205 resultados para São Luís do Maranhão


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Data for two birth cohorts from two Brazilian municipalities, Ribeirão Preto in 1994 and São Luís in 1997/1998, were used to identify and compare factors associated with inadequate utilization of prenatal care and to identify factors capable of explaining the differences observed between the two cities. Prenatal care was defined as adequate or inadequate according to the recommendations of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The chi-square test and Poisson regression were used to compare differences in the inadequacy of prenatal care utilization. The percentage of inadequacy was higher in São Luís (34.6%) than in Ribeirão Preto (16.9%). Practically the same variables were associated with inadequacy in both cities. Puerperae with lower educational level, without a companion or cohabiting, who delivered in public health units, younger than 20 years, multiparae and smokers, with low family income presented higher percentages of inadequate prenatal care utilization. However, the effects of some variables differed between the two cities. The risk for inadequate use of prenatal care was higher for women attended in the public health sector in São Luís and for cohabiting women in Ribeirão Preto. The effect of the remaining factors studied did not differ between cities. The category of admission accounted for 57.0% of the difference in the inadequate use of prenatal care between cities and marital status accounted for 45.3% of the difference. Even after adjustment for all variables, part of the difference in the inadequacy of prenatal care utilization remained unexplained.


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The objective of the present study was to investigate factors associated with cesarean sections in two cities located in different regions of Brazil and to determine factors that explain the higher cesarean section rate in the more developed city, Ribeirão Preto, compared to the less developed one, São Luís. Data from two cohort studies comprising 2846 women in Ribeirão Preto in 1994, and 2443 women in São Luís in 1997/1998 were used. Adjusted and non-adjusted risk estimates were calculated using a Poisson regression model. The cesarean section rate was 33.7% in São Luís and 50.8% in Ribeirão Preto. Adjusted analysis in a joint sequential model revealed a 51% higher risk of cesarean section in Ribeirão Preto compared to São Luís (prevalence rate ratio (PRR) = 1.51). Adjustment for category of hospital admission reduced the PRR to 1.09, i.e., this variable explained 82% of the difference in the cesarean section rate between the two cities. Adjustment for the variable "the same physician for prenatal care and delivery" reduced the PRR to 1.07, with the "physician" factor explaining 86% of the difference between rates. When simultaneously adjusted for the two variables, the PRR decreased to 1.05, with these two variables explaining 90% of the difference in the cesarean section rate between the two cities, and the difference was no longer significant. The difference in the cesarean section rate between the two Brazilian cities, one more and one less developed, was mainly explained by the physician factor and, to a lesser extent, by the category of hospital admission.


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The prevalence of smoking during pregnancy in Ribeirão Preto, a rich Brazilian city, was significantly higher (21.4%) than in São Luís (5.9%), a less developed city. To assess which variables explain the difference in prevalence of smoking during pregnancy, data from two birth cohorts were used, including 2846 puerperae from Ribeirão Preto, in 1994, and 2443 puerperae from São Luís, in 1997/98. In multivariable analysis, risk of maternal smoking during pregnancy was higher in São Luís for mothers living in a household with five or more persons (OR = 1.72, 95%CI = 1.12-2.64), aged 35 years or older (OR = 1.98, 95%CI = 0.99-3.96), who had five or more children (OR = 2.10, 95%CI = 1.16-3.81), and whose companion smoked (OR = 2.20, 95%CI = 1.52-3.18). Age of less than 20 years was a protective factor (OR = 0.55, 95%CI = 0.33-0.92). In Ribeirão Preto there was association with maternal low educational level (OR = 2.18, 95%CI = 1.30-3.65) and with a smoking companion (OR = 3.25, 95%CI = 2.52-4.18). Receiving prenatal care was a protective factor (OR = 0.24, 95%CI = 0.11-0.49). Mothers from Ribeirão Preto who worked outside the home were at a higher risk and those aged 35 years or older or who attended five or more prenatal care visits were at lower risk of smoking during pregnancy as compared to mothers from São Luís. Smoking by the companion reduced the difference between smoking rates in the two cities by 10%. The socioeconomic variables in the model did not explain the higher prevalence of smoking during pregnancy in the more developed city.


