113 resultados para Masaryk, T. G. (Tomáš Garrigue), 1850-1937
Examination of 267.107 liver specimens obtained in Brazil by viscerotomy during from 1937 to 1946 inclusive revealed 5,953 Schistosoma mansoni infe¬ctions. This represents 2.23% ± 0.019 of the total number of livers studied. Data on the incidence of the disease is tabulated by states and municipios. Infected livers were found in all of the states and territories except the Territory of Amapá. Schistosomiasis is widespread in Brazil with highest incidence in the states of the Northeast. The disease is quite common in EspÃrito Santo and Minas Gerais as well. A study of the age distribution of cases of intestinal schistosomiasis observed among liver specimens obtained in the year 1938 showed a low inci¬dence on young children with a peak of prevalence in the 10 to 19 year age group. The purpose of this contribution is to call attention of the health autho¬rities to the extent and gravity of the problem of intestinal schistosomiasis in Brazil.
a) The species Amblyomma tapiri Tonelli Rondelli, 1937 and Amblyomma finitimum Tonelli Rondelli, 1937 are synonymous with Amblyomma cajennense Fabricius, 1787. Both species are based in differences of size, colour, punctations and form of the dorsal shield, presence or absence of ventral plates, size, form and direction of the spine of coxa IV. Such differences prouved to be only variations frequently observed in large lots or in cultures of Amblyomma cajennense. The revalidation of Koch's species Amblyomma tenellum Koch, 1844 and Amblyomma mixtum Koch, 1844 proposed by TONELLI RONDELLI as also of Amblyomma sculptum Berlese, 1888 and Amblyomma versicolor Nuttal et Warburton, 1908 cannot be accepted by the same reasons. b) Amblyomma beccari Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 and Amblyomma latepunctatum Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 are cospecific with Amblyomma scalpturatum Neumann, 1899 the same being true for Amblyomma myrmecophagium Schulze, 1935 and for Amblyomma brasiliense var. guianense Floch et Abonnenc, 1940, as previously stated. c) Amblyomma tasquei Floch et Abonnenc, 1940 is a good species but synonym with Amblyomma romitii Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 which has priority. d) Amblyomma curruca Schulze, 1936 is a synonym of Amblyomma parvum Aragão, 1908. e) Amblyomma deminutivum Neumann, 1899 represents a variation of Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844, a species whose internal spine of coxa IV may be poorly developed or even absent. f) Amblyomma nigrum Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 prouved to be synonym with Amblyomma paccae Aragao, 1911 the type representing a blackish specimen of the later species. g) Amblyomma brimonti Neumann, 1913 is a synonym of Amblyomma humerale Koch, 1844.
Anocentor columbianus Schulze, 1937 is a synonym of Otocentor nitens (Neumann, 1897). Otocentor Cooley, 1938 becomes a synonym of Anocentor Schulze 1937. The correct name of the species is now Anocentor nitens (Neumann, 1897). In Brazil this species was first recorderd by ARAGÃO (in FLOCH and ABONNENC, 1945) in Belém do Pará and by FONSECA (1948) in Goyaz. New records from Minas Gerais and Matto Grosso are presented and a new host, the jaguar, Panthera onca, is added.
Planta muitÃssimo interessante, que se distingue das demais espécies do gênero pela forma pectinada da folha. Dedicamos a linda espécie ao Dr. Adolpho Lutz, eminente sábio, que tanto trabalhou em prol da ciência, no Brasil.
Em exemplares de B. tenagophila, capturados em ambiente natural, foram encontradas paranfistomocercárias de precoce encistamento. Procedeu-se à infecção, per os, de animais de biotério; em camundongos e ratos, verificou-se o desenvolviemnto de trematóide paranfistomÃdeo desconhecido e que, por suas caracterÃsticas, não se enquadra nos g~eneros conhecidos de Paramphistomidae de mamÃferos. Para o parasito em apreço é proposta a denominação Paraibatema inesperata n.g, n.sp.. A partir de miracÃdios, oriundos de ovos eliminados pelos roedores em experiência, procurou-se infectar B. tenagophila e B. glabrata, criadas no moluscário. Verificou-se ser ativa a penetração dos miracÃdios no tecido do molusco, sendo freqüente a formação de tumorações nas antenas. A evolução experimental no hospedeiro intermediário apresenta-se lenta; ao fim de 40 dias de pós-infecção, não se observou a formação de esporocistos, rédias e cercárias.
In this paper two species of trematodes recovered from nectomys squamipes from Goiás State, Brazil, are presented. Maritremopsis mariettavogeae sp. n. is compared to M. proxilum (Caballero & Montero-Gei, 1961) and M. belopolskaiae (Caballero, 1964). Amphimerus lancea originally described from a cetacean host, is for the first time referred in a rodent.
Paragonimus rudis was found in the lungs of a giant otter Lutra (pteronura) brasiliensis by Natterer in 1828, who dissected the animal in the former capital Mato Grosso (=Vila Bela), Brazil. The flukes were described by Diesing in 1850, and redescribed by Braun in 1901. Both descriptions do not allow to identify the species. Therefore, P. rudis must be regarded a "nomen nudum". Because its rediscovery is desirable with regard to historical reasons and nomenclatoric questions, a field study was performed in Mato Grosso in 1980. Of 354 freshwater crabs from 24 localities collected and examined for parasitic infections, about 25% were found to be infected with 7kinds of trematode larvae, which differed distincly from Paragonimus-metacercariae. The question, whether P. rudis or other lung fluke species do not seem to occur or cannot be found any longer in the area investigated by us, is discussed.
Two samples of Sparganum, the larval form of Lueheella Baer, 1924 (= Spirometra Mueller, 1937) were recovered from Philander opossum (L. 1758) captured in Salobra, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, by Dr. Lauro Travassos in may, 1942. This is the first report of the presence of this larval form in P. opossum. Dealing with helminths recovered from Brazilian Marsupialia, deposited in Oswaldo Cruz Institute Helminthological Collection, we examined in two samples of the preserved material collected in Salobra. Mato Grosso State, nine larval forms (Sparganum) of Lueheella sp. One of the samples, with six specimens, tissue. It is the first report of philander opossum harbouring this larval stage. The studied preserved wet material was stained and whole mounts were deposited in the Oswaldo Cruz institute Helminthological collection ns. 31.470 and 31.471. Measurements are in mm.