabara. Obteve-se como média das concentrações bacteriostáticas, 0,545 mcg/ml para ampicilina e 0,720 mcg/ml, no caso da hetacilina.
Com a finalidade de verificar se a ocorrência de Salmonelas isoladas de animais, com resistência múltipla infecciosa a drogas, influencia a situação epidemiológica no homem, testaram-se 136 amostras de Salmonella isoladas de suínos normas. Das culturas testadas, 18,3% foram portadoras desse tipo de resistência, em evidente oposição aos dados encontrados entre as amostras de origem humana, em que num total de 70 amostras (67,1%) apresentaram resistência a uma e a várias drogas.
Os autores estudaram a ação "in vitro" da oxamniquine sobre dez espécies de salmonelas. Verificaram que diluições de 1,56 a 400 mcg/ml não exerceram qualquer efeito no crescimento bacteriano. Estas observações têm implicações no tratamento da salmonelose de curso prolongado, assim como nos estudos da sua patogenia.
Vinte pacientes com a associação Salmonella-S. mansoni (Grupo 1) e 20 com esquistossomose mansoni hepatesplênica (Grupo 2) foram selecionados para o estudo. Submeteram-se os pacientes dos Grupos le 2 a exame clínico minucioso e a uma série de exames complementares, com destaque para as provas de função renal. Em 10 pacientes do Grupo 1 e 20 do Grupo 2, realizou-se, ainda, estudo histológico do rim à microscopia óptica, de fluorescência e eletrônica. As alterações renais foram mais freqüentes nos pacientes do Grupo 1. Após o tratamento dos pacientes do Grupo 1, com antibióticos e/ou esquistossomicidas, observou-se regressão das alterações renais sob o ponto de vista clínico, laboratorial e imunopatológico. Os autores concluem pela existência de duas nefropatias distintas: a nefropatia esquistossomótica e a encontrada em pacientes com a associação Salmonella-S. mansoni.