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The objective of the present study was to estimate and compare social inequality in terms of three indicators, i.e., low birth weight (LBW), preterm birth (PTB) and small for gestational age (SGA) birth, in three birth cohorts. Two cohorts were from the city of Ribeirão Preto, where data were collected for all 6748 live born singletons in 1978/79 and for one third of live born singletons (2846) in 1994. The third cohort consisted of 2443 singletons born in São Luís over a period of one year (1997/98). In Ribeirão Preto, LBW and PTB rates increased in all social strata from 1978/79 to 1994. Social inequalities regarding LBW and PTB disappeared since the increase in these rates was more accelerated in the groups with higher educational level. The percentage of SGA infants increased over the study period. Social inequality regarding SGA birth increased due to a more intense increase in SGA births in the strata with lower schooling. In São Luís, in 1997/98 there was no social inequality in LBW or PTB rates, whereas SGA birth rate was higher in mothers with less schooling. We speculate that the more accelerated increase in medical intervention, especially due to the increase in cesarean sections in the more privileged groups, could be the main factor explaining the unexpected increase in LBW and PTB rates in Ribeirão Preto and the decrease or disappearance of social inequality regarding these perinatal indicators in the two cities.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A microalbuminúria (MA) e redução da filtração glomerular (FG) podem associar-se às complicações cardíacas da hipertensão arterial (HA), podendo levar a alterações na estrutura, função e geometria do ventrículo esquerdo (VE). OBJETIVOS: Associar alterações da MA e FG com parâmetros do ventrículo esquerdo analisados ao ecodopplercardiograma. Métodos: Realizou-se estudo transversal no período de fevereiro a julho de 2010 com 220 hipertensos tratados em duas unidades de saúde em São Luís. Foram incluídos pacientes > 18 anos de ambos os sexos. Avaliaram-se dados sociodemográficos, FG e MA em urina de 24 horas, bioquímica, os padrões ecodopplercardiográficos funcionais e geométricos do ventrículo esquerdo. Os pacientes foram agrupados segundo a presença de MA e a taxa de FG. RESULTADOS: O grupo HA com MA apresentou aumento da espessura do VE e índice de massa indexado à superfície corporal (IMSC) e espessura relativa da parede (ERP), menores ondas E' lateral e septal, e maior relação E/e' média (p < 0,05). O grupo HA com FG < 60 mL/min/1,73 m² apresentou maiores espessuras, índices de massa e menores relações E/A, menores ondas E' lateral e septal, e maior relação E/e' média (p < 0,05). O padrão geométrico hipertrofia concêntrica (HVE) apresentou relação com MA (p = 0,002). CONCLUSÕES: A MA apresentou associação significativa com o aumento das espessuras das paredes do VE e do índice de massa e alterações na função diastólica. Também esteve associada à HVE. A FG apresentou associação significativa com o aumento dos índices de espessuras e massa, e também indicou alterações na função diastólica.


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Exemplares de Biomphalaria tenagophila, provenientes do Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul (São Paulo, Brasil), foram expostos às linhagens humana (H) e silvestre (S) de Schistosoma mansoni, oriundos da Região da Baixada Maranhense, ao noroeste do Estado do Maranhão. As linhagens H e S apresentaram comportamento distinto quando colocadas à infectar os moluscos paulistas. As B. tenagophila infectadas com a linhagem S apresentaram índice de mortalidade inferior ao observado nas infectadas com a linhagem H. No molusco paulista a linhagem silvestre maranhense completou seu desenvolvimento, fato que não ocorreu com a linhagem humana. Estas observações foram comparadas com os resultados anteriormente obtidos, quando estudou-se o comportamento das linhagens H e S do Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul no molusco simpátrico. Foi verificado que as linhagens maranhenses e paulistas quando comparadas apresentavam comportamento similar frente a B. tenogophila do Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul, SP.


