258 resultados para Risteli, Leila
Os métodos de imunoperoxidase têm muito em comum com os da imunofluorescência para a demonstração de antígenos teciduais e celulares como no campo das doenças renais relacionadas a imunoglobinas e imunocomplexos. Neste trabalho os autores fazem um estudo comparativo da sensibilidade dos dois métodos (IF e PAP) em tecido de congelação e blocos parafinizados de material de biópsia renal. A análise estatística dos resultados mostrou uma concordãncia significativa entre a IF de congelação e a imunoperoxidase em tecido parafinizado com exceções para a detecção de frações de complemento e de fibrinogênio. Não houve concordância entre a IF em congelação e IF em tecido parafinizado.
Os autores descrevem a padronização de técnicas histoquímicas, fosfatase ácida, alfa-naftil-acetato esterase e peroxidase para identificação de linfócitos e macrófagos em tecido. Recomenda-se a fixação em formol sacarose tamponado e inclusão em goma de Holt como a mais eficaz ja que não só conserva a atividade enzimática, como também e de realização acessivel.
A study of colicinogeny was made in 748 strains of Salmonella (97 serovars) isolated from different sources; human (291), animal (119), environmental (141), food (102) and animal feed (95). Colicin production was detected in 64 strains (8.6%), particularly isolated from foods (30.4%). Col. E1 (53) and Ia (44) were the most frequently observed, especially in S. agona for environment and food sources. Col V production was identified in 5 strains of S. typhimurium within 8 producer cultures isolated from humans. Its relationship with the sources and serovars of Salmonella are discussed.
Tandemly repeated DNA sequences are found in the genome of higher eukaryotes, and have also been demonstrated in Trypanosoma cruzi. Repeated DNA sequences are potentially useful for the diagnostic detection of T. cruzi (A. Gonzales et al., 1984, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 81: 3356-3360). We have isoleted two clones from a genomic library of T. cruzi (Y strain) that contain, in one clone a family of at least seven copies of a repetitive sequence of approximately 600 base pairs, and in the other an independent copy of the same sequence. One copy of the repetition (HSP) and the independent clone (HCR) were sequenced by the Sanger procedure (Fig.). This sequence hybridized to four strains of T. cruzi tested and did not hybridize to eleven species of trypanosotids from five different Genera, being a good candidate for diagnostic assays. GenBank accession numbers: HSP#m31919, HCR#31920.
The effect of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on IgG production against purified protein derivative (PPD) and 2,3-diacil-trehalose (SL-IV) was investigated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. Comparison between the antigens showed that immunocompetent patients produce preferentially antibodies to SL-IV than to PPD (73.3% versus 63.3%). Combination of these results showed an increase of the sensitivity to 80%, which decreased over the spectrum of immunodepression caused by HIV. In the tuberculous HIV seropositive group the sensitivities of SL-IV and PPD were 36.4% versus 40% and 0% versus 22.2% in the tuberculosis/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (TB/AIDS) group. Combination of these results gave respectively 54.5% and 20%, showing that serological tests have limited value for diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV infected patients. High antibody levels were observed in HIV seropositive asymptomatic group, but only two individuals were positive for both antigens. In the follow up, one of them developed tuberculous lymphadenitis, indicating that further work is needed to access the value of serological tests in predicting tuberculosis in HIV infected individuals.
Six hundred and eleven random-source dogs (338 male, 273 female) one year of age or older, from six sections of the city of Recife, Pernambuco, were examined antemortem for circulating microfilariae Dirofilaria immitis and Dipetalonema reconditum adult heartworm (D. immitis) antigen, and examined postmortem for adult heartworms. The prevalence of heartworm infection was 2.3% (14/611), as determined by necropsy for adult worms, and 1% (6/611) had circulating microfilariae of D. immitis; thus, 57.1% of the heartworm-infected dogs had occult infections. The results of serological testing indicated that 1.3% (8/611) of the dogs were positive for adult heartworm antigen. A total of 42 (6.9%) of the dogs had microfilariae of D. reconditum; 40 of these had only D. reconditum and two additional dogs had microfilariae of both species, D. immitis and D. reconditum.
In order to evaluate the predictive value of acid fast bacilii (AFB) smear for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens in a setting with a high prevalence of Aids and an unknown prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), we retrospectively examined specimens cultured for mycobacteria between 1 September 1993 and 30 September 1994 and medical records of patients with positive culture in a General Hospital, Aids reference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Seventy three per cent (1517/2077) of samples were respiratory specimens and mycobacteria were recovered from 20.6% (313/1517) of these. M. tuberculosis was identified in 94.2% (295/313) and NTM in 5.8% (18/313). The yield of positive AFB smear and of positive culture was 6.1% (93/1517) and 20.6% (313/1517), respectively. The positive predictive value (PPV) of AFB for M. tuberculosis was 98.4% in expectorated sputum and 96.4% in bronchoalveolar lavage. Forty four percent (130/295) of specimens with positive culture for M. tuberculosis and 66.7% (12/18) for NTM were from patients HIV positive. The conclusion was that in our study population, the PPV of AFB for M. tuberculosis in respiratory specimens was high and the prevalence of NTM was low despite the high prevalence of HIV positive.
In a previous work we demonstrated that diarylheptanoids extracted from Centrolobium sclerophyllum are very active against Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes. In order to continue our studies with these class of compounds, we decided to evaluate the activity of several diarylheptanoids derived from curcumin (diferuloyl methane) against the extracellular form (promastigotes) of L. amazonensis. Furthermore, an experiment against the intracellular form of the parasite (amastigotes) was carried out, comparing the most active compound among the curcumin derivatives (the methylcurcumin) with des-O-methylcentrolobine, the most active diarylheptanoid derived from C. sclerophyllum.
