122 resultados para MUCUS CLEARANCE


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Objective Evaluating the effect of preconditioning with simvastatin in acute kidney injury induced by sepsis. Method Male adult Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: SHAM (control); SHAM+Statin (0.5 mg/kg simvastatin, orally); Sepsis (cecal puncture ligation – CPL); Sepsis+Statin. Physiological parameters, peritoneal fluid culture, renal function, oxidative metabolites, severity of acute kidney injury and animal survival were evaluated. Results The treatment with simvastatin in induced sepsis showed elevation of creatinine clearance with attenuation of generation of oxidative metabolites, lower severity of acute kidney injury and reduced mortality. Conclusion This investigation confirmed the renoprotection with antioxidant principle of the simvastatin in acute kidney injury induced by sepsis in an experimental model.


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RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar ação renoprotetora dos flavonoides diosmina e hesperidina na prevenção da nefrotoxicidade da anfotericina B em modelo experimental com ratos. Método Ratos Wistar, adultos, machos foram distribuídos nos seguintes grupos: Salina; diosmina hesperidina (animais receberam 50 mg/kg de diosmina hesperidina em água de bebedouro por dez dias); Anfotericina B (animais receberam 15 mg/kg/dia de anfotericina B intraperitoneal por cinco dias); Anfotericina B+diosmina hesperidina. Foram avaliados função renal, fração de excreção de sódio, potássio e magnésio e os metabólitos oxidativos. Resultados O tratamento com anfotericina B reduziu a função renal, vista peloclearance de creatinina, elevou os marcadores de função tubular como a fração de excreção de sódio, potássio, magnésio e dos metabólitos oxidativos. O pré-condicionamento com diosmina hesperidina elevou o clearance de creatinina e atenuou da lesão tubular e oxidativa. Conclusão A administração de anfotericina B resultou no declínio da função renal com lesão tubular e a diosmina hesperidina demonstrou efeito renoprotetor antioxidante.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a proteção antiviral específica via RNA de interferência (RNAi) contra o vírus da síndrome da mancha-branca (WSSV), em camarões marinhos (Litopenaeus vannamei). Os camarões foram injetados com uma sequência dsRNA específica (vp28 do envelope viral), seguida por desafio com WSSV após 48 horas. Avaliaram-se o hemograma às 0, 3, 6, 24, 48 e 72 horas após o desafio, e a taxa de mortalidade durante 30 dias. Nos animais tratados com dsRNA vp28, a infecção viral foi limitada, e a sobrevivência (73%) e a "clearance" viral (80%) foram maiores do que nos camarões infectados, não tratados, que apresentaram 100% de mortalidade em cinco dias. Nos camarões tratados com dsRNA, o hemograma diminuiu até 6 horas após o desafio, seguido por aumento, tendo atingido o nível normal em 72 horas. O tratamento com dsRNA vp28 limita a infecção nos camarões por WSSV, restaura as suas condições imunológicas e promove "clearance" viral na maioria dos sobreviventes. Esses resultados são indicativos de que dsRNA vp28 pode servir como ferramenta molecular para combater o WSSV e que o RNAi representa abordagem promissora para controlar doenças virais em camarões cultivados.


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OBJETIVO: O trabalho teve por objetivo padronizar o método e estabelecer valores normais da captação renal absoluta do99mTc-DMSA em crianças. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Vinte e duas crianças (idade de 7 meses a 10 anos; média de 4,5 anos) sem doença renal prévia foram submetidas a cintilografia renal estática com 99mTc-DMSA. Dezoito apresentavam ultra-sonografia, uretrocistografia miccional, "clearance" de creatinina e padrão visual da cintilografia renal estática normais. Quatro crianças foram excluídas por não terem completado ou por apresentarem redução do "clearance" de creatinina. A captação absoluta de DMSA (DMSA-Abs) foi calculada como a porcentagem da atividade administrada retida em cada rim após seis horas da administração do radiofármaco. RESULTADOS: Os valores de DMSA-Abs foram de 21,8% ± 3,2% para o rim direito e de 23,1% ± 3,3% para o rim esquerdo. Os valores da captação absoluta não mostraram correlação com a idade dos pacientes estudados, apesar da tendência de aumento do "clearance" de creatinina com a idade. CONCLUSÃO: A definição de valores normais da DMSA-Abs permite o emprego deste parâmetro na avaliação inicial e acompanhamento de doenças renais, principalmente em pacientes com acometimento bilateral ou com rim único (nos quais a função diferencial direita X esquerda tem valor limitado).