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Nos anos de 1995 e 1996, ocorreu em São Luis uma epidemia de dengue (DEN), causada pelo sorotipo DEN1. Objetivando avaliar o impacto da mesma na população da grande São Luis (municípios de Paço do Lumiar - PL, São José de Ribamar - SJR e São Luis SL), realizamos um inquérito soro - epidemiológico aleatório, onde aplicamos um questionário. Os soros foram testados por inibição da hemaglutinação (IH), e os resultados, negativo e positivo (resposta primária - RP e resposta secundária - RS), foram analisados utilizando os "software's" Lotus 123, Epi-info 6.0, Excel 5.0 e STATA. Coletaram-se 1217 amostras, (101 de PL, 100 de SJR e 1016 de SL). A positividade foi: 55,4% em PL, 28% em SJR e 41,4% em SL. Destes, 505 (41,2%) amostras foram positivas sendo 96 RP (7,9%) e 405 RS (33,3%). Da amostra obtida, 508 soros (227 positivos) foram do sexo masculino e 709 (278 positivos) do feminino, não havendo diferença estatística significativa. Houve significância (p < 0,003) na estratificação de acordo com a renda, sendo mais freqüente nas populações com melhor nível sócio econômico. Estimou-se em 401.933 infecções causadas pelo vírus dengue. Os pacientes referiram febre, cefaléia, calefrios, tontura, astenia, dor retro ocular, mialgia, artralgia, náuseas, anorexia, prurido e exantema. Há uma grande população sensibilizada pelo DEN-1, suscetível a outro sorotipos o que aumenta o risco de dengue hemorrágico.


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Descreve-se a ocupação espacial no município de São Luis e a expansão da leishmaniose visceral americana(LVA) na mesma. Foram analisadas as fichas de registro de atendimento de casos de leishmaniose visceral da Diretoria Regional da Fundação Nacional de Saúde do Maranhão no período de setembro de 1982 a dezembro de 1996, assim como documentos oficiais sobre a ocupação espacial do município. Foi observado que os casos de LVA ao longo da evolução da epidemia em São Luis apresentaram distribuição espacial e concentração semelhantes a apresentada pelo fluxo migratório na cidade no mesmo período.


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O estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de caracterizar um foco de transmissão de malária em Guarapiranga, município de São José de Ribamar, MA. A unidade de estudo foi o grupo familiar, aplicando-se questionário sobre identificação, situação econômica, hábitos dos moradores e características dos domicílios. Foram visitadas 54 famílias, totalizando 207 habitantes, sendo 113 do sexo masculino e 95, do feminino. 95 pessoas tinham de 5 a 24 anos. Agricultura e pesca são a base da economia local, com 64,8% das famílias auferindo renda mensal menor que um salário mínimo. A maioria das casas é construída de taipa, coberta de palha, tem piso de chão batido e não tem instalações sanitárias. Em relação à entrada de mosquitos, 62,2% são parcialmente protegidas. A água para consumo provém de cacimbas ou poços rasos em 78,8%, e o lixo é deixado a céu aberto em 53,7% dos domicílios. Foram registrados 106 casos de malária por Plasmodium vivax. O provável transmissor foi o Anopheles (N) aquasalis e o tratamento com cloroquina associado à primaquina teve bons resultados.


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INTRODUCTION: Human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is endemic in the Caribbean, Japan, South America and regions of Africa. HTLV-2 is present in Native American populations and associated with IV drug use in Europe and North America. In Brazil, it is estimated that 1.5 million people are infected with HTLV-1/2. The study objective was to determine HTLV-1/2 prevalence in pregnant women in the prenatal care from three public services in São Luis, State of Maranhão, Brazil, and to counsel seropositive women to reduce viral transmission. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from February to December 2008; women with age of 18 to 45 years, with low risk for sexually transmitted disease (STD) were invited to participate. Blood samples were collected in filter paper, and HTLV-1/2 immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) was performed as a screening test. Women with reactive results were submitted to peripheral venous blood collection for ELISA repetition, followed by Western blot (WB) and real-time PCR to confirm and discriminate the infection between virus types 1 and 2. RESULTS: Of the 2,044 women tested, seven (0.3%) were ELISA reactive and confirmed positive (four were HTLV-1, and three were HTLV-2). All positive women were oriented not to breastfeed their newborns. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the virus is present in high prevalence in that population. Further studies covering other segments of the population are necessary to better characterize the presence of HTLV-1/2 in Maranhão and to elicit measures to prevent its spread.


