264 resultados para Papaya ripening
A irradiação de alimentos é um tratamento pós-colheita bastante promissor, capaz de atuar tanto na desinfestação como no aumento da vida útil de frutos. O mamão é um fruto com curta vida pós-colheita, levando de 6 a 12 dias para atingir a senescência. Além disto, a infestação por larvas de mosca diminui sensivelmente o seu potencial de exportação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a ação de uma dose de 0,5 kGy de irradiação gama, normalmente utilizada para desinfestação e aumento de vida útil dos frutos, sobre o comportamento dos carboidratos solúveis durante o amadurecimento do mamão (Carica papaya L. cv. Solo), e sobre as enzimas relacionadas ao metabolismo da sacarose: sacarose sintase (SS), sacarose-fosfato sintase (SPS) e invertases ácida e neutra. Os resultados demonstraram que a irradiação não exerce efeito sobre o teor de glicose e frutose, ou sobre a respiração e atividade da SS. Entretanto, a composição dos açúcares solúveis totais e da sacarose, e a atividade da SPS e das invertases foram afetados.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo da cinética e modelagem do processo de desidratação osmótica de cubos de mamão Formosa (Carica papaya L.), assim como da qualidade do produto final. O tratamento osmótico foi conduzido a 30ºC, com agitação de 110rpm, utilizando-se dois tipos de soluções de sacarose 70ºBrix: a primeira contendo lactato de sódio 2,4% p/p e ácido láctico 0,1M e a segunda com lactato de sódio 2,4% p/p e ácido cítrico 0,1M. O estudo da cinética de desidratação osmótica mostrou que a solução contendo ácido cítrico apresentou valor de perda de água (WL), ao final de 48 horas de processo, ligeiramente superior ao encontrado para a solução contendo ácido láctico. Comportamento contrário ocorreu para o ganho de sólidos (SG). O ajuste dos dados experimentais foi realizado através do modelo difusional para geometria cúbica, sem considerar encolhimento durante o processo e um modelo empírico de dois parâmetros. Os coeficientes de difusividade efetiva de água (Def) variaram de 1,27 a 5,03 x 10-10 m²/s. A qualidade da fruta após processamento foi avaliada através de análises de vitamina C, carotenóides totais, acidez e pH.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação tecnológica na forma de sorvete, de frutos de cinco genótipos selecionados de mamão (CMF012, CMF020, CMF023, CMF031, CMF047), provenientes do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, Cruz das Almas, Bahia. Estes genótipos foram identificados em estudos anteriores por apresentarem cor atraente, sabor agradável e valores elevados de sólidos solúveis (ºBrix). As amostras de sorvete foram submetidas à avaliação sensorial para os atributos aparência, cor, aroma, sabor e textura, através de testes afetivos, utilizando-se escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos. Realizou-se determinações de pH, acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis (ºBrix), "ratio", ácido ascórbico, sólidos totais, cinzas, proteínas, lipídeos, açúcares totais, redutores e não-redutores. Os resultados das avaliações sensoriais e físico-químicas foram analisados através de ANOVA e teste de Tukey. Os sorvetes demonstraram elevada aceitação, obtendo médias correspondentes ao conceito "gostei moderadamente" para todos os atributos avaliados. Os genótipos CMF020 e CMF031 destacaram-se alcançando média correspondente ao termo da escala hedônica "gostei muito" para o atributo sabor. Os provadores não indicaram prevalência entre os produtos quanto à aparência, cor e textura; portanto, os genótipos pouco atraentes como fruto de mesa, poderão ser aproveitados na indústria para elaboração de sorvete. Além disso, podem ser considerados como uma sobremesa valiosa e nutritiva, pois apresentaram níveis satisfatórios de carboidratos e razoáveis de vitamina C e proteínas. O estudo demonstrou que o sorvete de mamão é uma excelente alternativa para o aproveitamento da fruta.