492 resultados para Paradoxo do isolamento


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a comunidade bacteriana endofítica de plantas assintomáticas (escapes) e afetadas pela clorose variegada dos citros (CVC) por meio de isolamento em meio de cultura, técnica de gradiente desnaturante em gel de eletroforese (DGGE) e detecção de Methylobacterium mesophilicum e Xyllela fastidiosa por meio de PCR específico, para estudar esta comunidade e sua relação com a ocorrência da CVC. A análise da comunidade bacteriana via DGGE permitiu a detecção de X. fastidiosa, bem como Klebsiella sp. e Acinetobacter sp. como endófitos de citros. Foram observados também Curtobacterium sp., Pseudomonas sp., Enterobacter sp. e Bacillus spp. Utilizando primers específicos, Methylobacterium mesophilicum e X. fastidiosa também foram observadas, reforçando hipóteses de que estas bactérias podem estar interagindo no interior da planta hospedeira.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar o agente causador da doença-da-perna-vermelha em girinos de Rana catesbeiana em fase de transformação. Coletaram-se 20 girinos, na fase G4, apresentando prostração, anorexia, pele ressecada, pernas posteriores hemorrágicas e natação errática. Amostras do coração, fígado e partes da perna foram inoculadas em meio de cultura ágar triptona de soja e ágar sangue, a 25°C, por 48 horas. Aeromonas hydrophila foi a principal causa do surto de mortalidade. A fim de avaliar o efeito dessa bactéria nos girinos, realizou-se inoculação por via oral e intraperitoneal de 10(6) unidades formadoras de colônia por mililitro, e verificou-se o aparecimento de petéquias hemorrágicas na boca e nos órgãos internos.


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As recentes ferramentas biotecnológicas para o melhoramento in vitro de citros incluem a hibridação somática por fusão de protoplastos. A otimização dos protocolos de isolamento, plaqueamento e cultura de protoplastos, fundamental para maior eficiência na produção de híbridos somáticos, foi avaliada em 11 variedades cítricas. As soluções enzimáticas testadas foram: 1. celulase Onozuka RS, 1%; macerase R-10, 1%, pectoliase Y-23, 0,2%; 2. celulase Onozuka R-10, 0,2 %; macerase R-10, 0,3%; driselase, 0,1%; 3. celulase Onozuka R-10, 1%; macerase R-10, 0,2%; driselase, 0,1%. O plaqueamento dos protoplastos foi realizado em meio de cultura EME 0,7 M, nas densidades de 2 x 10(4); 5 x 10(4); 10(5); 2 x 10(5) e 3 x 10(5) protoplastos.mL-1, no escuro, a 25 ± 1°C. A solução enzimática 1 possibilitou melhor rendimento no isolamento de protoplastos para a maioria das variedades, exceto para o limão-'Cravo', onde o melhor rendimento foi obtido na solução enzimática 3, e para as laranjas-doces 'Valência' e 'Succari', que apresentaram maiores rendimentos na solução enzimática 2. A eficiência final de plaqueamento, avaliada aos 90 dias de cultivo, foi superior nas densidades de 10(5) e 2 x 10(5) protoplastos.mL-1, para todas as variedades. O desenvolvimento de embriões somáticos foi observado em todas as variedades, exceto para tangor 'Murcote'.


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O isolamento e plaqueamento de protoplastos são fatores fundamentais para o sucesso no cultivo in vitro deste tipo de explante visando a manipulações genéticas. A composição da solução enzimática no isolamento, a densidade de cultivo, bem como o próprio genótipo utilizado são variáveis importantes nestas etapas. Desta forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de isolamento de protoplastos em função de três soluções enzimáticas e a eficiência de plaqueamento em função de cinco densidades de protoplastos e diferentes composições de meio de cultura em cultivares de laranja-doce. As soluções enzimáticas avaliadas para o isolamento de protoplastos foram: 1. celulase Onozuka RS 1%, macerase R-10 1% e pectoliase 0,2%; 2. celulase Onozuka RS 1%, macerase R-10 1% ; 3. celulase Onozuka R-10 4%, macerase R-10 1%. O plaqueamento dos protoplastos foi realizado nas densidades de 2 x 10(4); 5 x 10(4); 10(5); 2x 10(5) e 3 x 10(5) protoplastos.mL-1, nos meios de cultura EME 0,7M, BH3 0,7M e BH3 + EME 0,7M em ausência de luz, a 25 ± 1 ºC. A solução enzimática 2 proporcionou maior rendimento no isolamento de protoplastos das cultivares 'Hamlin', 'Natal' e 'Pera', e a solução enzimática 1 foi a mais adequada para a laranja 'Westin'. Para a cultivar 'Lima-Verde', a solução enzimática 3 foi a mais eficiente. A eficiência final de plaqueamento, avaliada aos 90 dias de cultivo, foi superior nas densidades de 3 x 10(5) e 2 x 10(5) protoplastos.mL-1 para as cultivares 'Hamlin', 'Natal' e 'Lima-Verde', e nas densidades de 2 x 10(5) e 10(5) protoplastos.mL-1 para a laranja 'Westin'.


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1,3,4-thiadiazolium-2-aminides and their isomers 1,3,4-triazolium-2-thiolates have been synthesized via anhydroacylation reactions. This work presents a study by infrared monitoring of the reaction between substituted aroyl acid chlorides and 1,4-diphenylthiosemcarbazide. The intermediates and products were isolated, purified and charaterized by IR and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The increasing or decreasing in intensity of characteristic stretching bands indicated the rate dependence on the electronic nature of substituents. The results also demonstrate that 1,3,4-triazolium-2-thiolates are obtained in anhydrous conditions whereas presence of water leads to a mixture of the isomers.