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Introduction: This study aimed to identify airborne fungi in São Luis, Maranhão, Brazil, to determine the prevalent genera and to correlate these genera with the area and season. Methods: In total, 1,510 colony-forming units (CFUs) of airborne fungi were isolated from the north, south, east and west sides and from the center of the city from January to December 2007. The samples were collected on Petri dishes that were exposed to the fungi by the gravitational method. Results: Twenty genera of fungi were isolated; the most common were Aspergillus (33.5%), Penicillium (18.8%), Cladosporium (14.2%), Curvularia (10.6%) and Fusarium (7.6%). The CFUs of the fungi were statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Fungal biological diversity was present all year, without any large seasonal variations but with slight increases in May, August and September. Conclusions: The fungal genera identified in this study were correlated with natural systems and could be useful when evaluating the impact of environmental changes on the region.


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Introduction Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease that is caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk factors that are associated with neural alterations and physical disabilities in leprosy patients at the time of diagnosis. Methods A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 155 leprosy patients who participated in a program that aimed to eliminate leprosy from São Luis, State of Maranhão. Results Patients who were 31-45 years of age, were older than 60 years of age or had a partner were more likely to have a disability. Patients with partners were 1.14 times more likely (p = 0.025) to have disabilities of the hands. The frequency of disabilities in the feet among the patients with different clinical forms of leprosy was statistically significant. Conclusions The identification of risk factors that are associated with neural alterations and physical disabilities in leprosy patients is important for diagnosing the disease because this approach enables physicians to plan and prioritize actions for the treatment and monitoring of patients.


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INTRODUCTION: The objective was to identify space and space-time risk clusters for the occurrence of deaths in a priority city for the control of tuberculosis (TB) in the Brazilian Northeast. METHODS: Ecological research was undertaken in the City of São Luis/Maranhão. Cases were considered that resulted in deaths in the population living in the urban region of the city with pulmonary TB as the basic cause, between 2008 and 2012. To detect space and space-time clusters of deaths due to pulmonary TB in the census sectors, the spatial analysis scan technique was used. RESULTS: In total, 221 deaths by TB occurred, 193 of which were due to pulmonary TB. Approximately 95% of the cases (n=183) were geocoded. Two significant spatial clusters were identified, the first of which showed a mortality rate of 5.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year and a high relative risk of 3.87. The second spatial cluster showed a mortality rate of 0.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year and a low relative risk of 0.10. A significant cluster was observed in the space-time analysis between 11/01/2008 and 04/30/2011, with a mortality rate of 8.10 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year and a high relative risk (3.0). CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge of priority sites for the occurrence of deaths can support public management to reduce inequities in the access to health services and permit an optimization of the resources and teams in the control of pulmonary TB, providing support for specific strategies focused on the most vulnerable populations.


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Comunidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) em ecossistema de dunas na Praia de Panaquatira, São José de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brasil. Foi analisada a estrutura da comunidade de Apoidea de uma área restrita de dunas primárias em São José de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brasil. Amostragens foram realizadas quinzenalmente durante um ano com metodologia padronizada totalizando 24 coletas. As coletas ocorreram no período das 12:00 às 18:00 h no primeiro dia e das 6:00 às 12:00 h no segundo, realizadas por dois coletores. Um total de 3305 indivíduos de 31 espécies pertencentes a quatro famílias (Apidae>Halictidae>Megachilidae>Andrenidae em número de indivíduos) foram coletadas nas flores. Centris com 14 espécies e 890 indivíduos foi o gênero mais rico e abundante. O padrão de abundância e riqueza foi bastante semelhante ao de outros habitats de dunas no nordeste brasileiro. Das espécies amostradas, 61% foram representadas por menos de 36 indivíduos e apenas 5 espécies foram muito abundantes com mais de 177 indivíduos: Apis mellifera Linnaeus, Centris (Centris) leprieuri Spinola, Eulaema (Apeulema) nigrita Lepeletier, Eufriesea surinamensis Linnaeus e Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) cearensis Ducke. As abelhas estiveram presentes durante todo o ano, apresentando picos de abundância no período de maior precipitação. A atividade diária foi maior entre 06:00 e 11:00 h, quando a temperatura aumentava e a umidade relativa decrescia.