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Mucoceles are cystic masses that generally affect the sinuses. It occurs as a result from obstruction of the ostium of a sinus and consequential accumulation of mucus. Frontal and ethmoid sinuses are mostly affected. Usually, the clinical symptoms are insidious, varying with the extent of the affected region. The treatment is surgical and endoscopic surgery is the method of choice in most cases. The present study is aimed at describing the main characteristics of paranasal sinuses mucoceles, demonstrating and illustrating a series of atypical presentations with emphasis on imaging findings.


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In spite of different methods reported in the literature to determine olanzapine in biological fluids, all of them used high volumes of plasma. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to develop an LC-MS/MS method using small plasma volume (0.1 mL) to apply in a preclinical pharmacokinetic investigation. The method was linear over the concentration ranges of 10 - 1000 ng mL-1. Extraction recoveries, stability, and validation parameters were evaluated. Results were within the acceptable limits of international guidelines. A significant decrease in clearance led to a significant 2.26-times increase in AUC0 - 6h of olanzapine-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules compared with free-olanzapine.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a tendência da concentração plasmática e do clearance de procalcitonina (PCT-c) como biomarcadores de prognóstico de pacientes com sepse grave e choque séptico, comparado a um outro marcador precoce de prognóstico representado pelo número de critérios de SIRS no momento do diagnóstico da sepse. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte prospectivo observacional onde foram incluídos pacientes com sepse grave e choque séptico. A concentração sérica de procalcitonina foi determinada no momento do diagnóstico da sepse e após 24 e 48 horas. Foram coletados dados demográficos, escore APACHE IV, escore SOFA na chegada, número de critérios de SIRS no momento do diagnóstico, sitio da infecção e resultados microbiológicos. RESULTADOS: Vinte e oito pacientes foram incluídos, 19 clínicos e nove cirúrgicos. Em 13 (46,4%) a fonte da sepse foi pulmonar, em sete abdominal (25,0%), em cinco urinária (17,9%) e de partes moles em três casos (10,7%). Quinze pacientes tinham sepse grave e 13 choque séptico. A mortalidade global foi cinco pacientes (17,9%), três deles com choque séptico. Vinte e oito determinações de PCT foram realizadas no momento do diagnóstico da sepse, 27 após 24 horas e 26 após 48 horas. A concentração inicial não se mostrou expressivamente diferente entre os grupos sobreviventes e não sobreviventes, mas as diferenças entre os dois grupos após 24 e 48 horas alcançaram significância estatística expressiva. Não se observou diferença em relação ao número de critérios de SIRS. O clearance de procalcitonina de 24 horas mostrou-se expressivamente mais elevado no grupo de sobreviventes (-3,0 versus -300,0, p=0,028). Embora o clearance de procalcitonina de 48 horas tenha mostrado resultado mais elevado no grupo de sobreviventes comparado aos não sobreviventes, a diferença não alcançou significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: Concentrações persistentemente elevadas de procalcitonina no plasma, assim como, redução do PCT-c 24 horas, associaram-se à elevação expressiva da mortalidade de pacientes com sepse grave e choque séptico.


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The interest to develop research on the host-parasite relationship in bovine tritrichomonosis has accomplished the use of experimental models alternative to cattle. The BALB/c mouse became the most appropriate species susceptible to vaginal Tritrichomonas foetus infection requiring previous estrogenization. For the need of an experimental model without persistent estrogenization and with normal estrous cycles, the establishment and persistence of vaginal infection on BALB/c mouse with different concentrations of T. foetus in two experimental groups was evaluated. Group A was treated with 5mg of b-estradiol 3-benzoate to synchronize the estrous, 48 hours before the T. foetus vaginal inoculation, and Group B was inoculated in natural estrus. At 5-7 days after treatment, estrogenic effect decreased allowing all animals to cycle regularly during the experiment. From the first week post-infection, samples of vaginal mucus were taken from all animals during 34 weeks, in order to evaluate the course of infection and the stage of the estrus cycle. Group A showed 93.6% of infected animals, and Group B showed 38%. Different doses of T. foetus were assayed to establish the vaginal infection, with a persistence of 34 weeks. Although different behavior was observed in each subgroup belonging to either Group A or Group B, there were no significant differences among the infecting doses used. The b-estradiol 3-benzoate treatment had a favorable effect on the establishment of the infection (P<0.0001), but it did not influence its persistence (P=0.1097). According to the results, an experimental mouse model is presented, appropriate for further studies on mechanisms of pathogenicity, immune response, protective evaluation of immunogen and therapeutic effect of drugs.


