102 resultados para Reproductive Effort
ABSTRACT This work aimed to evaluate the consequences of the monthly extraction of immature leaves in survival, leaf production and reproductive performance ofCopernicia prunifera H. E. Moore palm, popularly known as carnaúba. One hundred sixty reproductive adult palms were monitored for 17 months in four extractive communities located at the coast of the state of Piauí. As a result, it was observed that leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds production were reduced in the palm submitted to 50% or 75% monthly extraction. Higher levels of extraction were followed by smaller levels in seed germination. No deaths were observed even in the group subjected to 75% monthly leaves exploration. In order not to produce damage to palm trees development it is suggested that leaf extraction rate should not exceed 25% monthly as well as pausing of extractive activity preferentially during fruit maturation.
The interaction between the soil and tillage tool can be examined using different parameters for the soil and the tool. Among the soil parameters are the shear stress, cohesion, internal friction angle of the soil and the pre-compression stress. The tool parameters are mainly the tool geometry and depth of operation. Regarding to the soils of Rio Grande do Sul there are hardly any studies and evaluations of the parameters that have importance in the use of mathematical models to predict tensile loads. The objective was to obtain parameters related to the soils of Rio Grande do Sul, which are used in soil-tool analysis, more specifically on mathematical models that allow the calculation of tractive effort for symmetric and narrow tools. Two of the main soils of Rio Grande do Sul, an Albaqualf and a Paleudult were studied. Equations that relate the cohesion, internal friction angle of the soil, adhesion, soil-tool friction angle and pre-compression stress as a function of water content in the soil were obtained, leading to important information for use of mathematical models for tractive effort calculation.
Abstract PURPOSE: To estimate the future pregnancy success rate in women with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study including 103 women seen at a clinic for recurrent pregnancy loss (loss group) between January 2006 and December 2010 and a control group including 204 pregnant women seen at a low-risk prenatal care unit between May 2007 and April 2008. Both groups were seen in the university teaching hospital the Maternidade Climério de Oliveira, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Reproductive success rate was defined as an alive-birth, independent of gestational age at birth and survival after the neonatal period. Continuous variables Means and standard deviations (SD) were compared using Student's t-test and nominal variables proportions by Pearson χ2test. RESULTS: Out of 90 who conceived, 83 (91.2%) had reproductive success rate. There were more full-term pregnancies in the control than in the loss group (174/187; 92.1 versus 51/90; 56.7%; p<0.01). The prenatal visits number was satisfactory for 76 (85.4%) women in the loss group and 125 (61.3%) in the control (p<0.01). In this, the beginning of prenatal care was earlier (13.3; 4.2 versus 19.6; 6.9 weeks). During pregnancy, the loss group women increased the weight more than those in the control group (58.1 versus 46.6%; p=0.04). Although cervix cerclage was performed in 32/90 women in the loss group, the pregnancy duration mean was smaller (34.8 weeks; SD=5.6 versus 39.3 weeks; SD=1.6; p<0.01) than in the control group. Due to gestational complications, cesarean delivery predominated in the loss group (55/83; 64.7 versus 73/183; 39.5%; p<0.01). CONCLUSION: A very good reproductive success rate can be attributed to greater availability of healthcare services to receive pregnant women, through prenatal visits (scheduled or not), cervical cerclage performed on time, and available hospital care for the mother and newborn.
This study aimed to assess and evaluate the effects of Theileria equi infection on embryonic recovery, gestation and early embryonic loss. Thirteen Mangalarga Marchador Theileria equi positive donors (diagnosed through nested-PCR) and 40 embryos receptors were used. Donors were submitted to two embryo collections in two consecutive estrous cycles (GId); after, the same mares were treated with imidocarb dipropionate (1.2mg/kg IM.) in order to collect more embryos in two more estrous cycles (GIId). Receptors were divided into two groups (control and with treated) with 20 animals each, where one group was the control (GIr) and the other one (GIIr) treated with 1.2mg/kg IM of imidocarb dipropionate assessing the gestation rate at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. After 52 embryo collections, the embryonic recovery rates were 53.84% (14/26) and 65.38% (17/26) (p> 0.05) for GId and GIId, respectively. The gestation rate was 70% (14/20) (p>0.05) at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days in group GIr and for GIIr was 85% (17/20) (p>0.05) at 15 days, 80% (16/20) (p>0.05) at 30, 45 and 60 days. The treatment with imidocarb dipropionate did not cause significant improvement in the reproductive efficiency at an ET program.
