136 resultados para Mature landfill leachates


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In an attempt to establish an experimental model of acute schistosomiasis, sequential histological changes were investigated in the skin, lung, liver and spleen of mice infected with 30 or 100 cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni according to four sets of experiments: single infection, repeated infections, unisexual infection and infection in mice born from infected mothers. Animals were killed every other day from exposure up to 50 days after infection. Only mild, isolated, focal inflammatory changes were found before the appearance of mature eggs in the liver, even when repeated infections were made. Severe changes of reactive hepatitis and splenitis appeared suddenly when the first mature eggs were deposited, around the 37th to 42nd day after infection. The mature eggs induced lytic and coagulative necrosis of hepatocytes around them which was soon followed by dense infiltration of eosinophils. So, mature egg-induced lesions appeared as the major factors in the pathogenesis of acute schistosomiasis in mice. Mice born from infected mothers were apparently able to rapidly modulate the egg-lesions, forming early fibrotic granulomas. The murine model of acute schistosomiasis appeared adequate for the study of pathology and pathogenesis of acute schistosomiasis.


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The degree of maturation of cells of the Mononuclear Phagocyte System (MPS), during in vivo and in vitro infection by Leishmania mexicana amazonenesis, was evaluated in this study. The macrophages' differentiation was assayed by cytochemical characterization at the ultrastrctural level, using two well-established markers: 5'-nucleotidase enzyme activity, for revealing the mature cells, and the peroxidase activity present in the cell granules to demonstrate immature mononuclear phagocytes. only a few mcrophages, demonstrating 5'-nucleotidase positive reaction in both the plasma membrane and within their cytoplasmic vesicles, were found scattered in the chronic inflammation at the L. m. amazonensis lesions in albino mice. However, by the peroxidase activity analysis, we were also able to demonstrate the presence of immature MPS cells, which predominate, together with parasitized vacuolated macrophages, in chronic lesions induced in this systemby L. m. amazonensis. The implications of these results on the pathogenesis of murine cutaneous leishmaniasis are discussed.


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The migration of larval Schistosoma mansoni was tracked by means of autoradiographic analysis in naive rabbits percutaneously exposed to L-(**75 Se) selenomethionine-labeled cercariae on serial intervals of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 days post-infection. Autoradiographic foci were detected from the 1st day in the skin, up to the 15th day in the liver. Adult and mature worms were recovered either paired or not 60 days after infection, by perfusion of hepatic and mesenteric veins. Morphometric analysis under optical microscopy, showed that worms were within regular dimention limits as compared to adult worms harboured by other host species. These observations extend previous informations on the S. mansoni-rabbit association and clearly demonstrate the post-liver phase of S.mansoni life-cycle in this host.


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Searching for the natural vector of Plasmodium juxtanucleare in an enzootic locality: Granjas Calábria (33% of the chickens infected), Jacarepaguá, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13 comparative captures of mosquitoes were carried out, simultaneously on man (out-doors) and on chiken (in a poultry-yard), between 6 and 9 p.m., from September to March 1989. Culex saltanensis was the most frequent species in captures on chicken, accounting for 41.7% of the mosquitoes collected on this bait, showing to be highly ornithophilic (90% captured on chicken versus 10% on man). Seven specimens of Cx. saltanensis were found naturally infected in granjas Calábria: five with mature pedunculate oocysts and two with sporozoites (on in the haemocoele and one in the salivary glands). These sporozoites porudced an infection by P. juxtanucleare in a chick, which had parasitemia on day 41 after inoculation. One Cx. coronator was found with mature pedunculate oocysts. Culex saltanensis was regarded as primary vector of P. juxtanucleare in Rio de Janeiro for being highly ornithophilic and in enough density to maintain the transmission, having been found with infective sporozoites in its salivary glands, and being susceptible to the parasite and able to transmit experimentally it by the bite.


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The mature ooxysts of six new species of Caryospora are described from the faeces of Brazilian snakes. They are differentiated from other species previously recorded from reptiles, largely on the size and shape of the oocyst and sporocyst, structure of the oocyst wall, and presence or absence of a polar body. C. paraensis n. sp., and C. carajasensis n. sp., are from the "false coral", Oxyrhopus petola digitalis; C. pseustesi n. sp., from the "egg-eater", Pseustes sulphureus sulphureus; C. epicratesi n. sp., from the "red boa", Epicrates cenchria cenchria; and C. micruri n. sp., and C. constancieae n. sp., from the "coral snake", Micrurus spixii spixii. A re-description is given of C. jararacae Carini, 1939, from the "jararaca" Bothrops atrox, embodying some additional morphological features.


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A new genus, Travassosnema (Guyanemidae, Dracunculoidea) is proposed to include filariid worms having esophagus divided into muscular and glandular parts, with esophageal appendix near junction with intestine; anus functional; vulva anterior, well developed and functional in mature females. Travassonema travassosi sp. n., a parasite of Acestrorhynchus lacustris Reinhardt, 1874 from Três Marias Reservoir (São Francisco River) in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described. The generic and the specific names are a tribure to Brazilian parasitologist Lauro Travassos at his birth centenary.