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From a flock of 175 Texel sheep 25 animals died after consumption of a sawfly larvae subsequently identified as Perreyia flavipes. The disease occurred in June-July 2006 on a farm located in the county of Encruzilhada do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Although there were 11 cattle in the same paddock, none of them was affected. High numbers of compact masses containing up to 150 larvae were scattered in the paddock where the animals were grazing. Most affected sheep showed severe apathy during 24-36 h before death, but weakness, muscular tremors and depression were also observed. Necropsy was performed on six sheep and the main macroscopic lesions were hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissues, endocardium, gallbladder wall, and abomasal mucosa. In all animals was found hydrothorax, hydropericardium, ascites, and mild jaundice. Edema in the abomasal folds, mesentery, perirenal tissues, and gallbladder wall were also seen. The livers were yellowish with disseminated pinpoint hemorrhages in the parenchyma and had an enhanced lobular pattern. Perreyia flavipes larval body fragments and heads were found in the forestomach contents of the six sheep. Feces were scant, dry and formed balls coated by mucus and streaks of blood. Similar contents were also present at the end of the cecum. Prominent microscopic lesions included severe and diffuse periacinar or massive necrosis of hepatocytes associated with multifocal random hemorrhages. Diffuse necrosis of lymphoid follicles in lymph nodes and Peyer's patches, lymphoid depletion and necrosis in germinative centers of the spleen, and diffuse vacuolization in the renal tubular epithelia were also seen.


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This study was designed to assess the relationship between antibodies against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) determined in the bulk tank milk (BTM) and the within-herd seroprevalence. We also assessed the efficiency of measuring antibody levels in BTM samples to monitor BVDV infection status in a herd. In the 81 farms included in the study, BTM samples were obtained and blood samples withdrawn from all cattle older than one year. The infection status was then determined in serum and milk using a commercial blocking ELISA based on the detection of anti-p80 antibodies. Apart from these baseline serum and milk samples, another BTM sample was collected from each herd 9 months later, and a third BTM sample obtained 9 months after this. In these second and third milk samples, anti-BVDV antibodies were determined using the same ELISA kit. Statistical tests revealed good agreement between herd seroprevalences (% seropositive animals in the herd) and the antibody levels detected in the BTM samples. During the 18 months of follow-up, the farms with persistently infected cattle at the study outset (14.8% of the herds) showed a significant decrease in BTM antibody titers after virus clearance. Conversely, a significant increase in BTM antibody levels was observed in the herds infected with BVDV during the follow-up period. Our findings indicate that monitoring antibody levels in the BTM is a useful method of identifying changes in the BVDV infection status of a herd.


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Samples of gastric lymph nodes and the stomachs from 24 pigs selected from herds affected by postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) and sudden death associated with gastric ulcers were studied. Pigs were selected on the basis of unthriftiness, decreased feed intake, and wasting. The stomachs were opened, inverted, and classified into 0-3 score according the severity of the gross lesions present in pars oesophagica (non-glandulargastric mucosa). Selected samples were processed for paraffin embedding and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Immunohistochemistry using anti-PCV2 (porcine circovírus type 2) antibody, anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody and a wide-spectrum anti-cytokeratin antibody was performed. Gross changes in pars oesophagea were classified according to the severity of lesions as score 3, 2, and 1 in 8, 6, 5 stomachs respectivelly. Microscopically, hyperplastic lymphoid follicles, lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrates and focci of necrosis in the gastric mucosa were common findings. Large amounts of PCV2 antigen were observed in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional cells and debris from the gastric glandular mucosal zone; however, in the fundus, anti-PCV2 immunostaining was restricted to the surface mucosal cells and foveolar compartment. All gastric lymph nodes were positive for PCV2 antigen. Anti-H. pylori immunostaining was seen in eleven cases, mainly in the antrum, on the mucosal surface and foveolar compartment. The association of the anti-PCV2 immunostaining with the glandular mucus-producing cells suggests a role for PCV2 as an additional factor for the swine ulcer development.