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar genótipos promissores através da avaliação sensorial e físico-química de frutos de doze genótipos melhorados de mamão (CMF008, CMF012, CMF018, CMF019, CMF020, CMF021, CMF022, CMF023, CMF030, CMF031, CMF036, CMF047), provenientes do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da EMBRAPA Mandioca e Fruticultura, Cruz das Almas, Bahia, em dois anos consecutivos (1999 e 2000). As amostras dos doze genótipos foram submetidas à avaliação sensorial para os atributos aparência, cor, aroma, sabor e textura, através de testes afetivos utilizando-se escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos. Realizou-se determinações de pH, acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis (ºBrix), "ratio" e ácido ascórbico. Nas duas épocas de estudo, verificou-se que as maiores médias de aceitação para o atributo cor foram obtidas pelos frutos dos genótipos CMF008, CMF020, CMF021, CMF022, CMF023, CMF030, CMF031 e CMF036 que apresentaram coloração vermelho-alaranjada e os frutos dos genótipos CMF012, CMF022, CMF023, CMF031 e CMF047 obtiveram maior aceitação dos provadores alcançando médias elevadas para o atributo sabor. Constatou-se que as texturas mais firmes da polpa de mamão foram as mais aceitas, atingindo médias elevadas os frutos dos genótipos CMF008, CMF012, CMF022, CMF023, CMF030, CMF031, CMF036 e CMF047. Constatou-se, também, que os frutos dos genótipos CMF012, CMF020, CMF031 e CMF047 apresentaram os mais elevados valores de sólidos solúveis (12 a 14ºBrix) e os frutos dos genótipos CMF020 e CMF031 revelaram quantidades elevadas de ácido ascórbico, ao redor de 100mg%. O genótipo CMF031 foi o mais aceito pela equipe de provadores e apresentou os maiores valores de sólidos solúveis (ºBrix) e ácido ascórbico, podendo, então, ser considerado o mais promissor e com bom potencial para o mercado de fruta fresca e para industrialização.
Las papayas obtenidas en el raleo (papayas menos desarrolladas entresacadas de los árboles para beneficiar el crecimiento de las otras) generalmente se descartan. Alternativamente, estas papayas pueden secarse por un proceso de deshidratación osmótica y secado térmico convencional para usarlas como snacks o como ingrediente para otros productos. Se comparó la cinética de transferencia de masa en la deshidratación osmótica de papayas de raleo frente a papayas desarrolladas con diferente grado de madurez, considerando el efecto de la geometría de la muestra y de la presión del proceso. La deshidratación osmótica se efectuó en una solución agitada de sacarosa a 50 °Brix, a 25 °C. Se consideraron tres niveles de madurez: raleo, verde y pintona, tres geometrías: lámina, cilindro y anillo y dos niveles de presión: atmosférica y vacío. Se estudiaron como variables cinéticas la variación de peso (WR), pérdida de agua (WL) y ganancia de sólidos (SG) entre 10 y 180 min. La madurez tuvo efecto significativo sobre las tres respuestas de la cinética a 30 min y sobre SG a 180 min; la geometría tuvo efecto sobre WR y SG a 30 min y sobre los tres parámetros cinéticos a 180 min y la presión solamente tuvo efecto sobre WL y SG a 30 min. La mayor pérdida de agua (65%) se obtuvo a 30 min para la combinación raleo/cilindro/vacío; mientras que la mayor ganancia de sólidos fue 31% para el tratamiento verde/lámina/vacío a 180 min.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la cinética de deshidratación osmótica de la papaya chilena (Vasconcellea pubescens), utilizando dos variables experimentales: la temperatura (30, 40, 50 °C) y concentración (40, 50 y 60%) de la solución osmótica. Se determinó la variación de masa total, masa de agua y masa de sólidos solubles y se modeló con las ecuaciones difusionales, además en esta investigación se consideró y utilizó una modificación de la ecuación propuesta por Biswal-Bozorgmehr. Estos modelos fueron evaluados por medio del coeficiente de regresión lineal, suma de errores cuadrados, raíz media de los errores cuadrados y Chi-cuadrado. Al comparar los valores experimentales con los calculados, se demostró que el modelo Biswal-Bozorgmehr modificado obtuvo mejor ajuste sobre la variación de masa de agua y sólidos solubles. Mediante la ecuación de Arrhenius se analizó el efecto de la temperatura sobre los parámetros cinéticos (Kw y Kss) y difusividad efectiva de agua (Dwe) y sólidos solubles (Dsse). De acuerdo al diseño factorial, se observó que la temperatura no influyó sobre la difusividad efectiva de agua y de sólidos, pero sí la concentración de la solución osmótica. La mejor condición de salida de agua y ganancia de sólidos solubles durante la deshidratación osmótica de la papaya chilena fue a 30 °C con una concentración del 60%.