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The vast majority of the 1-2 million malaria associated deaths that occur each year are due to anemia and cerebral malaria (the attachment of erythrocytes containing mature forms of Plasmodium falciparum to the endothelial cells that line the vascular beds of the brain). A "model" system"for the study of cerebral malaria employs amelanotic melanoma cells as the "target"cells in an vitro cytoadherence assay. Using this model system we determined that the optimum pH for adherence is 6.6 to 6.8, that high concentrations of Ca²* (50mM) result in increased levels of binding, and that the type of buffer used influences adherence (Bis Tris > MOPS > HEPES > PIPES). We also observed that the ability of infected erythrocytes to cytoadhere varied from (erythrocyte) donor to donor. We have produced murine monoclonal antibodies against P. falciparum-infected red cells which recognized modified forms of human band 3; these inhibit the adherence of infected erythrocytes to melanoma cells in a doso responsive fashion. Antimalarials (chloroquine, quinacrine, mefloquine, artemisinin), on the other hand, affected adherence in an indirect fashion i.e. since cytoadherence is due, in part to the presence of knobs on the surface of the infected erythrocyte, and knob formation is dependent on intracellular parasite growth, when plasmodial development is inhibited so is knob production, and consequently adherence is ablated.


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B19 infection offers some general lessons about human viruses and their possible effects on the human host, as follows: (1) Ubiquitous apparently benign viruses may have severe effects on a compromissed host. The virus may be invariable but the host can have diverse susceptibilities. (2) B19 and some other human viruses (through for none is the evidence so clear as for B19) have narrowly targetted effects. The host cell of B19 is a specialised progenitor of mature red cells: impairment of the function of this cell by B19 may cause profound anaemia. (3) The 'normal'host response to B19 may also cause disease, though this is slef limiting. (4) The effects of malfunction of the virus'target cell are exacerbated when the immune response is impaired by congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, immunosupressive therapy or, in the case of the fetus, developmental immaturity that allows the virus to persist.


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The life-cycle parameters of the snail Lymnaea (Radix) luteola and the factors influencing the same have been studied under laboratory conditions. Ins each month, from July 1990 to June 1991, a batch of 100 zero-day old individual were considered for studies. The snails of April batch survived for 19.42 days while those in December batch survived for 87.45 days. The May batch individual though survived for 65.67 days gained maximum shell size (15.84 mm in length) and body weight (419.87 mg). All individuals of April batch died prior to attainment of sexual maturity. In the remaining 11 batches the snails became sexually mature between 32 and 53 days. At this stage, they were with varying shell lengths, 9.3 mm to 13,11 mm in respect to batches. The reproduction period varied from 1-67 days. An individual laid, on an average, 0,25 (March batch) to 443.67 (May batch) eggs in its life-span. A batch of such snails would leave 24312, 22520, 720268, 80408, 76067, 418165, 214, 9202, 0, 0, 2459386 and 127894 individuals at the end of 352nd day. Since the environmental conditions were almost similar the 'dynamic' of population dynamics seems to be involved with the 'strain' of the snail individuals of the batches concerned.


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Detection of papillomavirus DNA in sity hybridization technique was perfomed in 29 symptomatic patients (6 males and 23 females) during the period of 1989-1991 at the Clinic for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Universidade Federal Fluminense, State of rio de Janeiro. All the male patients had condyloma acuminata. Only HPV 6/11 were found in these lesions. Clinical features inthe female patients included vulvar condyloma acuminata, bowenoid populosis, flat cervical condyloma, cervical condyloma acuminatum and cervical intraepithelialneoplasia grade II (CIN II). We also found cases of condyloma acuminata associated to vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia grade III (VIN III), as well as to vaginal invasive carcinoma. HPV 6/11 and 16/18 were found in vulvar condyloma acuminata. Mixed infection by 6/11-16/18 HPV were also seen in these lesions as well as in the patient who had cervical condyloma acuminatum. HPV 16/18 were found in the condyloma acuminatum plus VIN III and in the CIN II lesions. We have found HPV31/33/51 in the specimen of condyloma acuminatum plus invasive carcinoma. In order to investigate the ultrastructural aspects of HPV infection in genital tissue, the biopsies of three female patients were observed under electron microscope.Mature virus particles were found in the cells of a condyloma acuminatum as wellas in the condyloma acuminatum plus invasive carcinoma case. In another sample, chromosome breakages were found in the nuclei of the infected cells although no viral particles were observed.