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Brucella spp. são bactérias gram-negativas, intracelulares facultativas que são patogênicas para muitas espécies de mamíferos causando a brucelose, uma zoonose difundida mundialmente. Por isso a busca de alternativas de controle mais eficientes se faz necessário como o desenvolvimento de novas cepas que possam ser testadas como potenciais imunógenos. Neste estudo realizou-se a deleção do gene virB10 da cepa S2308 de Brucella abortus gerando uma cepa knockout provavelmente incapaz de produzir a proteína nativa correspondente. O gene virB10 faz parte de um operon que codifica para um sistema de secreção do tipo IV, essencial para a sobrevivência intracelular e multiplicação da bactéria em células hospedeiras. A deleção foi realizada pela construção do plasmídeo suicida pBlue:virB10:kan e eletroporação deste em células eletrocompetentes de B. abortus S2308, ocorrendo a troca do gene selvagem pelo gene interrompido, com o gene de resistência a canamicina, por recombinação homóloga dupla. Camundongos BALB/c foram inoculados com as cepas S19, RB-51, ΔvirB10 de B. abortus e B. abortus S2308 selvagem; os resultados demonstraram que camundongos BALB/c inoculados com S19 e camundongos BALB/c inoculados com S2308 apresentaram queda mais rápida de linha de tendência, quando comparadas aos demais grupos, para recuperação bacteriana (RB) e peso esplênico (PE) respectivamente. Os grupos que receberam ΔvirB10 S2308 de B. abortus e RB-51 demonstraram comportamento semelhante para ambas as características. Na sexta semana após a inoculação, os resultados para RB (log de UFC ± desvio padrão) e PE (peso esplênico ± desvio padrão), respectivamente, mostraram: grupos inoculados com as cepas S2308 (4,44±1,97 e 0,44±0,11), S19 (1,83±2,54 e 0,31±0,04), RB-51 (0,00±0,00 e 0,20±0,01) e ΔvirB10 S2308 (1,43±1,25 e 0,19±0,03). Considerado o clearance bacteriano, todos os grupos diferiram estatisticamente do grupo que recebeu S2308 (p<0,0001), o grupo inoculado com ΔvirB10 S2308 de B. abortus foi semelhante ao grupo S19 (p=0,4302) e diferente do grupo RB-51 (p=0,0063). A avaliação da persistência revelou que o gene virB10 é essencial para a manutenção da virulência da bactéria. Os resultados obtidos possibilitarão que outras pesquisas sejam realizadas avaliando o potencial imunogênico desta cepa mutante.


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Bovine genital campylobacteriosis is a common venereal disease of cattle; the prevalence of this disease can be underestimated mostly because of the nature of the etiological agent, the microaerobic Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the utilization of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the diagnosis of genital campylobacteriosis in samples obtained from bull prepuce aspirate, cow cervical mucus, and abomasum contents of aborted fetuses, collected into enrichment medium. Five different DNA extraction protocols were tested: thermal extraction, lysis with proteinase K, lysis with guanidine isothiocyanate, lysis with DNAzol, and lysis with hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The specificity, sensitivity, and technical application of the PCR assay were also evaluated with clinical samples and compared to bacterial isolation by standard culture. DNA extraction by the CTAB protocol provided better results in PCR, and it was able to detect 63 colony-forming units per ml of C. fetus. Out of 277 clinical samples tested, 68 (24%) were positive for Campylobacter fetus using PCR, while only 8 (2.8%) of the samples were positive by bacterial isolation in solid medium, proving the superiority of the PCR technique when compared to the standard isolation method, and providing evidence for its usefulness as a better screening test in cattle for the diagnosis of bovine genital campylobacteriosis.


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The composition and distribution of the glycoconjugates (GCs) secreted by the epithelium of ovarian lamellae with reference to the reproductive biology of Genypterus blacodes (Schneider, 1801) through lectin hi stochemistry is here discussed. In this species, the epithelial cells that line the ovarian cavity presented sharp morphological variations along the reproductive cycle related to the mucus secretion that accompanies oocyte ma turation. During sp awning season, residues of mannose and N-acetylglucosamine were detected in the glycocalyx of those cells using lectinhistochemistry. N- acetylgalactosamine and fucose were also observed in the same zone. The greatest variations in the lectinhistochemical pattern were found in the apical cytoplasm composition in comparison to the basal zone of the cells. The results of the present study were discussed by comparing their possible functional implications.


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This paper reports additional information about a mange outbreak by the mite Allopsoroptoides galli in a commercial egg-laying hen facility in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. About half of the 76,000 multi-age birds of the flock were affected. Experimental infestations carried out on naive hens resulted in clinical signs similar to those diagnosed in naturally infested hens, such as generalized scaly dermatitis, presence of mucus-like material and yellowish crusts on the skin and around the calami, feather loss and strong unpleasant odor. About 30% drop of egg production was estimated. The possible source of infestation were wild birds identified on the ground and roofs of the sheds.