Twenty-one Mycobacterium avium multisolates, from ten human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients, were typed by restriction fragment length polymorphism using as marker the IS1245 and characterized by minimum inhibitory concentration for nine different antibiotics. Two out of four patients harboring multisolates with different fingerprint profile, were therefore considered as having a polyclonal infection, since their isolates were taken from sterile site. This result confirms that polyclonal infection caused by M. avium occurs with a nonnegligenciable frequency. Analyzing the multisolates susceptibility profile of each patient it was observed that most of them were infected with strains having appreciably different antimicrobial susceptibility patterns, no matter what the genotypic pattern of the strains was. These results have strong implication for the treatment of the patients.
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) isolates at University Hospital, Reference Center for Aids in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during one year. We used standard biochemical tests for species identification and IS1245 PCR amplification was applied as a Mycobacterium avium specific identification marker. Four hundred and four specimens from 233 patients yielded acid-fast bacilli growth. M. tuberculosis was identified in 85% of the patients and NTM in 15%. NTM disseminated infection was a common event correlated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients and only in HIV negative patients the source of NTM was non sterile site. M. avium complex (MAC) was biochemically identified in 57.8% (49/83) of NTM isolates, most of them from sterile sites (75.5%), and in 94% (46/49) the IS 1245 marker specific for M. avium was present. Twenty NTM strains showed a MAC biochemical pattern with the exception of a urease-positive (99% of MAC are urease-negative), however IS1245 was detected in 96% of the strains leading to their identification as M. avium. In this group differences in NTM source was not significant. The second most frequently isolated NTM was identified as M. scrofulaceum (7.2%), followed by M. terrae (3.6%), M. gordonae (2.4%), M. chelonae (1.2%), M. fortuitum (1.2%) and one strain which could not be identified. All were IS1245 negative except for one strain identified as M. scrofulaceum. It is interesting to note that non-sterile sites were the major source of these isolates (92.8%). Our finding indicated that M. avium is still the major atypical species among in the MAC isolates recovered from Brazilian Aids patients without highty active antiretroviral therapy schema. Some discrepancies were seen between the identification methods and further investigations must be done to better characterize NTM isolates using other phenotypic and genotypic methods.
From March 1999 to March 2000, we conducted a prospective multicenter study of candidemia involving five tertiary care hospitals from four countries in Latin America. Yeast isolates were identified by classical methods and the antifungal susceptibility profile was determined according to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards microbroth assay method. During a 12 month-period we were able to collect a total of 103 bloodstream isolates of Candida spp. C. albicans was the most frequently isolated species accounting for 42% of all isolates. Non-albicans Candida species strains accounted for 58% of all episodes of candidemia and were mostly represented by C. tropicalis (24.2%) and C. parapsilosis (21.3%). It is noteworthy that we were able to identify two cases of C. lusitaniae from different institutions. In our casuistic, non-albicans Candida species isolates related to candidemic episodes were susceptible to fluconazole. Continuously surveillance programs are needed in order to identify possible changes in the species distribution and antifungal susceptibility patterns of yeasts that may occurs after increasing the use of azoles in Latin American hospitals.
The present paper reports a laboratory investigation performed between the years of 2000 and 2002 to stydy a virological surveillance program introduced in the state of Piauí to support an epidemiological survey of the disease. Dengue virus type 3 (DENV-3) existence in the state was detected in May 2002 when a high number of dengue cases due to DENV-1 and DENV-2 were reported. An assessment on the population knowledge about the disease and its transmission showed that almost 50% of the population were still unaware of the epidemiological features of dengue.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains resistant to streptomycin (SM), isoniazid (INH), and/or rifampin (RIF) as determined by the conventional Löwenstein-Jensen proportion method (LJPM) were compared with the E test, a minimum inhibitory concentration susceptibility method. Discrepant isolates were further evaluated by BACTEC and by DNA sequence analyses for mutations in genes most often associated with resistance to these drugs (rpsL, katG, inhA, and rpoB). Preliminary discordant E test results were seen in 75% of isolates resistant to SM and in 11% to INH. Discordance improved for these two drugs (63%) for SM and none for INH when isolates were re-tested but worsened for RIF (30%). Despite good agreement between phenotypic results and sequencing analyses, wild type profiles were detected on resistant strains mainly for SM and INH. It should be aware that susceptible isolates according to molecular methods might contain other mechanisms of resistance. Although reproducibility of the LJPM susceptibility method has been established, variable E test results for some M. tuberculosis isolates poses questions regarding its reproducibility particularly the impact of E test performance which may vary among laboratories despite adherence to recommended protocols. Further studies must be done to enlarge the evaluated samples and looked possible mutations outside of the hot spot sequenced gene among discrepant strains.
The socalled enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) O serogroups include typical and atypical EPEC, enterohaemorrragic E. coli, enterotoxigenic E. coli, and enteroaggregative E. coli. The aim of this article is to review the composition of each O serogroup and the major serotypes, clones, and additional virulence characteristics of each of these diarrheageniccategories. Their adherence patterns and genetic relationships are also presented. The review is based on the study of 805 strains of serogroups O26, O55, O86, O111, O114, O119, O125, O126, O1127, O128, and O142 most of which isolated in São Paulo from children with diarrhea between 1970 and 1990. Since some O serogroups include more than one diarrheageniccategory O serogrouping only should be abandoned as a diagnostic method. However serotyping is a reliable method for those serotypes that correspond to clones.