The volatile components of noni at two ripening stages were isolated by headspace solid-phase microextraction using 65 µm Polydimethylsiloxane-Divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) fibers and analyzed using GC/MS. Both maturation stages had several compounds in common. Ninety-six compounds were identified, from which octanoic acid ( 70% of total extract) and hexanoic acid (
8% of total extract) were found to be the major constituents. Due to noni maturation, octanoic acid, decanoic acid and 2E-nonenal decreased their concentrations, while some esters (methyl hexanoate, methyl octanoate, ethyl octanoate and methyl 4E-decenoate), which their fruity odor notes, increased their contents. Two unsaturated esters, reported for the first time in this fruit, 3-methyl-3-buten-1-yl hexanoate and 3-methyl-3-buten-1-yl octanoate, significantly decreased their concentration in the ripe to over-ripe fruits.
The partial replacement of NaCl by KCl is a promising alternative to produce a cheese with lower sodium content since KCl does not change the final quality of the cheese product. In order to assure proper salt proportions, mathematical models are employed to control the product process and simulate the multicomponent diffusion during the reduced salt cheese ripening period. The generalized Fick's Second Law is widely accepted as the primary mass transfer model within solid foods. The Finite Element Method (FEM) was used to solve the system of differential equations formed. Therefore, a NaCl and KCl multicomponent diffusion was simulated using a 20% (w/w) static brine with 70% NaCl and 30% KCl during Prato cheese (a Brazilian semi-hard cheese) salting and ripening. The theoretical results were compared with experimental data, and indicated that the deviation was 4.43% for NaCl and 4.72% for KCl validating the proposed model for the production of good quality, reduced-sodium cheeses.
The physicochemical characteristics, fatty acid, tocopherol, and carotenoid composition of a crude oil extracted from papaya (Carica papaya L.) seeds, formosa variety, were investigated. The oil yield from the seeds was 29.16%. The data obtained for the analytical indexes were in agreement with those of other edible oils. The oil obtained had high oxidation resistance (77.97 hours). The major fatty acids in total lipid were oleic (71.30%), palmitic (16.16%), linoleic (6.06%), and stearic (4.73%) acid. The α and δ-tocopherol were the predominant tocopherols with 51.85 and 18.89 mg.kg-1, respectivelly. The β-cryptoxanthin (4.29 mg.kg-1) and β-carotene (2.76 mg.kg-1) were the carotenoids quantified, and the content of total phenolic compounds was 957.60 mg.kg-1. Therefore, the potential utilization of the papaya seeds for oil production seems favorable. However, toxicological studies need to be carried out before the oil is appropriate for food applications.
The coating of papayas with Cassava Starch (CS) and carboxymethyl starch (CMS) is an alternative to extend the shelf life of these fruits. This study evaluated the effect of the three different levels of CS and CMS (1, 3, and 5%) on sensory characteristics of papayas during storage. Nine selected and trained assessors evaluated 13 sensory attributes using the Multiple Comparison Test. The appearance and flavor attributes of the papayas treated with CS and CMS were compared to the control or reference sample (R - fruit without coating) using a nine-point scale, which varied from 1: less intense than R; 5: equal to R; 9: more intense than R. The samples were coded with three digit numbers and evaluated with repetition by a panel of assessors. In general, appearance was more affected by the coatings than flavor. Fruits coated with 3 and 5% of both coatings kept the green color longer than the other coatings concentrations, and at 5% the color of the fruits was less uniform on the last evaluation day. The 3 and 5% CS coating gave greater brightness to the fruits. 5% CMS favored the presence of fungi and damaged the fruit surface at the 14th day of storage. The CS coating at 5% presented peeled surface during all experimental time. Changes in fruits flavor were perceived at the 12th and 14th days of storage. A less characteristic flavor and a bitter taste were noticed in the fruits coated with CS and CMS at 5% at the 12th day of storage.
Guava is one of the most complete and balanced fruits in in terms of s nutritional value. Highly perishable, due to its intense metabolism during ripening, its shelf life can reach 3 to 5 days under room temperature. The firmness of the green and mature fruits is due mainly to the pectin polymers. The loss of firmness during the guava ripening is due to hydrolytic enzyme activity, which promotes intense solubilization of the cell wall pectins. Given the above, with the purpose of trying to explain the rapid firmness decrease, the centesimal composition and sugar fraction of the guava fruit were determined during ripening at room temperature. The guavas were picked at the half-mature stage and stored for 8 days at 22 ± 1 ºC and 78 ± 1% relative humidity. The analyses conducted were: centesimal composition, sugar fractionation, and infrared absorption spectrometry. The results showed that the guava sugars did not vary during ripening. The estimated pectin levels (5.7%) were higher than those mentioned in the literature (2.4%), which can better explain the role of the pectin in the fruit firmness.