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to report the occurrence of members of the Mollicutesclass in the reproductive system of dairy cattle in Brazil. Five farms containing dairy cattle were visited in January of 2012. In total, 100 cows of different ages, breeds and stages of lactation were examined in the present study. The cows were part of intensive or semi-intensive management systems and were submitted to mechanical milking or hand milking. The samples were collected after washing the vulvar region with water and soap, and then drying it with paper towels and disinfecting the area with alcohol (70°GL). Vaginal mucous was collected using a sterile alginate cotton swab, which was rubbed on the vagina, as well as the lateral and internal walls. Vulvovaginal mucous samples were cultured in both liquid and solid modified Hayflick´s medium, for mycoplasmas, and UB medium, for ureaplasmas. The PCR assays for Mollicutesand Ureaplasmaspp. were performed according to the standard protocols described in the current literature. During isolation, the frequency of Mycoplasmaspp. was of 13.0% (13/100) and for Ureaplasmaspp. was of 6.0% (6/100). In the PCR assays the frequency of Mollicuteswas of 26.0% (26/100) and for Ureaplasmaspp. was of 13.0% (13/100) in the dairy cattle studied. This is the first report of these agents in reproductive system of bovine of the Pernambuco state. Further studies are necessary to determine the pathogenic potential and species of these field isolates.
The variability in the chronology of the vegetative and reproductive development of weedy rice complex has been little studied. However, a field trial was established to study the timing of growth stages of sixteen weedy rice morphotypes and five rice varieties of Costa Rica. Weedy rice presented a wide range of variation for all descriptors among and within morphotypes. Weedy rice was taller than the rice varieties during vegetative phase and showed a growth increase of 14-23 cm every two weeks. Six morphotypes emerged earlier than commercial rice varieties, but no differences where found between samples for the time required for starting tillering. Early emergence of weedy rice morphotypes was not associated with early flowering, thus no correlation was detected between the vegetative and reproductive phases. All weedy rice morphotypes reached anthesis and maturity earlier than the rice varieties. Nevertheless, varieties Setesa-9 and CR-5272 overlapped anthesis with eleven morphotypes and variety CR-4338 overlapped flowering with eight weedy rice morphotypes. In contrast, none of the morphotypes overlapped anthesis with varieties CR-1821 and CR-1113. The results obtained showed the competitive capacity of weedy rice and provided valuable information about flowering overlap between weedy rice morphotypes and rice varieties which will be useful in the design of gene flow studies among them.
Recent studies indicate that glyphosate applied in post-emergence in RR soybean can eventually cause phytotoxic effects. However, there are many questions that need to be clarified in the scientific and technical contexts, involving the issue of RR soybeans regarding the use of glyphosate. This study has assessed the impact of the application of different doses and formulations of glyphosate in the reproductive period of RR soybean (R1 stage). For that purpose, an experiment in the field was conducted in two harvests (2011/12 and 2012/13), in which a 2 x 5 factorial design was used (formulations versus doses) totaling 10 treatments. In these two experiments the variables related to agronomic performance were: phytotoxicity (7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application), plant height, number of pods per plant, yield and weight of 100 grains (end of soy cycle). The results obtained allowed characterizing phytotoxicity and damages to the height and yield in RR soybean, with increasing rates of glyphosate applied in the reproductive period.