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The effect of temperature (20 degrees-35 degrees C) on different stages of Romanomermis iyengari was studied. In embryonic development, the single-cell stage eggs developed into mature eggs in 4.5-6.5 days at 25-35 degrees C but, required 9.5 days at 20 degrees C. Complete hatching occurred in 7 and 9 days after egg-laying at 35 and 30 degrees C, respectively. At 25 and 20 degrees C, 85-96 of the eggs did not hatch even by 30th day. Loss of infectivity and death of the preparasites occurred faster at higher temperatures. The 50 survival durations of preparasites at 20 and 35 degrees C were 105.8 and 10.6 hr respectively. They retained 50 infectivity up to 69.7 and 30.3 hr. The duration of the parasitic phase increased as temperature decreased. Low temperature favoured production of a higher proportion of females which were also larger in size. The maximum time taken for the juveniles to become adults was 14 days at 20 degrees C and the minimum was 9 days at 35 degrees C. Oviposition began earlier at higher temperature than at lower temperature. However, its fecundic period was shorter at 20 degrees C than at 35 degrees C indicating enhanced rate of oviposition at 20 degrees C. Fecundity was adversely affected at 20 degrees C and 35 degrees C. It is shown that the temperature range of 25 degrees-30 degrees C favours optimum development of R. iyengari.


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The systematic screening of more than 250 molecules against Plasmodium falciparum in vitro has previously shown that interfering with phospholipid metabolism is lethal to the malaria parasite. These compounds act by impairing choline transport in infected erythrocytes, resulting in phosphatidylcholine de novo biosynthesis inhibition. A thorough study was carried out with the leader compound G25, whose in vitro IC50 is 0.6 nM. It was very specific to mature parasites (trophozoïtes) as determined in vitro with P. falciparum and in vivo with P. chabaudi -infected mice. This specificity corresponds to the most intense phase of phospholipid biosynthesis activity during the parasite cycle, thus corroborating the mechanism of action. The in vivo antimalarial activity (ED50) against P. chabaudi was 0.03 mg/kg, and a similar sensitivity was obtained with P. vinckei petteri, when the drug was intraperitoneally administered in a 4 day suppressive test. In contrast, P. berghei was revealed as less sensitive (3- to 20-fold, depending on the P. berghei-strain). This difference in activity could result either from the degree of synchronism of every strain, their invasion preference for mature or immature red blood cells or from an intrinsically lower sensitivity of the P. berghei strain to G25. Irrespective of the mode of administration, G25 had the same therapeutic index (lethal dose 50 (LD50)/ED50) but the dose to obtain antimalarial activity after oral treatment was 100-fold higher than after intraperitoneal (or subcutaneous) administration. This must be related to the low intestinal absorption of these kind of compounds. G25 succeeded to completely inhibiting parasitemia as high as 11.2% without any decrease in its therapeutic index when administered subcutaneously twice a day for at least 8 consecutive days to P. chabaudi -infected-rodent model. Transition to human preclinical investigations now requires a synthesis of molecules which would permit oral absorption.


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During their complex life cycle schistosomes alternate between the use of stored glycogen and reliance on host glucose to provide for their energy needs. In addition, there is dramatic variation between the relative contribution of aerobic versus anaerobic glucose metabolism during development. We have cloned a set of representative cDNAs that encode proteins involved in glucose uptake, glycolysis, Kreb's cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. The different cDNAs were used as probes to examine the expression of glucose metabolism genes during the schistosome life cycle. Steady state mRNA levels from whole cercariae, isolated cercarial tails, schistosomula and adult worms were analysed on Northern blots and dot blots which were quantified using storage phosphor technology. These studies reveal: (1) Transcripts encoding glycogen metabolic enzymes are expressed to much higher levels in cercarial tails than whole cercariae or schistosomula while the opposite pattern is found for glucose transporters and hexokinase transcripts; (2) Schistosomula contain low levels of transcripts encoding respiratory enzymes but regain the capacity for aerobic glucose metabolism as they mature to adulthood; (3) Male and female adults contain similar levels of the different transcripts involved in glucose metabolism.


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The concomitant immunity in the presence of repeated infections (with 15 cercariae) was studied in mice sacrificed on the 20th day after each infection. The comparison of the averages of immature worms, recovered from mice submitted to reinfection, with those of their respective controls (previously uninfected) showed a significantly lower worm recovery rate in the animals with previous infections (concomitant immunity). However, statiscally significant differences could not be detected among the various groups of animals, when the mice that accumulated worms in this mature stage were perfused. The theoretical projection based on the accumulation of young worms which developed to adult ones indicates a lower recovery rate of adult worms in the animals with concomitant immunity, but this projection was not corroborated by the experimental data. The visceral hemodynamic alterations that occurred in reinfections due to the pathogeny, favouring recirculation of the recent arriving worms to the other organs on the occasion of perfusion of the portal system. These results suggest that special care should be taken when one wants to investigate concomitant immunity in mice based on the distinction of the immature worms from challenge infection and the mature ones from primary infection.


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Ultrastructural aspects of spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis and of the mature spermatozoon of a microcotylid monogenean Metamicrocotyla macracantha parasite from Mugil liza, are described. The irregularly-shaped spermatogonia divides by successive mitoses, forming the primary spermatocytes, identified by the presence of synaptonemal complexes in their nuclei. The spermatids formed by meiotic cell divisions of the secondary spermatocytes, differentiate into a mature spermatozoon. Cross sections of the head and the middle region of mature spermatozoa show the nucleus with strong condensed chromatin, the mitochondria with short cristae, peripheral microtubules and two axonemes with a 9+1 pattern, confirming the characteristics of this genus.