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a highly perishable fruit due to its intense metabolism during ripening. Information on the enzyme activities that degrade pectic substances, as well as the amount of pectin, is very contradictory and not clearly defined. Thus, this study aimed to monitor the changes occurred in the fruit during ripening through histochemical, physical, and scanning microscopy processes. Guavas were picked at the half-mature stage and stored for 9 days at 22 ± 1 °C and 78 ± 1% RH. The analyses conducted on the day of harvest (0) and each day of storage (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 days) were: firmness and histochemical analyses (ferric chloride, lugol, comassie blue, vanillin hydrochloric, and ruthenium red) observed under an optic microscope and a scanning electron microscope. Ruthenium red showed a high amount of pectin in the cell wall on day zero as well as its decrease in the wall during ripening and its accumulation in the central area of the cell. Scanning microscopy showed loss of the cell structure during ripening. Those observations suggest that the pectin is the main polymer responsible for firmness maintenance in the guava fruit.
Cubiu shrubs (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal) have drawn the attention of researchers for their biological versatility (preferential heliophilous or facultative ombrophilous shrubs), their capacity to grow in upland or lowland areas, and the good technological quality of their fruits for the food industry. The aim of this study was to verify physicochemical changes in cubiu fruits during maturation. The fruits were harvested from the experimental station of olericulture of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Brazil. The analyses were performed in whole cubiu fruits (peel, pulp, and placenta) at four traditional ripening stages (green, turning, ripe, and fully ripe) for the determination of weight, moisture, total solids, total carotenoids, proteins, lipids, and ash. Cubiu fruits showed large weight variation, with amodal distribution. The ripe stage was critical to maintain moisture, and from that stage on, water loss became evident. The lipids increased steadily over the four ripening stages, maintaining, however, insignificant calorie content. Total carotenoids, proteins, and ash reached the maximum level at the fully ripe stage. With the exception of weight and moisture, all physicochemical changes exhibited the same general behavior, i.e. they increased as the fruits ripened at the four investigated stages.
Guava is a fruit with high respiration rates and a very short shelf life. Since information on its respiration pattern is contradictory, the objective was to study the changes occurring in the fruit during ripening and to relate them to the respiration behavior of this fruit. Guavas were picked at the half-ripe stage and stored for 8 days at 22 ± 1 ºC and 78 ± 1% relative humidity. The analyses conducted were: peel and pulp coloration, firmness, total soluble solids (TSS), total titratable acidity (TTA), and ethylene production. According to the results, it was verified that the parameters analyzed apparently do not coincide and are ethylene-independent. There was an accentuated ethylene production during ripening, starting from the 4th day. The ethylene synthesis continued increasing up to the 8th day, when the fruits were already decomposing. It was observed that the firmness decreased sharply in the first three days of ripening, and the skin and pulp color changed during ripening. The TSS, total soluble solids, and the TTA, total titratable acidity, practically did not change during the ripening, even with the increased ethylene production. It can be concluded that guava is a fruit that presents characteristics of climacteric and non-climacteric fruits.
This study aimed to evaluate the use of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract (RE), celery (Apium graveolis), and low levels of NO3 and NO2 as natural agents to enhance the quality of colonial salami. Salami was produced according to three treatments: (A) Control: 0.1% curing salt; (B) Rosemary: 0.05% curing salt + 0.5% RE (rosemary extract); and (C) Rosemary+celery: 0.14% Veg 503 + 0.27% Veg 504 (sea salt plus celery) + 0.5% of RE (rosemary extract). There was no effect (P > 0.05) of the treatments on water activity, Na content, and residual NO3 and NO2. Fatty acids C18:2 and C20:4 were reduced (P < 0.05) during the ripening period in the Control treatment indicating possible oxidation. The use of celery resulted in lower pH values (P < 0.05) in the salami. Reduced addition of NO3 and NO2 resulted in salami lighter in color (higher L* values, P < 0.05) at the 12th day of ripening. In conclusion, celery-based products proved to be an effective source of NO2 and NO3 for color development, but the low pH of the product indicates the need for better evaluation of its use in fermented salami. The RE (rosemary extract) reduced fat oxidation in salami, but this needs further evaluation.