A study of the floral biology and the breeding system of Ferdinandusa speciosa Pohl (Rubiaceae) was carried out from March to September 1996 in Uberlândia, MG, central Brazil. This species is a shrub or small tree that occurs in swampy edges of gallery forests. The two studied populations flowered somewhat asynchronously from March to July. The tubular flowers are red, approximately 4.7 cm long and last for two days. They are protandrous and the pollen is available one day before the stigma becomes receptive. The beginning of anthesis and the opening of the stigmatic lips occur at dusk. The nectar is secreted during both the male and the female phases, with concentration of sugars greater in the male phase. The flowers are pollinated by two hummingbird species, Chlorostilbon aureoventris and Phaethornis pretrei. Ferdinandusa speciosa is a self-compatible, non-apomictic species, with low fruit production under natural conditions in the populations studied. No differences were found between fruit set of self- and cross-pollinated flowers, nor in the pollen tube growth rate in the pistils of these flowers. The seeds formed by cross-pollination are larger, heavier and show a higher percentage of germination than those formed by self-pollination, which indicates inbreeding depression. This result suggests that, although the species is self-compatible, cross-pollination may be advantageous.
The floral biology, mating systems and phenology of Pseudolaelia corcovadensis (Orchidaceae), in the "Estação de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Ambiental de Peti", São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo, Minas Gerais state was studied. This species flowers from April to September, with a higher availability of flowers in June and July. The flowers are dark-pink, strongly zygomorphic, and have osmophores and nectar-guides absorbing ultraviolet light. However, the flowers of P. corcovadensis do not present nectar and are pollinated by Bombus (Fervidobombus) atratus Franklin, 1913 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) by deceit. Apparently, the flowers do not form a model-mimic pair with other species in the community, but mimic a generalized melittophilous food-flower. As a consequence, visits are very rare and fruit set is low (18%). Pseudolaelia corcovadensis is self-compatible and presents inbreeding depression in the early stages of development. The phylogenetic position of the genus Pseudolaelia and studies on floral biology in related genera suggest that melittophyly and self-compatibility are basal characters in the subtribe Laeliinae, with subsequent adaptive radiation to pollination by hummingbirds, Lepidoptera, Diptera and other Hymenoptera.
Studies on the regeneration and seedling mortality of rare tree species are important, but scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the annual variation in recruitment, growth and mortality of juveniles of Enterolobium glaziovii Benth., a rare tree species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. All seedlings and juveniles around four reproductive trees were labeled and their fate was followed from 1996 to 1999. There were no annual differences in juveniles' recruitment below and beyond the parental crown, but juveniles' survival and growth were lower below than beyond of the parental tree crowns. Small individuals (< 15 cm tall) showed the greatest mortality and the lowest growth, followed by medium (from 15 to 50 cm tall) and large ones (> 50 cm tall). Large juveniles were more widely dispersed from the conspecific parental tree than were medium and small ones. This suggests that distance dependent mortality of juveniles mediated by the parental tree is an important cause of spacing shifts associated with the growth of small individuals of E. glaziovii into large ones. Widely dispersed juveniles may escape the high mortality associated with pathogens, herbivores or seed predators concentrated around adult conspecifics. The negative influence of the parental tree on its juveniles may explain the sparse distribution of its adults in the forest.
Vegetation on rock outcrops in the "Chapada Diamantina" (soil islands) is often aggregated and surrounded by nude rock surfaces, thus creating natural units with well defined limits. The flowering and fruiting cycles of plants on 58 soil islands at altitudes between 1,100 and 1,140 meters above sea leavel were analyzed at Mãe Inácia Peak (12°27' S and 41°28' W) in the "Chapada Diamantina", Bahia, Brazil. The presence/absence of flowering and fruiting species on each soil island, and their respective cover areas were analyzed at both the population and community levels, and the phenophases of flowering and fruiting were observed during 24 successive months. The analyses of pollination and seed dispersal syndromes indicated that animals are more important in pollination than in seed dispersal (which is predominantly by anemochory and autochory). The flowering and fruiting of plants with animal pollination syndromes were correlated with rainfall and temperature. The flowering season varied during the year according to the pollination syndrome involved: entomophily was predominant from summer through autumn, ornithophily was predominant during winter, and anemophily in the spring. The staggered timing of flowering and fruiting among different species provides a nearly continuous supply of resources for the local fauna.