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A selection of common procedures which are used for the identification and analysis of volatile biologically active compounds from insects are described.


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Phytochemical investigation of the aerial parts and roots of Mucuna cinerea led to the isolation of a mixture of fatty acids, triacylglicerols, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, stigmasterol glucoside, daucosterol, asperglaucide (4) and the isoflavonoids prunetin (1), genistein (2), medicarpin (3), daidzein (5), 7-O-alpha-glycopiranosyl daidzein (6). An in vitro bioassay was carried out with compounds 1-4, at the concentration of 50 and 5 mug mL-1 against the phytonematodes M. incognita and H. glycines. Although the four compounds showed some nematocidal property, the most active was (1), causing 70% mortality of M. incognita at the concentration of 50 mug mL-1.


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Three mixtures of triterpenes (maniladiol and breine; alpha and beta-amyrin; lupenone, alpha and beta-amyrinone) were isolated from Protium heptaphyllum March resin. The structural identification was based on NMR and mass spectrometry data. Lupenone, and alpha and beta-amyrinone were not reported before as constituents of this resin. The resin was submitted to methylation and acetylation reactions. The pure and derivatized resins and the mixtures (maniladiol and breine; alpha and beta-amyrin) were analyzed by TG and DSC. The TG curves revealed that the derivatization decreases the thermal stability of the resin. The DSC curves showed peaks that can be assigned to evaporation and phase transitions processes.


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Plant extracts are usually complex mixtures which contain several molecules of different sizes with varied functional groups. Such extracts are a challenge to the chemist of natural products. Ion exchange chromatography in non-aqueous medium, used for separation of basic or acidic fractions from plant extracts, is an important unit operation in preparative scale separations. Anionic macroporous resin in non-aqueous medium was used with success in this study for separation of the acid fraction of Copaifera multijuga (Copaiba oil), rich in labdanic diterpenes and for the methanolic extract of Croton cajucara (acetyl aleuritoric acid).


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Droplet counter-current chromatography, rotation locular counter-current chromatography and high-speed counter-current chromatography were applied to the preparative separation of the alkaloid ricinine from the dichloromethane extracts of Ricinus communis leaves. The solvent system used was composed of dichloromethane-methanol-water (93:35:72 v/v/v) and all techniques led to the isolation of large amounts of the alkaloid. The best result was obtained through HSCCC, since the ricinine yield was respectively 50% and 30% higher than when using RLCCC or DCCC.


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Malaria is still one of the major diseases in the world, causing physical and economic problems in tropical regions. Artemisinin (Qinghaosu), a natural compound identified in Artemisia annua L. , is an effective drug mainly against cerebral malaria. The action of this drug is immediate and parasitaemia in the treatment of drug-resistant malaria is rapidily reduced, justifying the industrial production of artemisinin. This article focuses on the industrial production of this potent antimalarial drug, including strategies for enhancing yield using inexpensive and easy steps.


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The investigation of extracts from six species of marine invertebrates yielded one new and several known natural products. Isoptilocaulin from the sponge Monanchora aff. arbuscula displayed antimicrobial activity at 1.3 mg/mL against an oxacillin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus. Five inactive known dibromotyrosine derivatives, 2 6, were isolated from a new species of marine sponge, Aplysina sp. The sponges Petromica ciocalyptoides and Topsentia ophiraphidites yielded the known halistanol sulfate A (7) as an inhibitor of the antileishmanial target adenosine phosphoribosyl transferase. The ascidian Didemnum ligulum yielded asterubin (10) and the new N,N-dimethyl-O-methylethanolamine (11). The octocoral Carijoa riisei yielded the known 18-acetoxypregna-1,4,20-trien-3-one (12), which displayed cytotoxic activity against the cancer cell lines SF295, MDA-MB435, HCT8 and HL60.


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A different methodology was used to isolate and purify oxoaporphine alkaloids, as they are difficult to separate by the usual workup when in mixture. Alkaloid extracts from Annonaceae species were obtained by base/acid extraction. The extracts were concentrated and submitted to partition in solutions of acids of different pKa values, followed by separation by preparative TLC using 1 mm thick silica gel impregnated with oxalic acid (11.2% w/w). Liriodenine, lisycamine, lanuginosine, and O-methylmoschatoline were obtained and tested against tumoral cells (line Hep2, ATCC-CCL 23, larynx carcinoma). Only O-methylmoschatoline (IC50 12.4 µM) was more active than cisplatin (18.0 µM).


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Convolutamydine A is a member of a family of oxindole alkaloids isolated from the Floridian marine bryozan Amathia convoluta in 8.6x10-6 % yield. This compound is interesting as it has been described in the literature to have significant pharmacological activity. When bioactive substances are isolated in low yields, such as in the case of convolutamydine A, the use of synthetic organic chemistry to prepare larger quantities of these substances is necessary. This paper describes the isolation, structural characterization and synthesis of convolutamydine A, using readily available reagents and reaction conditions that may be applied in any organic chemistry undergraduate laboratory course.


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The flavonoid fraction was purified by a combination of chromatography on Amberlite XAD-2 and preparative silica gel TLC. Morin (3, 5, 7, 2', 4'- pentahydroxyflavone) was the only flavonol found in honey from Brazilian Citrus sp.. The structure of morin was determined on the basis of UV and ¹H and 13C NMR spectral data together with literature references. This is the first report on the isolation of morin from Brazilian Citrus honey.