This paper discusses the phenological strategies of Melocactus glaucescens Buining & Brederoo, M. paucispinus G. Heimen & R. Paul, M. ernestii Vaupel and M. ×albicephalus Buining & Brederoo, species from Chapada Diamantina, northeastern Brazil. Melocactus glaucescens, M. ernestii and M. ×albicephalus occur sympatrically in an area of "caatinga"/"cerrado" vegetation, and M. paucispinus in an area of "cerrado"/"campo rupestre". The superposition of flowering in these sympatric taxa was compared and analyzed. The phenology of M. paucispinus was correlated with both abiotic and biotic factors. Flowering of M. glaucescens and M. ×albicephalus were observed to be continuous (though with moderate peaks of activity), while fruiting was sub-annual. Melocactus ernestii exhibited an annual pattern of both flowering and fruiting; while in M. paucispinus the same patterns were sub-annual. These sympatric taxa showed 40% overlap of flowering periods, reaching to more than 50% in paired combinations of taxa, considering both the number of specimens flowering, as well as the quantity of resources being offered. Available information indicates that these taxa share pollinators, but phenological data rejects the hypothesis of shared pollinators and supports the hypothesis of hybridization in the study area. Rainfall was negatively correlated with flowering in M. paucispinus, but positively correlated with fruiting. Flowering of M. paucispinus in dry periods of the year avoids that erect flowers positioned in terminal cephalium, exposed in open areas of the vegetation, be damaged for the rains, while fruiting in rainy periods can be favorable to the dispersion and germination of this species.
The family Rubiaceae comprises a wide spectrum of floral mechanisms and two of them seem to be common in certain groups, e.g., distyly in Rubioidae and styllar pollen in Ixoroidae. These mechanisms include herkogamy, which is interpreted as a strategy that avoids self-pollination. This is the first report on the reproductive biology of Chiococca alba, a species that is widely distributed in America. We studied floral biology and the mating system, which were evaluated through fruit set comparisons after controlled crosses (self- and cross-pollinations and test for apomixis), as well as through the evaluation of pollen tube growth resulting from these controlled crosses. Flowers of C. alba are herkogamous, cream, protandrous and lasted for two days. No measurable nectar was found, despite the presence of a nectary-like structure at the base of the corolla tube. Chiococca alba is a preferentially self-incompatible species, but self-pollination and apomixis also contribute to the natural fruit-set. Its reproductive strategy (herkogamy associated with protandry) is different from that expected for members of Chiococceae tribe (i.e., styllar pollen presentation).
This is the first study of reproductive biology and cytology carried out with Hypericum brasiliense, a species with medicinal properties and potential agronomic interest. Three populations of H. brasiliense collected at Southeastern Brazil were studied. The results indicate that H. brasiliense is preferentially allogamous, self-compatible, facultative apomitic and anemophilous. Male sterility was observed in about 50% of individuals from the three populations. Anatomical studies evidenced structural abnormalities in anthers of male sterile flowers, showing enlarged tapetal cells and thick secretion deposits on the tapetal cell surfaces that may cause nutritional deficit for pollen mother cells. In cytogenetic studies several haploid chromosome numbers were observed like n = 4, 8, 9, 11, 16 and 17, including the presence of multivalents and micronuclei in tetrads, indicating the occurrence of abnormalities in the meiotic process of H. brasiliense. Despite these meiotic abnormalities the pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination rate observed in fertile flowers may be considered high. The diploid chromosome number 2n = 16 was observed, and the chromosomes in metaphase were small and similar. Fluorochrome staining techniques using DAPI and CMA3 were applied, with no positive bands observed.